
Chapter no 39

Quantum Radio

Ty found Tanaka waiting in a windowless room with a couch, coffee table, and two chairs.

The Navy SEAL rose when the door opened and stood with a stance that was distinctly not aggressive but, Ty thought, ready for anything. More than that, he was struck by how serene Tanaka was in person. The man stood utterly still, unblinking, but not staring daggers at Ty, merely waiting as though there was a deep well of patience inside of him, a ready calm that few possessed.

That wasn’t in the file. The accounts of his work and even the psychological assessments couldn’t convey that.

In person, the scar on the man’s face was more noticeable—or perhaps it was the contrast of the hurtful mark to Tanaka’s serenity. They didn’t seem to match.

Ty held his hand out. “Hi. I’m Tyson Klein.”

Tanaka grasped his hand firmly, but not oppressively. “Kato Tanaka, Lieutenant, United States Navy, sir.”

“Call me Ty. We’re on the same team.”

“In that case, Kato will do. If I may ask, what team are we on?” “That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about.”

Ty shuffled over to the chair and sat and motioned for Kato to join him. “I read your file.”

Kato nodded. In his micro-expressions, Ty thought he sensed some hesitation on Kato’s part, as though he were self-conscious about people knowing the things he had done.

It was amazing how familiar Kato seemed to Ty, as though they had known each other for a long time, as though being in each other’s company was a natural and effortless thing. Maybe it was having read the file. Or maybe it was the serenity that surrounded Kato, a cloud that now extended

around Ty. Or perhaps it was simply the relief at meeting one of the other genetic matches, the feeling of not being alone in that.

“Most of the file was redacted. But I got the picture. As an American, I appreciate what you’ve done. I know it hasn’t been easy. I know it’s cost you a lot.”

Kato studied Ty’s face. “Are you related to Richter?” That caught Ty off guard. “Yes. He’s… my father.”

“Thought so. Your facial structure and some of your expressions are the same. He thanked me too. Arranged for me to see my family. When you see him, please tell him I appreciate that. I didn’t get a chance.”

That surprised Ty even more, but he tried not to show it. “I will.” “What is our mission?”

Kato had cut right to the issue. And Ty was equally direct. “Honestly, I’m not sure. I wanted to meet you because I think you deserve to know as much as we do. What’s about to happen is probably going to be dangerous. And it could have a huge impact on the world.”


“I don’t know yet.”

“What do you do at DARPA?”

“I actually don’t work for DARPA. I’m a researcher at CERN. A physicist. A few days ago, I discovered a pattern in the subatomic particles being observed at the Large Hadron Collider. That pattern, it turns out, is an organized data stream. A broadcast.”

“Of what?”

“Two things. The first file was a schematic for a device.” “A device to do what?”

“We’re not sure yet. We know it’s a small particle collider—small enough to fit in your hand.”

Kato seemed to consider that for a moment. “Interesting.”

“We’re calling it a quantum radio. The other data in the stream were four complete human genomes. You, me, and two women.”

“Who are the women?”

“One is a medical doctor and PhD who teaches psychology at Oxford.

We’re still looking for the fourth match.” “What happens now?”

“The device will be complete in a few hours. The other two matches will be here by then. One of the reasons I wanted to meet with you is because

DARPA isn’t the only one that wants my research and the device. The organization pursuing it is called the Covenant. Have you ever encountered them? In your work?”

“No. How do you know they want your research?”

“They stole it from CERN. And they tried to kill me.” “How?”

“A bomb. It blew up my apartment.” “How did you survive?”

“Frankly, through no skill of my own. Someone close to me warned me

—at great risk to herself.”

“What happened to her?”

“I don’t know. I imagine, right now, the Covenant are looking for her. And I think they’re coming for us too. There’s been a breach here. Someone is working with them, communicating with the outside.”

“We should relocate.”

“We should. But we can’t. They’re building the device a few floors below us. They want us close by.”

“So we’re trapped.” “For now.”


Outside the room where Ty had met with Kato, Bishop was waiting with a thick sheet of paper.

“The pardon,” he said, holding it out. Ty took it and glanced at the heading:


The form was short, with the president’s signature and the embossed gold seal of the Department of Justice.

“Thank you,” Ty whispered. “I’d like to give it to my brother myself.”

Bishop exhaled and rolled his eyes. “I want to know what you know first.

The code for the radio.”

“After I meet my brother. And Nora. I’ll talk then.”


Five minutes later, Ty was in a small bedroom similar to the one he occupied, handing the page out to his brother, Tom.

“Is this a joke?”

“It’s no joke,” Ty said, smiling.

Tom stared at the page. “This is surreal.”

“It’s effective immediately.” Ty paused. “Well, whenever you can leave here.”

“When will that be?”

“I’m not sure. Soon. One way or another.” Tom looked up. “What does that mean?”

“It means… I think something is about to happen.” “Be careful, brother.”

“I will.”

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