
Chapter no 34

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow

In 2005, people from the U.S. sent, on average, four hundred sixty text messages a year.

Texts were treated and written more like telegrams than like conversations. The brevity lent these early texts an almost poetry.

Sadie and Marx had texted only a couple dozen times during their relationship. They had no need for texting. They were usually together, at work or at home.

After Sadie’s first call to Marx went to voicemail, she tried sending a text:

Are you OK?

A minute later, he replied:

I love you. all ok.

Just kids. Talking. TOH.

Sadie’s hands were shaking. She showed Sam her phone. “What’s TOH mean?” Sadie asked. “I don’t know any of the acronyms.”

“Tamer of Horses,” Sam said.

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