Visions of Flesh and Blood: A Blood and Ash/Flesh and Fire Compendium

Oh, Diary, do I have a story to tell you.

I may have mentioned my desire to have my portrait done. I try to have my likeness captured every so often, just to remind myself of the passing of time. It can become a blur occasionally to one who has been around as long as I.

Anyway, I attended a party a few weeks ago where the Lord and Lady had some delightful art on the walls of their keep. I inquired about the talent, and the master of the manor told me about a highly sought-after husband and wife in Spessa’s End. Given their gifts, I could see why people coveted their work.

As I bathed that night, a vision came to me of a stunning couple. As

events unfolded, the knowledge of who they were came to me. The wife was Kieran and Vonetta Contou’s aunt, Kirha’s sister, tying them not only to the head of the wolven but also the Atlantian Prince and the Crown.

With that information in mind, and anticipation running high, I made

the journey and asked at the local tavern where I might find the couple. The innkeeper pointed me toward the outskirts of town and gave me the general direction of the artists’ abode.

As I rode up, the sights immediately struck me. The cottage sat near the coast of Stygian Bay, the glistening waters casting crystalline shards over

the clay and sandstone façade of the dwelling. The Skotos Mountains rose like silent sentinels beyond, framing the area perfectly. It seemed the ideal place for artists to reside, as even one such as I, with no artistic talent to

speak of beyond my ability to put words to paper, could see how inspiring it was.

As I dismounted and straightened my gown and cloak, I felt a little shiver run down my spine. My lips tipped in a small smile. I knew that

feeling. It was my gift. And while it may not have thrown images into my

mind’s eye just yet, my intuition knew that this meeting would be fortuitous indeed—and likely in more ways than one.

Even now, as I write, I remember the feelings coursing through my body. The sense of excitement. The wanton rush of things not yet experienced that I, as a Seer, knew would be memorable.

When I knocked on the door and heard footfalls from within, the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, and goose bumps peppered my arms.

While the chill may have played a part, it was more the exhilaration of what I simply knew would be, combined with the mystery of what I had not yet seen.

As the viewing panel in the door slid to the side, revealing an ice-blue eye surrounded by dark smoky topaz skin, that excitement grew.

In a voice like bells in a cavern, both delicate and resonant, she asked if she could help me.

Already feeling a pull to this gorgeous creature from just the sound of her voice and the view of that glacial eye, I gave her my name and

explained how I had learned about them and then subsequently found them.

And then…she smiled. It was like the sun coming out on the dreariest of days and immediately warmed me. It also made me want.

When she opened the door, I beheld more than an eye and a smile in a nearly perfect face. She was like a goddess—and I would know—with

curves in all the right places, dips and valleys creating a road map that anyone would want to explore, and hair the color of rich, deep autumn leaves—a deep, burnished brown.

She told me her name was Beryn Moxley and introduced me to her husband, Vanian. The man was at least six and a half feet tall with broad shoulders and powerful thighs. In contrast to his wife’s dark tresses, his hair was a burnished gold, a lock falling across his forehead to partially

obscure one flashing gold eye. What struck me the most, however, were his hands. In contrast to his powerful almost warrior-like physique, his hands were almost graceful. The only thing marring their perfection were the

splotches of color staining his skin and the dark crescents under his nails. But to me, that only made him more captivating.

When he shook my hand, a spark of electricity made its way through my synapses, sparking a vision of entangled limbs and licentious sighs. I

shivered again.

Over a meal, we discussed my commission, talking about setting and light, wardrobe and tone. Both artists were incredibly gifted and knowledgeable, and I knew I was in good hands. I would be in good hands in more ways than one… I simply had to let nature run its course.

The couple offered to let me stay in the loft of their studio, which they had outfitted with comfortable furnishings to accommodate those, like I, who had traveled some distance to have their portraits done.

Over the days as I posed, bedecked in only a chemise, one ruffled strap falling off a delicate shoulder, and reclined seductively on a chaise, the

couple and I got to know one another. We spoke of both the mundane, such as history and philosophy, as well as hopes and dreams, connecting us on an intellectual level that I found utterly sexy.

As the days passed, and Beryn adjusted this or that on my person, her silken hands caressing skin, her heated breaths brushing my flesh as she leaned to move me to and fro, I saw—and felt—the changes occurring. Her touches lingered. Her lips got closer. Her breaths became just a bit more

labored as she crouched before me to adjust the hem of my chemise or right the neckline.

And as I sat, looking at Vanian as he painted, I saw that he wasn’t unaffected either. I watched his chest rising and falling just a bit more

rapidly, his gold eyes darkening as his pupils dilated. I noticed the shift in our dinner conversations as the time wore on.

Even here at my desk, I can feel the weighted heat of his stare and the tremble Beryn’s nearness induced.

On our last full day of work, I realized I was done waiting. If one of them didn’t initiate, I decided that I would. It was clear there was

attraction, and the sexual tension over the last fortnight was keeping me

awake at night. I needed to feel their hands on my skin. Their breaths in my hair and on my body. I needed to watch as they ran seasoned fingertips over each other. Elicited wanton sighs and cries of pleasure. I needed to taste

their individual and mingled essences. I just…needed.

When next Beryn approached to adjust me, I reached up and brushed a luscious lock of her burnished hair back, lightly skimming my fingers over

the swell of her breast and bare shoulder as I did. Her breaths immediately ramped up, pushing her impressive bosom into the bodice of her gown and straining the stays.

Her ice-blue eyes locked with mine, and I saw the widening of her pupils, the black nearly eating the glacial hue.

And then I did what I’d wanted to do from the moment I saw just half

her face in the portal of the door. I reached up, slipped my hands under that gorgeous fall of hair to frame her beautiful face, and kissed her.

Her lips were pillowy soft and smooth as silk. She hesitated only a beat before melting into the embrace, giving as good as she got and loosing a

sigh into my mouth. At the opening, I slipped in with my tongue and swirled, capturing her taste and recording it to memory. She was like vanilla and ice and I wanted to devour her.

Absently, I heard what sounded like a paintbrush falling to the floor and paused in my delving to glance at Vanian.

He stood near his easel, his stance rigid and eyes rapt, taking in the scene before him. Without hesitation, I caressed the side of Beryn’s face with my left thumb and freed my right to beckon him forth.

He stumbled a bit at first but then stepped from behind the canvas, slipping the neck ties of his apron over his head and dropping it on his stool before continuing our way.

When he reached us, Beryn had taken a seat on the chaise next to me, her hand still on my thigh, her thumb caressing the skin there and making

me shiver. But what really made me burn was the look in her husband’s eyes as he took in the sight of the two of us.

I lowered my gaze to find the obvious—and impressive—evidence of how much he enjoyed what he saw, and reached out again to grasp his

hand, shifting on the chaise to a more seated position and pulling Vanian down beside me so the three of us rested on the chaise side by side with me in the middle.

I leaned back a bit and placed a hand on both of their shoulders, exerting gentle pressure and urging them to meet in the middle over where I sat. Their mouths met hungrily, tongues lashing and teeth gnashing as they played out their desires, showing without words that there was consent between the two. Showing me that I was welcome.

The couple still drinking from each other’s mouths, I ran a hand from the hollow of each of their throats and down the fronts of their bodies, taking in the differences and recording them in my mind. I felt myself becoming more aroused and couldn’t wait to see where this night took us.

They paused in their embrace, and both turned their gazes to me, blue and gold orbs searing me where I sat, dark smoky topaz and alabaster skin filling my senses and making me want only one thing.


I removed my hands from their waists and reached to the already loosened ties of my chemise, undoing them completely and wiggling until

the top fell to my waist. I watched both their gazes fall to my heaving bosom and ran my hands up my midsection to cup my breasts, my head falling

back in pleasure.

I heard a low growl from my right and then felt a grip ripping my hand free before hot lips attached themselves to my aching breast. A scorching

tongue swirled around my pebbled nub, and the throbbing at my core intensified.

And then I felt equally hot yet delicate lips on my neck and let out a low moan, moving my hands to the backs of both their heads, my hips rising of

their own volition at the insurgence of pleasure.

They licked and laved, tasted and nipped, and I reveled in the attention.

Exalted in the decadence. But I needed to sample, as well.

I gently stood, my chemise falling to the floor in a puddle around my feet and leaving me completely naked. Once again, I heard a low growl

from Vanian, this time followed by a gasp from Beryn, and a smile split my lips.

I turned and glanced into Vanian’s eyes with a knowing look before pivoting to his wife and seeing the same desire I felt mirrored there.

Reaching out a hand to each of them, I tugged them to stand with me, then turned to Beryn. I pulled her closer as I backed into Vanian, feeling the heat of their bodies on my naked and needy flesh.

With deft movements I removed every stitch of Beryn’s clothing,

caressing and kneading areas as I revealed them, all the while enjoying Vanian’s hands roaming over my naked body, learning its curves, finding both the soft areas and the firm. When I finished disrobing Beryn, I grasped the nape of her neck with sure fingers and gave her a scorching kiss, her

breaths becoming mine as we breathed for each other. And then I turned to her husband.

As I had done with Beryn, I removed all his clothing with measured sureness, gliding my fingers and palms over his flesh and taking in the

smattering of hair on his chest, the chiseled V of muscle at his waist, and

the long, proud jut of his erection. And as he had done with me earlier, all the while, Beryn ran her delicate hands over my flesh, learning me. It was an erotic feast for the senses.

Looking into Vanian’s eyes, I gave him a long and lingering kiss and then reached behind me and grasped both of Beryn’s hands, bringing one to my breast and the other to her husband’s manhood. He hissed and pumped his hips, and I took in the erotic sight of her darker hand against the

porcelain tone of his flesh, the slight give of the skin as she caressed him

from root to tip, swirling her thumb over the pearly bead there and using it to ease her way down the shaft.

My nipple beaded and pressed into Beryn’s palm, and she rubbed her hand over me, creating a delicious friction that had me temporarily closing my eyes.

Gods, I’m soaking wet just sitting here penning this. Can you imagine how I felt in the moment, so overcome with desire?

When we’d each played a bit, I lowered myself to the floor, propping myself on my elbows with bent and splayed knees. Vanian immediately grasped onto the invitation and moved to settle himself between my thighs, looking at his wife first for approval. When she sucked in a breath and nodded, he dove, and I cried out at the pleasure. I shifted slightly, trying

hard not to disrupt the fervor of Vanian’s sensual assault as I urged Beryn to her knees, pulling her lower until her delectable pink pearl was within easy reach. I mimicked what Vanian did to me on his glorious wife until each of us cried out, shouting to gods who likely weren’t listening.

When Beryn and I had come to our senses again a bit, we turned to Vanian. Urging him onto his back, I moved to the side of his head as Beryn prowled up his body. When she was poised above him, I leaned down to

take his mouth in a glorious kiss, just as she lowered herself onto him. He let out a grunt, and I swirled my tongue, matching the swiveling movements of Beryn’s hips and her tempo.

I felt the tension in Vanian’s body as his pleasure ramped and watched a beautiful flush spreading across Beryn’s silky smooth skin. Needing to touch her, I moved behind her, lowering myself and using Vanian’s leg to create

delicious friction at my center as I palmed Beryn’s buxom breast with one hand and swirled a finger over her clit with the other.

In a heartbeat, she cried out, and the pleasure I felt ignited my own

orgasm, spiraling me into the heavens. I latched my mouth to the salty skin

of Beryn’s shoulder to muffle my cry, and then moved back to give her some room.

But it seemed Vanian wasn’t yet finished.

He bent his knees and scooted back, never losing contact with Beryn as she continued to come, then flipped her over and drove into her, making her eyes fly open and her mouth drop in a gasp.

I needed to watch, so I moved to the head of them, feeling no guilt at my voyeurism as I watched Vanian pleasure himself and his wife, driving into

her over and over as he reached a hand under her bottom to pull her tighter to him. She orgasmed again, her face a delightful thing to see, and I

couldn’t stop myself from reaching down to test my own receptiveness to another round.

Biting my lip, I met Vanian’s gaze, and he uttered something

unintelligible before driving into Beryn one last time and then bowing his back, the movement causing the small table of paints to topple to the floor, splattering all of us in a rainbow of colors and making me erupt once more.

It was all absolutely glorious, and something I will not soon forget.

When all was done, we simply lay together on that drop cloth amidst the paint, the colors making our flesh into the canvas. Beryn and I rested our

heads on each of Vanian’s pectorals, the three of us still petting and scraping and kneading.

The portrait Vanian completed of me now hangs above my mantel, and every time I look at it, I remember that night.

And what a night it was. Willa



Click here to see a full-size image of Emil by art.bymikki.

A core part of Poppy and Cas’s group, Emil features almost as prominently in my visions as Kieran, but always on the periphery and admittedly not very clearly.

Hair: Auburn waves.

Eyes: Amber.

Body type: Reedy.

Facial features: Strikingly handsome.

Personality: Easygoing. An enormous flirt. Snarky and sarcastic.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Very good with a crossbow. Likes to flirt with Poppy to get a rise out of Casteel. Always seems to be where Vonetta is.

Background: Like Kieran, helped Cas remember who he was and remind him that he wasn’t merely a thing after his captivity.

Family: Quentyn = unknown relation but share last name.


Emil journeys to Masadonia to feed Cas while he’s undercover as Hawke and offers to stay, but Cas tells him that he needs him in Evaemon, keeping an eye on Alastir and running interference.

Emil arrives in New Haven with Alastir just ahead of the storm. The minute he’s introduced to Poppy, he’s greatly amused by her—and especially her mouthiness.

I kind of love her for that, too.

When Alastir tells her that he knew about her before, that she was the Maiden Chosen by the gods, Poppy replies that it must have come as a shock since their gods are asleep and can’t choose anyone. Emil agrees.

When Alastir questions how an Atlantian spent so much time near the Blood Crown without being discovered—they were all still under the impression that Poppy was only part Atlantian due to either Cora or Leo being of Atlantian descent at this time—and Poppy makes a comment about them being a blood bag, Emil agrees with her but sends a questioning look at Kieran when she reveals that she doesn’t know which of her parents was Atlantian.

Before dinner, Poppy greets Alastir politely, and he comments on it, alluding to the fact that none of the others in the room have manners. Emil grins.

While sitting down to dinner, Cas reveals that his fiancée is upset with him, and Emil quips that it’s not a very good sign if he’s already upsetting her when they’re not even married yet. As they make conversation about how Poppy and Cas met, Poppy tells them that he was her guard, and Cas corrects her and says that they actually met in a brothel—thanks to yours truly, thank you very much. Emil chokes on his food.

Alastir asks Poppy additional questions about her time as the Maiden and says that he assumed she was kept, given they were awaiting her Ascension. She confirms and takes it further, saying she was essentially caged. Emil is stunned to learn she was virtually imprisoned in her room all day, every day.

Poor Poppy. She really was nothing but a prisoner until Casteel, in essence, kidnapped her. Ironic, isn’t it?

Emil sets off for Spessa’s End with Alastir after he and Casteel discuss that it would be better to travel in multiple groups.

When Beckett gets hurt, Emil calls for a Healer. Poppy heals the young wolven instead, and he is gobsmacked to see the glow emanating from between Poppy’s palms.

Later, when Alastir and Casteel argue over obligations, Emil tries to defuse the situation.

Cas reveals that Poppy stabbed him in the chest with a bloodstone dagger, and Kieran adds that she meant to kill him. Emil wonders how many times Poppy has made Cas bleed.

Plenty, let me assure you. But it’s just another reason they are so entertaining.

Emil interrupts Cas and Poppy’s sexy time to alert them that the sky is on fire. When the couple reaches the terrace, he fills them in on what they’ve seen and what has happened, telling them Delano ran ahead to scout. They venture to the Rise and take in the sight, knowing that it doesn’t mean anything good. Emil then relays what the scouts said about the Ascended army and weaponry headed their way.

He addresses Poppy as Your Highness, and she balks. He and Naill explain that she’s engaged to a Prince; therefore, she is a Princess, and it’s simply how things are done. Emil then congratulates her on her engagement, but as always with Emil, it’s offered with just a bit of snark. He then goes further to say that after the wedding, they’ll have to call her Your Majesty instead and winks at Poppy.

If looks could kill the poor boy, he would be a pile of smoking ash. Cas does not take too kindly to his flirtatious ways.

Emil travels with the group through the Skotos Mountains. When Poppy wonders about the dangers of an ambush, he offers that there hasn’t been a Craven attack that far east since the war. With Jasper, Emil breaches the mist.

When they get to the trees of Aios and Jasper mentions the Chambers of Nyktos, Emil supplies that it’s a Temple just beyond the Pillars and tells Poppy she should visit and see the beauty.

The group splits and agrees to reconvene at Gold Rock. Emil goes with Jasper and Quentyn, and when they meet up again, he tells Poppy that he’s glad she made it and bows jauntily, further irritating Cas. They trade stories of how their nights went, and Emil mentions the mountains shaking. Cas acknowledges that they felt it but doesn’t elaborate—something Emil notices.

After Poppy’s attack at the Chambers, Emil is there to witness the wolven surrounding her and the Queen relinquishing her crown and looks on in fear. As the wolven yip and howl and cry, he remarks that they’re likely summoning the entire city. Eloana explains that the Atlantian-wolven bonds have been broken and the wolven are responding to Poppy. Emil backs up even farther in trepidation, causing one of the wolven to stalk him. As they poise to attack, Poppy commands them to stop, and they stand down. Emil thanks her for her timely interference.

Casteel asks Emil to get clothes for Delano and Kieran, and he does as his Prince asks. When they conclude that Beckett was the one who brought Poppy to the Chambers and is therefore responsible, Emil sets off with Naill and Delano to find him. What they don’t yet know is that it wasn’t Beckett; it was the changeling, Jansen, masquerading as Beckett. The poor young wolven had already been killed.

After Alastir takes Poppy, Emil is part of the group that rescues her from Irelone. He and others then escort Valyn back to Atlantia.

When Cas and Poppy reach the Temple of Saion, Emil is relieved to see them and tells Poppy as much, addressing her as Your Highness again.

He fills them in on the group who tried to free Alastir and says it got a bit bloody when they were dealt with. Emil then returns Poppy’s dagger to her, explaining that he found it under a blood tree when he and some others went to look for evidence.

After Cas retrieves Alastir, Emil goes to get Kieran and Poppy, telling them that Alastir thinks Poppy is dead and sharing that they didn’t correct his assumption.

On their way to wait for Cas to call for them, Emil notices Poppy acting strangely and asks her if she’s okay. She tells him that she is. We later learn that this was when she heard Kieran’s voice in her head for the first time.

Emil, Naill, and Quentyn leave the Temple of Saion early before the rest of the group does. Later that night, Emil shares dinner with the group at the Contou residence as they talk about Iliseeum.

On the way to the capital, Emil and Naill bicker about everything from whiskey to weapons. They are always picking at each other, but it’s clear it’s all done in love. The two of them are incredibly close, and it’s evident for anyone to see.

When Poppy mentions that she would like her own horse, Emil sets off to get her one and says that he’ll find one that’s worthy of her beauty and strength, flirting with her as he always does and raising Casteel’s ire. Emil soon returns with Storm.

The Unseen and Gyrms attack and Emil throws a dagger. Once they’re able to take a breath, Emil wonders what the Unseen thought to accomplish. He then postulates who tipped them off as to where they would be and suggests it was probably an individual from the inn at Tadous or someone who saw Arden on his way to Evaemon.

When the group gets closer to the palace, Emil rides ahead to announce the group’s arrival and then waits for them just inside the Temple entryway with at least ten guards. When Cas and Poppy approach Queen Eloana, Emil bows like everyone else. He witnesses the transfer of crowns and then accompanies the couple through the palace until it’s time for the Council meeting. I don’t actually remember Emil being there when we all were, but I suppose that’s a sign of a good guard.

Emil joins Poppy, Casteel, Kieran, Vonetta, and Delano for their trip through the tunnels to Iliseeum. He comments that he didn’t even know there were tunnels under Evaemon and goes on to say that they’re only going to Iliseeum because none of them has any sense. He adds that he’d love to avoid being suffocated to death by the mist if at all possible.

In the tunnels, the floor crumbles beneath Vonetta, and Emil catches her as she falls. On his stomach, barely holding her, he tells everyone that he sort of has her and urges her to try to grab Kieran’s hand. She can’t reach.

Then, Emil being Emil, he tells her that he’ll throw himself in after her if she falls, and they can find out what’s really under the tunnels. When she points out that they’d both be dead, he tells her it’s just semantics. The tunnel under Emil starts to crack, and Poppy finally uses her eather to save them.

Once again on the move, the path ahead narrows, and they can’t tell what’s on the other side of the mist. Emil voices his hope that it’s not a draken ready to flame-broil them. Once in Iliseeum, geysers of dirt start erupting all around them, and Emil remarks that it’s rude before he peers into one of the holes. He swears but doesn’t say anything more. When they see the skeletal hands and bodies emerging, Vonetta chastises him for not warning them, and he apologizes. As they fight the Consort’s soldiers, Emil remarks that cutting off their heads doesn’t work—something already obvious to most. Vonetta remarks that he’s a mess, and he tells her that she’s beautiful—a flirt, even in the midst of battle. Hundreds more skeletons appear, and Emil fights back-to-back with Vonetta. When the smoke snakes billow from the soldiers’ mouths, he voices his regret for coming on the trip.

When Poppy uses her eather to defeat the skeletons and then tells them they should get moving before more arrive, Emil shares his hope that they don’t. Gazing at the beautiful city of Dalos, he remarks that he believes the

Vale probably looks just like it. Luckily, they heed my warning and don’t venture in. Those who do, don’t return.

As they continue toward the Temple and see the large draken statues, Emil remarks that if it comes to life, he is out of there; they will have never seen an Atlantian run faster. When Poppy touches one of the statues and the stone cracks, revealing a bright blue eye with a vertical pupil, Emil screams for everyone to run.

Back in the mortal realm, they have a dinner meeting to discuss their trip to Oak Ambler. The plan is to split into two groups, with Emil and Lyra posing as Poppy and Cas in the other group, accessing Castle Redrock’s eastern gates via land while Poppy and Cas and the others arrive by sea.

Unfortunately, the plan falls short for everyone, and Emil, Naill, Hisa, Vonetta, and Lyra are captured by the Ascended. When they all come together again, Emil tells Poppy that it’s okay to hug Tawny.

When the Queen gives her Revenant demonstration by killing Millie and having everyone watch her rise again, Emil disgustingly remarks that it’s an abomination to the gods.

He then watches in horror as Ian is murdered and witnesses Poppy’s Primal fury. Later, in the woods outside Oak Ambler, he tells her that Tawny is hurt but alive and that the bleeding has stopped. Attempting to deal with everything, he and Vonetta share a drink from a flask, and he asks what the plan is. When Poppy reveals that she’s a god and has confirmation, Emil reaches for the flask again.

Emil, Delano, Naill, and Vonetta accompany Poppy back to Oak Ambler to meet with Jalara. When they split off, Poppy tells Emil to be safe. Later, he tells Delano that he’s confident he can take out the twenty guards on the north wall. When he meets back up with the group, he openly shares his disgust and fury over what they found on the Rise. Naill drags his sword across the side of the barracks to get the guards’ attention, and Emil says, “Well, that’s one way to do it.”

Kieran asks when the mortals will stop referring to the wolven as overgrown dogs, and Emil replies that they don’t know the difference and then spits on a guard who was about to stab Netta.

The group encounters a bunch of Craven, and Emil asks why the Ascended would keep a stable of them. Poppy tells him what the mortals of Solis were led to believe and guesses that they probably let the Cursed out

from time to time to terrorize the locals. Emil is shocked to hear that people would actually believe those kinds of lies.

When they eventually return from Oak Ambler, Emil escorts Vonetta to see Poppy and doesn’t miss his chance to tease her by bowing low and calling her Your Highness. When she asks if he’s going to keep doing that, his only reply is, “Probably.”

After her mission to spread the word about Poppy and the Atlantians, Vonetta relays that it went well. She tells them they told scores of people about Poppy and Casteel’s marriage and Poppy’s godhood, and Emil states how he wishes he could have been there to see their reactions. Poppy says that she doesn’t deserve any credit for the way things went because it was Casteel’s idea to reveal the Ascended’s lies, but Emil reminds her that it was her idea to put out the word that she was a god and thus deserves credit, as well.

As they talk more about what it means now that the truth is out, Vonetta goes to grab a piece of bacon, and Emil swipes it up first. She is utterly affronted—I would be, too. Bacon is the answer for everything, and that answer is always yes—but he offers to share it with her. When she asks him why he’s there at all, he tells her it’s because he missed her. She clearly doesn’t believe him, and he tells them all that he came because they received a missive from Duke and Duchess Ravarel. The only words: We

agree to nothing (in response to Poppy’s hope for negotiation).

Emil walks in on a screaming woman he calls the widow, and Poppy tells him that her name is Vessa, but the crone just tried to stab her. She then asks for the woman to be put somewhere safe. Emil wonders why she isn’t being put in a cell, and Poppy tells him that she’s worried about Vessa’s advanced age and wants to make sure she doesn’t get hurt.

Sadly, it’s something she will later come to regret.

Emil joins Kieran and Perry to deliver the locked box from the Blood Queen. He explains that a Royal Guard delivered it, said it was for the Queen of Atlantia from the Queen of Solis, and then slit his own throat the minute he stopped speaking.

As Poppy adds her blood to the lock, a shadow leaks from the box, and Emil curses and then says a little prayer when he sees what’s inside— Casteel’s finger and his wedding ring. He, Naill, and Vonetta later go out into the pines to respectfully take care of the box’s contents.

As I pen these details, I’m noticing a trend with Emil. He seems to be the one to take on the tough tasks in order to spare those he cares about. He may hide behind a mask of sarcasm and a flippant mien, but he has a big heart.

After the tragedy of Vessa’s storm, and Poppy’s subsequent enactment of punishment, Emil mentions the god of death—who he calls out as Rhain

—during their discussion. Reaver corrects him and says there was never a god of death, only a Primal of Death. As we know, Rhain is the God of Common Men and Endings.

When they begin talking about Revenants and Kolis, Emil confirms for Reaver that the Chosen were the third sons and daughters.

Emil is present for the briefing with the generals and pours wine and water for those who want it. When Lizeth calls Poppy Liessa, they all bow, including Emil. Later, when Valyn asks what will happen at Oak Ambler, Emil tells him they may as well get back on their knees because he won’t like it, and Poppy will likely go full god on them again.

As they leave for Oak Ambler, Emil and a small horde of guards flank Poppy. They encounter a group of people leaving the city, and Emil is on alert as Poppy stops to talk with them. When one reaches into their bag, Emil goes to draw his sword to protect her, and Poppy stops him. As more details are revealed, Emil comments that two Rites back-to-back isn’t normal—and is concerning.

At the Oak Ambler gates, the Rise Guards don’t believe that Poppy is who she says she is despite her assertion and the copious Royal banners. When they openly disrespect her, Emil makes it very clear that he hopes he gets a chance to kill the mouthiest one. When Forsyth alludes to the fact that the Atlantians are from a godless kingdom, Emil remarks on the painful irony of the Ascended calling them godless.

After Nithe unleashes his fire, and the mortals clear the Rise, Emil lets Poppy know when the last of them is clear. They fight their way inside, Emil and Kieran striking out with swords, and Emil warning everyone about the castle’s archers.

Once things calm, Poppy tells the draken to find a safe place to rest, and Reaver chooses the top of Castle Redrock. Emil is aghast when he sees where the draken decided to roost.

Later, in the chambers under Castle Redrock, Emil leads the guard, Tasos, as he moves to where the Ascended sequester themselves during the

day. They see a ton of dead servants and eventually come upon a horde of Craven. They fight, trying to get to Arden. Unfortunately, when they finally reach the wolven, he’s dead. After discovering the additional chambers with all the bodies of the Chosen on the verge of turning, Emil offers to take care of them, saying he’ll cover them and make it quick.

Once again taking on the tough tasks.

Reaching the room with the stalactites, Emil bickers with Naill about it being a real word. The two would argue about whether the sky is blue, I swear.

When General Cyr tells them that a group of residents wish to leave, Emil agrees with Poppy and Vonetta that they should be allowed. While planning Cas’s rescue, Emil suggests that Poppy, Kieran, and Reaver take whiskey with them as a distraction and a way to make sure anyone who stops won’t look too closely at them. As they go to leave, and Poppy tells Vonetta she trusts her to rule in her stead, Emil asks why not him. Vonetta calls him a mess again, and he teases Netta, telling her she likes his kind of mess—which means she likes him. He then bows to Poppy and tells her to go and get their King.

After they rescue Cas, Emil meets up with them in Padonia. When Cas embraces Delano and Netta, Emil asks if Cas missed him, to which Cas replies that he didn’t think about him once—don’t worry, he later gets a big hug from the King. Emil then turns his attention to Poppy, telling her that he knew she would get him—Cas—and placing her hand against his armor- adorned chest as he looks upon her with respect. When they discuss Malik, Emil remarks that he doesn’t look anything like what he expected— meaning the Prince looks healthy and not like a captive—and asks if it’s true that Malik didn’t want to return with them. Cas tells him it’s complicated.

As the Padonia Rise comes into view, and Poppy remarks how beautiful the wisteria trees are, Cas says they should be pulled out. Emil agrees and adds that they’re weakening the Rise and have even breached the eastern wall in some areas. When Poppy asks about the Ascended who ruled there, Emil tells her that they were gone before their people arrived, just as they were in Whitebridge and Three Rivers. Cas asks more about that, and Emil tells him that the Ascended fled Three Rivers but thankfully left the mortals alive.

As they cover more of what happened while the groups were apart, Emil tells Poppy that her plan worked, and the people heard about what happened in Massene and Oak Ambler before they even reached Three Rivers. Poppy corrects him and says it was their plan, all of them, and Emil blushes at the recognition.

He isn’t quite so humble when Poppy praises Vonetta for how she handled the armies, and she replies that she had help. Emil suggests that he was the best of that help.

Just before Valyn and Malik reunite, Casteel asks Emil and Naill to keep an eye on his brother. Taking that to heart, Emil and Naill strategically place Malik between them at dinner. When Sven and General Aylard chastise Valyn for keeping the truth about the Blood Crown a secret, Emil remarks that things are getting awkward. Cas then threatens Aylard, and Kieran quips that things are about to get even more awkward, making Emil laugh.

After dinner and a nod from Casteel, Naill and Emil escort Malik from the room.

Following a fight with the Craven in the Blood Forest, Emil remarks that the trees are leaking and asks what it is. Perry taunts him by telling him that it’s in the name—blood trees—which utterly grosses Emil out and causes him to hurriedly wipe his hand on his pants. Reaver joins them, and Emil tells him it’s nice that he finally showed up…until the draken snaps at him. Then, he tells him it’s nice to see him.

The boy has a death wish, I swear. His mouth is going to get him into serious trouble one of these days. The more I learn, the more I love him, but…

Poppy executes the locator spell and all watch with rapt curiosity. When the flames shoot up, Vonetta backs into Emil and says she thinks it’s kind of beautiful. Emil simply gives her a look and shakes his head.

Now, these two are a couple to watch. Their relationship—whatever it may be—isn’t widely known as yet, but it isn’t exactly a secret, either. And I have a funny feeling it’s going to evolve beautifully. That’s not anything Seer-related. It’s pure woman’s intuition.

Emil is more than put out when the group encounters a bunch of Gyrms again. Talk turns to why their mouths are stitched shut, and Poppy says it’s a good thing, alluding to the fact that if they were open, the serpents inside them would slither out—which they soon encounter up close and personally. When one of the Gyrms lets out a low moan, Emil is utterly

disturbed and says as much, but he’s not as bothered as when the snakes come out to play.

Emil spends the night of the Joining with Vonetta. Gods, I wish I could have been a fly on the wall for that evening of pleasure.

On the trip to the Bone Temple, Emil remarks that those of Solis are probably shocked that the Atlantians don’t look like the Craven as they were led to believe. When they reach the Temple, Emil and Naill unload Malec, and then Malik comes to help them carry the casket. As they look on, and Isbeth leans in to kiss Malec, Emil can’t hold his tongue and remarks how disgusting it is.

When Isbeth stabs Malec, a shockwave bursts free, and the ground starts to shake and cave in. Emil remarks that he’s never seen wolven run from anything before and notices something emerging from one of the holes in the ground. He alerts the others, and they all start fighting the dakkais, Emil utilizing his quick reflexes to narrowly avoid being injured. As events unfold, he warns them that even more are coming. One rips open Naill’s chest, and Emil throws the creature free, devastated by what he sees. But there’s no time to mourn. The battle continues. While fighting a Revenant, Emil is speared through the chest and dies.

Not knowing what happened in between, Emil suddenly finds himself alive and healed and standing next to Hisa—the only evidence of what happened his bloodied and torn clothing and destroyed armor, which he quickly removes. As Nektas tells the story of the realms to Poppy, Emil and the others move in closer.

It’s only the beginning. And knowledge is power, after all.

Casteel tasks Emil with settling and securing Wayfair as Poppy goes into stasis, something that’s easy for him. What’s not quite so easy is reconciling that the gods have awakened.

When Kieran and Cas return with Poppy in stasis, Emil tells them that the wolven are guarding the premises with Hisa and the Crown Guard, and he’s made sure no staff will interrupt them.

He asks Cas what he wants to do about the Ascended and acknowledges when Cas says to keep them under house arrest.

Emil asks about Valyn and Cas tells him to send word to Padonia but to leave out the parts about Poppy.

Before he leaves, Emil tells Casteel to let Poppy know she has his everlasting devotion and utter adoration when she wakes. Cas calls him a

fucker and he laughs and leaves.

When he returns later with Kieran, it’s to find that Cas has shifted into a spotted cave cat and seems about ready to eat him. He takes the hint and leaves when Kieran urges him to go.




Dearest Netta,

Let me start by acknowledging I risk both life and limb by writing you if a certain overprotective brother of yours intercepts this message. May we both pray to the slumbering gods that doesn’t occur, as I do prefer my heart and other—far more exciting—parts remain intact and fully functioning.

But what I have to say is worth the risk.

I know you enjoy my company. Or, more notably, what you once called, and I quote, my profanely wicked and talented tongue. And I also know you believe that my interest in you is nothing more than physical. While it is definitely on the physical side, I’ve come to the realizations that it is about more than not spending the night alone or getting off.

It started when I discovered that, as soon as I left your presence, all I could think about was how you tasted and your sighs. Your kisses. Your slick heat. Your laugh. Gods help me, I’m starting to sound like Cas, but it’s true. I can taste your laughter. It’s soft and sweet with a hint of spice, and while that sounds utterly ridiculous, nothing about the way I felt when the floor gave way beneath you in the tunnels could be described as such.

My heart stopped.

It fucking stopped, Netta.

I’ve never felt such fear before—not in my entire life. And trust me, I have partaken in many things that have caused me a great deal of fear. But nothing could compare to the thought of never hearing your laugh again, seeing you smile, or even being on the receiving end of one of your clever, cutting insults. There’s nothing passing about that.

I care about you, Netta. Deeply. And because of that, I feel that I must be honest before we find ourselves seeking pleasure from each other either while home or on the road. I want more than just a few passing hours. I want you. Today. Tonight. Tomorrow. I want to see what the future has in store for us.

Admittedly, I am a bit afraid of sharing this with you. Doing so could bring an end to us before there is even an us. But I cannot continue as we have been if you don’t find yourself also wishing to see what a future could look like.

If not, I will respect and honor your wishes. But as much as my libido is cursing me for admitting this, I don’t think I can continue on as we have been. I believe that my feelings for you would only increase, and that would not be fair to either of us.

So, where do we go from here, Netta? It is up to you. I figured it would be best to avoid any unnecessary awkwardness. If you do not visit with me in the near future, I will safely assume that I have your answer.

Yours, Emil



Click here to see a full-size image of Vonetta by art.bymikki.

Admittedly, Vonetta didn’t feature as more than Kieran’s sister for me for the longest time. However, when she started accompanying Casteel and Poppy on their missions and ultimately became Crown Regent, I started seeing more and more of her, and suspect that will continue.

Hair: Black cornrows—tight, narrow braids—that reach her waist.

Eyes: Wintery blue.

Body type: Tall.

Facial features: Skin the color of night-blooming roses. Sharply angled face. Broad cheekbones. Full mouth.

Distinguishing features: Throaty feminine laugh.

Other: Sixty years younger than her brother, so about one hundred and forty.

Personality: Easygoing. Kind. Suffers no fools when it comes to men.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Loves candied fruit and demands it from Kieran when he annoys her. Terrible cook. Quick with a blade. Found it hard to believe that anyone in Solis was innocent until she met more Descenters.

Preternatural traits: Fawn/sand/tawny-colored in her wolven form but smaller than Kieran. Imprint is woodsy, like white oak and vanilla.

Background: Spessa’s End Rise Guard. Helped Casteel remember who he was and remind him that he wasn’t a thing after his imprisonment.

Family: Mother = Kirha Contou. Father = Jasper Contou. Brother = Kieran. Sister = new infant not yet named. Aunt = Beryn.


I first noticed Vonetta in my visions and research when she met Poppy at the Contou residence.

The first time she meets Poppy, she tells her that she can call her Netta and admonishes her brother for not telling the soon-to-be Queen that he has a sister. As they shake hands, Vonetta feels the same lightning-like static charge the other wolven have. And, like her brother, she tells Poppy that she smells old, though not of death like Kieran did.

Netta watches while Poppy heals Beckett, and like others, believes she may be from the Empath Warrior bloodline.

The wolven indulges Poppy in a training session and brings her a gown to wear for her wedding the following day. Poppy asks about the Joining as they talk, and Vonetta tells her what she knows, explaining that it strengthens the bond. She adds that it doesn’t always have to happen at the wedding—it can occur before or after—that it’s not always sexual, and it is never weird. She also says that no one expects Poppy to do it.

As Vonetta helps Poppy get ready, Poppy laments how she’s the reason everything they’ve built in Spessa’s End is now at risk and apologizes for bringing trouble. Vonetta reassures her that it’s not her fault, nor is the inevitable battle.

When Vonetta adds jewelry to Poppy’s ensemble, she explains that diamonds are traditional and are the joyous tears of the gods given form. Wearing them signifies that the gods are with someone, even as they slumber.

Poppy asks questions about what will happen next after the wedding, and Vonetta tells her that once she and Cas reach Evaemon, the King and Queen will demand a celebration in her honor—one that will last days—so they can introduce her.

When Duchess Teerman and her knights arrive and a fight breaks out, Vonetta’s hind leg is injured in the battle. Once things settle, and the others set out, Vonetta remains behind in Spessa’s End but plans to return to Atlantia soon for her mother’s birthday and the birth of her new sibling.

Vonetta arrives at Cove Palace to inform the Royals, Cas, and Poppy that a convoy of Ascended are in Spessa’s End, requesting an audience with Casteel and Poppy. She says that Ian is leading the group and informs Poppy that her brother has, indeed, Ascended. Both she and her brother feel Poppy’s grief at hearing the news.

The siblings inform their parents that they are again heading to Spessa’s End. It’s an arduous trip, and Vonetta is exhausted once they arrive. She’s also still reeling over the fact that she can hear Poppy in her head.

After their discussions with Ian, Vonetta wonders if he told Poppy to wake Nyktos, hoping that the King of Gods would kill his sister. Though she realizes that Cas and Poppy are considering it regardless, so she’ll have to deal with whatever happens.

In Evaemon, Vonetta displays some hostility toward Perry. Given the happenings of late, she’s a bit overprotective since Cas’s friends have betrayed him. She also takes it upon herself to become Poppy’s shadow on her first day in the palace as they await the transfer of crowns.

Vonetta, in wolven form, joins the group of guards during the Council meeting. I remember seeing her and her brother in wolven form that day. They’re absolutely beautiful and majestic. When Ambrose refuses to bow to Poppy, and Cas tells him to either bow before his Queen or bleed before her, Vonetta makes her agreement known with a deep growl.

Unwilling to miss a chance to see Iliseeum, Vonetta joins the group that travels to the Land of the Gods. During the trip, she asks about my journal, saying she might be interested in reading it—as one should be. Just as she does, the floor collapses, and she falls. Luckily, Emil catches her, and Poppy is able to use her eather to lift Netta to safety.

When they pass through the mists, and skeletal soldiers erupt from the ground, she berates Emil for not warning them about what he saw in the hole and then tells him he’s a mess after he calls her beautiful amidst the chaos. As the group battles the skeletons, she fights back-to-back with Emil until Poppy finally finishes them with her power.

As she gazes upon Dalos, she wonders if any gods are awake. Then, realizing what covers the ground, she remarks that they’re walking on diamonds.

Back in the mortal realm, they plan to go to Oak Ambler, and Vonetta agrees to go with the group approaching by land. Unfortunately, the Ascended capture them before they make too much progress.

During the Blood Queen’s demonstration with the Revenant, Vonetta verifies that Millicent is dead after the knight stabs her in the chest. She tells the group that there’s no pulse and she smells of death.

In the forest outside Oak Ambler, after Cas is taken prisoner, Vonetta shows Poppy Tawny’s injury and reassures her they’ll get Cas back. Despite

her assurances, Poppy loses control of her power and throws Vonetta back reflexively. When Poppy feels bad later, Netta tells her not to be sorry.

Back in the capital, she follows Poppy in wolven form to meet with the Queen Mother and plans to stay until her parents and her new baby sister arrive.

Vonetta spends the night with Emil (and is seen leaving him, utterly sated).

Netta accompanies Poppy when she heads back to Oak Ambler to deliver her message in the form of King Jalara’s head.

During the seizure of Massene, Vonetta attacks from the Pinelands after Poppy opens the eastern gate, then happily attacks and kills a guard who taunted Poppy about raping her. Inside Cauldra Manor, Vonetta, Delano, and Sage head into the underground chambers and lead the way for Poppy.

After delivering the Atlantians’ message to the mortals regarding what is coming and looking for additional Descenters to add to their cause, Vonetta returns and tells Poppy that it seemed like people were ready for someone to do something about the Ascended. She also relays that she told the people the Maiden not only married the Atlantian Prince but is also a god.

Poppy asks her to become the Crown Regent, and she accepts, but she’s not happy about staying behind when they go to rescue Cas.

When the locked box containing Casteel’s finger arrives from the Blood Queen, she, Naill, and Emil take care of the contents. Later, when she checks in with Poppy, they discuss Ian and Isbeth. She remarks that Ian was polite and warm—nothing like she expected. She then relays the stories Ian told her.

During a moment with Reaver later, Vonetta asks who the god of death was before Rhain. He tells her there was never a god of death, only a Primal of Death. She then remarks on how similar Kolis and Solis sound and asks Reaver why Kolis’s magic only worked on the thirdborn sons and daughters. What she doesn’t know is that it didn’t. It worked on others, but it was…different.

When the Atlantian armies arrive—two hundred thousand strong— Vonetta lets Poppy know and suggests that she wear her crown while addressing her people. She then leaves to lead the wolven into the city and helps to secure the Temple.

After they encounter the Ascended Priests and Priestesses in Castle Redrock’s underground chambers, she briefly shoves one of the Ascended

into a stream of sunlight after the vampry repeatedly tries to bite her. Once they discover the chamber full of murdered children, she asks Poppy what they’re going to do about the Temple and agrees that they should just burn it to the ground.

Later, she tells General Cyr that if people want to leave the city, they should be allowed. Poppy agrees with her and then bolsters the new Queen’s confidence before speaking to the crowd.

As they make plans to separate, Vonetta promises to look after Tawny for Poppy, and they plan to meet in Three Rivers.

Vonetta and the armies take New Haven and Whitebridge while Poppy is away.

After Casteel’s rescue, Vonetta meets the group outside of Padonia and greets Cas in wolven form. He tells her he missed her, and then she goes to greet Poppy before returning to the city ahead of everyone else.

Vonetta brings Tawny to see Poppy once everyone’s settled and explains that she and Gianna have been teaching Tawny to fight, remarking that the woman is a quick learner.

When Poppy asks for a hug from Vonetta on two legs instead of four, she laughs and obliges. Poppy commends her on leading the armies spectacularly, and Vonetta replies that she didn’t do it alone.

Later, during discussions, Vonetta remarks that Malec would eventually recover from his entombment and ends up in the Blood Forest as they’re looking for the god. Poppy remarks that she isn’t even supposed to be there, but they’re both happy to see each other. When Poppy does the spell to locate Malec, Vonetta asks if the ruins are the right place and remarks how beautiful the magic trail is.

Once they retrieve Malec, Netta rides in front of the procession on the way back to Padonia. Then, the night of Poppy, Cas, and Kieran’s Joining, she spends the night with Emil.

Before going to confront Isbeth, Poppy and Cas decide that if neither of them can rule, then she is to take the throne and order her to stay in Padonia with fifty thousand soldiers. She agrees until the realization of what would have to happen for her to be next in line to rule hits her. Before the couple greets their people, Vonetta hands them their crowns and says they only reveal their true natures when a god sits on the throne.

Just wait until she realizes that Poppy isn’t just a god, she’s a Primal.






Click here to see a full-size image of Tawny by Creatively Agnes.

Tawny was Poppy’s only friend when she was still the Maiden—so much more than just her maid. Tawny was her confidante and her conspirator in getting up to no good. She was the one thing that Poppy held on to while trying to keep a grasp of the normal in an otherwise abnormal existence.

Hair: Brown and gold curls that turn snowy white after shadowstone poisoning.

Eyes: Brown that turn nearly white except for the pupils after shadowstone poisoning.

Facial features: Rich brown skin.

Body type: Tall. Lithe.

Personality: Sarcastic and flippant.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Randomly jumps from topic to topic in conversation. Has a weakness for sweet cake. Excels in idleness. Not good at shielding her emotions. Twists hair around her finger when anxious. Can be insistent when it comes to what she wants. Never believed in the Fates. Memory is notoriously subjective.

Background: One of the few allowed to speak with the Maiden and see her unveiled. Second daughter of a successful merchant. Given to the Court at age thirteen. Was assigned to the Maiden shortly after her Rite.

Family: Older brother and sister.


After Tawny helps Poppy sneak out to head to the Red Pearl where she eventually meets Hawke for the first time, Tawny discusses what happened and their upcoming Ascension with the Maiden.

When Poppy is almost abducted, Tawny helps to tend to her wounds and secure the necessary medicine. She also learns the Duchess’s theory about the intruder being an Atlantian.

The night Poppy’s guard Rylan Keal is murdered—by Jericho—Tawny sleeps in Poppy’s bed with her, comforting her friend and easing her worries, as well.

Despite the Rite preparation taking much of her time, she finds a few moments to spend with Poppy and learns that she and Hawke kissed. She eventually gets the full Red Pearl story out of her friend.

Like usual, Tawny accompanies Poppy to the atrium, even grabbing some of her favorite sandwiches beforehand. She watches, amused, as Poppy speaks up to the Ladies in Wait after they make fools of themselves with Hawke. But she feels bad after, when the Duke makes his displeasure known. Following Poppy’s punishment for speaking to the other Ladies in Wait, Tawny again helps her with her wounds.

The night of the Rite, she joins her friend until Poppy tells her to go and have fun. Later, when all hell breaks loose, her attempts to keep Poppy from entering the fray during the Rise attempt are futile. And after everything, she can only help Poppy bathe and change, unsure what else to do to help her friend.

Poppy’s ordered to go to the capital, and Tawny reveals she can’t go with her—it’s too dangerous, and she could become a liability. Before they part ways, the two share a touching goodbye in the Maiden’s quarters the morning Poppy sets out for the capital with Hawke and the other guards.

In the time that Poppy is gone, Queen Ileana keeps Tawny with her at the capital but doesn’t Ascend her. I wonder if she knew she could use Tawny as leverage. When Poppy comes to Castle Redrock, Tawny attempts to warn her by telling her friend that the Queen isn’t what she seems. She tries to tell her more, but Ian cuts her off.

The Queen gives her Revenant demonstration, and Tawny is horrified when the knight stabs and kills Millicent. She’s even more traumatized when another beheads Ian. When all hell breaks loose—again—Tawny is wounded in the shoulder in the melee. After Casteel surrenders, the Queen gives Tawny to the Atlantians as a sign of goodwill. Her gash is bad, the

veins standing out, thick and black. Poppy heals her outward physical wound, but they discover it was delivered with shadowstone, and the poison starts to spread, inching up her throat like black vines.

Once they return to the keep, Delano takes her to a room to recover, and the Healers and Elders are summoned. The Healers and I are able to help her, but it changes her irrevocably. Her hair turns white, her eyes turn nearly colorless, and she doesn’t register as mortal any longer—nor can Poppy read her emotions. We’re not sure exactly what she is just yet.

Tawny doesn’t give a straight answer when asked if someone told her about Primal magic. She merely says: “Yes, and no.” She then reveals she knew she was dying until she saw Vikter, and thinks the Fates did something to save her. It changed everything she originally believed in—or rather the things she didn’t.

She says everything played out like a dream that wasn’t a dream. She remembers getting stabbed, then there was nothing for a long while, then a silver light. She thought she was entering the Vale, but then she saw Vikter. He told her that Poppy was a god. Isbeth had let it slip before, but Tawny didn’t believe her. Ian did, though. At the mention of Poppy’s brother, Tawny apologizes for what happened to him.

She goes on to say that all she knows is that Isbeth plans to remake the realms and believes Poppy can help her do it. She admits that she wasn’t around Isbeth all that much and had no idea why they summoned her to the capital. They told her they feared she’d be taken, too, after the threat on Poppy’s life. When she got to Wayfair, she saw the Handmaidens—the Revenants—and knew that nothing was right about that place. When the Queen revealed that Poppy was her daughter, Tawny just assumed she was addled.

In the dream that wasn’t a dream, Vikter told her things he nor she could have known, like Aios stopping Poppy from walking off the cliff in the Skotos Mountains, that Nyktos and the Consort approved of Poppy and Casteel’s marriage, that Cas had been taken, and that Poppy would eventually free him. He also told her about being a viktor, and she relays all of that to Poppy.

She and Kieran bicker over how unhelpful her information was, and Tawny says that Vikter didn’t think they knew the whole prophecy. She shares the complete version (see Prophecy section).

They ask if she ever saw or met anyone named Malik, and she tells them she doesn’t know anyone by that name.

She doesn’t, because he went by Elian.

When Poppy worries about her destiny, especially given the harbinger bits in the prophecy, Tawny tells her that she didn’t get the impression from Vikter that Poppy was destined for evil. She then relays to Poppy alone what Vikter told her about the Consort.

She also mentions how she didn’t want to believe what Ian said about what happens to third sons and daughters. Despite being a second daughter, she worries that she is like a Revenant now—dead but not—and Poppy promises to find out what happened to her.

After telling Poppy she has always known how much she is loved, she promises to see her friend again in Three Rivers.

They actually see each other next in Padonia, and Tawny tells Poppy how Netta and Gianna are teaching her how to fight.

When Casteel returns, she greets him, and he tells her that he’s happy to see her alive and well. She tells him that she’s glad he loves Poppy as fiercely as her friend loves him and that she doesn’t have to punch him for lying to her and kidnapping Poppy.

I’m sure this was another moment where Cas thinks she’s his favorite person. Anyone that fiercely loyal to his Queen deserves respect.

When Poppy leaves to confront the Queen and take Malec to the Bone Temple, Tawny sees her off.



Click here to see this image by Creatively Agnes full size.

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