Chapter no 14

The Witch's Wolf (Fated Destinies, #1)

† Maddock †

I parked the truck at Apollo’s house and then gave into my wolf so he could run. His pent-up frustration was threatening to crack my skull in half and he needed the exercise before I lost my mind.

All morning, I had to keep correcting his course to steer him away from the cabin and assuring him that no wolf would be stupid enough to

trespass on our property or come close to our mate.

He’d actually whined at seeing Kera get to play so close to the house in the field. When Sage stepped outside calling for the girls to come eat and the smell of cooked food along with her delicious scent carried on the breeze, I had to force a partial shift to stop him from racing inside.

He was hungry, but it was a primal hunger. One fueled by a need we’d never had before.

Mine. She occupied his every thought. I reined him in with all my strength.

He didn’t understand the concept of space or even patience for that matter.

Once the possessive bastard had successfully marked every tree around our property to make sure his claim was staked, again, I urged him faster through the woods and away from the cabin.

He growled when he realized the direction we were heading. Silently, I mirrored his frustration.

It’d been a while since we visited this part of the land and she was sure to have a lot to say about this particular situation.


“Took you long enough,” the sound of Lisa’s voice drifted from her cottage along with the windchimes dancing in the wind.

My wolf retreated, shifting back of his own accord as we entered the



“I didn’t realize you were expecting me,” I grumbled, but I knew she would hear me anyway.

“A mother always knows when her son needs something.” Lisa stepped out onto the porch past the twisting vines of jasmine that covered the trellis.

She regarded me with shrewd eyes. The color we’d all gotten from our mother. The rest of the features we’d picked up from our father.

Her black hair streaked with silver was half loose and half twisted in small braids. She wore a heavy leather apron. The smell of hot steam and boiled vegetables drifted on the air. My stomach recoiled in protest. It was either a potion or a meal, neither of which would taste good.

“Don’t just stand there, come inside.” She chuckled, making the

charms in her braids jingle with the motion. “You can keep me company while I finish canning the first harvest and tell me all about the woman.”

Of course she knew. She knew everything even though she lived all the way out here. Shifters thought her witch powers gave her an all-seeing eye, but I knew better. As the former Luna, she still had a pack link connection to everyone and a nasty habit of eavesdropping.

I took a seat at the table while she bustled around the kitchen. “How much do you already know?”

“You found your fated mate, but something is wrong.” She picked up the bowl, mashing carrots and Gods know whatever else was in there.

“She’s a human from the purist city,” I explained. It wasn’t unheard of for humans to leave and find their way into the packs, but it had been a

while since any came up this way. During the southern battles, many deflected once they discovered the truth. I’d even seen a few human-shifter pairings from other packs when we used to come together with them.

“Are you worried about the logistics?” Lisa smiled over her shoulder, enjoying the way the back of my neck burned at her pointed question.

“I’m aware of the basics, Mother.”

She laughed. It made me smile. For a lot of years after the Alpha’s death, I thought she’d never laugh again. “Then what’s the problem?”

“It’s complicated.” I sighed, resting my forearms on the table. “She fled from the humans with her half sister who has shifter DNA. The pup is

latent, but I can sense her wolf waiting to break free. The girl has Cerberus blood.”

I looked to the floor, to the ceiling, to anywhere but my mother’s face, wishing that now of all times she’d already have tapped into the pack link and heard this from Apollo.

My wolf stirred. I don’t trust him.

Lisa’s eyes flashed with power as our mother wolf surged to the surface. “Go on.” Her voice was thick with a growl.

You tell her. My wolf retreated, leaving me on my own to deal with


“The girl is Melinda’s daughter.”

Magic hummed through the cottage as my mother closed her eyes and

I braced against the onslaught that flew.

But as quickly as it started, Lisa opened her eyes and it was gone. She was seemingly stunned for a moment. It wasn’t the first time I’d wondered if she was going feral alone out here.

She turned her back to me and continued to smash the contents of the bowl into mush. “Melinda is dead and her pup has returned to us. Good. I’m glad Kera has a friend.”

I shouldn’t have been surprised at her insight. “You already knew.” “I see what the fates allow.” She sighed. “They never give me all the


Not with the fates again. I didn’t discount my mother’s magic, but she wasn’t always right in her predictions. She’d said there’d be a triplet birth to replace Apollo in the future and not to worry about the fighting in the pack.

Look how that turned out.

“I’m assuming your brother is furious,” she continued as if she could read my mind.

Then again, it wasn’t a shocking revelation that Apollo would find another reason to be mad.

“He actually took it better than I expected and is still alive to tell you about it.” I cracked the knuckles of my fist. “The pup is staying at my place until she’s ready to meet the Alpha.”

“Interesting.” Lisa smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Enough of that talk now. Tell me what is wrong with your mate.”

“Nothing is wrong with her,” I bit out a little too harshly. Being so far away from her was making me anxious and the insinuation that she was somehow less was grating on my nerves.

“Oh no?” She lifted the wooden spoon from the bowl and waved it playfully as if I were still a pup. “Then what do you need me for?”

This is a bad idea. Agreed.

But my mate needed more than we could give her and I wouldn’t be the provider nature intended if I didn’t make sure she was taken care of.

“She’s a witch, but doesn’t know it. The power is strong in her

aura.” And in her scent. And in the depth of her honey brown eyes. I shook my head to clear it from the spell. “There’s some kind of block to her

emotions that I can’t penetrate and it isn’t because we haven’t sealed the bond yet. I can only feel surface deep before a tempest forces me out. It’s like she doesn’t know who she is and I can’t make her happy until she

discovers herself.”

“Hmm…” Lisa murmured, deep in thought. She abandoned the concoction on the counter and placed her hands on her hips as she turned to me. “You want me to meet her and teach her the witchy way of things.”

“Something like that.” I felt small and stupid sitting down despite being a foot taller than my mother so I stood up. “I’ll bring her here

tomorrow and once a week after if you have the time.”

“I have nothing but time.” She laughed again. “Though contrary to popular belief, not all witches and warlocks are the same. I can’t magically turn her into something she’s not and I can’t make her fall in love with you. Apollo learned that lesson the hard way.”

She will not reject us. My wolf snarled.

“I knew this was a mistake.” I shook my head.

“Maddock, wait,” Lisa called me back when I turned to leave. She blew out a heavy breath.

“What happened with your brother wasn’t your fault.” She touched my shoulder with a mother’s warmth that made my wolf retreat. “You have to stop protecting him.”

“Who else will if I won’t?” The standard response slipped from my lips. “My duty as Sigma is to protect and advise.”

“Apollo made his own decisions and couldn’t control his impulses. He deserves the fate he was handed. It isn’t your burden to carry. You can’t

fix what is broken.” Tears filled my mother’s eyes.

I hardened my face against the onslaught of emotions. We’d been through this too many times. “And what would you have me do? Half the pack wants me to challenge for Alpha and end his tyrannical reign. Did you decide to join the rebellion from your isolated life in the woods?”

“No.” She lowered her gaze. “I know that isn’t the life you want and it would destroy you to kill him. But maybe it’s time you allowed Kera a

little more freedom to make her own decisions.”

“Did the fates tell you she would win?” I asked, trying to keep the sarcasm from my voice.

“You know it doesn’t work like that.” Her blue-gray eyes flashed with her wolf.

“Forgive me for protecting a seventeen-year-old pup who shouldn’t have to take on a challenge so young.” I sighed. “When she’s older, we’ll revisit this discussion.”

“She’ll be eighteen on the next full moon,” Lisa said it like I’d forgotten. When I didn’t respond, she folded her arms over her chest and echoed my tired sigh.

“Fine. Bring your witch to me. I’m excited to meet her.” She smiled softly, putting the conversation of Kera back on the shelf where it belonged. “I’m happy you found your mate. That love is all I’ve ever wanted for all of my boys. Promise me though that you’ll give her space. Hard days are coming and she will need time to adjust. My heart can’t take another one of yours breaking because of rushing things.”

“I promise.” I kissed her cheek as I took my leave. It’d be difficult, but I’d keep control of my beast. I wasn’t Apollo.

History wouldn’t repeat itself.

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