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Chapter no 11 – โ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€ŒThe Dealโ€Œ


Mom and Mr. Tushman were talking when we got back to the office. Mrs. Garcia was the first to see us come back, and she started smiling her shiny smile as we walked in.

โ€œSo, August, what did you think? Did you like what you saw?โ€ she asked.

โ€œYeah.โ€ I nodded, looking over at Mom.

Jack, Julian, and Charlotte were standing by the door, not sure where to go or if they were still needed. I wondered what else theyโ€™d been told about me before theyโ€™d met me.

โ€œDid you see the baby chick?โ€ Mom asked me.

As I shook my head, Julian said: โ€œAre you talking about the baby chicks in science? Those get donated to a farm at the end of every school year.โ€

โ€œOh,โ€ said Mom, disappointed.

โ€œBut they hatch new ones every year in science,โ€ Julian added. โ€œSo August will be able to see them again in the spring.โ€

โ€œOh, good,โ€ said Mom, eyeing me. โ€œThey were so cute, August.โ€

I wished she wouldnโ€™t talk to me like I was a baby in front of other people.

โ€œSo, August,โ€ said Mr. Tushman, โ€œdid these guys show you around enough or do you want to see more? I realize I forgot to ask them to show you the gym.โ€

โ€œWe did anyway, Mr. Tushman,โ€ said Julian. โ€œExcellent!โ€ said Mr. Tushman.

โ€œAnd I told him about the school play and some of the electives,โ€ said Charlotte. โ€œOh no!โ€ she said suddenly. โ€œWe forgot to show him the art room!โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s okay,โ€ said Mr. Tushman.

โ€œBut we can show it to him now,โ€ Charlotte offered. โ€œDonโ€™t we have to pick Via up soon?โ€ I said to Mom.

That was our signal for my telling Mom if I really wanted to leave. โ€œOh, youโ€™re right,โ€ said Mom, getting up. I could tell she was

pretending to check the time on her watch. โ€œIโ€™m sorry, everybody. I lost track of the time. We have to go pick up my daughter at her new school. Sheโ€™s taking an unofficial tour today.โ€ This part wasnโ€™t a lie: that Via was checking out her new school today. The part that was a lie was that we were picking her up at the school, which we werenโ€™t. She was coming home with Dad later.

โ€œWhere does she go to school?โ€ asked Mr. Tushman, getting up. โ€œSheโ€™s starting Faulkner High School this fall.โ€

โ€œWow, thatโ€™s not an easy school to get into. Good for her!โ€

โ€œThank you,โ€ said Mom, nodding. โ€œItโ€™ll be a bit of a schlep, though. The A train down to Eighty-Sixth, then the crosstown bus all the way to the East Side. Takes an hour that way but itโ€™s just a fifteen-minute drive.โ€

โ€œItโ€™ll be worth it. I know a couple of kids who got into Faulkner and love it,โ€ said Mr. Tushman.

โ€œWe should really go, Mom,โ€ I said, tugging at her pocketbook.

We said goodbye kind of quickly after that. I think Mr. Tushman was a little surprised that we were leaving so suddenly, and then I wondered if he would blame Jack and Charlotte, even though it was really only Julian who made me feel kind of bad.

โ€œEveryone was really nice,โ€ I made sure to tell Mr. Tushman before we left.

โ€œI look forward to having you as a student,โ€ said Mr. Tushman, patting my back.

โ€œBye,โ€ I said to Jack, Charlotte, and Julian, but I didnโ€™t look at them

โ€”or look up at allโ€”until I left the building.

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