Chapter no 19

The Witch's Wolf (Fated Destinies, #1)

† Sage †

I sat on the sofa watching the girls hover around Maddock and his drawings spread on the table. Coral wanted a bay window that overlooked the valley and a built-in bench seat so she could sit there to read. Kera asked for a weight room with a padded floor for wrestling. Maddock was

patient with them, humoring each new request as he erased and redrew lines on the blueprints.

It was sweet how he dealt with Coral. None of my friends had ever cared much about my sister. They’d treat her like a doll they could dress up and then discard her when I couldn’t join their plans that weren’t child friendly. The past few years when she was old enough to go places on her own, they forgot about her altogether.

But Maddock had a fatherly aura about him and he treated Coral the same as he did his own niece. I appreciated that and this overly warm welcome. If this new build was going to be her home, then she should have a say in how it was done.

“Don’t forget that we need three bathrooms.” Kera smacked her uncle on the shoulder playfully before the girls skipped away.

Maddock chuckled, looking up at me from across the table. The lantern glow turned his eyes a lighter gray. “You haven’t made any requests. What do you want to include?”

“If we put one more thing in there, it’s going to explode.” I couldn’t help but laugh. “But seriously, thank you for doing this. I never expected, well, any of it. Not the town or the magic or the clean air or you.”

Oh, cringe. Why did I say it like that?

“I mean, I never expected to run into a handyman who would give us a place to live…or, the enforcer that’s required to…Crap. I’m rambling. Sorry. Thank you is all I meant to say.”

Maddock leaned back against the chair and folded his massive arms over his chest, smiling. “You never answered my question. What do you want, Sage?”

Is it hot in here? I tugged at the neck of my shirt to cool down my chest, looking toward the enclosed wood stove. A growl came from Maddock and I turned back to him. “Is it you or your wolf that makes the growling sound?”

“Both.” He studied me. “Why?”

“No reason.” I shook my head, worried I’d embarrassed him.

“You can tell me what you’re thinking. I don’t want you to have to lie anymore,” Maddock scolded and heat rushed to my cheeks.

This was getting a little intense. I only wanted to thank the guy.

“I’m trying to understand more about all of this. It’s a lot to take in.”

He nodded as the smile fell from his face. “I understand. How did the visit with Lisa go?”

Neutral ground. Change of topic. The rush of sensations ebbed away. “I really like her, but it doesn’t seem like she needs my help. In fact, I think she’s intent on helping me with this witch thing which I also still don’t understand.”

The corners of his lips twitched making the room feel warm all over again. “That’s exactly why I asked you to check on her. The witch part of

Lisa is the reason I think she was able to survive all these years after my father’s death. She hasn’t been able to connect with anyone like her in a long time. I was hoping you both could help each other out.”

He spoke so honestly; it was hard not to trust him. No other man in Ethica had acted this way.

Or looked this ruggedly handsome…

I was busy locking down the chains on the friend-zone as I quickly tried to turn the conversation away from me. “Your father was Lisa’s fated mate?”

Maddock cleared his throat. “What do you know of fated mates?” “Not much really.” I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my

chin on top of them. “Kera said something about her mother finding her fated mate and that was the death of her, but the explanation was at hyper speed. I didn’t get all the details. We don’t have fated anything where I

come from, but I figured the gist of it is similar to our joke of soulmates whereas it’s something your culture takes seriously.”

“It’s not a joke.” Maddock growled.

I shifted nervously, trying to lighten the mood. “That’s why I said you take it seriously.”

He froze, blinking a few times, before letting out a deep-chested laugh. I didn’t think it was one of my funnier jokes, but if he was happy then I wasn’t complaining. The guy was building us a cabin for science’s sake. The least I could do was entertain him.

And he looks really cute when he smiles.

Maddock pushed his chair back and smoothed out the blueprints on the table. He looked up at me again with that deep intensity in his eyes. “And what do you think of mates, little witch? Do you think they exist?”

“I’m not sure.” I licked my dry lips. It was seriously getting hot in here. How does one little box give off so much heat? We were going to need a thermostat to adjust the temperature.

“Answer honestly,” he said.

Right. I owed him that. “The idea is fascinating and I love it. One person chosen just for you and knowing there will be no one else. Two

halves of the whole or all that love stuff. The perfect mate. I’d wish that for everyone.”

He moved away from the table and walked across the room. Each powerful step made my heart beat faster. I clenched my fists at my sides, focusing on ice water, as I tried to hold back the warmth that seeped into my palms. It was no use.

The heat was spreading everywhere.

He motioned to the couch with his eyes and I pulled my feet closer to my body even though there was plenty of room to sit.

Get it together and stop drooling.

Friend-zone chains were snapping as he draped his arm over the back of the couch with an amused smile lighting up his face. “Do you want that for yourself? A fated mate just for you?”

I didn’t even have to imagine my hand dipped in ice water. An entire bucket was dumped over my head. I smiled politely and nodded. “It would be nice, but I don’t have the luxury of worrying about what I want right


Maddock suddenly closed his eyes and sitting this close to him, I could feel his wolf surge forward. He was struggling for control. Without

thinking, I reached over to touch his hand that he’d conveniently placed right by my head.

An overwhelming sensation of hunger and the desire to chase, to hunt a fluffy quick prey raided my mind and violated the depths of my own conscience.

Maddock ripped his hand away.

I sat there shaking as I tried to collect my thoughts. “Your…wolf… wants…rabbit?”

“No.” Maddock gave me a sad smile. I hated the pity in it. “He thinks that you want rabbit and he wants to get it for you.”

“He’s sweet.” I chuckled against my knees and took in a steadying breath, wondering if tomorrow would be even crazier than today.

I was feeling the thoughts of a beast within a man and I was starting to really like both of them.

Lock it down, Sage.

“Get some sleep.” Maddock reached out to lift my face, brushing his thumb along my cheekbone. My skin tingled like an electric current from

the touch.

Then he was on his feet and crossing the room. He hesitated at the table, looking down to the blueprints. “These will stay here until you tell me at least one thing you want in the cabin that is solely for you.”

Bossy, much? I would have made a remark out loud had the door not closed behind him.

The warmth in the room left with him despite the still burning wood in the stove and the singe of heat he’d left on my face.

I wasted no time hurrying to the bedroom and snuggling under the heavy quilt, trying to get warm again.


“What do you want?”

The words echoed around me, taunting, teasing, as the city lights of an empty street in Ethica blinked off one by one.

As soon as I realized this wasn’t real, giant trees sprouted around me and I was in a forest lit by the moon above. I could wake up, but his voice called again in the distance as if it came from the night itself.

“Tell me what you want, little witch.”

“I’m not a witch.” I tried to yell, but my voice came out as a whisper.

The wind picked up, blowing my hair into my face, and caught the

white fabric of a thin dressing gown that I would only ever wear in a dream.

My feet were bare on the fallen leaves. I tried to will some shoes onto them, but nothing happened.

Maybe this isn’t a dream…

“Coral!” I turn in a blind panic. If this is real, where was she? I couldn’t leave her alone.

A branch broke and I froze. But every instinct was telling me to run.

There were predators out here. Wolves who dressed like men.

Glowing eyes shone in the darkness.


I flew through the forest with only the moon to guide my way and the tree branches parted easily for my escape. Each sure step brought clarity.

This was my world. My dream. I didn’t have to be afraid.

Maddock stepped from the trees as naked as he was the day in the inn. The artificial light in that setting was somehow wrong. It didn’t do any justice to the shadows his chiseled muscles cast. They could only be appreciated in the natural glow of the full moon.

I took a full minute to look him over. This was my dream after all.

“Do you like what you see?” He cocked his head to the side, spreading his arms out to give a better view.

I nodded weakly, too dumb to speak even in my own damn dream.

“Then tell me, little witch…” He moved across the clearing, backing me towards a tree as he wrapped his large hand around the back of my neck, tilting my chin up with his thumb. “What is it that you want?”

The moment he breathed out the words, I felt the hunger of the wolf.

The beast was starving, and he wanted to devour me. I wanted to tell him I’m not a rabbit, but the words got lost somewhere in the land of

unconscious as Maddock stared into my eyes.

He continued to push me backwards and his lips lowered to hover above my lips.

My back hit the rough bark of the tree behind me and the whole world came to life.

There was a force calling from the forest that competed with the frantic hunger in Maddock’s eyes. All I could do was get lost in it.

He growled, nipping at my bottom lip, and his other hand slid down the curves of my hips.

My fingers dug into the tree as he pinned me against it. He moved his hand from the back of my neck to the base of my throat and my eyes widened in surprise.

Is this what I wanted? To be trapped?

He silenced my racing thoughts with a growl against my mouth, sending vibrations down my spine.

His lips met mine in a crushing kiss as he bunched the material of the gown in his fist.

Not stopping to breathe, and giving me no air but his, he moved the gown up around my waist. He held me still against the tree as his hand snaked lower to cup my center that was already aching for touch.

Silently, I cheered on my horny dream self for not wearing any underwear.

He moved slowly, tantalizing with long drags of his fingers and drawing out my need as he continued his assault with the kiss. The rough

tree bark scratched the exposed skin of my back and legs while the warmth from his body drove away the chill of the night.

The sexy wolf man bit gently on my swollen bottom lip and slid the rough pad of his thumb across my clit over and over again. The night exploded in color and a rush of heat filled my soul.

I couldn’t stop this feeling even if I tried.

I wanted him.

His kiss turned gentle as he worked his thumb faster. My body arched against his hand.

Maddock pulled his mouth away and looked down with hooded eyes full of lust. “Is this what you want, little witch?”

“Yes,” I said breathlessly, giving into my darkest fantasies. And since it was my dream, I decided to be bold as I reached up to thread my fingers through his hair. “Why are you stopping?”

The thickness of one of his fingers filled me and he moved his lips to cover mine, drinking in the taste of my cry of desire.

But I wanted more. “Maddock, I want…”


“Sage, wake up.” Coral’s hair spilled over the pillow case as she tapped me on the forehead. I gasped, pulling myself from a very

inappropriate fever dream as I squeezed my thighs together.

“What’s wrong?” I mumbled. The sight of my younger sister doused any lingering sensations.

“Nothing is wrong.” Coral flopped down onto the bed.

“Then why did you wake me up?” I blinked, taking in the early gray light that filtered through the window. It wasn’t even dawn.

“Kera said she has training today and I want to go with her, but I’m worried about leaving you alone.” She bunched the pillow under her head and turned to face me. “Are you going to be okay?”

“First of all, you’re the one that’s not going anywhere alone until we learn more about this place.” I moved to sit up, then thought twice about that as the cold air wrapped around my shoulders. I burrowed deeper into the blankets. “And what is this training for?”

“I guess it’s like their school or something.” Coral shrugged with one shoulder, not meeting my eye.

“I don’t like this.” I yanked the blankets out from under her and tucked her in beside me like I used to do when she was little. She didn’t need it though. The girl had always run hot. “I know Kera is your friend, but I don’t want you keeping secrets from me. What is this training school thing?”

“Promise you won’t freak out?” She rolled her head to the side to watch my reaction.

I zipped my lips and nodded.

“Okay.” She exhaled slowly. “Wolves are predators and they need to be prepared to fight to protect their lands. They train three days a week to keep up their strength and blow off steam. Kera says it’s good for pack

morale too.”

My brain was struggling to catch up, jumping from my intense dream to sister duties, but I couldn’t have heard what I think I just did.

“You want to join the military? Absolutely not.”

“It’s not like that,” Coral whined. “Think of it like team building

exercises or training for the paintball tournaments. If I want to be included in the pack, then I need to at least show up. Plus, Kera says that with a situation like mine, one sure way to release my wolf is to have the pack

Alpha coax a shift. I want to meet him and try it out.”

I steadied my breathing, trying to process this all. From what I’d learned of the Alpha, I had no desire to meet him anytime soon. But Coral was right. We needed to include ourselves in their culture if we were staying here long term.

“Is this what you really want?” I asked. “We don’t have to rush things.”

Coral nodded, giving me big brown puppy dog eyes. “I’ve spent my whole life not knowing who I really am. It’s time for me to meet my wolf.”

How do you say no to that? “Alright. I’m coming with you. What time does this training start?”

Something between a scream and a howl sounded in the hallway as Kera burst into the room.

“I told you she’d be cool with it.” She came to a stop at the edge of the bed and looked to her feet as she shifted nervously. “Also, can you

make that egg and cheese thing again for breakfast? I promise I’ll do the dishes.”


The thoughts of the dream lingered longer than necessary as I whipped up breakfast and then loaded the girls into the car. Part of me was grateful Maddock didn’t grace us with his presence this morning because I wasn’t sure I could look him in the eye.

But I was also kind of disappointed and worried that I’d said something that offended him last night. I thought he’d at least come for breakfast.

Get it together, Sage.

I inhaled a whiff of lavender oil and then put the bottle in the cupholder of the car as I gripped the steering wheel tighter.

The man had a life and a job to do. He was already giving us a temporary place to stay and building us a permanent house. What more did I want from him?

His hands on… Knock it off.

I was going crazy and attaching myself to the only sane adult I’d met out here. Lisa was sane-ish, but I still wasn’t sure about the witch stuff.

Today was going to be good for us. We needed to meet the rest of the pack.

Yep. We were meeting a pack of wolves. No big deal. This was our new life.

But I would have liked to speak to Maddock first to make sure it was okay we showed up for this training or whatever it was.

It’s the only reason I was thinking of him. I’d just keep telling myself that.

“So, Maddock, huh?” Coral leaned against the passenger seat and glanced back at Kera with a knowing smile.

“What about him?” Blood rushed to my cheeks. There was no way she could have known about my dream unless I called out in my sleep.

I clenched my teeth together.

For the love of science, please tell me that didn’t happen.

“Oh, nothing.” Coral shrugged. “But you two looked pretty cozy on the couch last night.”

“Is that all?” I relaxed my jaw. “You’re imagining things. There’s only one couch. Where else were we supposed to sit?”

“Am I imagining you paying more attention to the rearview mirror than the road in front of us?” Coral asked.

She got me there.

“Yep.” I focused on the windshield again.

“Don’t worry about it.” Kera leaned forward and gripped my shoulder, giving it a hearty shake. The girl didn’t realize her own strength. “He’s waiting for us at the training grounds.”

“Good to know.” I failed at keeping my tone uninterested and both girls burst out laughing.

“Listen,” I tried to speak over the sound of two hyenas in a fit of hysterics, “I don’t know what you think is happening, but Maddock is just a

friend. Honestly, Coral, you know me better than that.”

“Oh, I know you.” Coral wheezed as she wiped happy tears from her eyes. “But maybe you should stop being so blind. You guys would be perfect for each other.”

“Seriously,” I groaned. “We barely know the man.”

“What else do you need to know?” Kera poked her head in between us. “Ask me anything. I know most of his secrets and don’t mind telling you them all.”

I hesitated, chewing my bottom lip. Does he… Never mind. “No thank you, Kera. If your uncle wants to share something with me, he can tell me himself.”

I figured that would put an end to the conversation, but apparently, I was wrong. The teasing continued the rest of the drive, only pausing for Kera to laugh out another direction, before it started again.

I’d never been so happy in my life to get out of the freaking car.

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