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Chapter no 50

Unravel Me (Shatter Me Book 2)

Iโ€™m so humiliated.

Iโ€™ve been thinking about this all night and I came to a realization this morning. Warner mustโ€™ve told Castle on purpose. Because heโ€™s playing games with me, because he hasnโ€™t changed, because heโ€™s still trying to get me to do his bidding. Heโ€™s still trying to get me to be his project and heโ€™s trying to hurt me.

I wonโ€™t allow it.

I will not allow Warner to lie to me, to manipulate my emotions to get what he wants. I canโ€™t believe I felt pity for himโ€”that I felt weakness, tenderness for him when I saw him with his fatherโ€”that I believed him when he told me his thoughts about my journal. Iโ€™m such a gullible fool.

I was an idiot to ever think he might be capable of human emotion.

I told Castle that maybe he should put someone else on this assignment now that he knows Warner can touch me; I told him it might be dangerous now. But he laughed and he laughed and he laughed and he said, โ€œOh, Ms. Ferrars, Iโ€™m quite,ย quiteย certain you will be able to defend yourself. In fact, youโ€™re probably much better equipped against him than any of us. Besides,โ€ he added, โ€œthis is an ideal situation. If he truly is in love with you, you must be able to use that to our advantage somehow. We need your help,โ€ he said to me, serious again. โ€œWe need all the help we can find, and right now youโ€™re the one person who might be able to get the answers we need. Please,โ€ he said. โ€œTry to find out anything you can. Anything at all. Winston and Brendanโ€™s lives are at risk.โ€

And heโ€™s right.

So Iโ€™m shoving my own concerns aside because Winston and Brendan are out there, hurting somewhere, and we need to find them. And Iโ€™m going to do whatever I can to help.

Which means I have to talk to Warner again.

I have to treat him just like the prisoner that he is. No more side conversations. No falling for his efforts to confuse me. Not again and again and again. Iโ€™m going to be better. Smarter.

And I want my notebook back.

The guards are unlocking his room for me and Iโ€™m marching in, Iโ€™m sealing the door shut behind me and Iโ€™m getting ready to give him the speech Iโ€™ve already prepared when I stop in place.

I donโ€™t know what I was expecting.

Maybe I thought Iโ€™d catch him trying to break a hole in the wall or maybe heโ€™d be plotting the demise of every person at Omega Point or I donโ€™t know I donโ€™t know I donโ€™t know anything because I only know how to fight an angry body, an insolent creature, an arrogant monster, and I do not know what to do with this.

Heโ€™s sleeping.

Someone put a mattress in here, a simple rectangle of average quality, thin and worn but better than the ground, at least, and heโ€™s lying on top of it in nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs.

His clothes are on the floor.

His pants, his shirts, his socks are slightly damp, wrinkled, obviously hand- washed and laid out to dry; his coat is folded neatly over his boots, and his gloves are resting right next to each other on top of his coat.

He hasnโ€™t moved an inch since I stepped into this room.

Heโ€™s resting on his side, his back to the wall, his left arm tucked under his face, his right arm against his torso, his entire bodyย perfectย bare, strong, smooth, and smelling faintly of soap. I donโ€™t know why I canโ€™t stop staring at him. I donโ€™t know what it is about sleep that makes our faces appear so soft and innocent, so peaceful and vulnerable, but Iโ€™m trying to look away and I canโ€™t. Iโ€™m losing sight of my own purpose, forgetting all the brave things I said to myself before I stepped in here. Because thereโ€™s something about him

โ€”thereโ€™sย alwaysย been something about him thatโ€™s intrigued me and I donโ€™t understand it. I wish I could ignore it but I canโ€™t.

Because I look at him and wonder if maybe itโ€™s just me? Maybe Iโ€™m naive?

But I see layers, shades of gold and green and a person whoโ€™s never been given a chance to be human and I wonder if Iโ€™m just as cruel as my own oppressors if I decide that society is right, that some people are too far gone, that sometimes you canโ€™t turn back, that there are people in this world who donโ€™t deserve a second chance and I canโ€™t I canโ€™t I canโ€™t

I canโ€™t help but disagree.

I canโ€™t help but think that 19 is too young to give up on someone, that 19 years old is just the beginning, that itโ€™s too soon to tell anyone they will never amount to anything but evil in this world.

I canโ€™t help but wonder what my life wouldโ€™ve been like if someone had taken a chance on me.

So I back away. I turn to leave. I let him sleep.

I stop in place.

I catch a glimpse of my notebook lying on the mattress next to his outstretched hand, his fingers looking as if theyโ€™ve only just let go. Itโ€™s the perfect opportunity to steal it back if I can be stealthy enough.

I tiptoe forward, forever grateful that these boots I wear are designed to make no sound at all. But the closer I inch toward his body, the more my attention is caught by something on his back.

A little rectangular blur of black. I creep closer.

Blink. Squint. Lean in.

Itโ€™s a tattoo.

No pictures. Just 1 word. 1 word, typed into the very center of his upper back. In ink.


And his skin is shredded with scars.

Blood is rushing to my head so quickly Iโ€™m beginning to feel faint. I feel sick. Like I might actually, truly upturn the contents of my stomach right now. I want to panic, I want to shake someone, I want to know how to understand the emotions choking me because I canโ€™t even imagine, canโ€™t even imagine, canโ€™t evenย imagineย what he mustโ€™ve endured to carry such suffering on his skin.

His entire back is a map of pain.

Thick and thin and uneven and terrible. Scars like roads that lead to nowhere. Theyโ€™re gashes and ragged slices I canโ€™t understand, marks of torture I never could have expected. Theyโ€™re the only imperfections on his entire body, imperfections hidden away and hiding secrets of their own.

And I realize, not for the first time, that I have no idea who Warner really


โ€œJuliette?โ€ I freeze.

โ€œWhat are you doing here?โ€ His eyes are wide, alert. โ€œIโ€”I came to talk to youโ€”โ€

โ€œJesus,โ€ he gasps, jumping away from me. โ€œIโ€™m very flattered, love, but you couldโ€™ve at least given me a chance to put my pants on.โ€ Heโ€™s pulled himself up against the wall but makes no effort to grab his clothes. His eyes keep darting from me to the pants on the floor like he doesnโ€™t know what to do. He seems determined not to turn his back to me.

โ€œWould you mind?โ€ he says, nodding to the clothes next to my feet and affecting an air of nonchalance that does little to hide the apprehension in his eyes. โ€œIt gets chilly in here.โ€

But Iโ€™m staring at him, staring at the length of him, awed by how incredibly flawless he looks from the front. Strong, lean frame, toned and muscular without being bulky. Heโ€™s fair without being pale, skin tinted with just enough sunlight to look effortlessly healthy. The body of a perfect boy.

What a lie appearances can be. What a terrible, terrible lie.

His gaze is fixed on mine, his eyes green flames that will not extinguish and his chest is rising and falling so fast, so fast, so fast.

โ€œWhat happened to your back?โ€ I hear myself whisper.

I watch as the color drains from his face. He looks away, runs a hand across his mouth, his chin, down the back of his neck.

โ€œWho hurt you?โ€ I ask, so quietly. Iโ€™m beginning to recognize the strange feeling I get just before I do something terrible. Like right now. Right now I feel like I could kill someone for this.

โ€œJuliette, please, my clothesโ€”โ€

โ€œWas it your father?โ€ I ask, my voice a little sharper. โ€œDid he do this to you


โ€œIt doesnโ€™t matter.โ€ Warner cuts me off, frustrated now. โ€œOf course it matters!โ€

He says nothing.

โ€œThat tattoo,โ€ I say to him, โ€œthat wordโ€”โ€

โ€œYes,โ€ he says, though he says it quietly. Clears his throat. โ€œI donโ€™t . . .โ€ I blink. โ€œWhat does it mean?โ€

Warner shakes his head, runs a hand through his hair. โ€œIs it from a book?โ€

โ€œWhy do you care?โ€ he asks, looking away again. โ€œWhy are you suddenly so interested in my life?โ€

I donโ€™t know, I want to tell him. I want to tell him I donโ€™t know but thatโ€™s not true.

Because I feel it. I feel the clicks and the turns and the creaking of a million keys unlocking a million doors in my mind. Itโ€™s like Iโ€™m finally allowing myself to see what I really think, how I really feel, like Iโ€™m discovering my own secrets for the first time. And then I search his eyes, search his features for something I canโ€™t even name. And I realize I donโ€™t want to be his enemy anymore.

โ€œItโ€™s over,โ€ I say to him. โ€œIโ€™m not on base with you this time. Iโ€™m not going to be your weapon and youโ€™ll never be able to change my mind about that. I think you know that now.โ€ I study the floor. โ€œSo why are we still fighting each other? Why are you still trying to manipulate me? Why are you still trying to get me to fall for your tricks?โ€

โ€œI have no idea,โ€ he says, looking at me like heโ€™s not sure Iโ€™m even real, โ€œno idea what youโ€™re talking about.โ€

โ€œWhy did you tell Castle you could touch me? That wasnโ€™t your secret to share.โ€

โ€œRight.โ€ He exhales a deep breath. โ€œOf course.โ€ Seems to return to himself. โ€œListen, love, could you at least toss me my jacket if youโ€™re going to stay here and ask me all these questions?โ€

I toss him his jacket. He catches it. Slides down to the floor. And instead of putting his jacket on, he drapes it over his lap. Finally, he says, โ€œYes, I did tell Castle I could touch you. He had a right to know.โ€

โ€œThat wasnโ€™t any of his business.โ€

โ€œOf course itโ€™s his business,โ€ Warner says. โ€œThe entire world heโ€™s created down here thrives on exactly that kind of information. And youโ€™re here, living among them. He should know.โ€

โ€œHe doesnโ€™t need to know.โ€

โ€œWhy is it such a big deal?โ€ he asks, studying my eyes too carefully. โ€œWhy does it bother you so much for someone to know that I can touch you? Why does it have to be a secret?โ€

I struggle to find the words that wonโ€™t come.

โ€œAre you worried about Kent? You think heโ€™d have a problem knowing I can touch you?โ€

โ€œI didnโ€™t want him to find out like thisโ€”โ€

โ€œBut why does it matter?โ€ he insists. โ€œYou seem to care so much about something that makes no difference in your personal life. It wouldnโ€™t,โ€ he says, โ€œmake any difference in your personal life. Not if you still claim to feel nothing but hatred for me. Because thatโ€™s what you said, isnโ€™t it? That you hate me?โ€

I fold myself to the floor across from Warner. Pull my knees up to my

chest. Focus on the stone under my feet. โ€œI donโ€™t hate you.โ€ Warner seems to stop breathing.

โ€œI think I understand you sometimes,โ€ I tell him. โ€œI really do. But just when I think I finally get you, you surprise me. And I never really know who you are or who youโ€™re going to be.โ€ I look up. โ€œBut I know that I donโ€™t hate you anymore. Iโ€™ve tried,โ€ I say, โ€œIโ€™ve tried so hard. Because youโ€™ve done so many terrible, terrible things. To innocent people. Toย me. But I know too much about you now. Iโ€™ve seen too much. Youโ€™re too human.โ€

His hair is so gold. His eyes so green. His voice is tortured when he speaks. โ€œAre you saying,โ€ he says, โ€œthat you want to be my friend?โ€

โ€œI-I donโ€™t know.โ€ Iโ€™m so petrified, so, so petrified of this possibility. โ€œI didnโ€™t think about that. Iโ€™m just saying that I donโ€™t knowโ€โ€”I hesitate, breathe

โ€”โ€œI donโ€™t know how to hate you anymore. Even though I want to. I really want to and I know I should but I just canโ€™t.โ€

He looks away. And he smiles.

Itโ€™s the kind of smile that makes me forget how to do everything but blink and blink and I donโ€™t understand whatโ€™s happening to me. I donโ€™t know why I canโ€™t convince my eyes to find something else to focus on.

I donโ€™t know why my heart is losing its mind.

He touches my notebook like heโ€™s not even aware heโ€™s doing it. His fingers run the length of the cover once, twice, before he registers where my eyes have gone and he stops.

โ€œYou wrote these words?โ€ He touches the notebook again. โ€œEvery single one?โ€

I nod.

He says, โ€œJuliette.โ€ I stop breathing.

He says, โ€œI would like that very much. To be your friend,โ€ he says. โ€œIโ€™d like that.โ€

And I donโ€™t really know what happens in my brain.

Maybe itโ€™s because heโ€™s broken and Iโ€™m foolish enough to think I can fix him. Maybe itโ€™s because I see myself, I see 3, 4, 5, 6, 17-year-old Juliette abandoned, neglected, mistreated, abused for something outside of her control and I think of Warner as someone whoโ€™s just like me, someone who was never given a chance at life. I think about how everyone already hates him, how hating him is a universally accepted fact.

Warner is horrible.

There are no discussions, no reservations, no questions asked. It has already been decided that he is a despicable human being who thrives on murder and power and torturing others.

But I want to know. I need to know. I have to know. If itโ€™s really that simple.

Because what if one day I slip? What if one day I fall through the cracks and no one is willing to pull me back? What happens to me then?

So I meet his eyes. I take a deep breath. And I run.

I run right out the door.

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