Visions of Flesh and Blood: A Blood and Ash/Flesh and Fire Compendium


“You’re going to get us into so much trouble.” In the dappled silver light of the moon, Tawny’s cloaked figure dipped beneath a low-hanging branch. Even though no one entered this part of the Grove, neither of us removed our hoods yet out of caution. “You know that, right?”

“This was your idea,” I reminded her. “I was about to go to bed when you came to my chamber with this grand plan.”

Her cloaked head turned toward me. I couldn’t see her face, but I could hear the smile in her voice. “How dare you accuse me of such tomfoolery?”

“Tomfoolery?” I wrinkled my nose. “That is such a silly word.”

“A silly word for silly behaviors,” she remarked. “I heard Rylan saying it the other day. He told Vikter that he suspected you were up to some tomfoolery when you were supposed to be in your chambers.”

Rylan was likely correct. I grinned as I stepped around a large boulder tangled in some exposed roots. Tawny and I had walked this path so many times at night. The scant moonlight breaking up the shadows was no hindrance. “If I was, I was likely doing something else you suggested we do.”

Tawny’s quiet giggle reached me. “Just so we’re clear, tonight may have been my idea, but you started it.”

“And how did I start this?”

“Was it not originally your idea?” She walked under a pine that must’ve fallen against another during one of the late-summer storms. Its fallen, dried-out branches crunched with her footsteps. “To go swimming in the lake?”

“Possibly.” Truth be told, I couldn’t remember who’d suggested the first late-night swim.

I glanced behind me, unable to see anything more than the dark outline of the sweeping pines. We were far enough inside the Grove that no one

could see us. Anyone within the large swath of woods that separated the haves from the have-nots of Masadonia wouldn’t be able to see the inner walls around the castle, either—even in broad daylight. We also weren’t near the section they’d cleared to use as a park of sorts.

“Are you worried someone will discover us?”

“Not at all.” Tawny’s steps slowed. “No one but fools like us travels this deep into the Grove. I’m just being overly dramatic so I won’t be able to hear a spirit if one is following us.”

My grin turned wry. “As often as I’ve walked the Grove, I’ve yet to see a single ghost.”

She snorted. “You sound disappointed.” “I kind of am.”

“Well, there’s always a first time,” she remarked. “I’m not sure what would be more frightening, though. The spirit of a guard? Or an animal, like a wolf.”

My brows knitted. “I’d have to go with the spirit of a guard. But I thought the ghosts here were those who died within the Grove.”

“Who knows? Honestly, a rabbit’s spirit might be the scariest thing.” “What?” I laughed. “I cannot wait to hear the justification for that.” “There’s nothing more frightening than something cute and fluffy that

happens to be dead and reanimated.”

“Oh, my gods.” I shook my head. “I don’t think spirits are the dead reanimated, Tawny.”

“How would you know?”

“Because I’ve seen the Craven,” I said, the smile fading from my lips.

I’d seen cursed mortals die and then come back. I knew what the reanimated dead looked like.

“True,” Tawny murmured, stopping as the tang of sorrow reached me.

She waited until I was beside her and then folded her arm around mine. “By the way, do you know what I’ve heard?” She lowered her voice, even though the only other things in the Grove besides us were likely small, fluffy critters and large birds. Well, the only living things, I supposed. “About the new guard?

“The new guard?” I questioned, even though I knew exactly who she spoke of. Only one name was on everyone’s lips these last several weeks.

Hawke Flynn. My stomach dipped, tangling much like the bare roots around

that bolder earlier. There was so much wrong with that, I wasn’t even sure where to begin.

“Yes, the new, extraordinarily handsome guard you seem to have completely forgotten about,” she replied dryly. “Despite the fact that you’ve spent quite a few mornings of late engrossed in the guards’ daily training.”

My cheeks warmed, and a pair of golden eyes shone brightly in my mind…as did well-formed arms honed from wielding a sword, slick with sweat. “I have no idea what you’re speaking of.”

Tawny’s laugh was light. “Sure.”

I said nothing to that because Tawny knew I lied. Everyone was aware of who Hawke Flynn was. I imagined even Duke Teerman found himself a bit engrossed in watching the guard. It was the way he moved, the fluid gracefulness when he trained. Or how, when he entered the Great Hall for the City Council sessions, he didn’t just walk. He prowled.

I cleared my throat. “What have you heard?”

“That he’s found someone new to occupy his spare time with,” she shared as the scent of damp soil thickened around us. “Britta.”

“Oh? I’m sure they make a lovely couple,” I heard myself say as a pang of envy lanced my chest. Britta was one of the many maids who worked within the castle, and I wasn’t at all surprised to hear that she was one of a string of many—at least according to the gossips—who’d caught Hawke’s eye. Not only because she was one of the prettiest maids but because Britta enjoyed life and all it had to offer. She was bold with her affection. She was experienced. The only time I’d ever seen her appear scandalized was when she spoke of the dancing she’d seen behind the curtains at the Red Pearl.

Which made me very curious about what type of dancing she’d seen.

But I wasn’t sure if the envy curdling low in my stomach was directed at her or purely because I…well, I had no idea what it was like to catch another’s attention in that way. To be…wanted. To become experienced. To truly live.

And I likely never would.

Spying the glistening water through the trees, I pulled myself out of my thoughts. There was no point in dwelling on that, was there? The future was inevitable, and I didn’t want to spoil these moments I had with Tawny.

Sooner rather than later, we wouldn’t have any of these.

The quiet lake appeared ahead of us, its still waters reflecting the moonlight and catching the shadows of the long tree branches still flush

with leaves. That would change soon, too. The late-season heat would end in a blink, and I would wake up one morning to see that all the leaves had fallen. Another winter would be upon us.

Slipping free of Tawny’s hold, I walked ahead. Once I reached the water’s edge, I reached up and lowered my hood, baring my face to the night sky. There was nothing better than feeling the air on my cheeks and brow.

“You look like you’re going to turn into a statue,” Tawny commented. Grinning, I glanced over at her. She’d already dropped her cloak onto one of the nearby flat rocks and now stood in just a shift as she kicked off

her ankle boots. She had her mass of caramel-hued curls piled high atop her head, making her cheekbones appear sharper and higher. I eyed the smooth skin of her brow and cheek and felt another unwanted twist of envy.

I looked away, annoyed with myself as I unlatched my cloak. I folded it neatly before laying it beside Tawny’s since it didn’t belong to me. I wasn’t even sure whose it was, but it must’ve been worn by a man. There was still the distinctive spice of some cologne lingering on it. I’d sort of helped myself to it when I saw it lying in one of the many first-floor chambers.

Now, I took care of it. I wasn’t even sure why. It wasn’t like I planned to return it to where I’d found it. I hoarded clothing of color like others collected books or knickknacks.

Tawny tossed a grin in my direction as she padded barefoot into the water. A soft squeak left her. “Oh, it’s cold. Definitely cold.”

The water was always chilled, which was odd, considering the floor of the lake was made of some sort of dark rock. One would think it would absorb the sunlight and warm the waters, but that wasn’t the case.

Tawny waded out several feet, her arms folded across her chest as she muttered to herself about what a bad idea this was.

“The other lake?” Tawny asked from where she was now up to her waist in the water. “The one by Wayfair? Was it always this cold?”

I nodded. “Yep. Even on the hottest days.” I didn’t have a lot of clear memories of walking the elms outside Wayfair with Ian when I was a child, but I did remember the lake there. This one reminded me so much of that one, except it was larger and had a waterfall. But there was something else the lakes had in common. Something I hadn’t remembered until now. “You know what’s strange?”

“Besides the fact that I’m the only one in the lake?” she asked, splashing water at me.

“Besides that.” I began toeing off my boots. “The woods surrounding the other lake in Carsodonia are also rumored to be haunted. At least, that is what Ian claimed.”

“Ian claims many things.”

I laughed as I unhooked my sheath with the bloodstone and wolven- bone dagger, placing it on the cloak. I inched closer to the water’s edge, the grass cool beneath my feet. “He said the woods were…” I squinted. “He said they were haunted by the spirits of those afraid to face judgment.”

“That’s kind of sad,” she said, slipping down so her shoulders were just barely visible. “But why would they haunt those woods?”

“He said it was because the lake was a doorway to where Rhain ruled,” I told her. “One of many.”

“Your brother has a very active imagination.” “That he does,” I murmured.

“Did he say the same thing about this lake—wait, don’t answer that. I don’t want to know.”

Laughing, I inched closer to the water. “I don’t recall if he…” I trailed off, the back of my neck tightening suddenly. My skin prickled. Stopping, I turned and scanned the trees. The Grove was quiet except for the breeze rustling the branches and the distant calls of birds.

“Poppy?” Tawny called. “Did you hear something?”

I gave the expanse of trees another look. “No. I just…” My brows knitted. I wasn’t even sure what had stopped me. I hadn’t heard anything. I’d just…felt something. But what? I had no idea.

Shaking my head, I walked into the water. The coldness stole my breath, but I powered through it, knowing it was best to just go for it. The pale shift I wore trailed behind me as I reached Tawny’s side, finding that she was still staring at the bank of the lake.

I followed her gaze, seeing nothing. I looked back at her. “Did you hear something?”

“No.” The warm breeze tossed a loose curl over her face. “But I expect a spirit to wander out of the trees at any moment in an attempt to get a peek at our unmentionables.”

“I don’t know if you’re being serious or not,” I said, letting myself sink. The moment the water rose above my chest, I thought my heart stopped for

a moment. But after a few seconds, the shock of the cold faded. I waded farther out, my feet gliding over the smooth rock at the bottom of the lake. I then swam and made it to the deepest part of the lake, where the water crested my chin.

Tawny was still staring at the woods.

I let my senses open just a tiny bit. Not a lot. Tart, almost lemony unease gathered in my throat. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. Yes.” She backed up in the water.

“I swear I didn’t see or hear anything, but if you’d rather head back, we can.” I pushed off the lake floor.

“No. I’m fine. I’m just being weird.” Tucking the wayward curl back, she faced me. A moment passed. “You don’t believe in spirits, do you? I mean, the kind that remain here. With us.”

I opened my mouth, unsure how to answer. “I don’t know. I’ve never seen one, at least that I know of.” I shrugged. “Do you believe?”

She swam closer, biting her lip. “I didn’t.” My curiosity piqued. “But?”

“But I saw one once.”

“Really?” I narrowed my eyes. “Are you being honest?”

“Yes. I am.” She splashed me, creating a ripple that cascaded across half the lake. “And it wasn’t when I was a young child. It was only a few years ago.”

I stared at her. “You saw a spirit here? Was it at the castle?”

Tawny nodded. “I was in the atrium with Loren. The Mistress had just left, and Loren had dozed off. I was supposed to be reading. And I was. Sort of.” She drew her teeth over her lower lip and looked back at the bank. “I felt this…I don’t know. A cold draft? Suddenly. Like a burst of wind. Then I looked up and saw it standing in the corner.”

“It?” I whispered.

“Her. It was a woman. I thought she was a guest at first. She was solid.

Or at least she appeared that way initially,” Tawny said as tiny bumps appeared along my skin. “I started to smile at her, but I realized that she didn’t…well, she didn’t look right.”

“What do you mean?”

“Her gown was old.” Her brow creased. “Like something I’d seen ladies wearing in paintings from hundreds of years ago. And she was pale. Not white. Pale. She stood so still, and I realized she looked almost…fuzzy, you

know? Like her features weren’t clear. At first, I thought it was because of the sunlight coming in from the windows, but then I realized I could see through her lower half.”

My eyes went wide.

“I know.” Tawny let out a nervous laugh. “For a moment, I couldn’t move or think. I was just frozen. Time stopped. We just sort of stared at each other.”

“You weren’t afraid?”

“No.” She drew her fingers through the water. “But that wasn’t the strangest thing. I wasn’t afraid at that moment, but afterward, I was terrified. I wouldn’t stay in the atrium alone for months. But at that moment, I wasn’t scared. And she…”

I drifted closer to her. “What?”

“She…” Tawny looked away, shaking her head. “She just faded away.


“And that was it?” Tawny nodded. “Yeah.”

I had no doubt in my mind that she spoke the truth about what she’d seen, but as she floated away, I thought maybe that wasn’t all. “Why didn’t you tell me this before?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t told anyone.” She spun in the water. “It’s not that I thought you’d think I was out of my mind or something.”

“Well…” I teased.

She laughed. “It’s just that I really don’t know what I saw.”

“It sounds like you do.” I glanced around the lake, thinking of the weird feeling I’d had. “Maybe there is something to what Ian said about the woods.”

“You think—?”

The branches of one of the trees rattled loudly above us, jerking our heads back to peer up. Something large was up there. On reflex, my hand went to my thigh, but then I remembered I’d left my dagger with the cloak. Damn it. Several limbs shook again, this time hard enough to send leaves falling.

“My gods,” Tawny whispered as a bird took flight.

huge bird with a silvery-white body and wings. Stunned silent, we watched it circle overhead. The bird’s wingspan had to be four feet or more.

It must have been some sort of hawk or maybe an eagle, but I knew of none

that size—at least not in these parts of Solis.

My heart thrummed as the bird silently moved out of view, disappearing over the Grove. I slowly lowered my chin and looked over at Tawny.

“I would like to change my earlier statement about the spirits of bunnies being the scariest,” she began. “A spirit of that thing would be.”

I laughed as I turned my gaze back to the sky. There was no hint of the silver hawk—at least I thought it was a hawk—and I couldn’t help but feel like Tawny had upon seeing that spirit in the castle. I had that distinct feeling of not knowing what I saw but knowing I’d definitely seen something.





Click here to see a full-size image of Naill by Jemlin C.

Another core part of Poppy and Cas’s group, like Emil, Naill shows up nearly everywhere the Elemental Atlantian does in my visions and research.

Hair: Dark, close-cropped.

Eyes: Dark gold.

Body type: Tall.

Facial features: Rich, dark skin. High, sharp cheekbones. Striking smile.

Personality: Quiet and obedient.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Rather skilled with a needle and thread. Seems to appear out of nowhere at times. Incredibly fast.

Background: Elemental Atlantian. Like Emil, has helped Casteel remember who he is and that he’s not a thing in the past when feelings grabbed him. Has known him longer than anyone but Kieran and the Contous.

Family: Father runs the mills that create electricity; he keeps the ancient wheels working.


During the trip to the capital, when the guards are killed in the stables, and Poppy is placed in a cell for her safety—and their peace of mind—Naill goes with Delano to remove her and take her to more comfortable quarters. He immediately goes on alert when Jericho arrives in the dungeon. Six others come up behind him, and Naill tells them they’re all being incredibly foolish. When Mr. Tulis spews his vitriol, Naill reminds him that the

Maiden didn’t take his son; the Ascended did. A fight inevitably breaks out, and Naill rips out a Descenter’s throat. Eventually, he gets knocked out.

When Poppy greets Alastir, Naill is lumped into the group the elder wolven says aren’t very well-mannered—I actually think Naill is incredibly polite. As Cas relays the story of how he didn’t plan the proposal and subsequently how Poppy said no at first, Naill fearlessly chimes in that she also told the Prince he was out of his mind and several other things.

Right after Cas and Poppy discuss the Empath line and almost kiss, Naill interrupts with news that the Ascended are coming from the western roads. When the vamprys enter the yard, Casteel tells Naill to be smart, and the Atlantian takes off.

Following the Ascended attack, he goes to scout the western roads to make sure they’re clear so they can leave as soon as possible. As they’re riding for Atlantia, he witnesses Poppy hitting Cas. When Casteel shrugs it off, Naill remarks that it didn’t look like a love tap to him.

As they ride past the tree hangings, Naill is the first to spot the Dead Bones Clan, shouting to the group that they’re in the trees to the left. He takes an arrow to the leg in the skirmish and is nearly shot again until Poppy takes out his attacker with a crossbow. After the attack, Naill rides ahead to scout and ensure they don’t run into any more clansmen. As they continue on, and Poppy asks questions about the Dead Bones Clan, Naill explains that they aren’t just anti-Craven in protecting their territory.

They’re anti-everyone.

When they reach Pompay, Casteel relays the story of its tragic history, and Poppy wonders why she’s shocked after everything she’s already heard. Naill replies that it’s not something anyone ever gets used to and he wouldn’t want to. He says he needs to be shocked so the line between him and the vamprys doesn’t thin.

Poppy comes upon Naill and Delano sitting on the wall facing the bay in Spessa’s End. Delano says she looks like she could use a drink and offers her the bottle. Naill warns her that it tastes like horse piss. He’s likely not wrong. I have had my fair share of rot-gut whiskey and other assorted steel- tub liquor throughout the years. And while it does the job, it’s not always palate-pleasing.

Emil calls Poppy Your Highness, and she seems bothered by it. Naill informs her that even before her crowning, it’s customary and would be a great dishonor if they didn’t address her as such.

On the way through the Skotos Mountains, Naill splits off with Beckett and Delano to head through the mist, and their group is the last to reconvene at Gold Rock.

Despite always being calm and collected, witnessing Poppy’s display of power at the Chambers of Nyktos is shocking and scary to him. Like several others there, Naill is tracked by a wolven, even as he softly tries to reason with it. Once things calm, Casteel orders him to join Emil and Delano in finding and bringing Beckett to him. Unfortunately, poor Beckett is already dead.

Naill is part of the group that rescues Poppy in Irelone and happily vents his anger by tearing through the Ascended. As they make their way back through the Skotos, he feeds Cas in a hunting cabin in the foothills. Once Poppy wakes, even her earliest transformations—namely her strength and agility—awe him.

When Cas teases Poppy about finding her perched outside a window with a certain book in her hand—my diary, if you couldn’t guess—Naill is super intrigued by the story and even more so by the book. I hope they shared it with him later.

Poppy thanks him for helping Casteel after Irelone, and by extension, her. She then tells him to call her Poppy instead of Penellaphe, which makes him smile. After Kieran shifts, Naill retrieves his clothes but gives the wolven grief and says he should have let him return to the kingdom buck- ass naked.

Naill wonders about the storm that could have twisted and bent the trees and is even more shocked when they ride past the trees of Aios, and he sees that the leaves are no longer golden but blood-red. At the Temple of Saion, Naill leads Alastir from the crypts and forces him to his knees in front of Cas and Poppy. After the traitors are dealt with, Naill leaves with Emil and Quentyn before dawn.

Once they arrive at the Contou residence, Naill dines with everybody, and they talk about Iliseeum. He then joins the group headed to the capital, engaging in his usual banter and bickering with Emil and mentioning that he hasn’t had a green bean casserole in years when talk of food arises. As Emil continually flirts with Poppy, Naill wonders aloud if the Atlantian has a death wish—I wonder the same!

The Unseen attack, and Naill is hit in the arm with an arrow yet still fights with everyone to battle back the Unseen and the Gyrms. Later, Poppy

inquires about some buildings and is told they house machinery that converts water to electricity. Naill says that it’s all incredibly boring and complicated but that he could probably recite each piece and state its purpose since his father oversees the mills.

During the transfer of the Crown from Eloana and Valyn to Poppy and Cas, he stands guard and then walks with the group through the palace. He’s also present for the Council meeting and my announcement of the new rulers to the people of Atlantia.

Instead of joining the group that heads to Iliseeum, Naill chooses to stay in the capital to spend some time with his father. He is, however, present for the dinner meeting afterward where they make a plan for Oak Ambler. He’s put in the group with the King and Queen decoys and is eventually captured by the Ascended.

When Poppy wakes in the woods outside of Oak Ambler after Cas sacrifices himself, Naill bows over a prone Tawny. When they return to speak with Eloana, he stands guard at the door with Hisa and is happy to be part of the group to accompany Poppy back to Oak Ambler to meet with King Jalara.

As they ride to Massene, Naill speaks with Poppy when she feels Arden’s anxiety. He rides ahead with Kieran to investigate and is horrified by what they find on the Rise—all the murdered mortals. Because of that and more, he happily joins in on the fight with the guards. Once some surrender, Poppy orders him to take Arden and stay with the prisoners in the barracks.

Naill leaves with Vonetta and Wren to deliver the ultimatum to Duke and Duchess Ravarel, look for Descenters, and warn the mortals about what will happen if their demands are refused. Once done, they all return to camp.

Poppy sends Naill to secure Vessa in a bedchamber that locks from the outside so she can’t hurt herself or anyone else after the crone attacks her. He does as instructed. Sadly, it doesn’t stop Vessa from using Primal magic and killing many of the draken later.

After the Blood Queen sends her horrific message—Casteel’s ring finger—Naill joins Emil and Vonetta in respectfully dealing with the box’s contents.

Naill rushes to check on Poppy when the storm appears and remarks that it’s the same type of tempest that happened when she Ascended to her

godhood. When they go out and witness what is happening with the draken, Naill steadies Poppy and then eventually trails her as she goes to take care of the widow.

When Reaver is talking about Nyktos, Naill remarks that he’s never heard the name Kolis before. Talk shifts to the Rite, and Naill asks if the Chosen had a choice in being Ascended, and Reaver tells him they did— Eythos always let them choose.

Naill makes Poppy something to wear—a white outfit to send a message

—and vigilance ramps up as Naill helps to keep an eye on the generals, aware that the Unseen are very much still a threat.

In the Temple, Naill finds another pair of holy people and is the first to reveal that the Priests and Priestesses had Ascended among them, something they hadn’t known before. When Vonetta brings in another Priestess, Naill joins the group that follows her. They come upon a chamber with blood stalactites and bones. After having a ridiculous argument with Emil about the word stalactite, he points out that the hole in the floor is actually a deep well.

Sage is injured, and Naill helps Poppy heal her. When Reaver shifts, it takes Naill by surprise, but not as much as when Sage replies with a “yum” in response to what she sees. Naill reminds her that the draken can breathe fire, but it doesn’t seem to faze her. I get it. I had an absolutely incredible experience with a draken myself, and they are quite delicious.

When Cas returns, Naill waits until all the wolven greet the King before stepping in for a hug. He tells Cas that it hasn’t been right without him and not to leave again. His elation soon turns to shock when he sees Malik.

Everybody fills Poppy and Cas in on what’s been happening with the seizure of the cities, and Naill informs them that the Ascended left a graveyard in Whitebridge and Padonia, just like they did in Pompay. They discuss the Duke of Three Rivers, and Malik mentions knowing him. Naill can’t hold back his ire and sneers at him, asking him how complicated things have gotten and using his princely title. Later, Cas asks him and Emil to keep an eye on Malik, and Naill happily agrees.

In the Blood Forest, while looking for Malec, Naill battles a large group of Craven with the others. When Reaver arrives, he alerts the group to the draken’s appearance. That dealt with, Poppy casts the spell to find Malec, and Naill is surprised by the reaction.

Later, despite being tasked with guarding him, Naill doesn’t realize that Malik isn’t in his chambers but rather speaking with Poppy in the stables.

When they finally get to the Bone Temple, Naill remarks that the Blood Queen brought along some friends. He helps Emil unload Malec and then carries the casket with the other two, commenting on how heavy the god is.

Callum lifts the curse from Kieran with a white blade of some sort, and Naill’s shocked to see the inky mist seeping from the wolven’s wound. I imagine anything having to do with Primal magic is shocking, especially when it’s all so new to them.

After Isbeth stabs Malec and the resulting fight ensues, Naill tries to save a Royal Guard from a dakkai but isn’t fast enough. He does scruff and save Rune as the draken fire rains down on the Temple, however.

Eventually, he’s taken down by a dakkai and dies with his chest ripped open. When he revives, it’s to find everyone alive and healed but with evidence of the fight still very much present.

As they’re told the story of the realms, Naill knows it’s only the beginning.

We all do.

Naill then leaves to try to find Malik and Millie.




Click here to see a full-size image of Delano and Perry by art.bymikki.

Delano is one of my favorites to see in my visions. He’s not only adorable in his mortal form, he’s also resplendent in his wolven form. A caretaker at the core, he’s incredibly loyal and always there for whoever needs him.

Hair: White-blond.

Eyes: Pale, wintery blue.

Body type: Tall. Heavy and strong as an ox.

Facial features: Pale skin. Boyish appearance. Distinguishing features: Near-constant crease in his brow. Preternatural appearance: White fur.

Other: Imprint is springy and featherlight.

Personality: Reserved.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Very fast. Loyal to a fault.

Background: Not bonded to an Elemental Atlantian. Whole den was killed by the Ascended, including his mother, father, and sisters. In a relationship with Perry.

Family: Mother †, father †, and unknown number of sisters †. Sister = Preela †. Partner = Perry.


When he was young, the Ascended murdered Delano’s entire den, including his parents and sisters—though the vamprys waited a while

before killing them. His other sister, Preela, was later killed by King Jalara in front of her bonded Elemental Atlantian, Malik.

After the Blood Crown captured Casteel and he later escaped, Delano helped him remember who he was and reminded him that he wasn’t a thing. He became part of Cas’s inner circle and isn’t very far from him at any given moment if he can help it.

Delano accompanies Emil to Masadonia when the Atlantian goes to feed Cas, but the next time he sees the Prince and Kieran isn’t until they reach New Haven with the Maiden. They conduct several meetings to discuss plans and strategy and Elijah calls Delano a marshmallow. When he gets riled later, the Descenter says the marshmallow is getting crispy. Delano threatens him—as he should.

I absolutely love Delano being a marshmallow, though. It makes me smile.

A guard tries to leave Haven Keep with Poppy, and Delano ends up killing one of the Huntsmen in the stables during the escape attempt. Even though he doesn’t know everything that happened in Masadonia—Kieran is supposed to update him later—he escorts Poppy to the dungeon.

While she’s down there, he brings her cheese and bread and remarks that he’d bring her stew if he thought she wouldn’t throw it at him. He also tells her that she would be dead if she were meant to be or they intended her to be.

Delano stays with her until Hawke arrives and then leaves to get some first-aid supplies, but a bit later, Jericho and his cohorts attack. Delano and Naill were about to take Poppy somewhere more comfortable, so they witnessed it all. Delano protects Poppy, even going so far as to throw her his sword so she can fight.

After her escape attempt and Cas chasing her to the woods, Casteel reveals that Poppy is part Atlantian, and it shocks Delano to the core. He wonders how the Prince knows but then sees the bite mark on Poppy’s neck.

After switching locations and Poppy’s most recent escape attempt, Delano stands guard outside her room and replies with the most snark he can muster every time she demands to be released. At one point, he rushes into her chambers, swearing he heard her screaming for help and calling his name. When she swears she was only screaming internally, Delano is confused.

He would find out later that it was the Primal notam.

The Ascended arrive, and Delano remains in wolven form, lurking in case he’s needed. Then, he and Naill go to check the western roads, returning to tell everyone they are safe enough to travel.

During their journey, the Dead Bones Clan attacks the group. Delano leads the horses into the woods and then rejoins the fight. One of the clan members remarks that his fur would make a great cloak, and Delano bites him extra hard for the comment. After the battle, he retrieves the horses so they can be on their way again.

In Spessa’s End, Delano offers Poppy some whiskey after dinner and asks her not to stab Casteel, telling her it makes him anxious.

The sky is suddenly ablaze, and Delano leaves to see why. When he returns, he’s injured—shot with arrows. He collapses and passes out. Poppy heals him as she did with Beckett.

After Cas and Poppy’s wedding, Delano travels with Naill and Beckett through the mist in the Skotos Mountains and plans to meet the others at Gold Rock. His group is the last to arrive, but it all worked out fine.

Following Poppy’s attack at the Chambers of Nyktos, Delano arrives with the other wolven. They all encircle and protect Poppy, growling when anyone gets too close.

It soon becomes clear that Poppy is way more than she seems, and Delano joins the others in bowing to her and letting out a howl. Discovering that Beckett was the one who led Poppy to the Chambers, thus leading to her attack, Delano, Emil, and Naill go to find the youngster.

When Poppy is captured and taken to Irelone, Delano joins the group that sets out to rescue her. On their journey later, he discovers that he can feel what Poppy dreams. In response to her thinking she’s a monster in sleep, he tells her that she’s not, she’s meyaah Liessa. Then he orders her to wake up—but not aloud; he tells her telepathically.

Poppy heals Quentyn’s pain when they deliver the news that Beckett was murdered, and Delano’s eyes glow with silvery wisps of light in his irises, just like hers, solidifying that the wolven are bonded to her.

And he will become one of the most closely bonded.

A carriage strikes down a child named Marji in town, and Delano runs to retrieve Cas and Poppy. He shifts and leads them to the little girl, but it’s too late. He can’t help but let out a whimper when she passes but is both relieved and awed when Poppy brings her back to life.

Delano extends an invitation to his King and Liessa to join in on some wolven wedding festivities. He asks his Queen to dance, and she tells him to call her Poppy, not something more formal.

After meeting with Poppy’s brother Ian, Delano joins the group headed to the capital. Once they arrive, he witnesses the transfer of crowns and guards the couple during the Council meeting.

On the journey to Iliseeum, Delano wears double swords on his hips.

When Cas starts teasing Poppy about my diary, Delano asks her not to stab his King.

But he likes that book just as much.

Vonetta falls through the tunnel floor on their trip to Iliseeum, and Delano uses a torch to illuminate the situation. His concern triples when he surveys the floor and sees that it won’t hold much longer for any of them.

In the Land of the Gods, skeletons burst from the ground, and Delano asks how they’re supposed to kill already-dead soldiers. After Poppy uses her power to end the fight and she and Cas embrace, while everyone is a bit uncomfortable, Delano remarks that Poppy and Cas kissing is better than them fighting.

Delano takes part in the large planning meeting to discuss Oak Ambler.

When they reach the city, he leaves his cloak behind for someone who needs it, absolutely disturbed by the state of the citizens. Dressed as a Solis guard, he’s wary as they enter the underground walkway in Castle Redrock, somehow sensing the Ascended know they’ve arrived. There are no guards at the tunnel entrances, and he imagines there would be, especially since it’d been breached in the past.

When they come across the caged cave cat, he suggests that the Ascended brought it with them to Castle Redrock and remarks that it looks underfed. When Poppy touches it, and it shifts forms to become a man, Delano tells her to stop touching things. He then wonders aloud if it’s a wivern.

Headed off by Millie and her guards, Delano attacks and is taken down in record time, pinned by blades at his stomach and under his chin. When the taunts come about Isbeth, Delano states that it doesn’t matter what the Blood Queen is because Poppy is a god.

After Cas surrenders, and the Blood Crown returns Tawny, Delano takes her to a room in Evaemon and summons the Healers and me.

Delano, Naill, Emil, and Vonetta accompany Poppy back to Oak Ambler to meet with King Jalara and deliver Poppy’s message. Just before she kills the King, Poppy tells him that Delano comes from a line of those given mortal form by Nyktos himself. After she separates the King’s head from his body, Delano drops Jalara’s head at the Revenant’s feet and then takes the dead King’s crown to Poppy.

During their trip to Massene, Delano and Poppy communicate via the Primal notam. He tells her there are twenty Rise Guards at the northern gate and two dozen mortals on the wall. He relays that Emil can take out those on the Rise. Once given the signal and they deal with the guards, he follows Emil to the gate.

Traversing the underground chambers of Cauldra Manor, Delano leads the way with Vonetta and Sage to ensure Poppy’s safety. As Poppy later wanders the ruins outside the manor, he accompanies her as a guard.

Like Poppy, Delano wonders about what Reaver said would happen if someone spoke the Consort’s name in the mortal realm. He says it sounds like she’s just as powerful as Nyktos.

When Poppy goes all Primal after receiving Casteel’s finger from the Blood Queen, Delano protects Perry but then tries to comfort Poppy once she calms down.

During the meeting with the generals, Delano keeps an eye on things in wolven form and growls when Aylard insinuates that Poppy is more concerned about the people of Solis than those of Atlantia—her people.

On their return to Oak Ambler, Poppy alerts Delano that they’re approaching the gate, and he telepathically assures her that she has their support. Then he, Vonetta, Sage, and Arden lead the wolven into the city.

When Perry is injured, Delano sits with him, reading from my journal— good reading material, indeed, and a great way to pass the time. However, I can’t imagine it would lead to much relaxation. Quite the opposite, actually. Poppy checks on them and heals Perry, and Delano thanks her and then kisses his partner.

Later, as they’re discussing the Primal magic they plan to use to locate Malec, Delano reminds everyone they still need a cherished item once they figure out the blood situation.

The group splits and plans to meet in Three Rivers. Delano and his group are forced to go to Padonia first, and Poppy reaches him via the

notam there after she, Reaver, Kieran, and Malik leave Carsodonia with Casteel.

Poppy, Cas, and the others reach Padonia, and Delano launches himself at his King. Cas tells Delano that he missed him.

Malik hesitantly approaches and kneels by Delano, speaking softly. He nudges Malik’s hand with his head, and Malik starts to cry and places a hand on him. They both miss Preela, and this is the first time they’ve had a chance to grieve together.

They narrow down that Malec is entombed near Masadonia, and Delano realizes that the Blood Forest grows where it does, partly because Malec is interred there. Three days later, they’re near the Blood Forest, fighting a group of Craven and then casting the spell to locate Malec’s entombment spot.

When they find the tunnel, Delano agrees with Sage when she indicates that the wolven should enter the tunnel first. As the Gyrms attack, Delano notices they aren’t attacking Poppy, and he tells her that maybe they recognize her somehow.

At the Bone Temple, Delano makes his dislike of Callum very clear. When all hell breaks loose, Delano saves Malik from a dakkai while he’s helping Millie and then knocks Poppy out of the way of draken fire. She tells him they need to get to Malec and stop him from dying, and he tells her she has his support.

With her power, Isbeth sends Poppy’s dagger back at her, and Delano jumps in front of Poppy to save her. The blade hits him in the chest, and he dies.

After Poppy merges with the Consort and brings everybody back to life, he nudges her with his nose, and she hugs him. He gets as close to her as possible, grateful to be alive and that those they love are also okay.

Delano accompanies Cas, Poppy, Kieran, and Nektas into the tunnels under Wayfair. They retrieve Ires, and Poppy goes into stasis. He returns with them and stays with Poppy in wolven form, watching out for her the entire time she’s asleep.

When Malik and Millie arrive, Delano moves to protect Poppy but ends up letting them have some time with Kieran watching.

I’m very interested to see how Delano handles the news of Cas’s shifting and Poppy awakening as a Primal.



Hair: Dark and cropped.

Eyes: Amber.

Facial features: Rich brown skin. Handsome, broad, warm features.

Personality: Quick to smile. Generous.

Background: Not bonded to a wolven. In a relationship with Delano. Is a Lord; even has quarters at the palace. Likes cigars. Father wanted him to focus more on the land they owned and other business ventures instead of joining the army—Perry agreed.

Family: Father = Sven.


When Perry meets Poppy and greets the rest of the group at the palace, Vonetta moves in to protect her from him. He takes that as confirmation that the rumors he’s heard about the new Queen of Atlantia are true. He helps Poppy off her horse and then asks if Delano is with them since he hasn’t seen his lover yet.

On the ship to Oak Ambler, Perry tells Poppy she’ll get her sea legs in no time. It’s clear she’s not so sure. Once they arrive, he offers to keep a ship nearby for them to use to return to Atlantia. He’s told to go back immediately—it’s just too risky.

He pulls Casteel aside and asks him to keep an eye on Delano for him while they’re apart, saying that sometimes the wolven is too brave. Cas promises that Delano will return to Perry.

Perry and the crew plan to take everything the group brought back to Atlantia—including my journal.

It’s good to see that everyone is keeping it so safe.

Perry plays the part of taskmaster perfectly as they load and unload crates of wine bottles for Oak Ambler. The ruse allows Casteel to compel the guards and then slip with the others past the Rise.

Later, Perry arrives with Kieran and Emil to deliver the Blood Queen’s gift to Poppy. He tells her the box has Primal magic and explains that those who know how to use it can create wards and spells that only respond to certain bloodlines. He relays that it should only require a drop or two of her

blood. When asked how he knows all that, he explains that he learned about Primal magic from his father.

When Poppy loses control over seeing Casteel’s dismembered finger, Delano—in wolven form—nudges him away.

As the storm kicks up, and the draken start falling from the sky, Perry arrives at Vessa’s room to see that she’s using Primal magic.

As Reaver tells them how the eather is stronger in thirdborn sons and daughters, Perry pays special attention and listens as the draken explains that Kolis’s essence made the Revenants what they are—neither alive nor dead.

Perry takes his medallion off the gold chain he wears and gives it to Poppy to carry Casteel’s wedding ring. He then sews the medallion into his armor—it’s clearly special.

He also offers up his cigar box to store Poppy’s and Casteel’s crowns and joins the others to guard the couple as they brief the generals.

Later, Kieran retrieves Poppy to heal Perry after he’s shot in the shoulder with an arrow. He argues that she doesn’t need to worry about him when she has so much other stuff she needs to do.

As they talk about the book Delano is reading, Perry remarks that I have led an interesting life—boy, have I ever—and then says that Casteel must have been overjoyed to read the journal and then meet me at the Council meeting.

The feeling was—and still is—entirely mutual.

Poppy heals him, and then he and Delano share a sweet kiss.

Perry joins Poppy and Sven in discussing Primal magic. When his father seems a little scattered, he gives him some whiskey to help him think. Once he’s settled, Perry asks why he keeps returning to the locator spell. As they get into more detail, Perry suggests that my journal may be the cherished item needed for the spell.

I mean, it’s definitely prized by many, but given what I know of Primal magic, I don’t think it would work as they intend.

When Poppy and the group return to Padonia with Cas, he gives the King a one-armed hug and tells him he looks good and that he’s been keeping an eye on Delano—a twenty-four-hour assignment. (I’m sure it’s one he doesn’t mind.) He adds that he never doubted that Kieran and their Queen would get Casteel back.

He catches sight of Malik and stiffens, his jaw tensing when he sees that the Prince looks good and not like he’s been a prisoner for a century.

As they discuss what happened while they were away, Perry tells them that no one was left alive in Whitebridge. Thousands were killed and turned into Craven—so many, they actually lost soldiers and wolven during the fight.

Once they discover that Eloana and I buried Malec in the Blood Forest, Perry realizes they never knew the blood trees grew where they did because it was the place of Malec’s interment.

Three days later, Perry joins the group in fighting a large group of Craven while looking for the god. He wields a bloodstone axe like an extension of his arm.

When Emil complains about the trees leaking and asks what it is, Perry quips that it’s in the name, insinuating that it’s blood.

Noticing that the Gyrms protecting Malec didn’t attack Poppy, he points it out to the others and says that he can’t be the only one who notices.

I lost track of him after that. I’m not sure if he was there when they went to the Bone Temple or if he stayed behind, but I know it’s not the last we’ll see of this fascinating Elemental Atlantian.



Hair: Jet-black. She wears it in a single braid.

Eyes: Amber.

Body type: Tall. Muscular.

Facial features: Skin is light brown with golden undertones.

Personality: No-nonsense.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Knows the magic that can create Gyrms.

Background: Elemental Atlantian. Commander of the Crown Guard.

Family: Unknown. Her family of choice is wolven Lizeth Damron, whom she is in a relationship with.


I do not know much about Hisa’s beginnings, but I hope to fill in those details as soon as possible. However, I can recount how she fits into the story once Poppy and Casteel enter the picture.

After the Unseen attack at the Contou residence, Hisa orders the guards to search the grounds. She mentions the Descenter mask found at the arson site and surmises that between that, the courtyard attack, and the ruins, they must all be connected and the work of the Unseen.

She’s present when Poppy and Casteel meet with Valyn and Eloana at Cove Palace. She’s also in attendance for the couple’s crowning and immediately begins shadowing her new charges.

Joining Kieran, Vonetta, Delano, Emil, and Naill, Hisa stands guard for the Council meeting. I remember seeing her there—she’s beautiful, has a presence, and is hard to miss.

When the group goes to Iliseeum for the first time, Hisa leads them through the crypts to the access tunnels and uses her keys to unlock the entrance. When they go to leave, she asks them to be safe and says the kingdom wants to get to know their new rulers.

Attending the planning meeting with Casteel’s parents, she realizes the land party will be spotted before the by-sea group even arrives in Oak Ambler—all attention will be on them. She then becomes part of that group, arriving by land with Lyra and Emil posing as Poppy and Cas.

Unfortunately, the Ascended capture them almost immediately.

After Tawny gets injured, Hisa remarks that she’s never seen a mortal wounded by shadowstone before and wonders if/hopes one of the Elders might know how to help. I did, thankfully.

When she’s ready to send her message, Poppy asks Hisa to send word to the Blood Crown that she wants to meet with them at the end of the following week and says to let them know she’ll only speak with the King or the Queen.

Once the group makes it to Massene, Hisa undertakes the task of creating a map of Oak Ambler. Later, she encourages Poppy to share the plans and makes sure to be present for the briefing with the generals. When they discuss warning the mortals before they converge on the cities, Hisa agrees that it’s a good idea. They then go over battle strategy, and she states they should kill any Ascended who attack, but only capture those who surrender. As planning drags on, she voices her concerns about the timing of rescuing Casteel and says she disagrees with that part of the scheme.

As the others go off, Hisa stays with Valyn to ensure the plans are followed. When her girlfriend, General Lizeth Damron, goes to leave to take care of her duties, she tells her to be careful. Lizeth responds: “But be brave.” And Hisa says, “Always,” before kissing her.

I love that so much.

Hisa and Valyn lead the army inside the city. Once there, she searches Castle Redrock with him and the other soldiers. They find and fight the Craven inside. When they encounter the Priests and Priestesses, Poppy has Hisa watch Framont and the others as she speaks with Valyn. After, they follow the Ascended Priestess to the room where the bodies of all the murdered children are.

As they settle in later, discussions turn to using magic to help locate Casteel. Not long after, Atlantian visitors arrive—Tawny and Gianna—and Hisa is unhappy that Lin didn’t get their names. When she sees Tawny and the evident changes in the mortal, she’s understandably leery of her.

In Padonia, Hisa joins the generals at the entrance to the manor. Later, over dinner, she and Lizeth share a quiet moment, and she insinuates that she knows why Isbeth wants Malec. Wondering about the after, Hisa asks what’s to become of the god after they defeat the Blood Crown. Do they put him back in the ground? She’s told someone will return him to his parents, Nyktos and his Consort—likely Reaver.

The night of Poppy, Cas, and Kieran’s Joining, Hisa spends time with Jasper and Valyn.

Once they retrieve Malec, Hisa rides next to the wagon, guarding their prize. When Poppy replies to Sven’s order to, “Be careful” with, “But be brave,” it makes Hisa smile.

During the big battle with Isbeth at the Bone Temple, a Revenant with shadowstone kills Hisa. Later, she revives and ends up sitting on a wall, staring at Poppy—likely in awe.



Hair: Chin-length and icy-blond.

Eyes: Wintery blue.

Facial features: Fair skin.

Background: Wolven. A general of the Atlantian Army.

Family: Unknown. Her family of choice is Elemental Atlantia Hisa Fa’Mar, Commander of the Crown Guard.


Like Hisa, I do not know much about Lizeth. Therefore, I can only tell you what I saw as it pertains to others.

Lizeth enters my field of view after Poppy and Casteel are crowned the new King and Queen of Atlantia.

Just before the meeting with the generals, Lizeth arrives with General Aylard and is curious about what’s going on. When the generals and others discuss strategy, Lizeth approves of the assessment that controlling the supplies to other ports is good—it will prevent the Blood Crown’s forces from entering that way, too. Seeing the map of Oak Ambler for the first time, she instantly knows it’s Hisa’s work.

When Poppy displays her power, Lizeth drops to a knee and addresses her as meyaah Liessa.

Before setting out for Oak Ambler, she and her girlfriend, Hisa, share a tender goodbye.

Later in Padonia, she welcomes the group’s arrival with Sven.

Over dinner, when she and Hisa are talking quietly, and Hisa mentions knowing why Isbeth wants Malec, she surmises that it’s because the Blood Queen thinks he will give her Atlantia.

Despite being a general, Lizeth looks forward to nothing more than an end to the war once and for all.






Dearest Diary,

This evening’s rendezvous deserves an entry. I knew the minute I walked away, sated and smiling, that I wanted to capture the event in glorious detail.

The air felt charged tonight during my time out, though whether from an encroaching storm or my excitement, I knew not. Regardless, it kissed me as it passed, billowing my gown and caressing my bared skin, making goose

bumps rise deliciously. I can feel them in this moment as I write, a frisson of anticipation skittering down my spine.

I can almost taste the whiskey I sipped as I walked, the scents of jasmine and night-blooming roses surrounding me like a fine perfume, reminding me of the buxom blonde I dallied with some moons prior. She’d smelled of forbidden nights and wicked fantasies—something we’d made a reality.

Mmm. I’m shivering now just remembering it.

But back to tonight’s adventure…

As I walked to join my paramour for our scandalous tryst, an agreement made on the dance floor of a Lord and Lady’s pre-Rite ball, the maze rose on either side of me, its lush, leafy walls silvery-green in the moonlight. I reached out and touched the shrubs, the scrape of the sheared branches and leaves on my palm and fingertips reminding me of whiskers on delicate flesh.

Making my way to the center of the labyrinth, I recall thinking of what awaited me there. Not a mystical beast of lore, but a virile male of exquisite masculine beauty—though if I’m being honest (and I am always honest with myself) I’d hoped he would devour me in much more pleasurable ways.

Even now, here in my chambers, my face stretches as I remember the thought—and the ways in which those hopes were fulfilled.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

I made my way through the twisting and turning hedgerows until I reached the center of the maze, finishing my last sip of liquor as I cleared

the leafy wall, the delicate burn of the spirits like a warm hug. It lit me from within, but not as much as the scene spread out before me.

The gracious hosts of this evening’s activities—well, the ones inside the manor, anyway—had bedecked their labyrinthian garden with an ornate

wrought iron table and chairs and tall sconce torches with flickering firelight.

The circular clearing was filled with flowering trees that I knew would be a vibrant fuchsia in the daylight but were the color of mulled wine in the incandescent glow of the moon.

But even that wasn’t what caught my attention. No, what had me stopped in my tracks, my gaze riveted, was the man sprawled on a cushioned chaise lounge, his taut, toned skin on display, nothing but the

gossamer tail of one of the curtains affixed to the arch under which he sat covering his manhood.

His features were as I remembered yet made almost more ethereal by the moonlight. Chiseled cheeks and square jaw, a scar running along his

cheekbone to his right temple. The healed wound only heightened his

attractiveness and lent credence to his strength. He had an intelligence about him that you couldn’t escape, even from one look into his gorgeous

green eyes, slightly hooded and highlighted by the slash of dark brows. His tawny hair was just above shoulder-length and wavy, giving him a roguish air and blatant sex appeal that had first drawn me to him across the


I continued taking him in, my wandering gaze traveling leisurely from head to toe. Even from the distance, I could see that he was primed and

ready for me, eagerly awaiting my arrival.

I clearly remember now the thrill that ran through me, the sense of

power and pride. Just the anticipation of meeting me here had done these

things to a man who had seemed so very much in control earlier in the eve.

I also remember thinking—and hoping—that he’d exert some of that control over me.

He did not disappoint.

I walked toward him, putting an extra sway in my step, and running my tongue over the rim of the crystal glass I held, holding his gaze the entire way.

I set the tumbler on the table as I passed, watching, attention rapt, as General Ximien palmed himself through the gauzy curtain, the muscles in his bent leg bunching, the moonlight glinting off sweat already dotting his tempting skin the captivating color of amber.

When I reached him, I started disrobing, slowly, pieces and

accoutrements of my festival attire falling to the dewy grass beneath my slippered feet, my gaze never leaving his.

He peered up at me all the while, the light in his eyes flashing, his teeth gripping the plump flesh of his lower lip, impressive chest heaving with


I asked him if he liked what he saw, and his only response was a deep groan as he gripped himself harder.

When I shed the last vestiges of my attire, I let my hair down, watching as a blue-black curl fell forward to flirt with a nipple. The silky feel of it added to the intense pleasure I felt starting to spiral up my spine, making

the already tight buds bead almost painfully in the humid night air.

And still, he merely stared—the appreciation in his gaze ratcheting my desire. Something about the distance between us was even more erotic than if he’d reached for me, that charge in the air creating an invisible tether that turned into a buzz in my blood. Yet despite the excitement, I felt empty, bereft. In need of touch.

And so, I touched myself. I gripped my breasts, palming the heavy

globes and pinching the tingling tips between my fingers, my eyes closing and head falling back on a sigh.

In a heartbeat, I felt the air stir and heard movement as General Ximien, one of Queen Ileana’s Royal Guards, jerked me against his hard body, his pulsing cock trapped between us, leaving a cooling trail of

wetness behind as he shifted for better access. I suddenly wanted to know what he would taste like. Would he be smoky? Sweet? Tart?

But before I could voice those desires, he had my hair wrapped around

a fist and his mouth on mine, a finger sliding into the crevice of my backside as he pulled me tighter against him.

It was no tentative kiss. It was one of claiming—unleashed passion and pent-up desire, coalescing into a firestorm of need. I remember thinking that if our first kiss was such, the rest of the night should be glorious, indeed.

I reached between us and palmed his impressive erection, the silky feel of his skin over the steel beneath wringing a groan from me. The Arae had

blessed him. My fingers barely touched around the thickness of his shaft, and when I opened my hand, my fingertips finding the coarse curls of his groin, the time it took in my slide until the heel of my hand reached his tip was a bit shocking—in the most captivating and exciting way.

I recall thinking that I couldn’t wait to feel the stretch and burn of him. To see if his curve hit me in that spot inside that made galaxies burst to life behind my eyes.

He released my hair and hoisted me into his powerful arms. I wrapped my legs around him, the ridges of his abdomen creating a delicious friction that had me tightening my thighs and rotating my hips in his hold.

He raised an eyebrow and flashed me a devastating smile, whispering something about me being greedy before nipping my lip. I can’t remember if I said anything in return.

When he deposited me on the chaise, I wondered if we’d go straight to

the fucking—I was certainly primed and ready—or if he’d have other ideas. Turned out, he had a great many other ideas.

He urged me back on the cushion and then jerked me down, his fingers indenting on my thighs in a way that had me wondering if I’d have bruises on the morrow. They’d be badges of honor if they did manifest.

He urged my thighs apart, moving closer to drape first one and then the other leg over his broad shoulders as he flashed me a lascivious grin.

And then he descended.

He ran his turgid tongue along the length of me several times, then delved deeply, swirling and twisting that wonderful muscle in ways no other lover had (and I have been with a great many and varied bedpartners over my long life). Just as he had me panting, he retreated, but not far, just up a bit to lap at that bundle of nerves already throbbing for him. For more.

He repeated the process several times, always keeping me guessing as to what he would do next. All I could do was try to breathe and grip his sandy hair in my fists, urging him on as my body came alive.

When I finally crested that peak and cried out my pleasure to the night, my muscles locked tight and core convulsing in a seemingly never-ending wave, he drank of me as if I were the finest wine.

With one final scandalous lick, he raised his head, a knowing smirk on his face, and then told me I was delicious as he took my lips in a searing

kiss so I could taste for myself.

In that moment, I wanted to return the favor. I wanted to see how he tasted and thought back to my initial thoughts as I’d felt the evidence of his desire on my stomach. When I told him as much, he actually declined. I wasn’t sure that a man before him had ever said no to having my lips wrapped around their cock. But this one, he said that he wanted to be deep inside me when he found his release. That he wanted to feel me squeezing

him so tightly it was almost painful before I shattered and screamed his name to the heavens.

And that’s exactly what he did.

With barely a warning, he sheathed himself in me, to the hilt, and the wanton invasion startled a gasp out of me. As expected, he stretched me

delightfully and hit me so deeply, the combination of sensations was just shy of pain. But that fever-bright edge of pleasure-pain only coiled my need


He set a beautiful rhythm, not too fast and not too slow, and I swiveled and lifted my hips to meet each thrust, holding on for the ride, my arms

barely able to wrap around his broad chest and shoulders, my nails digging in.

He hissed at one point and asked for more, and I obliged, scoring his back with evidence of the pleasure he wrought.

When he shifted positions and found that spot deep inside me, I did indeed see stars. And he was punishing in his single-minded tenacity to wring every last ounce of pleasure from me until I did—as he’d wanted— scream his name to the moon, the night birds taking flight from the trees, their cries in harmony with mine.

Even now, in the quiet of my room, I remember the ecstasy. I felt that orgasm from the top of my head to the tips of my toes and everywhere in between. The tingling rush and tightening release as I simply let go and gave myself over to the pleasure. It was extraordinary.

I had assumed that he would follow me, but he surprised me yet again

by picking me up in one deft move and moving us both to the cool dampness of the lawn, the chilled dew a striking contrast to my heated flesh.

He positioned me on my hands and knees, running a calloused palm down my spine and eliciting a shiver before caressing and grasping one round globe of my ass.

He gently lowered my head with a hand on my hair, and I felt his broad tip at my entrance. I braced myself for another invasion, but he eased

himself in this time with aching slowness, tiny advances and delightful

retreats, the friction of the slide making my body come alive again in ways I didn’t think possible.

When the teasing almost became too much, I pushed back into him, and he moved his hands to hold me still, gently admonishing me before leaning over to nip my earlobe and swirl that incomparable tongue around the shell of my ear.

He continued his erotic torment until I found myself doing something I didn’t remember ever doing before. I begged. I pleaded. I whimpered for release. I wanted to feel bad about that, but I didn’t. And even now as I

write this, I don’t. I loved that he had given me something I hadn’t experienced before.

But those words, the sounds I let free, seemed to make something snap in him. Suddenly, he was thrusting with such an intensity, I worried it might break me, but…what a way to go. When he reached around and down and

pressed against my clit, I erupted in another intense orgasm, the force of it locking the air in my lungs.

With two final thrusts, his thighs connecting with mine, he roared his release to the night.

I still couldn’t catch my breath, much less hold myself up any longer, but before I could extricate myself or fall flat on my face, he rose and urged me up with him, the two of us still connected, still throbbing. He loosely wrapped a gentle hand around my throat, his thumb caressing my pulse point, and kissed my shoulder, then my neck, causing a new flurry of goose bumps to rise.

I tipped my head to the side to give him better access, and he didn’t disappoint. Just as I felt him starting to slip free of me, he kissed the spot behind my ear, gently, sweetly, making me sigh. And then he whispered something I will never forget.

He said, “You are a remarkable and extraordinary creature, Wilhelmina Colyns. You have beauty to rival the gods, and cunning to put any cave cat to shame. You have utterly bewitched me, and I shall never forget you for as long as I live. I will take these memories with me into battle when next I am called.”

I turned in his arms and kissed him then, showing him without words how much I appreciated the evening, as well. We had given each other

things that I didn’t think either of us realized were missing.

We dressed in silence, simply stealing appreciative glances at each

other. He helped me with the last bits of my corset and gown, even though I didn’t need the help, and I assisted in straightening the lapels of his vest and the cuffs of his shirt.

We shared one last dance under the stars, no music but the sounds

nature provided, and then kissed sweetly one last time, an intimate goodbye.

I turned as I was leaving the clearing, wanting a mental portrait of the setting to take with me. General Ximien was fastening his sword belt around his waist and tucking a wicked-looking dagger into his boot but looked up

at me with such a look of reverence it made my body flush.

He called to me that he’d find me again, and I gave him a saucy wink and told him he could try, then made my way through the intricate

hedgerow maze once more, so dazed from pleasure that I took a couple of wrong turns and had to double back.

When I reached my carriage and headed home, the events of the night continued to play in my mind, just as they do now.

I have always said that life is for living and I have never been one to waste a day, but I think if anyone were to ask me, I might give up one of

those days for another hour in that man’s arms. The pleasure he brought me was incredible—and as you know, diary, I am no stranger to seduction and pleasure. Plus, I was able to take one of the Blood Queen’s guards away

from his Royal duty for a while. Just long enough for what I saw in my vision to manifest—or at least I hope.

I guess we’ll see.

Still, tonight was definitely an encounter fit for these pages. Willa





Click here to see a full-size image of Isbeth by art.bymikki.

Isbeth is a complex ruler. She started out as merely a woman in love, but circumstances embittered her and caused her to become something cold— and all of that was before she had time to let the circumstances of her unusual Ascension affect her. I could give her a pass; she did, after all, lose her child and have her love stolen from her, and all after being denied the one thing she wanted most. However, we all have a choice in how we behave and whether we use the things that happen to us in our lives to make us better, transmuting that negative energy so we vibrate at an even higher frequency and then using it to help others. Or if we fall into the despair and let it turn us dark. Isbeth embraced her need for revenge and let go of all her light to reach her ultimate goals.

Hair: Dark auburn in loose, waist-length curls.

Eyes: Nearly black.

Body type: Slender. Almost impossibly narrow waist.

Facial features: Pale skin. Lush, red lips. High, arched brows. High cheekbones.

Distinguishing features: Nose pierced with ruby gem. Faint glimmer of silver in her pupils.

Other: Also known as Queen Ileana. Laugh like tinkling bells. Smells like roses and vanilla.

Personality: Cruel. Conniving. Vindictive. Strategic. Dramatic.


Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Still loves Malec. Has a thing for cleanliness. Incredibly detail oriented. Wears Malec’s ring on her

index finger—Atlantian gold with a pink diamond.

Background: Demis—was Ascended by a god. Malec’s heartmate.

Queen of Solis.

Family: Son = name unknown † (killed by Alastir). Daughters = Millicent and Penellaphe.


As the Queen of Solis, Ileana was always on my radar. As an Atlantian, I simply couldn’t abide what she and her people were doing. But when I started getting glimpses of overlapping items for her—layered images, even

—it was then that I realized there was much more than meets the eye when it came to the Blood Queen.

When I saw the meeting between Poppy and Ileana, whereupon she revealed her true identity, I knew that nothing would ever be the same. It answered so many questions yet created a multitude of others at the same time.

From the minute Poppy, Cas, and their people come face-to-face with Ileana/Isbeth following Ian’s invitation, the Blood Queen employs the snark. There is seemingly no end to her narcissism. When Poppy gives as good as she gets, Isbeth remarks that Ian didn’t tell her that Poppy had found and sharpened her tongue.

She asks Poppy if she’s bonded to Kieran. When she responds that she’s bonded to all the wolven, the Queen taunts Malik and tells him he missed out. She then adds that she knows Poppy became Queen of Atlantia—just as she hoped—but that she married the wrong brother. Malik chimes in and confirms that, yes, Poppy was to be Ascended, and that he was to be her Ascension of the flesh.

Cas lashes out at his brother, and Ileana chimes in that she’s curious about which of the brothers would win in a fight. She says she’d bet on Casteel as he was always a fighter, even when on the verge of being broken.

She makes it clear that she invited them so they could come to an agreement regarding the future. She says she is fond of Poppy but warns her against thinking that the care is a weakness because she is the Queen and demands respect.

Ileana reveals that Alastir told her about the ultimatum Poppy and Cas came to give and doesn’t hide her joy when she finds out that he’s dead. As they talk about the deal some more, Ileana vehemently states that she will

see the entire kingdom burn before she offers even a single acre of land. She then counteroffers: claim Atlantia in her name and swear fealty to her. She tells them they can keep their Prince and Princess titles but that she will send several of her Dukes and Duchesses over to establish Royal Seats in Atlantia. Once they make the citizens believe it’s what’s best for the kingdom and dismantle the armies, they are then to bring Queen Eloana and King Valyn to Carsodonia to be tried for treason.

As talk of war surfaces once more, Ileana tells them she has over one hundred thousand mortal soldiers and several thousand Royal Knights if it comes to that. Still, they should really be worrying about the Revenants… because they’re not mortal. She demonstrates this by having Millicent killed so they can all watch her resurrect. She explains more about the Revenants and says she has enough to make an army.

She states that the War of Two Kings never ended; there has merely been a strained truce. She then adds that she wants the Atlantian people’s respect, which is why she hasn’t yet attacked. Poppy argues as Poppy is wont to do, and then Ileana reveals that the people likely won’t be so accepting once they discover their new leader is the Queen of Solis’s daughter.

Poppy tells her that Duchess Teerman said that Ileana was her grandmother. In response, Ileana calls her loyal but stupid. She tells Poppy that she is her mother and explains why she had Cora raise her. She then claims that she had no idea about the abuse Duke Teerman inflicted upon Poppy and says she would have flayed the skin from his bones and left him to be eaten by buzzards had she known. She also reveals that Cora was a Revenant and that she survived the Craven attack at Lockswood but not Ileana’s wrath for absconding with Poppy.

After that big revelation, she adds that she isn’t actually Ascended and wasn’t the first vampry. She then details her poisoning at the hands of Eloana, as well as her Ascension by Malec, whom she insists Eloana ruined.

Seeing the doubt, Isbeth proves she’s not Ascended by ripping off the curtains and remaining unharmed in the sunlight. It shocks those gathered, but not as much as her next tidbit. She tells them that Malec is a god, and that Eloana didn’t know. She shares Malec’s plan and what happened and says that the former King and Queen of Atlantia took everything from her when all she did wrong was love. She says she’ll never feel again what she

felt for Malec and vows to take everything from them—from Atlantia—in retribution.

When Poppy tells her that the blame lies with her and nobody else, Isbeth orders Ian to be killed, claiming that she loved him as if he were her child and flipping everything around on Poppy, telling her Ian’s death was her fault.

Manipulative sociopath, much?

In her rage, Poppy’s power flares and takes Isbeth by surprise, though she easily redirects the eather with a single flick of her nails. She then tells her daughter that Poppy’s greatest weakness is that she doubts what she sees with her eyes and knows with her heart. She tells her that they’re gods and should fight like gods. She follows the proclamation with a show of power that grips Poppy by the throat to teach her a valuable lesson.

Lyra attacks to save Poppy, and Isbeth kills her without hesitation.

When others move to attack in response, she warns that if anyone else even thinks it, she will snap Poppy’s neck. Turning her attention back to her daughter, she says that Poppy needs to learn that she never had a choice, even though she still believes she does.

As Isbeth tightens her hold on Poppy, Casteel pleads with her to stop and offers to give himself up, stating it’s how the Queen can best control Poppy—by taking what she values most. She remarks that he was always her favorite pet and says that when Poppy wakes, she’ll know exactly what needs to be done to keep her husband alive.

She orders Malik to retrieve his brother and allows the others to leave, giving them Tawny as a sign of goodwill, though with a shadowstone wound.

They leave and head back to Carsodonia, where she has Malik and all the Revenants watching Casteel.

Visiting her new prisoner, she tries to get Cas on her side and to open

his eyes. When Cas accuses her of being the reason Poppy has her scars and states she was abused, Isbeth is clearly bothered and asks if the Duke’s death was painful. Cas tells her yes, that he made it so, and she tells him she’s glad.

As talk turns to Casteel’s parents, Isbeth says that she pitied his mother. She didn’t hate her at first, but she certainly does now. Isbeth then tells him that she’s a demis and asks what Cas knows about Malec.

After Poppy beheads Jalara, Isbeth tells Casteel what happened, and he laughs. She also tells him that Poppy claimed Malec is alive, knows where he is, and threatened to kill him. When she says that she believes Poppy could actually do it, she asks Cas if it’s true that the god is still alive and where he is. He tells her he doesn’t know, and she believes him.

Talking more, Isbeth says she never wanted to be at war with her daughter. She fully expected Poppy to go along with the plans and let Malik Ascend her. She then adds that she doesn’t just want Atlantia, she wants more, and things have already begun—Poppy was destined to help her accomplish her goals.

Casteel taunts her about seeing a cave cat in Oak Ambler and asks if it’s the same one Poppy saw as a child. Isbeth tells him the cat is fine and in the same place Poppy saw it, then threatens to feed it the next finger she takes from Casteel—the first being the one she sent to Poppy with the note of

apology and his wedding ring.

Taking her unawares, Cas stabs her in the chest with a sharpened bone, barely missing her heart by an inch.

Remarking on how strong Cas is, she says it’s to be expected; he’s Elemental and also has Poppy’s blood in him. She tells him about the Primals’ weakness and how love can be used as weapons to impair and then end them, that a Primal can be born in the mortal realm—something she learned from Malec—and that the gods rushed the Primals into their eternity by Ascending. However, she says the Fates created a loophole that allowed the greatest power to rise again, but only in a female of the Primal of Life’s lineage, thus suggesting that Isbeth didn’t birth a god, she birthed a Primal: Poppy.

When Poppy and the group come to rescue Casteel, her subjects carry Isbeth into the Great Hall on a litter that looks like a gilded bird cage.

Basking in the thunderous reception she receives, Isbeth remarks that she won’t waver in the face of a godless kingdom and then tells the crowd that the harbinger has awakened, and that Atlantia is laying waste to cities while raping and brutalizing the people of Solis. She follows that with a promise the people will be spared, before asking them to avenge their King.

Isbeth gives a subject a Royal Blessing, gloating because the truth is out, and those with Poppy know what’s actually happening. Later, she tells Poppy she can easily reclaim the lost cities, earning some name-calling from her daughter. Poppy then breaks Malik’s mental shields, and Callum

gets stabbed. Isbeth tells Poppy that what she did wasn’t nice and orders the

mess and Malik to be removed.

Flexing her power some more, she grabs Poppy by the chin and reminds her that she carried her in her womb and cared for her until it wasn’t safe to do so. She says that’s why she tolerates from her what she wouldn’t take from anyone else, and why she’ll give Poppy what she hasn’t earned. She tells her that she can see Casteel or her father—the cave cat, Ires—but not both, and then adds that she must choose now or see neither.

Isbeth separates Kieran, Reaver, and Poppy and has Malik escort the men to individual rooms. As she leads Poppy through Wayfair, she reminds her that Reaver’s and Kieran’s safety depends on her behavior and brings up watching Poppy and Ian running through the halls they now walk, once again rehashing the painful memory of Ian’s death.

When Poppy sees the state Casteel is in, she lashes out, and Isbeth tells her that threats aren’t necessary and are actually pointless since her Revenants can’t be killed, and any draken who remain are with the Atlantian armies.

Isbeth taunts Poppy that Cas would be in better condition if he just behaved, and Poppy reacts with a show of power. Isbeth warns her that she’ll only tolerate so much disrespect, which causes Poppy to pull back. The Queen remarks that Poppy is powerful and has grown, but she’d better learn to control her temper, and fast.

While talking about Coralena, Isbeth insinuates that the Handmaiden hid her actual eye color—the nearly colorless hue—from Poppy with magic that Isbeth lent to her.

Sometime later, Callum gets stabbed again, and it annoys Isbeth. Because Millie laughed, she orders her other daughter to remove the Revenant. Poppy asks Isbeth how she’s been able to hide her identity from the Ascended for so long, and she says that they don’t look too closely and would rather be oblivious than see what’s right in front of them. Not to mention, they see her as being godlike. She adds that those who do question are swiftly dealt with.

Looking at her daughter, Isbeth tells Poppy that her eyes are like her father’s and says the essence would get stronger and swirl in them when he got angry. Poppy asks Isbeth how she captured Ires, and the Blood Queen says that he came to her two hundred years after the war ended, looking for his brother. She then adds that the one with him—presumably, Jadis—could

sense Malec’s blood and led Ires right to her. Isbeth also reveals that the draken had been dealt with.

She relays that while she knew Malec had a twin, she thought it was Malec when she first saw Ires—until he spoke. She even entertained the idea that maybe she could pretend it was Malec and fall in love with Ires. When Poppy inquires, Isbeth tells her that she didn’t force herself on Ires. He chose to stay. She said he’d become intrigued by the world and curious about the Ascended and what his brother had been doing, but when he wanted to return to Iliseeum, she couldn’t let him. He was angry, but when they came together, both times, it wasn’t against his will. It wasn’t an act of love, but she wanted a strong child and knew what Poppy would be with Ires as her father. For him, it was just about lust and hatred. He even tried to kill her afterward.

When Poppy asks her where Ires is, Isbeth tells her that he’s not at Wayfair, silently confirming that the Blood Queen wouldn’t have let her see him even if Poppy had chosen him over Casteel. She says she couldn’t let Ires leave because she needs him to make Revenants. She also lets it slip that the etchings in the stone and the borrowed magic are safeguards to keep things in—and out.

The two continue to bicker: about Poppy not bowing, about the Rite and the Craven, about Poppy being the harbinger. And Isbeth tells Poppy if the Atlantian armies show up at the capital, she will line the Rise with infants. To which Poppy says she won’t negotiate.

Isbeth admits that vengeance has kept her going all this time and states she doesn’t actually want Atlantia; she wants to see it burn, and every Atlantian dead. But she doesn’t blame Eloana, even though she has something very special in store for her. She blames Nyktos for not answering Malec’s call for the heartmate trial. That was the catalyst and why Malec Ascended her in the first place. The Primal could have prevented all of what happened.

She goes on to say that Malec said Nyktos was particularly fond of the Atlantians and saw them as his children. Their creation was the result of the first heartmate trial and a product of love. By eliminating them, Isbeth feels she would get the justice she seeks.

As they continue talking, she tells Poppy that she’ll do what she was born to do: deliver death to her enemies. She says that Poppy’s just like her, and Isbeth will force her hand if necessary to prove how alike they are.

Then, as an act of power, she kills a mortal couple by crushing them with her will. When Poppy lashes out, she has her escorted to her room and kept under guard, telling her they’ll talk more later.

After Poppy and the others escape, Isbeth catches up to them and tries to take Malik back. In the melee, Callum wounds and curses Kieran. Isbeth orders Poppy to find Malec and bring him to her and warns them all that there’s no escape—they’re surrounded by Revenants. She adds that if Poppy refuses her command, she’ll regret it until her last breath. She gives Poppy a week to retrieve Malec. Poppy demands three, and Isbeth agrees to two. When Poppy says she needs something of Malec’s, Isbeth hands over the pink diamond ring that used to belong to her heartmate, saying it’s all she has of him.

Before she leaves, Isbeth kills Blaz and Clariza, making them nothing but dry husks and saying that the only good Descenter is a dead one.

Isbeth arrives at the Bone Temple with a sizable force. When Poppy and the others arrive, she asks where Malec is and refuses to have the curse lifted from Kieran until she sees the god. Once the casket is open, she tells them that he won’t rise unless given blood and that nothing can wake him. She speaks old Atlantian to Malec and then gives the okay for Callum to lift the curse on Kieran when Cas reminds her to live up to her end of the bargain. She once again states that if Nyktos had only granted them the heartmates trial, they’d be together, though not ruling over Atlantia. They’d have traveled the realm, found a place where they felt at peace, and would have lived out their days with their son and any other children they may have had. She then tells Malec how much she loves him and insists that he has to know that, even in sleep. She kisses him and reiterates how much he and their son mean to her, then pleads with him to understand as she screams and stabs him in the heart with a shadowstone dagger. Sobbing, she apologizes some more and shouts for her army to protect their King— meaning Kolis.

Isbeth continues to taunt Poppy, and a fight breaks out. When Delano dies, the battle turns godlike. Isbeth is eventually wounded: a cut curving across her temple, narrowly missing her left eye, another on her forehead, and her nose and mouth bleeding. But when Millie tries to remove the dagger from Malec’s chest to stop the events in motion, Isbeth has enough in her to take out her first daughter with eather, remarking that she’s been betrayed by both daughters.

When Poppy gets the upper hand, she rips the crown from Isbeth’s head and backhands her with it, knocking out some teeth. Then, when Poppy screams the Consort’s name, Isbeth can only watch in stunned amazement. The awe soon turns to terror.

Poppy tells her that the Consort knew what Isbeth plotted and saw it all in her sleep. Isbeth argues that the Consort must know that she did it all for Malec and her child—the Consort’s son and grandson. Poppy returns that it was all for nothing. The Consort likely would have forgiven Malec for Ascending Isbeth, but her grief, hatred, and thirst for vengeance rotted her. What she became and brought upon the realm will not save her, heal her, or take away her pain. It will not bring her glory, love, or peace.

Then the Consort, through Poppy, tells Isbeth that what she’s done to those of her blood will not be erased. Nothing of Isbeth will be recorded in history yet to be written. She will not be known or worthy of remembrance. Then, Poppy—with the Consort—strikes out with power, breaking Isbeth’s arms, legs, and spine. She speaks in the Consort’s voice and tells Isbeth that her death won’t be honorable or quick, and that Nyktos awaits, ready to start her eternity in the Abyss. Isbeth bleeds from her pores. Her flesh cracks and peels as muscles and ligaments tear, and bones splinter. Her hair falls out, no longer rooted.

And then, she is no more.



While a vital piece of the puzzle, I must admit that King Jalara is somewhat gray-washed to me. Alas, he did play a role in history and thus must be recorded.

Hair: Golden, brushing the tops of his ears.

Facial features: Heavy brow. Straight nose. Square jaw. Thin lips.

Distinguishing features: Good-looking.

Personality: Smug.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Always wears his crown.

Rarely smiles.

Background: King of Solis. Originally from the Vodina Isles. By the time he fought in Pompay at the Battle of Broken Bones, Malec was no longer on the throne. It’s said that he was close to Leopold’s father. Was alive during the Atlantian’s rule. Killed Preela.


Honestly, Jalara seemed to blend into the background more often than not during my research. Until Isbeth makes her move. Then, Jalara starts to flex the muscles of his position a bit more.

When Poppy arrives in Oak Ambler, Jalara doesn’t meet with her immediately. When he finally does, he disrespectfully calls her Maiden, but is visibly shocked to see that she wears the crown of gilded bones.

Not holding back, he makes it very clear how he feels about the wolven, calling them disgusting heathens and overgrown dogs. He also threatens to take every rude word that Poppy says out on her husband, taunting that Casteel has found his stay with them less than pleasant. He then relays how Ileana almost convinced him that Poppy had been captured despite his sacrifice and revels in the remembrance of his screams of rage, calling them a serenade for the ages.

When Poppy calls the Blood Queen Isbeth, Jalara gets annoyed and says Ileana is no longer Isbeth. I can only imagine it hurts his pride a little since, as Isbeth, she was Malec’s heartmate and not Jalara’s wife and he knows that she never got over him. He then taunts Poppy that she can’t defeat Ileana and outright laughs at her, saying that while she may be of Nyktos’s

blood, she really is—and will always be—only the Maiden who is part beauty and part disaster.

After expressing his irritation that they called upon him to receive a message that isn’t submission or surrender, Poppy tells him that he is the message.

Kieran, in wolven form, attacks and holds him in place as Poppy beheads him.







Click here to see a full-size image of the Bloodlines Tree by Hang Le.



Wolven: Kiyou wolves given mortal form by a god—thought to be Nyktos—to guard and protect the children of the gods and guide them in the mortal world.

Elemental Atlantians: Atlantians with the purest bloodline—one that can be traced to the very first and, therefore, to the gods. They are descendants of the first mortal who underwent the heartmate trial with a deity and were thus granted a longer life.

Some of the older bloodlines are the descendants of deities and the first Atlantians. Their abilities to shift are directly related to the deity they descend from, and thus the god or Primal. Some of the newer generations are descended from Elemental Atlantians and wolven. Changelings are often said to be products of a deity and wolven pairing, though I’m not sure that’s true in every case.

Ceeren: Can shift into waterfolk.

Wivern: Can shift into large cats.

Changelings: Most can only shift into varied animal forms, but a select few can take on the appearance and mannerisms of another person. Some have other skills, as well, such as Seer visions.



The Warrior bloodlines—warriors born and not trained—differ from the other Atlantian bloodlines. There were dozens of unique lines at one time, each marked by special talents that made them dangerous to face in battle. Many Warrior lines died out hundreds of years before the Ascended, and their abilities changed as mortal blood was introduced to the lines.

Empath: Sometimes called Soul Eaters. Able to read the emotions of others and turn them into weapons, amplifying negative feelings. They could also heal. The closest Warrior bloodline to the deities. They were skilled in battle and thought to be the boldest and bravest of the Warrior lines.

Primordial: Able to summon the elements during battle—mostly earth, wind, or rain.

Cimmerian: Able to call upon the night, blocking out the sun and blinding their foes to movement.

Pryo: Able to summon flames to their blades.

Unknown: Able to call upon the souls of the ones who were slain by those they fought.



As a member of the Council, I hadn’t thought much about documenting the Elders and our notable traits. However, once I understood the purpose of these records, their importance became clear. So, let me introduce you to the Council.

Before Malec O’Meer’s [Mierel’s] reign, when deities still held power but were becoming outnumbered by other bloodlines, the Council of Elders was established. Its purpose was to ensure that no decisions were made that could endanger the people of Atlantia.

While the Crown holds ultimate authority, the Council plays a vital role, and our opinions are valued.

There were only two occasions when we were ignored, both with serious repercussions. The first was before Malec’s rule, when we believed the crown should pass to one of the bloodlines rather than the deities. The second was when Malec elevated Isbeth, against our advice to apologize and rectify the situation.

He did not heed our counsel.

We assist in governing alongside the King and Queen of Atlantia when necessary, usually only called upon for significant decisions. Prior to the recent transfer of crowns, the last time the Council convened was when Malik became a prisoner of the Blood Crown.

The Council is made up of a mix of representatives, nine in total at any given time:


See Jasper’s file for more information. As the head of the wolven, Jasper represents them on the Council.

However, there are alternates for when he cannot attend a meeting or vote (see below).


Hair: Blond with silver strands.

Bloodline: Wolven.

Personality: Finds humor in others’ ridiculousness. Somewhat cautious, but more strategic.

Background: Assists with the security of the kingdom and holds a position in the Atlantian Army.

WILHELMINA COLYNS (it’s strange writing about myself in the third person)

Hair: Thick, curly, raven-black.

Eyes: Golden-brown.

Facial features: Deep, rich brown skin. Full lips. Distinguishing features: Impish smile. Throaty, smoky voice. Bloodline: Changeling. Seer.

Personality: Headstrong. Also finds humor in others’ ridiculousness.

Deep thinker. Matchmaker.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Knows a face whether half-hidden or not. Likes whiskey. Sensual.

Background: Oldest member of the Council—two thousand years old.

Author of Miss Willa’s Diary.


Hair: Dark.

Eyes: Amber.

Facial features: Rich brown skin, broad and warm features.

Bloodline: Elemental Atlantian.

Personality: Easily bored.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Has always been fascinated with Primal magic—collecting things having to do with it, talking about it…

Background: Assists with the security of the kingdom and holds a position in the Atlantian Army.


Hair: Dark, turning silver at the temples.

Eyes: Bright yellow.

Bloodline: Elemental Atlantian.

Other: Very old—one of the oldest Elders—but at least one thousand years younger than Wilhelmina.

Personality: Set in his ways. Anxious. Somewhat bigoted and closeminded.


Hair: Icy-blond.

Eyes: Golden.

Facial features: Pale skin. Bloodline: Elemental Atlantian. Personality: Worrier. Dismissive.


Hair: Dark brown.

Facial features: Sand-colored skin.

Bloodline: Atlantian.

Personality: Kind-hearted.

Background: Husband and son died in the war.

There are two other males on the Council. One mortal and one unknown bloodline. I do not know much about them and have never paid them much heed, thus I am leaving them off this record for now.

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