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Chapter no 10

The Selection (The Selection, #1)

Iย KEPT MY HEAD DOWNย at dinner. In the Women’s Room I could be brave because Marlee was beside me, and she just thought I was nice. But here, sandwiched between people whose hate I could feel radiating off in waves, I was a coward. I looked up from my plate once to see Kriss Ambers twirling her fork menacingly. And Ashley, who was so ladylike, had her lips pouted and didn’t speak to me. I just wanted to escape to my room.

I didn’t understand why it was all so important. So the people seemed to like me, so what? They were outranked in here; their little signs and cheers didn’t matter.

After everything was said and done, I didn’t know whether to feel honored or annoyed.

I focused my energies on the food. The last time I’d had steak was for Christmas a few years ago. I knew Mom did her best, but it was nothing like this. So juicy, so tender, so flavorful. I wanted to ask someone else if this wasn’t the best steak they’d ever had. If Marlee had been nearby, I would have. I took a tentative peek around the room. Marlee was chattering quietly with the people around her.

How did she manage to do that? Hadn’t that same clip declared her one of the immediate favorites? How did she get people to talk to her?

Dessert was an assortment of fruits in vanilla ice cream. It was like I’d never eaten before. If this was food, what had I been putting in my mouth up to this point? I thought of May and her equal love for all things sweet. She would have loved this. I bet she would have excelled here.

We weren’t allowed to leave dinner until everyone had finished, and after that we were under strict orders to go straight to bed.

โ€œYou’ll be meeting Prince Maxon in the morning, and you’ll want to look your best,โ€ Silvia instructed. โ€œHe is someone in this room’s future husband, after all.โ€

A few girls sighed at the thought.

The click and clack of shoes up the stairs was quieter this time around. I couldn’t wait to get out of mine. Out of the dress, too. I had one set of clothes from home in my backpack and was debating putting them on just to feel like myself for a moment.

We dispersed at the top of the stairs, each girl heading off to her own room. Marlee pulled me aside.

โ€œAre you okay?โ€ she asked.

โ€œYes. It’s just that some of the girls were looking at me funny during dinner.โ€ I tried not to come across as whiny.

โ€œThey’re just a little nervous because everyone liked you so much,โ€ she said, waving off their behavior.

โ€œBut the people liked you, too. I saw the signs. Why weren’t the girls being mean to you?โ€

โ€œYou haven’t spent a whole lot of time with groups of girls, have you?โ€ She was smiling slyly, like I should know what was happening.

โ€œNo. Just my sisters mostly,โ€ I confessed. โ€œHomeschooled?โ€


โ€œWell, I get tutored with a bunch of other Fours back home, all girls, and they each have their ways of getting under other people’s skin. See, it’s all about knowing the person, figuring out what will bug them the most. Lots of girls give me backhanded compliments, or little remarks, things like that. I know I come across as bubbly, but I’m shy underneath that, and they think they can wear me down with words.โ€

I scrunched my forehead. They did that on purpose? โ€œFor you, someone kind of quiet and mysteriousโ€”โ€ โ€œI’m not mysterious,โ€ I interrupted.

โ€œYou are a little. And sometimes people don’t know whether to interpret silence as confidence or fear. They’re looking at you like you’re a bug so maybe you’ll feel like you are one.โ€

โ€œHuh.โ€ That kind of made sense. I wondered what I was doing, if I was picking away at others’ insecurities somehow. โ€œWhat do you do? When you want to get the best of them, I mean?โ€

She smiled. โ€œI ignore it. I know one girl at home who gets so irritated when she can’t bother you, she just ends up sulking. So don’t worry,โ€ she said. โ€œAll you have to do is not let them know they’re getting to you.โ€

โ€œThey’re not.โ€

โ€œI almost believe you โ€ฆ but not quite.โ€ She laughed a little, a warm sound that evaporated in the quiet hallway. โ€œCan you believe we meet him in the morning?โ€ she asked, moving on to more important things in her eyes.

โ€œNo, actually, I can’t.โ€ Maxon seemed like a ghost haunting the palaceโ€”implied but never really there.

โ€œWell, good luck tomorrow.โ€ And I could tell she meant it.

โ€œBetter luck to you, Marlee. I’m sure Prince Maxon will be more than pleased to meet you.โ€ I squeezed her hand one time.

She smiled in a way that was both excited and timid and walked off to her room.

When I got to mine, Bariel’s door was still open, and I heard her muttering something to a maid. She caught sight of me and slammed the door in my face.

Thanks for that.

My maids were there, of course, waiting to help me wash and undress. My nightgown, a flimsy little green thing, had been laid out for me on the bed. Kindly, none of them had touched my bag.

They were efficient but purposeful. They obviously had this end-of-the-day routine down, but they didn’t rush through it. I suppose the effect was meant to be soothing, but I was ready to have them gone. I couldn’t speed them up as they washed my hands and unlaced my dress and pinned my silver name tag to my silken nightgown. And as they did all these things that made me incredibly self-conscious, they asked questions. I tried to answer them without being rude.

Yes, I’d finally seen all the other girls. No, they weren’t very talkative. Yes, dinner was fantastic. No, I wouldn’t meet the prince until tomorrow. Yes, I was very tired.

โ€œAnd it would really help me wind down if I could have some time alone,โ€ I added to the end of that last answer, hoping they would take the hint.

They looked disappointed. I tried to recover.

โ€œYou’re all very helpful. I’m just used to spending time alone. And I’ve been swarmed with people today.โ€

โ€œBut Lady Singer, we’re supposed to help you. It’s our job,โ€ the head girl said. I’d figured out that she was Anne. Anne seemed to be on top of things, Mary was easygoing, and Lucy I guessed was just shy.

โ€œI really do appreciate you all, and I’ll definitely want your help getting started tomorrow. But tonight, I just need to unwind. If you want to be helpful, some time to

myself would be good for me. And if you’re all rested, I’m sure it will make things better in the morning, right?โ€

They looked at one another. โ€œWell, I suppose so,โ€ Anne acquiesced.

โ€œOne of us is supposed to stay here while you sleep. In case you need something.โ€ Lucy looked nervous, like she was afraid of whatever decision I would make. She seemed to have little tremors now and then, which I guessed was her shyness coming to the surface.

โ€œIf I need anything, I’ll ring the bell. It’ll be fine. Besides, I won’t be able to rest knowing someone’s watching me.โ€

They looked at one another again, still a little skeptical. I knew one way to stop this, but I hated using it.

โ€œYou’re supposed to obey my every command, right?โ€ They nodded hopefully.

โ€œThen I command you all to go to bed. And come help me in the morning. Please.โ€ Anne smiled. I could tell she was starting to get me.

โ€œYes, Lady Singer. We’ll see you in the morning.โ€ They curtsied and quietly left the room. Anne gave me one last look. I supposed I wasn’t quite what she had been expecting. She didn’t seem too upset about it, though.

Once they were gone, I stepped out of my fancy slippers and stretched my toes on the floor. It felt good, natural, to be barefoot. I went to unpack my things, which was quick. I kept my change of clothes tucked in the bag and stored it in my massive closet. I surveyed the dresses as I did so. There were only a few. Enough to get me through a week or so. I assumed this was the same for everyone. Why make a dozen dresses for a girl who might leave the next day?

I took the few photos I had of my family and stuck them in the edge of my mirror. It stretched so high and wide, I could look at the pictures without having anything interrupt my view of myself. I had a small box of personal trinketsโ€”earrings and ribbons and headbands I loved. They’d probably look incredibly plain here, but they were all so personal that I’d had to have them with me. The few books I’d brought found their way to the helpful shelf near the doors that opened to my balcony.

I peeked out the entry to the balcony and saw the garden. There was a maze of paths with fountains and benches. Flowers blossomed everywhere, and each hedge was perfectly trimmed. Past this obviously manicured piece of land was a short, open field and then a massive forest. It stretched back so far that I couldn’t tell if it was entirely closed in by palace walls. I wondered for a moment why it existed and then debated the last article from home that I held in my hand.

My tiny jar with its rattling penny. I rolled it in my hands a few times, listening to the penny skate around the edges of the glass. Why had I even brought this? To remind myself of something I couldn’t have?

That tiny thoughtโ€”that this love I had been building in a quiet, secret place for years was really beyond my reach nowโ€”made my eyes well up. On top of all the tension and excitement of the day, it was just too much. I didn’t know where the jar’s permanent place here would be, but for the moment I set it on the table by my bed.

I dimmed the lights, crawled up on top of the luxurious blankets, and stared at my jar. I let myself be sad. I let myself think ofย him.

How had I lost so much in such a short period of time? It would seem like leaving your family, living in some foreign place, and being separated from the person you love should be events that take years to roll into place, not just a day.

I wondered what exactly he had wanted to tell me before I left. The only thing I could deduce was that he didn’t feel comfortable saying it out loud. Was it aboutย her?

I stared at the jar.

Maybe he was trying to say he was sorry? I had given him a sound scolding last night.

So perhaps that was it.

That he’d moved on? Well, I could see that pretty clearly myself, thank you very much. That heย hadnโ€™tย moved on? That he still loved me?

I shut the thought down. I couldn’t let that hope build in me. I needed to hate him right now. That anger would keep me going. Staying as far away from him as I could for as long as possible was half my reason for being here.

But the hope ached. And with the hope came homesickness, wishing May was sneaking into my bed like she sometimes did. And then fear that the other girls wanted me gone, that they might keep trying to make me feel small. And then nervousness at being presented to the nation on television for as long as I was here. And terror that people might try to kill me just to make a political statement. It all came at me too fast for my dizzy head to compute after such a long day.

My vision got blurry. I didn’t even register that I’d started crying. I couldn’t breathe. I was shaking. I jumped up and ran to the balcony. I was so panicked, it took me a moment to open the latch, but I did. I thought the fresh air would be enough, but it wasn’t. My breaths were still shallow and cold.

There was no freedom in this. The bars of my balcony caged me in. And I could still see the walls around the palace, high with guards atop the points. I needed to be outside the palace, and no one was going to let that happen. Desperation made me feel even weaker. I looked at the forest. I’d bet I couldn’t see anything but greenery from there.

I turned and bolted. I was a little unsteady with the tears in my eyes, but I managed to get out the door. I ran down the one hallway I knew, not seeing the art or the drapery or golden trim. I barely noticed the guards. I didn’t know my way around the palace, but I knew if I got down the stairs and turned the right way, I’d see the massive glass doors that led to the garden. I just needed the doors.

I ran down the grand stairwell, my bare feet making slapping sounds on the marble. There were a few more guards along the way, but no one stopped me. That is, until I actually found the place I was looking for.

Just like earlier, two men were stationed at either side of the doors, and when I tried to run for them, one of them stepped in my way, the spearlike staff in his hand barring me from the exit.

โ€œExcuse me, miss, you need to go back to your room,โ€ he said with authority. Even though he wasn’t speaking loudly, his voice seemed thunderous in the still of the elegant hallway.

โ€œNo โ€ฆ no. I need โ€ฆ outside.โ€ The words were tangled; I couldn’t breathe right.

โ€œMiss, you need to get back to your room now.โ€ The second guard was taking steps toward me.

โ€œPlease.โ€ I started gasping. I thought I might faint.

โ€œI’m sorryโ€ฆ Lady America, is it?โ€ He found my pin. โ€œYou need to go back to your room.โ€

โ€œI โ€ฆ I can’t breathe,โ€ I stammered, falling into the guard’s arms as he moved close enough to push me away. His staff fell to the ground. I feebly clawed at him, feeling woozy with the effort.

โ€œLet her go!โ€ This was a new voice, young but full of authority. My head half turned, half fell in its direction. There was Prince Maxon. He looked a little odd, thanks to the angle my head was hanging at, but I recognized the hair and the stiff way he stood.

โ€œShe collapsed, Your Majesty. She wanted to go outside.โ€ The first guard looked nervous as he explained. He would be in terrible danger if he damaged me. I was the property of Illรฉa now.

โ€œOpen the doors.โ€

โ€œButโ€”Your Majestyโ€”โ€

โ€œOpen the doors and let her go. Now!โ€

โ€œRight away, Your Highness.โ€ The first guard went to work, pulling out a key. My head stayed in its strange position as I heard the sound of keys clanking against one another and then one sliding into the lock. The prince looked at me warily as I tried to stand. And then the sweet smell of fresh air pulsed through me, giving me all the motivation I needed. I pulled myself out of the guard’s arms and ran like a drunk into the garden.

I was staggering quite a bit, but I didn’t care if I looked less than graceful. I just needed to be outside. I let myself feel the warm air on my skin, the grass beneath my toes. Somehow even things in nature seemed to be bred into something extravagant here. I meant to go all the way into the trees, but my legs only carried me so far. I collapsed in front of a small stone bench and sat there, my fine green nightgown in the dirt, and my head resting in my arms on the seat.

My body didn’t have the energy to sob, so the tears that came were quiet. Still, they took all my focus. How did I get here? How had I let this happen? What would become of me here? Would I ever get back any piece of the life I’d had before this? I just didn’t know. And there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about any of it.

I was so consumed with my thoughts that I didn’t realize I wasn’t alone until Prince Maxon spoke.

โ€œAre you all right, my dear?โ€ he asked me.

โ€œI amย notย your dear.โ€ I looked up to glare at him. There would be no mistaking the disgust in my tone or eyes.

โ€œWhat have I done to offend you? Did I not just give you the very thing you asked for?โ€ He was genuinely confused by my response. I suppose he expected us to adore him and thank our lucky stars for his existence.

I stared him down without fear, though the effect was probably weakened by my tearstained cheeks.

โ€œExcuse me, dear, are you going to keep crying?โ€ he asked, sounding very put out by the thought.

โ€œDon’t call me that! I am no more dear to you than the thirty-four other strangers you have here in your cage.โ€

He walked closer, not seeming at all offended by my loose speech. He just looked โ€ฆ thoughtful. It was an interesting expression on his face.

His walk was graceful for a boy, and he looked incredibly comfortable as he paced around me. My bravery melted a little in the face of how awkward this was. He was fully dressed in his sharp suit, and I was cowering and half-naked. As if his rank didn’t threaten me enough, his demeanor did. He must have had plenty of experience dealing with unhappy people; he was exceptionally calm as he answered.

โ€œThat is an unfair statement. You are all dear to me. It is simply a matter of discovering who shall be the dearest.โ€

โ€œDid you really just use the word โ€˜shall’?โ€

He chuckled. โ€œI’m afraid I did. Forgive me, it’s a product of my education.โ€ โ€œEducation,โ€ I muttered, rolling my eyes. โ€œRidiculous.โ€

โ€œI’m sorry?โ€ he asked.

โ€œIt’s ridiculous!โ€ I yelled, regaining some of my courage. โ€œWhat is?โ€

โ€œThis contest! The whole thing! Haven’t you ever loved anyone at all? Is this how you want to pick a wife? Are you really so shallow?โ€ I shifted on the ground a little. To make things easier for me, he sat on the bench so I wouldn’t have to twist. I was too upset to be thankful.

โ€œI can see how I would appear that way, how this whole thing could seem like it’s nothing more than cheap entertainment. But in my world, I am very guarded. I don’t meet very many women. The ones I do are daughters of diplomats, and we usually have very little to discuss. And that’s when we manage to speak the same language.โ€

Maxon seemed to think that was a joke, and he laughed lightly. I wasn’t amused. He cleared his throat.

โ€œCircumstances being what they are, I haven’t had the opportunity to fall in love. Have you?โ€

โ€œYes,โ€ I said matter-of-factly. As soon as the word came out, I wished I could steal it back. That was a private thing, none of his business.

โ€œThen you have been quite lucky.โ€ He sounded jealous.

Imagine that. The one thing I could hold over the head of the Prince of Illรฉa, the very thing I was here to forget.

โ€œMy mother and father were married this way and are quite happy. I hope to find happiness, too. To find a woman that all of Illรฉa can love, someone to be my companion and to help entertain the leaders of other nations. Someone who will befriend my friends and be my confidante. I’m ready to find my wife.โ€

Something in his voice struck me. There wasn’t a trace of sarcasm. This thing that seemed like little more than a game show to me was his only chance for happiness. He couldn’t try with a second round of girls. Well, maybe he could, but how embarrassing. He was so desperate, so hopeful. I felt my distaste for him lessen. Marginally.

โ€œDo you really feel like this is a cage?โ€ His eyes were full of compassion. โ€œYes, I do.โ€ My voice came out quiet. I quickly added, โ€œYour Majesty.โ€

โ€œI’ve felt that way more than once myself. But you must admit, it is a very beautiful cage.โ€

โ€œFor you. Fill your beautiful cage with thirty-four other men all fighting over the same thing. See how nice it is then.โ€

He raised his eyebrows. โ€œHave there really been arguments over me? Don’t you all realize I’m the one doing the choosing?โ€

โ€œActually, that was unfair. They’re fighting over two things. Some fight for you, others fight for the crown. And they all think they’ve already figured out what to say and do so your choice will be obvious.โ€

โ€œAh, yes. The man or the crown. I’m afraid some cannot tell the difference.โ€ He shook his head.

โ€œGood luck there,โ€ I said dryly.

It was quiet for a moment in the wake of my sarcasm. I looked up at him out of the corner of my eye, waiting for him to speak. He gazed at an unfixed point in the grass, concern marking his face. It seemed this thought had been plaguing him. He took a breath and turned back to me.

โ€œWhich do you fight for?โ€ โ€œActually, I’m here by mistake.โ€ โ€œMistake?โ€

โ€œYes. Sort of. Well, it’s a long story. And nowโ€ฆ I’m here. And I’m not fighting. My plan is to enjoy the food until you kick me out.โ€

He laughed out loud at that, actually doubling over and slapping his knee. It was a bizarre mix of rigidity and calm.

โ€œWhat are you?โ€ he asked. โ€œI’m sorry?โ€

โ€œA Two? Three?โ€

Wasn’t he paying attention at all? โ€œFive.โ€

โ€œAh, yes, then food would probably be good motivation to stay.โ€ He laughed again. โ€œI’m sorry, I can’t read your pin in the dark.โ€

โ€œI’m America.โ€

โ€œWell, that’s perfect.โ€ Maxon looked off into the night and smiled at nothing in particular. Something in all this was amusing to him. โ€œAmerica, my dear, I do hope you find something in this cage worth fighting for. After all this, I can only imagine what it would be like to see you actually try.โ€

He came down from the bench to crouch beside me. He was too close. I couldn’t think right. Maybe I was a little star-struck or still feeling shaky from my crying episode. Either way I was too shocked to protest when he took my hand.

โ€œIf it would make you happy, I could let the staff know you prefer the garden. Then you can come out here at night without being manhandled by the guard. I would prefer if you had one nearby, though.โ€

I wanted that. Freedom of any kind sounded heavenly, but he needed to be absolutely sure of my feelings.

โ€œI don’tโ€ฆ I don’t think I want anything from you.โ€ I pulled my fingers from his loose grip.

He was a little taken aback, hurt. โ€œAs you wish.โ€ I felt more regret. Just because I didn’t like the guy didn’t mean I wanted to hurt him. โ€œWill you be heading inside soon?โ€

โ€œYes,โ€ I breathed, looking at the ground.

โ€œThen I’ll leave you with your thoughts. There will be a guard near the door waiting for you.โ€

โ€œThank you, um, Your Majesty.โ€ I shook my head. How many times had I addressed him wrongly in this conversation?

โ€œDear America, will you do me a favor?โ€ He took my hand again. He was persistent. I squinted at him, not sure of what to say. โ€œMaybe.โ€

His smile returned. โ€œDon’t mention this to the others. Technically, I’m not supposed to meet you until tomorrow, and I don’t want anyone getting upset. Though I wouldn’t call you yelling at me anything close to a romantic tryst, would you?โ€

It was my turn to smile. โ€œNot at all!โ€ I took a deep breath. โ€œI won’t tell.โ€

โ€œThank you.โ€ He took the hand he was holding and lowered his lips to it. When he pulled away, he gently placed my hand in my lap. โ€œGood night.โ€

I looked at the warm spot on my hand, stunned for a moment. Then I turned to watch Maxon as he walked away, giving me the privacy I’d wanted all day.

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