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Chapter no 61 – RYAT

The Ritual (L.O.R.D.S., #1)

“WONDERFUL.” THE CRAZY bitch claps her hands, turning to face the congregation. “You are dismissed, Lords,” LeAnne announces. “This is a family matter. Shoo.” She waves her hands in the air.

Ignoring her, I kneel next to my wife. She’s still on her knees, shaking and her hand gripping the handle of the knife that is inside of a dead Valerie. “Blake?” I say softly, brushing the hair off her shoulder to her back so I can get a better look at her profile. “Blakely?”

“She’s fine, darling.” LeAnne laughs as if this is a joke.

I look up at her, narrowing my eyes on hers. “You can leave too.”

She opens her mouth but Phil steps in next to her. “Come on. Let’s give them some space.”

“But …”

“You’ve got plenty of time to talk to her.” He assures LeAnne and all I can think is over my dead body! That bitch isn’t going to come near my wife. I don’t trust her.

“Alright.” She nods and looks over at a bloody, but very much alive Matt hanging from his restraints. “But what about …?”

“I’ll fucking handle it!” I snap, getting to my feet. “Get the fuck out!”

Her face hardens and she steps into me. “Listen here, boy.” She points a finger in my face. “Everything you have is because of me. I can take it away just like that …” Her fingers snap and I fist my hands to keep from snapping her goddamn neck.

“Now, now, now. It’s been a long day.” Phil grabs her shoulders and pulls her back from me. “We’re leaving.” He nods and then takes her hand, pulling her over to the stairs.

“Blake?” I bark with a little more bite than I meant to. It doesn’t faze her. She sits on her knees, her clothes now soaked in blood and sniffing.

“Come on.” I lean over, grabbing her under her arms and yanking her to her feet.

“I … killed her … I …”

I spin her around to face me, grabbing her face in both of my hands. “Look at me.”

Tears run down her cheeks, smearing her once pretty makeup. “She was going to take our babies …” She rushes out.

“Hey,” I say softly.

“I couldn’t … wouldn’t let her do that.” She licks her wet lips. “You don’t have to explain yourself, Blake. It’s okay.”

“And Matt,” Her watery eyes go to his bloody body. “He was going to let her.”

“They’ll never hurt you again, Blake,” I reassure her, catching a glimpse of movement from the corner of my eye. Expecting LeAnne, I’m surprised when Ty joins us instead.

“I promise,” she sobs, dropping the knife at our feet. Her arms instinctively cradle her stomach. “I promise to protect them…”

My heart aches for her—how uncertain she must feel after all the lies she’s been fed her whole life. Even I didn’t expect LeAnne to still be alive, and that revelation was a real shock. “I know,” I say softly, knowing no other words will reach her right now. “You did good, Blake,” I murmur, running my hand gently through her long, dark hair. “You’re my good girl.”

Her blood-stained hands clutch my shirt as she buries her face in it, her body trembling. I hold her close, wrapping her in my arms. My eyes meet Tyson’s, standing by Matt, and I give him a subtle nod.

This night has spiraled far from what I had planned, but now, all I want is for it to end. I want to take my pregnant wife home, give her a bath, and begin our life anew.

Ty grabs a length of rope from the table and moves behind Matt. He wraps it around Matt’s neck several times, then throws it over the rafters. Pulling out a knife, he crouches to cut the bindings around Matt’s ankles. With a sharp yank, he pulls the new rope taut, lifting Matt’s feet off the floor.

I slip one arm beneath Blake’s knees, the other around her back, and carry her down the stairs. Behind us, I hear Matt’s final struggle before silence fills the cathedral.

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