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Chapter no 33

The War of Two Queens (Blood and Ash, #4)

I couldn’t sleep.

Not when Millicent’s warning preyed on my mind. But I stayed with Poppy, running my fingers through her hair. Soaking in her warmth. Counting the steady, strong beats of her heart. Listening to each breath she took until footsteps neared the door and then stopped.

Only then did I lift her from me, carefully easing her onto her side. She didn’t wake. Didn’t make a sound as I drew the thin blanket over her body. That was how exhausted she was.

I rose, stopping to brush the strands of hair back from her face and kiss her cheek. As close as I was, I saw the faint gray shadows under her eyes. It took nearly every ounce of control I had to leave that bed, but I did. I deserved a fucking medal for it.

Stopping where a neat pile of clothing had been left on a small armchair, I pulled on a pair of black pants. Buttoning the flap, I looked over my shoulder at Poppy. She slept on her side, just as I’d left her, one shoulder bared above the blanket, and her hair a stream of flames spread across the bed behind her. A knot lodged in my chest, a bundle of memories. Of the first time I’d held her while she slept on the cold, hard ground of the Blood Forest. The last time before I was taken, in the ship on that gently rocking bed. She always looked so damn peaceful. Beautiful. Strong. Brave, even in rest.

And I was hers.

I turned away before climbing right back into the bed. My flesh already missed the feel of hers as I went to the door, opening it.

Kieran was leaning against the wall, his head tipped back. His eyes opened, locking on mine. He went completely still as I closed the door. His mouth moved, but I heard no words as he lurched forward. I met him halfway. One or both of us staggered a little as we collided. His hand

trembled as he clasped the back of my neck. The knot of emotion in my chest grew as I held him as close as I had Poppy, and in that silence, I thanked the gods—sleeping, dead, or whatever as I dropped my forehead to his shoulder. For him being there for Poppy. For him just being here. For a bond thicker than blood or tradition.

“You whole?” Kieran asked in a voice that felt as rough as my throat. I closed my eyes. “Going to be.”

“Good.” The hand at the nape of my neck firmed. “Missed you, man.

Something fierce.” “Same.”

“Also wanted to punch you in the dick for doing what you did,” he said, and a thin laugh left me. “Still want to, to be honest.”

“You know why I did it.”

“I know.” Kieran squeezed the back of my neck. “That’s the only reason why I’m not punching you right now.”

I laughed again, lifting my head. “That and the fact you’re afraid Poppy would kick your ass for it.”

He chuckled roughly. “True story.”

Gripping his shoulder, I met his stare. “You do know why I gave myself up, right? I had to stop Isbeth. She was hurting Poppy.”

“I know. I do. I wouldn’t have expected anything less from you,” he said. “Doesn’t mean I had to like it. Doesn’t mean Poppy had to either.”

Nodding, I felt that tremor in his hand again. And knowing him for my whole life, I saw the shadows of dread in his eyes. The unasked questions. The evil he feared had preyed upon me, and the nightmares he worried would see a resurrection.

I clasped his cheek with my left hand and leaned my head into his. “It wasn’t like last time. The only thing taken from me was my blood.”

Some of the shadows cleared but not all of them. “Was that all, though?


A muscle ticked in my jaw. The quiet of that cell. The coldness. The hours and days and weeks of that—the desperation and everything else. No, that wasn’t all.

Kieran palmed my cheek. “You got me. You got Poppy. You aren’t alone. We’re both here. Always and forever.”


The knot hit my throat and dampened my eyes. “Yeah,” I said in a voice full of gravel. “I know.”

His chest rose in a deep inhale, and then his gaze flicked to the closed door. He didn’t ask. Didn’t need to.

“She’s asleep.”

Visible relief hit him. His eyes closed briefly and then reopened, the irises glimmering. “She’ll need to feed. It can’t be you. I’ll do it as soon as she wakes.”

“Thank you.”

“No need to thank me for that.” “But I do.”

He shrugged. “Not like I minded feeding her.” “I’m sure you didn’t,” I replied dryly.

One side of his lips curled up as he dropped his hands. “Come. There’s stew left on the hearth. You need to eat more.”

“Yes, Mother.”

Kieran snorted as he led me down the short, narrow hall, past two more closed doors. I looked behind me, hearing no movement. “What’s it look like outside?” I asked.

“Mist is fading, here and at higher points in the city, but it’s still thick in the lower areas.” Kieran entered a candlelit kitchen, picking up a bowl from one of the shelves along the wall. “Sounded like they’re still dealing with the Craven. If they’ve realized any of us are missing, they’re not out in full force yet.”

“That’ll change soon enough,” I said, scanning the wide chamber. Blinds covered a large window behind a table and chairs. Several daggers were scattered across the table’s surface. “How long do you think we have?”

“Probably the rest of the night and maybe the day.” He went to the pot at the hearth. “We’ve got to make our move before nightfall.”

Made sense. We wouldn’t have to deal with the knights then, but the Revenants? Another story. Isbeth may not be leashed to the moon like the Ascended, but she wouldn’t dare to come out during the day and risk exposure.

I glanced at the entryway again. “Where is everyone?” Namely, where was my fucking brother?

“The mortals—Blaz and Clariza? They’re asleep.” Kieran ladled a small lake’s worth of stew into a bowl. “Good people. Did Poppy tell you the woman’s a descendant?”

“She mentioned it.” I took the bowl and spoon, stomach rumbling at the herb-heavy scent. The bowl felt a little strange in the four-finger grip, but it was something I’d have to get used to.

Kieran went to the small table, taking a seat. I stood since I’d spent enough time on my ass. “The draken’s snooping around outside, hopefully keeping himself unseen and not burning anything.”

My brows rose as I chewed the chunks of vegetables and chicken.

Something Poppy said came back to me. “Did he really try to bite you?” “Fuck, yeah, he tried.” Kieran’s jaw hardened. “He isn’t real keen on

social skills. You’ll probably find him amusing.”

I grinned, swallowing the thick stew. The grin faded, though, as Kieran watched me. I didn’t want to ask because if the answer was one I didn’t want to hear—that my brother wasn’t here—I’d lose my shit. But I had to know. “Malik?”

“Asleep in the front room, passed out on the settee.”

I felt something. Didn’t know if it was surprise or relief.

Kieran leaned forward. “He helped you when you were in that cell?”

“Saw him once. He got rid of the infection.” I lifted the remaining fingers on my left hand.

“Only once?”

“He made it sound like it was a risk to me to do so,” I told him between mouthfuls.

“You believe him?”

“Don’t know,” I admitted, my stomach souring. Still, I kept eating. “You?”

He rubbed his chin. “He says he can secure us a ship. That we can be smuggled on and make our escape that way.”

“Is that so?” I went to the hearth, refilling my bowl only because the sooner I was back to normal, the sooner I could care for Poppy’s needs. “And you trust him that much—trust him with Poppy’s safety?”

“There are only a handful of people I trust with her safety, and he sure as fuck isn’t one of them,” Kieran replied. “But he helped us get you out. He hasn’t tried to leave, and he could’ve alerted the guards we saw when

we were scoping out shit. He didn’t. He’s risking a lot, and he knows what will happen if he’s caught.”

I thought it over. “I don’t think he’s going to betray us.” Kieran nodded.

“But he’s a huge liability,” I said, lifting the stew-heavy spoon to my mouth.

“The Handmaiden.”

“If she really is his heartmate, she’s leverage that can be used to control him. Probably already has been.”

“Only if Isbeth knows,” Kieran countered. “Do you really think she’d still be living and breathing if Isbeth did?”


He frowned. “Why do you think that?”

“I’m about to blow your mind.” I finished off the remaining stew, setting the bowl beside me. “Millicent is Isbeth’s daughter. Her father is Ires. She’s Poppy’s sister.”

Kieran’s lips parted, and a long moment passed. “What in the actual fuck?”

“Yeah.” Folding an arm over my stomach, I dragged a hand down my face. “If I hadn’t seen Millicent without the paint on her face, I wouldn’t believe it. But it’s true. She’s damn near the spitting image of Poppy.”

“The fuck?” Kieran whispered, straightening.

I would’ve laughed, except none of this was funny. “And there’s no doubt in my mind that Malik knows that.”

Kieran gave a slow shake of his head as his hand fell to the table beside the daggers. “But she’s a Revenant,” he said, and then gave me a brief rundown of how and why the third sons and daughters could become Revenants.

It all kind of made sense, considering how mortals had been created. “She’s something like a Revenant,” I said, sharing what Millicent had

told me. That did nothing to clear up any confusion because what the Handmaiden had said was about as clear as the soup in that pot.

“Gods,” he uttered. “Have you told Poppy?”

“I didn’t want to unload that on her when she was so exhausted. Once she wakes up and feeds…”



“That’s going to mess with her.”

The muscles in my shoulders cramped. “It will.”

He ran a hand over his head, where his hair had grown since the last time I saw him.

“Wait. Did Poppy tell you that there was more to that prophecy? What Tawny told her?”

“She told me bits of it—fuck. The first-and-second-daughter parts? Didn’t even connect when Poppy said it. Fated for the once-promised King?” I looked toward the hall. “If Malik speaks the truth about her being his heartmate, it makes sense.”

“And doesn’t because Poppy isn’t going to remake any realms.”

I nodded. “You know, Millicent even called herself the first daughter.

She also referred to herself as her mother’s failure.” “Failure at what?”

“I don’t know, but I’m thinking it’s what Isbeth plans.” I pushed away from the counter as more of what Millicent had shared with me cleared in my mind. “She told me she planned to remake the realms.” I went to the window, pulling the blinds back a little to see thin wisps of mist-strewn night.

Kieran turned in his chair. “Yeah, we heard that. One of the Priests in Oak Ambler said it was Poppy’s purpose.”

Closing my eyes, I let the blinds fall back into place. I recalled jumbled words spoken by Millicent and the Blood Queen, some slipping past me before I could make sense of them. “Millicent said that to remake the realms, you had to destroy them first. And I think that’s how Isbeth failed with Millicent. She would’ve had to go through the Culling—Ascend into her godhood. I don’t think Millicent survived it.”

“And you think Isbeth made her into one of those things as a way to save her?” Kieran sounded incredulous. “You think she cares that much?”

“I think she loves Poppy in her own twisted, fucked-up way. I think that’s why she also didn’t touch me this time around.” I faced Kieran. “And I think she probably loves Millicent in that same demented way of hers. After all, the death of one child propelled all of this into motion, didn’t it?”

“Shit.” Kieran looked up at the exposed beams of the ceiling. “So, what? You think Millicent was her first, and Poppy was her second attempt at creating something she thinks will destroy the realms?”


“Poppy will never do something like that. Never,” Kieran said from between clenched teeth with a swipe of his hand. Gods, I couldn’t love the wolven more. His loyalty to our Queen was everything. “Yeah, she’s had her moments—ones you haven’t seen, where she’s…she’s something else. Like when she saw what Isbeth had done to you.”

I had to breathe through the rage. I had to resist picking up one of the daggers and slamming it into the wall of a mortal’s home. Ones who’d done nothing but aid us. I had to get over the guilt.

“But it’s still Poppy,” Kieran said, and shadows crept across his face, quickly disappearing. “Isbeth may have succeeded in creating a powerful god, but she ultimately failed.”

“Agreed.” I went to the table, my movements stiff. “There’s more. I know there is. But my head, man…it’s got these patches of nothing. They’re slow to fill out.” Placing my hands on the table, I leaned over. “I know Millicent said that I needed to stop Poppy. That, soon, I would be the only one.”

“Stop her as in…?” Kieran stiffened, and the change that swept through him was vast and quick. His skin thinned. His eyes turned luminous. “Kill her?”

“Not going to happen,” I reminded him.

“Damn straight, it’s not,” he growled. “Because I’m going to go round up Reaver and let him burn that wannabe Revenant.”

“You really think Poppy will allow that once she knows who Millicent is?” I asked, and Kieran snarled low. “I don’t think Millicent wants Poppy dead. It’s almost like she believes there’s no other way.”

“Because she thinks Poppy’s the Harbinger?” I nodded.

“She’s not. And I don’t give a fuck about the differences between wanting Poppy dead and thinking there’s no other way,” he fired back. “You telling me there is one?”

My stare met his. “You know damn well if she proves to be a threat to Poppy, I will hand-deliver her to Reaver. I’d rather have Poppy’s hate than see her harmed.”

Kieran sat back, his fingers tense on the table. “Poppy will never hate you.”

I snorted. “You underestimate her capacity for feeling strong emotions.”

“Actually, I don’t.” His eyes flicked to mine. “The only thing that drove her close to destroying Solis was her love for you.”


Isbeth’s taunting words resurfaced from the darkness. I never wanted that weakness.

I straightened.

Love can be weaponized, weakening a…

My heart started pounding.

“What?” Kieran demanded. “What is it?”

“Poppy told me the draken said she hadn’t completed the Culling yet,” I rasped. Millicent had said the same. It was why Isbeth had done all she had. Why she’d taken me in the first place. Why she waited.

“Yeah. So?”

“A god isn’t powerful enough to destroy the realms, Kieran. Isbeth would know that.”

And a god wasn’t powerful enough to do as Millicent claimed, either, to hand Isbeth her revenge against Nyktos.

Kieran opened his mouth, but then his gaze cut to the shielded window. His eyes widened, and I knew that he’d realized the same thing I had. It was impossible, but…

Kieran’s head swiveled back to me. “The mist. She didn’t summon it, Cas. She created the Primal mist.”



Hours later, as the sun crested over the city, I sat in bed beside Poppy, ankles crossed and back against the headboard. She hadn’t woken when I joined her, but she had snuggled close, resting her cheek against my chest.

I hadn’t slept more than an hour—if that. For totally different reasons now. I sat there, toying with the soft strands of Poppy’s hair as she slept. Simply stunned by her. Marveled.

The door cracked open, and Kieran entered. His steps were quiet, careful as he approached the bed. “I hate to do this…”

“I know,” I said, looking down at Poppy. He didn’t want to wake her.

Neither did I, but it was necessary. Time wasn’t on our side.

Tucking strands back from her cheek, I bent over and kissed her brow. “Queen,” I called softly, smoothing my thumb along her lower jaw. Poppy’s brows pinched as she wiggled closer. I grinned as Kieran sat on her other side. “Open those beautiful eyes for me.”

Her lashes fluttered and then swept up. Sleep clung to her gaze. Those gray shadows under her eyes were still there, but the silver streaks were bright, piercing the spring green. “Cas.”

A groan rumbled from my chest. “You’re my favorite kind of torture,” I told her, kissing her brow. “Kieran’s here.”

She turned her head slightly, looking over her shoulder. “Hi.”

Kieran smiled at her as he leaned over her hip, bracing his weight with his hand on the bed. His features softened in a way I hadn’t seen from him in a long time. “Morning.”

“Morning?” she repeated, blinking. “I slept that long?”

“It’s okay. You needed the rest, and we couldn’t leave anyway,” I told her, squeezing her shoulder.

“Did you rest?” She glanced back at Kieran. “Did either of you two rest?”

“Of course,” Kieran lied so smoothly, I almost believed him.

Poppy watched Kieran for a moment and then looked up at me. “How are you feeling?”

“Divine,” I told her, rubbing my thumb along the curve of her collarbone.

She studied me closely and then sat up, the thin blanket pooling at her hips, and the riot of waves and curls going in every direction. “Is Malik still here?”

I ignored the sudden lurch in my chest as I curled an arm around her waist, figuring she was mere seconds from climbing out of bed. “He is.”

“Just saw him.” Kieran’s gaze flicked to me. “Still sleeping.”

“And Reaver?” she asked as I pulled her between my legs so she was pressed to my chest. She allowed it, relaxing into me in a way that almost made it hard to believe she’d used to sit so stiffly near me. “Is he—?”

“He’s fine,” Kieran said. “Hasn’t burned anyone alive.” He paused. “Recently.”

I arched a brow.

“Reaver,” Poppy murmured with a sigh, resting a hand on my arm, “has this obsession with burning people. Guess it’s a draken thing.”

“I think it’s just a Reaver thing,” Kieran stated dryly.

“True.” A small grin appeared as she lifted my left hand to her mouth, pressing a kiss to the top. “What about the mist? Did any Craven get into the city? How will we—?”

“So many questions—” Kieran laughed as he reached over, tucking that particularly rebellious strand of hair back from her face, the one that kept slipping forward. “That need to wait.”

Her eyes narrowed on him. “I don’t think any of them need to wait.” “They do,” I said, and that glare flipped to me. I smiled.

“Don’t smile at me,” she snapped. My smile grew. “So feisty.”

Her stare warmed even as her chin jutted. “Stupid dimples,” she muttered.

Laughing, I lowered my mouth to hers, kissing her. “You love my dimples,” I told her, straightening. “And you need to feed.”

She opened her mouth, then closed it.

“I volunteered without even being asked,” Kieran assured her. “With all the eather you’ve used, and the blood you’ve given Cas, it’s a necessity.”

Poppy was quiet for a moment. “I know, but I…”

Curling my fingers under her chin, I tipped her gaze back to mine. “Your hesitation can’t be because of me.”

“It’s not.” She turned her head down, kissing the tip of my finger. Her eyes fixed on Kieran. “It’s just that I don’t like using you as a—as a snack.”

His brows flew up. “Well, first off, I don’t like to think of myself as a snack. More like a whole damn meal.”

Dropping my face to the top of Poppy’s head, it took everything in me not to laugh.

“Okay, Mr. Whole Damn Meal, I don’t like using you in general, and you know that.” Moving suddenly, she shoved her elbow into my stomach, causing me to grunt. “And you? It’s not funny.”

“Of course, not, my Queen,” I replied, grinning into her hair.

She moved to jab me with her elbow again, but I curled my other arm around her, stopping her as I laughed. Tilting my head, I kissed her cheek. “You’re not using him. It’s a mutually beneficial act.”

Poppy twisted her neck to look at me. “How is that a mutually beneficial act?”

Kieran opened his mouth and then wisely closed it when his gaze met mine. “Because,” I said, loosening my hold on her, “it makes him feel useful.”

She rolled her eyes.

“Poppy.” Kieran leaned forward, placing his fingers under her chin and turning her attention to him. “You know I’m happy to be of aid to you in this way. You’re not using me. You’re allowing me to help you. There’s a world of difference between those two things.”

Quietly, she stared at him, and I had a feeling she was reading him. Whatever she felt, I’d have to thank Kieran for later, because she nodded with a sigh. “Okay.”

A bolt of relief shot through me. I gave her another quick kiss on the corner of her lips and then lifted a hand. I didn’t need to say anything. Kieran offered his, and Poppy tensed against me as I lowered my mouth to his wrist. Her grip returned to my arm as she turned, giving me room. I hesitated over Kieran’s skin, raising my eyes to hers. Tiny nails dug into the flesh of my arm as she watched me pierce Kieran’s skin. An earthy taste touched my tongue. I didn’t drink, and I didn’t go too deeply. Kieran didn’t even move, but Poppy’s worried gaze shot to the wolven.

“I’m fine,” he assured.

Lifting my head, my hand was still around Kieran’s when he brought the welling blood to her mouth. There was a moment when Poppy didn’t move, but then she lowered her head, closing her mouth around the marks.

Kieran moved then.

Just a small jerk. One I didn’t think Poppy noticed as I gathered the strands of her hair that had fallen forward, brushing them over one shoulder. My hand left Kieran’s then, and I curled my arm around her waist, resting my hand on one hip. She gave a little jolt at the touch and then her leg curled under the blanket, pressing against mine as I drew my other hand

up and down her back.

I watched her—the thick fringe of lashes fanning her cheeks, the way her throat worked on each swallow as I moved my fingers across her hip in slow, steady circles. I didn’t take my eyes off her. I saw the moment the shadows under her eyes cleared. I inhaled, breathing in a familiar scent. The

corners of my lips tipped up as I bent, kissing the top of her head and then her temple.

Those sharp, little nails dug into my flesh as a pink flush seeped across her cheeks. Her eyes flew open, narrowing on Kieran. The bastard was grinning, looking way too proud of himself, and I had a feeling she had stumbled into his memories, and he was showing her something she likely found highly inappropriate.

And intriguing.

Because that scent increased, joining another, and my blood thickened in response. Poppy gave a restless wiggle, causing her hip to brush against my entirely intrigued cock. I squeezed her hip, pulling her tighter to me.

Poppy swallowed one last time and then lifted her mouth. “Thank you,” she whispered, folding both her hands around Kieran’s forearm, just below my bite. A silvery glow radiated from her hands, and it didn’t matter how many times I saw her do this. It was fucking awe-inspiring. The two puncture wounds faded within a few heartbeats. She let go of his arm. “You’re still a jerk, though.”

Kieran’s laugh crinkled the skin at the corners of his eyes. “You take enough?”

Poppy reclined against my chest. “Yes.”

“Good.” He looked at me with bright eyes—eyes that pulsed with eather behind the pupils—as he clasped the back of Poppy’s head and bent, kissing her forehead. He rose from the bed. “I’ll be waiting.”

The moment the door closed behind Kieran, I clasped her cheeks and turned her gaze to me. The pink flush in her skin had deepened.

“My Queen?”

The tip of her tongue wet her lips. “Yes?”

“I need you on my cock.” Dipping my head, my tongue traced the flick of hers. “Now.”

Poppy shuddered.

I slid my hands down her sides, lifting her hips and drawing her onto her knees. Her mouth found mine, and her kiss—fuck, it tasted of sweetness and something warm. Earthy. Her hands went to my shoulders, to the hair on the nape of my neck. We had a lot of important shit to talk about and get done, but I needed the same as she did. To be inside her. I reached for the buttons on my breeches, barely managing to unhook them without ripping

them off. I gripped myself as I curled my arm around her waist, pulling her down.

The first touch of her, hot and slick, nearly undid me. As did the breathy sound she made against my lips as I drew her down until no space remained between us. Nothing. I threaded my fingers through her hair as I slid my hand under the hem of her shirt, cupping her ass.

“As I said before…” I rocked her against me. “You’re my favorite kind of torture.”

She moaned, trembling. “You’re just my favorite.” Her breath caught as I squeezed her ass, grinding her down on my dick. “You’re my favorite everything.”

I nipped at her lower lip. “I know.” “Arrogant.”

“Just telling the truth.” I took her mouth with mine, drawing in the unique flavor of her kiss. “I can taste his blood on your tongue.”

Her hips gave a delicious little jerk, but she started to pull back. I stopped her. “It’s not a bad thing,” I told her, keeping her hips moving, working. “What does his blood taste like to you?”

“You didn’t…taste it?” Her words came out in short pants. “Tasted earthy to me.”

“It…his blood tastes like a fall morning,” she said.

“I’m a little envious of that.” I slid my hand over the soft flesh of her ass, slipping a finger between the cheeks and into the tight flesh there. Her entire body stiffened as she sucked in a sharp breath. “Does that hurt?”

“No,” she whispered, her chest rising and falling rapidly against mine. “It just feels different.”

“But good?” I watched her closely, searching for any hint of discomfort as I remained still beneath her.

Poppy bit down on her lip. “Yes.”

I smiled at her and then started moving her hips again. “You read about something like this in Miss Willa’s diary?”

Her face was even pinker. “Maybe.”

I chuckled roughly, taking the lip she’d bitten with mine. The hands at my shoulders trembled. “Were you curious about it when you read it? I bet you were.”

“Maybe a little,” she said.

“Gods.” I nipped her neck, avoiding the nearly healed bite marks. “I love that fucking book.”

“Not surprised to hear that…” She jerked, and she felt hotter, wetter. “I didn’t think it would feel so—” Her moan was a full-body shudder as I pressed in deeper. “I didn’t think it would feel like…”

“Like what?”

“Like this.” Her forehead fell against mine. “Hot. Wicked. Full.”

Her breath was on a loop, catching and releasing, and I didn’t think she realized that I wasn’t guiding her movements any longer. She rode me, her breath hot against my lips and her body moving in sinuous curls and plunges. She enjoyed the wickedness. Thoroughly. I heard it in those inhales. Felt it in how she tightened around my dick and my finger. When she came, she took me over the edge right with her. The release shook us both, leaving me feeling as if I’d lost control of all the muscles in my body.

It took a lot of willpower to ease myself out of her and leave her on the bed, curled on her side once more, looking thoroughly fucked in a most indecent way. I didn’t linger long in the bathing chamber, cleaning up quickly before returning to her, sitting near her hip.

Poppy was awake, though her eyes were only half open. There was peace in her soft smile that I hated to disturb.

But I had to.

She was rested, fed, and fucked.

All I could hope was that those three things would help her process what I had to tell her.

“There is something I need to talk to you about. It’s going to be hard to believe, and it’ll be a shock.”

The change in Poppy was immediate. The smile vanished, and she’d gone completely still as she stared up at me. “What?”

I drew in a deep breath as I tugged the hem of her shirt down. “The Handmaiden that you think my brother is in love with? The one he claims is his heartmate?”

Her brows snapped together. “Millicent?”

“Yeah. Her.” I swallowed. “She came to my cell a few times. I know she told Malik the wound in my hand was infected. And then she came again, after I saw you. She showed me something. That’s how I know that what she told me is true. I saw it. There’s no denying it. She’s…she’s your sister, Poppy. Your full-blooded sister.”

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