Chapter no 34

The Witch's Wolf (Fated Destinies, #1)

† Maddock † Two weeks later.

“We have to go.” Sage sighed as she rested her head against my chest and her knee across my thigh.

“It’s barely dusk. We still have more time.” My cock stirred as I ran my hand down her side, pausing to cup her soft breast in my palm and teasing her rosebud nipple with my thumb until it formed a stiff peak.

Her breath caught in her throat as I pinched, eliciting the little gasp of pleasure that was quickly becoming my favorite sound.

“We have to get out of this bed at some point.” She groaned, making no move to leave.

“Why would I want to go out there when everything I want is in

here?” I tugged on her nipple again, as she pressed her core against my hip bone. The scent of her renewing desire filled the room.

“Well, when you put it that way…” Sage laughed and swung her leg over my lap.

She pushed herself up so she was sitting on the hard length of my


Gods, this woman was beautiful.

My hands moved to her butt as I pressed her against me, using her

wetness to slide my cock along the soft silk.

Sage pushed back, trying to regain control, and smiled. I released my hold and ran my palms up the curves of her body, silently worshipping my sweet witch.

My hand found her collarbone and I brushed my thumb over the base of her neck where I’d left my mark. She hadn’t wanted a ceremony

after all, but I’d remember that moment for the rest of my life. Sage arched her back and moaned, recalling the pain and pleasure that had swirled when I’d finally claimed my mate.

“I thought you wanted to leave.” I scooted back and pushed myself up so I was sitting against the headboard, still holding my mark. My free

hand found her clit and I rubbed slow, tantalizing circles as I tasted her lips, nipping at the plump and swollen bottom one.

“Mmm.” She moaned into the kiss. “In a minute.”

“If we only have a minute, I’ll have to work fast.” I chuckled as I turned her body so her round ass was against my lap and continued working her clit while I held to my mark, keeping her still.

Sage gasped at the sudden exposure to her front and the rush of her sensations filtered through our bond.

“Bend over for me,” I whispered in her ear.

Sage tensed and the thrill of excitement that ran through her made my cock pulse with need.

She leaned forward, putting her sex on full display. My wolf howled with desire as I climbed to my knees. I slid a finger in and out, dragging along the bottom of her walls, and made sure she was ready to take my length again.

“Maddock, please…” She whimpered as she began to shake.

I smiled as I held myself poised outside her entrance. “Tell me what you want, little witch.”

“Hard and fast.” She laughed as she looked over her shoulder with those big brown eyes that made me weak. “We really do have to go soon.”



Begrudgingly, I helped Sage into clothes and then put on a pair of

“A body like yours should never be covered.” I kissed her cheek,

moving her back to the bed.

“Unfortunately, I don’t have fur.” Sage rolled her eyes and skipped away. “Are you not going to shift for the ceremony?”

“If you’re in human form then I will be too.” I shrugged. It was surprisingly not hard to accept that my mate would never run on four legs.

My wolf was content with her sexual appetite in this form and prided himself on being the one who hunted for our den. It gave him a sense of

purpose that made him a little less growly than he’d ever been.

And soon I’ll have pups to teach.

Shaking my head, I followed Sage from the room. I already told you.

Not yet. Give it more time.

I’m not getting any younger. He growled, only calming when Sage wrapped her arms around my waist.

“The pup thing again?” She arched an eyebrow. “Ignore him.” I sighed.

The sun was beginning to set when we climbed into the truck. Sage slid across the seat and settled herself under my arm.

She worried the hem of her shirt, staring straight ahead, and her anxiousness drifted to me from the bond.

“She’s going to be fine,” I reassured my mate. “Even if she doesn’t get her wolf tonight, there’s still plenty of time.”

“I just wish she would have let us have their birthday party today

before the ceremony.” Tears misted Sage’s eyes. “I worked so hard on their cake. She’s going to be miserable if this doesn’t work out and probably won’t enjoy it. Then she’ll ruin Kera’s birthday too and we won’t be able to surprise them with the finished cabin because they’ll smile and nod, but their hearts won’t be in it.”

“Slow down.” I clasped her hand in mine and pressed her knuckles against my lips. “It’s a good sign that their birthday aligns with the Luna celebration this month. Trust that things will work out and know that

everyone will love your cake.”

An embarrassed sense of relief rolled off her and I kept her hand pressed against my mouth to hide my smile.

“You’re right.” She breathed out the tension she was holding.

“You know, you never told me when your birthday is,” I tried to change the subject so she didn’t worry herself much more.

Sage paled and I almost slammed on the brakes.

A low growl rumbled in my chest. “What are you not telling me?” “It’s today,” she squeaked, watching me from the corner of her eye.

“Don’t get mad at me for not letting you know. It’s just that when you share a birthday with your younger sister and you don’t have parents, you make

the day more about her. Over the years, I kind of stopped celebrating mine or really caring about it. I don’t like to make a big fuss. Coral knows that. She already gave me a bracelet this morning, even though I’m positive it has the jewels Sadie swindled from me…”

“And, you’re growling.” Sage fell back against the seat. “Promise you’re not mad.”

“I am mad.” Gods, this witch was going to be the death of me. “How am I supposed to spoil you if you don’t even tell me when your birthday


“You spoiled me already.” She trailed her fingers down my chest. “Best birthday sex ever.”

I caught her hand before it reached my waistband. “Stop trying to distract me, woman. I need to think.”

“What’s there to think about?” She grazed her teeth over my earlobe.

The growl grew in intensity. “Fine. Your birthday lasts for the next full week. Expect a celebration every day.”

Sage cried out in frustration. “Please don’t do that, Maddock. I already have everything I want.”

I hated feeling her discomfort.

“Alright,” I grumbled. “But I’m still doing something special for you tomorrow to celebrate and you have to tell me one thing you want added to our den to make it more comfortable for you.”

“Oh, look. We’re here.” Sage scooted to the passenger door as I put the truck in park.

I caught her wrist with a warning growl.

“Okay.” She glared at me. “I want a greenhouse window in the kitchen so my herbs can grow where I cook.”

“Done.” I dragged her back across the seat. “Now was that so hard?” My mate may not have a wolf, but she did have a sexy growl.

I pressed my lips to hers, forcing her mouth open as our souls fused together, and she melted into my arms.

“Okay. Let’s go.” She broke away too soon, but gave me a smile that promised eternity.


The whole pack was gathered in the ceremonial field where I’d first laid with Sage under the abandoned gazebo that hadn’t seen a celebration in years until the other night.

I didn’t think I was a sentimental wolf, but seeing it now brought a bug or something to my eye.

The fairy lights that the pups had hung were gone and in their place were wreaths of healthy green garland. Torches were lit around the perimeter of the field and the wolves called to each other in boisterous

voices as if no time had passed at all since the last Luna ceremony. “Don’t they look gorgeous?” Sage clung to my bicep, drawing my

attention to the pups.

Kera and Coral crossed the field arm in arm wearing robes of white with floral crowns on their heads. I grimaced at seeing my niece look so feminine. As if she could hear my thoughts, Kera met my gaze across the field with a pointed glare.

She was beautiful and regal with a softness in her features that wasn’t there until my witch had arrived. I patted Sage’s hand and bowed my head a fraction of an inch in acknowledgment to Cerberus’s new Alpha.

Kera winked at me and continued her journey to the gazebo, stopping to chat with a few of the shifters along the way.

Sage stood on her tiptoes to brush a quick kiss against my cheek. “I’ll be right back. I want to talk to them before the ceremony starts.”

I watched as she cast her magic through the crowd and every shifter in attendance treated her like a long-lost friend.

“She would have made a good Luna.” Charms sounded as my mother stepped from the shadows.

“Aye. She would have.”

A deep sadness enveloped us in a barrier that separated us from the festivities of the pack.

“The fates chose this for a reason. I like to think its because you both deserve a break.” Lisa looked to the sky with tears shimmering in her eyes. “Sometimes I wish I knew what fate was thinking. If I did, maybe I could have changed the outcome. I wish I could have kept my boys safe and I

know you feel the same.”

I kept my eyes on Sage, blocking out the hurt from the past twenty years, and my wolf ached to have her by our side. She was the future. There was no going back. I’d made my peace with that.

I draped my arm over Lisa’s shoulders, standing in solidarity as her last remaining son. I couldn’t save Gabriel from the hurt of finding his fated

mate had wedded his brother and challenging the Alpha during a fit of rage. I couldn’t stop Delilah from killing herself as her heart broke. And I couldn’t protect Apollo from his demons.

But I could be here for what was left of my family now. “I can’t believe you left the solitude of your cabin not only once, but twice this

month. And did Sage tell you it was her birthday today? What are the odds of that?”

“I could say the same thing about you, lone wolf.” Lisa swatted my arm as she chuckled. “And no, she didn’t, but I had a feeling. The fates

have big plans for our girls.”

My girls.

A smile spread across my face as I watched Sage fuss over Coral and Kera’s headdresses before she hurried back over to me.

“Lisa! You came.” Sage pulled my mother into a hug and whispered in her ear, forgetting despite the many times I’d told her about shifter hearing. “Is tonight the night?”

“Maybe.” Lisa winked as she stepped back so I could tuck Sage under my arm.

My mate was anxious and brimming with excitement as she drew warmth from me.

“For far too long, we’ve been divided and haven’t come together as one for our Luna celebrations under a full moon.” Kera’s voice rang out powerful and clear, silencing the gathered shifters.

“Is she nervous? She looks nervous,” Sage whispered anxiously.

“Shh.” I kissed the top of her head. “She’s doing fine. Let the Alpha


“I intend to change the way things have been done by uniting us

again and bringing honor to the Cerberus pack.” Kera paused, glancing at me with a nod. “If anyone here objects, now is your time to speak. And if you prefer a challenge instead, don’t let the flowers fool you. I would

welcome the fight.”

There were a few chuckles from the crowd and Sage tightened her grip on my arm as worry rolled from her in waves. I pulled her closer, sending comfort through our shared bond, but it wasn’t needed.

No one stepped forward to challenge.

“Very well then,” my niece continued, meeting each eye in the crowd. “It’s been too long. I want to run with my family. Show us your true form.”

Howls sounded as the shifters merged with their beasts under the Alpha power that radiated from Kera. Lisa fell to four paws, looking up at us with a wolfish smile, and her charms jingled as she shook out her black and silver coat.

Bodies contorted, bones broke, fur sprouted, and magic filled the night with nature’s wild call.

Sage held her breath as she watched Kera and Coral who were the last two standing in human form with us.

“Shift, baby. Shift.” She closed her eyes. My ears tuned into the pups’ conversation. “It’s time now. You can let go,” Kera said.

Coral bowed her head and took a knee. “I was waiting for my Alpha to ask.”

The ground shook with the howls of all the wolves gathered and they pawed the earth, ready for the hunt.

“Look,” I whispered to my mate, caressing the small of her back.

Her honey brown eyes that met mine first were wide and full of question. I pointed to the gazebo, to the Alpha, and to the powerful pure white wolf who stood at her side.

Sage gasped as she clapped her hands over her mouth and happy tears streamed down her cheeks. “She’s beautiful.”

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