Chapter no 57

Ward D

I can’t breathe.

The weight of Jade’s body is crushing my abdomen, and her fingers are crushing my windpipe. I reach out and try to claw at her, attempting

to scratch her in the face, but she’s got leverage on me, and with each breath that I don’t get to take, it gets harder and harder.

I’m starting to see spots in my eyes. My arms go limp at my side, and I realize how easy it would be to just give in. It’s not a good thing that I’m thinking that way, but I don’t know if I have the energy to fight this woman.

I stopped her once before though. Maybe I can do it one more time. If only I had a weapon.

Mary’s knitting needle! It’s still in your pocket—stab her with it!

I grasp around with my right hand, and my fingers close around the cold steel needle. All of Jade’s attention is focused on my face, which feels like it’s turning blue. In another few seconds, I don’t know if I’ll be able to think straight anymore. I’ve got one chance to do this right.

As hard as I can, I jab the knitting needle right into Jade’s rib cage.

I hit the money spot. She screams and rolls off me, clutching her side. I’ve still got the needle in my hand, and I climb on top of Jade, using the weight of my body to hold her down. And then I take the knitting needle and bring the pointed end right close to her cheek.

“If you move one inch,” I say, “I swear to God, I will put this knitting needle right through your eye.”

Jade’s face is bright pink. There’s a sheen of sweat on her forehead. “Yeah, right,” she chokes out. “You don’t have the guts to do something

like that.”

I bring the needle closer so that it is almost touching the white of her eye. She squirms. “Try me,” I say through my teeth.

I hazard a look over at Spider-Dan and Damon. To my utter shock, Spider-Dan has gotten the better of Damon Sawyer, who is now lying unconscious on the tiled floor. The dental floss has made deep indentations on his skin. I have to say, that was a very well-made web.

“I told you I would protect you, Amy,” Spider-Dan tells me.

“You did,” I acknowledge. “Thank you so much. I can’t thank you enough.”

“All in a day’s work for your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man,” he says. His voice is still monotonic, but I could swear I hear a touch of pride as well.

Before I can figure out exactly how to respond, I hear pounding at the door to Ward D. A man’s voice rings out: “Everything okay in there? We heard shouting.”

I almost laugh at how completely not okay it is in here. “We’re locked in!” I shout at the door. “Please help us!”

The man yells back that he’s getting somebody to come open the door. As relieved as I feel, I don’t ease up my grip on Jade or the knitting needle. I don’t trust her for one second. That’s how quick she’ll turn on me, so until that door is open, I’m keeping my eyes on her.

“It’s over then,” she croaks. “It looks like you won.”

I just shake my head. At least five people are dead on this unit, including the boy that I used to think I loved. Five lives cut short. And it’s at least partly my fault. I could’ve done more for Jade. How can I call myself a doctor if I can’t even try to heal my best friend in the entire world?

It might be over. But I definitely have not won.

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