Chapter no 53

A Darker Shade of Magic

Kell shivered, the strange calm settling over him again.

It was heavier this time. And then someone called his name, just as they had moments earlier, and he looked up to see Lila clutching her shoulder as she half ran, half limped down the stairs, bruised and bloody, but alive. Her black mask hung from her bloody fingers.

โ€œYou all right?โ€ she asked when she reached him.

โ€œNever better,โ€ he said, even though it was taking every ounce of his strength to focus his eyes on her, his mind on her.

โ€œHow did you know?โ€ she asked, looking down at the rubble of the queen. โ€œHow did you know she wasnโ€™t me?โ€

Kell managed an exhausted smile. โ€œBecause she saidย please.โ€ Lila stared at him, aghast. โ€œIs that a joke?โ€

Kell shrugged slightly. It took a lot of effort. โ€œI just knew,โ€ he said. โ€œYou just knew,โ€ she echoed.

Kell nodded. Lila took him in with careful eyes, and he wondered what he must look like in that moment.

โ€œYou look terrible,โ€ she said. โ€œYou better get rid of that rock.โ€ Kell nodded.

โ€œI could come with you.โ€

Kell shook his head. โ€œNo. Please. I donโ€™t want you to.โ€ It was the honest answer. He didnโ€™t know what waited on the other side, but whatever it was, he would face it alone.

โ€œFine,โ€ said Lila, swallowing. โ€œIโ€™ll stay here.โ€ โ€œWhat will you do?โ€ he asked.

Lila forced a shrug. โ€œSaw some nice ships on the dock when we were running for our lives. One of them will do.โ€

โ€œLila โ€ฆโ€

โ€œIโ€™ll be okay,โ€ she said tightly. โ€œNow, hurry up before someone notices weโ€™ve killed the monarchs.โ€

Kell tried to laugh, and something shot through him, like pain but darker.

He doubled over, his vision blurring.

โ€œKell?โ€ Lila dropped to her knees beside him. โ€œWhat is it? Whatโ€™s happening?โ€

No, he pleaded with his body.ย No. Not now.ย He was so close. So close. All he had to do wasโ€”

Another wave sent him to his hands and knees. โ€œKell!โ€ demanded Lila. โ€œTalk to me.โ€

He tried to answer, tried to say something, anything, but his jaw locked shut, his teeth grinding together. He fought the darkness, but the darkness fought back. And it was winning.

Lilaโ€™s voice was getting further and further away. โ€œKell โ€ฆ can you hear me? Stay with me. Stay with me.โ€

Stop fighting, said a voice in his head.ย Youโ€™ve already lost.

No, thought Kell.ย No. Not yet.ย He managed to bring his fingers to the shallow gash across his stomach, and began to draw a mark on the cracked stone. But before he could press his stone-bound hand against it, a force slammed him backward to the ground. The darkness twined around him and dragged him down. He fought against the magic, but it was already inside him, coursing through his veins. He tried to tear free of its hold, to push it away, but it was too late.

He took one last gasp of air, and then the magic dragged him under.

* * *

Kell couldnโ€™t move.

Shadows wove around his limbs and held like stone, pinning him still. The more he fought, the tighter they coiled, leeching the last of his strength. Lilaโ€™s voice was far, far away and then gone, and Kell was left in a world filled with only darkness.

A darkness that was everywhere.

And then, somehow, it wasnโ€™t. It drew itself together, coiling in front of him, coalescing until it was first a shadow and then a man. He was shaped like Kell, from his height and his hair to his coat, but every inch of him was the smooth and glossy black of the recovered stone.

โ€œHello, Kell,โ€ said the darkness, the words not in English or Arnesian or Maktahn, but the native tongue of magic. And finally, Kell understood. This wasย Vitari. The thing that had been pulling at him, pushing to get in, making him stronger while weakening his will and feeding on his life.

โ€œWhere are we?โ€ he asked, his voice hoarse.

โ€œWe are in you,โ€ saidย Vitari. โ€œWe areย becomingย you.โ€

Kell struggled uselessly against the dark ropes. โ€œGet out of my body,โ€ he growled.

Vitariย smiled his shadowy black smile and took a step toward Kell. โ€œYouโ€™ve fought well,โ€ he said. โ€œBut the time for fighting is over.โ€ He

closed the gap and brought a hand to Kellโ€™s chest. โ€œYou were made for me,

Antari,โ€ he said. โ€œA perfect vessel. I will wear your skin forever.โ€

Kell twisted under his touch. He had to fight. Heโ€™d come so far. He couldnโ€™t give up now.

โ€œItโ€™s too late,โ€ saidย Vitari. โ€œI already have your heart.โ€ At that, his fingertips pressed down, and Kell gasped asย Vitariโ€™s hand passedย intoย his chest. He feltย Vitariโ€™s fingers close around his beating heart, felt it lurch, darkness spilling across his tattered shirtfront like blood.

โ€œItโ€™s over, Kell,โ€ said the magic. โ€œYouโ€™re mine.โ€

* * *

Kellโ€™s body shuddered on the ground. Lila took his face in her hands. It was burning up. The veins on his throat and at his temple had darkened to black, and the strain showed in the lines of his jaw, but he wasnโ€™t moving, wouldnโ€™t open his eyes.

โ€œFight this!โ€ she shouted as his body spasmed. โ€œYouโ€™ve come all this way.

You canโ€™t justย give up.โ€

His back arched against the ground, and Lila pushed open Kellโ€™s shirt and saw black spreading over his heart.

โ€œDammit,โ€ she swore, trying to pry the stone out of his hand. It wouldnโ€™t budge.

โ€œIf you die,โ€ she snapped, โ€œwhat happens to Rhy?โ€

Kellโ€™s back hit the ground, and he let out a labored breath.

Lila had recovered her weapons, and now she freed her knife, weighing it in her palm. She didnโ€™t want to have to kill him. But she could. And she didnโ€™t want to cut off his hand, but she certainly would.

A groan escaped between his lips.

โ€œDonโ€™t you fucking give up, Kell. Do you hear me?โ€

* * * Kellโ€™s heart stuttered, skipping a beat.

โ€œI asked so nicely,โ€ saidย Vitari, his hand still buried in Kellโ€™s chest. โ€œI gave you the chance to give in. You made me use force.โ€

Heat spread through Kellโ€™s limbs, leaving a strange cold in its wake. He heard Lilaโ€™s voice. Far away and stretched so thin, the words, an echo of an

echo, barely reached him. But he heard a name.ย Rhy.ย If he died, so would Rhy. He couldnโ€™t stop fighting. โ€œIโ€™m not going to kill you, Kell. Not exactly.โ€

Kell squeezed his eyes shut, darkness folding over him.

โ€œIsnโ€™t there a word for this?โ€ย Lilaโ€™s voice echoed through his head.ย โ€œWhat is it? Come on, Kell. Say the blasted word.โ€

Kell forced himself to focus. Of course. Lila was right. There was a word.ย Vitariย was pure magic. And all magic was bound by rules. By order.ย Vitariย was a creation, but everything that could be created could also be destroyed.ย Dispelled.

โ€œAs Anasae,โ€ย said Kell. He felt a glimmer of power. But nothing happened. Vitariโ€™s free hand closed around his throat.

โ€œDid you really think that would work?โ€ sneered the magic in Kellโ€™s shape, but there was something in his voice and in the way he tensed.ย Fear.ย It could work. It would work. It had to.

Butย Antariย magic was a verbal pact. Heโ€™d never been able to summon it with thought alone, and here, in his head, everything was thought. Kell had toย sayย the word. He focused, reaching with his fading senses until he could feel his body, not as it was here in this illusion, this mental plane, but as it was in truth, stretched on the bitterly cold ground of the broken courtyard, Lila crouching over it. Over him. He clung to that chill, focusing on the way it pressed into his back. He struggled to feel his fingers, wrapped around the stone so hard that they ached. He focused on his mouth, clenched shut in pain, and forced it to unlock. Forced his lips to part.

To form the words.ย โ€œAs Anโ€”โ€

His heart faltered asย Vitariโ€™s fingers tightened around it.

โ€œNo,โ€ย growled the magic, the fear bold now, twisting his impatience into anger. And Kell understood his fear.ย Vitariย wasnโ€™t simply a spell. He was theย sourceย of all the stoneโ€™s power. Dispelling him would dispel the talisman itself. It would all be over.

Kell fought to hold on to his body. To himself. He forced air into his lungs and out his mouth.

โ€œAs Anasโ€”โ€ย he managed before Vitariโ€™s hand shifted from heart to lungs, crushing the air out of them.

โ€œYou canโ€™t,โ€ said the magic desperately. โ€œI am the only thing keeping your brother alive.โ€

Kell hesitated. He didnโ€™t know if that was true, if the bond heโ€™d made with his brotherย couldย be broken. But he did know that Rhy would never forgive him for what heโ€™d done, and it wouldnโ€™t even matter unless they both made it through.

Kell summoned the last of his strength and focused not onย Vitariย trying to crush his life, or on the darkness sweeping through him, but on Lilaโ€™s voice and the cold ground and his aching fingers and his bloody lips as they formed the words.

โ€œAs Anasae.โ€

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