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Chapter no 60 – RYAT

The Ritual (L.O.R.D.S., #1)

“ARE YOU HUNGRY?” she asks, looking out the passenger window of my car that I had Gunner drop off at the hospital for me this morning.

“For you,” I answer, my eyes running over her smooth and defined legs.

My cock is hard knowing that my cum is running out her cunt right now.

She rolls her eyes. “For actual food. I need to stop at the store on the way home. What would you like for dinner?”

“I could live off your pussy, Blake.” I reach out and slide my hand between her thighs.

“Ryat,” she protests, swatting my hand away. “You’re driving.” Looking around once again, she asks, “Where are we going?” Her head whips around to see I just passed our exit.

“I have to see someone before we go home,” I answer vaguely. Knowing she’s about to argue with me, I pick up my cell in my lap and turn on the app.

“Ryat!” she squeals seconds later when the vibrator inside her pussy comes on.

“We’ve got a thirty-minute drive, Blake,” I inform her, smirking over at her discomfort. “How many times can you come in that amount of time?”

“You can’t be serious.” She whimpers, throwing her head against the headrest while I speed down the highway.

“Of course, I am.” I drop the phone to my lap, leaving it on.

“Fuck,” she whines, her hands fisting the hem of her pretty sundress. I’m ripping that off her and burning it the moment I get my wife home. She was right. It’s way too revealing, but it serves a purpose.

Unable to help myself, I reach over again, sliding my hand into the top of her dress and squeezing her breasts.

“Ryat, please. I can’t …”

“You can and you will,” I say, giving her hard nipple a pinch before removing it. “I want your underwear soaked with my cum and yours. Fucking drenched, Blake.”

Her hands grip her thighs while she rocks her hips back and forth. I didn’t let her cum when I fucked her in my hospital room. I made her wait on purpose, knowing that she’s been dying for a release.

She throws her head back, arching her back, and a sound of pure torture and relief fills the car before she sags against the seat. “That’s one.” I count, and she immediately starts adjusting herself once again.


I PULL INTO the back parking lot of Blackout and turn off the car. She sinks into the seat when I turn off the app, utterly spent.

Leaning over, I slide my hand between her legs. “Perfect.” I praise her, my fingers running up and down her thong. It’s soaked just like I wanted. Slapping her thigh, I order, “Spread your legs. Wide.”

She closes her eyes, swallowing, and does as I say. I pull her underwear to the side and grab the vibrator, slowly pulling it out. She whimpers at the loss of it.

Unable to stop myself, I bring it to my mouth and lick up the side of it, tasting that sweet honey I love. Then I drop it and get out. Going over to her door, I open it up for her and pull her out.

I then toss her over my shoulder, and she squeals. I slap her exposed ass and carry her across the parking lot so she doesn’t have to get her heels wet. The ground is covered in snow and water puddles.

Entering the side door, I drop her to her feet and press my body into hers up against the painted black wall. “Who are you?” I demand, my eyes roaming her pretty face. She’s still trying to catch her breath.

“Your good girl,” she answers softly.

“You’re goddamn right, you are.” I grip her face and kiss her, allowing her to taste what I just did in the car. She opens up for me, and I deepen the kiss before quickly pulling away. Then I’m pulling her down the stairs, entering the basement.

Tyson stands in the center of the room with his legs spread wide and a water hose in his hand while spraying down a chained Matt. “You gotta look your best for your company,” Ty tells him.

“Fuck you!” Matt shouts, spitting water out of his mouth.

He’s tied to a chair in the center of the room. Drains are placed throughout the concrete floor for these exact reasons.

“I see nothing has changed,” I announce our presence. “I wanted to stop by and see how you’re doing. You know, before I gut you.”

Matt thrashes in the chair.

I had spoken to Tyson this morning before Blake ever woke up. I wanted to stop by and give Matt a little gift before I kill him. “But first … I wanted to come by and give you a little something.” Tyson and I both turn to look at my wife who leans against the far wall, her arms crossed over her chest and looking a little unsure as to why we’re here. “Remove your underwear.” I order.

Her wide eyes meet mine, and she swallows. But she only hesitates for a second before she uses the wall as support and pushes her thong down her still shaking legs. I walk over to her, and she hands them over, her cheeks red.

I turn back to Matt. “You wanted a taste.” It took some time, but that was all Blakely and I had in the hospital room. I got her to tell me every little second of detail that happened while he had her. “I thought I’d oblige. Consider it your last meal.” I shove her cum-covered underwear into his mouth. And then slap my hand over it while Tyson rips off some duct tape from the roll and places multiple pieces over his face when I remove my hand.

Matt’s body starts convulsing as if he’s fighting not to throw up and choke on his own vomit.

I grip his face and force him to look up at me. “I fucked that sweet cunt thirty minutes ago and came inside it.” I give him a chilling smile at the horror in his wide eyes. “In case you were wondering why they’re so wet.”

His face goes red with rage while he glares up at me.

I told my wife that no one would ever hear or watch me fuck her, and I meant every word. But I never promised that another man wouldn’t taste my cum out of her cunt, smeared on her underwear. It’s why I bit her neck and slapped her inner thigh in the car. I wanted to show her off to him. Show what I have that he’ll never get. No matter what he does. I needed to remind him that I fucking own him as much as he wishes he owned her. I could have come in a cup and forced him to swallow it, but this was sweeter. Thinking he was getting her but not without me—my wife and I are a team. A Lord and a Lady.

I slap the side of his face, making him flinch. “I’ll see you soon.”

With that, I turn and grab Blake’s hand and exit the room with Tyson behind us. “When do you want him delivered?” he asks, after locking the door.

I look at my wife and see her cheeks flushed and eyes on the floor, knowing that I have some time to make up with her. “I’ll make it for Sunday night.” It’s Thursday, so that gives me the rest of the week and all weekend to spend at home alone with my wife, reminding her that she belongs to me. Till death do us part.


SUNDAY NIGHT, I sit on the couch inside of the office at the cathedral. Ryat silently sits at the desk when a soft knock comes on the door.

“Come in,” Ryat calls out.

I look up from the couch to see Tyson enter. I don’t know why I expected him to be dressed in his cloak and mask, but he’s not. Instead, he wears a pair of black jeans and a black V-neck T-shirt. His dark hair just as unkept as usual. “He’s ready.”

Ryat nods. “Thanks. I’ll be right there.”

Tyson looks at me, and I have a feeling he’s challenging me. This is one of the times when I’m going to have to put my feelings to the side for my husband. Exiting, he shuts the door behind him.

Silence lingers among us, and I look down at my wedding ring when Ryat talks. “Blake, you don’t have to—”

“I’m staying,” I interrupt him, meeting his stare.

His lips thin, but he nods once. “I just need a minute.” He goes back to typing away on his phone.

There’s another knock, and Ryat slams his cell down with a sigh. “What?” he snaps.

The door opens, and my father steps inside, closing it behind him. I stand. “I should go …”

“Wait!” He holds out his hands in surrender.

I stop, dropping my eyes to the floor. I haven’t spoken to him since I was in the hospital. He hasn’t even tried to call or text me. I’m not sure if that’s on his part or if Ryat blocked him from my cell. At this point, I don’t even care to ask. “I’d rather not,” I state and walk past him. But just as I grab the door handle, I pause and turn back around. My husband sits at the desk, his

fingers interlocked behind his head, relaxing back in his chair, eyes on mine. My father, however, looks like a wounded puppy, staring at the floor. “I need to know something.”

“Anything.” His eyes meet mine, and he takes a step toward me.

“Matt told me that a Lord can’t choose any woman. That they have to come from a list.”

He swallows nervously but nods his head once and whispers, “That’s true.”

I let out a rough laugh that makes him flinch. “You were whoring me out?” I snap, thinking that Matt had lied to me. But nope. It was the fucking truth! “That’s what a chosen is, Father—a whore!” I didn’t understand it then. Hell, I still don’t a hundred percent, but it’s obvious these parents loan these women out to the Lords to serve them for their devotion. We’re a prize. An offer of servitude. What if I’m having daughters? I will never allow this to happen to them! Or sons? I sure as fuck wouldn’t want our sons to have to take a chosen. Fuck, I don’t even know what all happened to Tyson’s, but I know she wasn’t the first one to die.

“No.” my father shakes his head quickly, taking another step toward me. “It wasn’t like that.”

“Then what was it like?” I demand.

Ryat drops his hands from behind his head and stands. “Blake …”

“No. I got this.” My father lifts his hand to my husband. I cross my arms over my chest and push my hip out, impatiently waiting. “Your mother— Valerie.” He corrects himself. “Signed you up because she wanted you to be with Matt. That was her and Kimberly’s plan. When I found out, we got into an argument. I didn’t want you to be a chosen, but it was too late. I couldn’t stop it. My only other option was to intervene. So, I gave Ryat the assignment that I did, knowing that his loyalty was with the Lords, and he wouldn’t turn it down.” He takes another step toward me, and I match it, my back hitting the door, and his face falls. “I never thought it would go this far. Please, Blakely. You have to believe me. I was just trying to save you from Matt.”

I look at Ryat, who stands behind his desk, hands shoved into the pocket of his jeans. His emerald eyes on mine give nothing away. Does he regret it? That’s my biggest fear. I know we didn’t get here by chance. It was forced. But I still fell in love with him, nonetheless. What if this is just his

commitment to the Lords? What if I’m just some game he refuses to lose? A game that he will do whatever it costs.

“Give us a moment,” Ryat tells my father.

He lets out a sigh and drops his shoulders, making his way to the door, and I step out in front of it so he can exit.

Silently, I look down at my wedding ring when Ryat walks up to me and places his hands on my face, gently forcing me to look up at him. “Stop,” he orders.

I go to look away, but his hands prevent it. “I see that look on your face, Blake. I want you to know this … whatever is said out there, or whatever I do—just know that I love you.”

I nod, and tears sting my eyes.

“I mean it.” Pulling me to him, he gives me a tender kiss on my forehead. “You might have started out as an assignment, but you are my life now.” He drops his hands to my baby bump and rubs it gently. “You three are my life. And you guys will always come first. Do you understand me?”

His words make my heart race, and I swallow nervously. “I love you,” I whisper.

Giving me a tender kiss on the lips this time, he pushes open the door, and we enter the cathedral. All the Lords are present in the pews dressed in cloaks and masks. Ryat leads me to the front row, and I sit down in the same spot I had last time I witnessed him torture someone who tried to destroy my life with him.

Ryat makes his way up the stairs, and he walks over to a black sheet that hangs from the ceiling. He reaches up and yanks it down, exposing what’s behind it—Matt.

He’s got his arms tied above his head by a rope secured to the ceiling. His feet are spread wide, chained to the floor, and all he wears are his boxers.

He’s covered in blood, and I wonder just what Tyson’s been doing to torture him for the past month while Ryat recovered. It wasn’t enough to kill him, but definitely enough to fuck him up by the bruises and dried blood on him.

Ryat moves to stand behind the baptism pool and faces the congregation. “Lords, I find this to be a teaching moment for you all.” He starts. “This here is a fellow Lord who decided to betray his oath and be disloyal to us.”

Matt lifts his head and glares at the back of Ryat’s head.

“What is his penalty?” Ryat asks.

“Death!” Everyone answers at the same time, making me jump. “Go ahead.” Matt growls, “I won’t say shit!”

A smile spread across Ryat’s face. “You don’t have to … but she will.”

The sound of a door opening and closing on the second floor fills the large space, and then I see my dad dragging Valerie onto the stage. I sit up straighter, my eyes shooting to Ryat. His eyes are already on mine. He tried to tell me I didn’t have to stay here tonight. Is this why? I thought he was trying to save me from what he was going to do to Matt, but maybe it was to protect me from the woman who I grew up thinking was my mother.

My father brings her to a stop and forces her to her knees. She whimpers behind her gag. Stepping up to her, he removes it, and she cries harder. He grips her hair and yanks her head back. “You get one chance to explain yourself,” he says calmly.

I’ve known my father was a Lord since Ryat brought me back, but I never expected to see him in action. Is this what he wanted to talk to me about in the office? Prepare me for what he had planned on doing? Maybe he didn’t want me to be here either.

She sobs, her body shaking. “He killed her.”

“Valerie!” Matt snaps. “Shut the fuck up, you stupid bitch!”

Ryat walks over to him and yanks something out of his back pocket. It’s a black ball gag. He shoves the rubber ball into his mouth and then fastens it behind his head. “You’ll have your turn,” he assures him.

“it’s okay,” My father runs his hands over her hair and her body shakes with fear at the single touch. “Keep going.”

She sniffs. “I … I found where you had been talking to LeAnne. You guys wanted to tell Blakely about her …” Her tear-filled eyes meet mine. “I couldn’t let that happen. I couldn’t …”

Dropping my eyes to the floor, I dismiss her. I honestly thought she was my mother my entire life, and even though I loved her, I can’t get over that she was going to take my babies. That she thought I had failed her so badly, that she wanted a do-over.

“Go on.” My father urges her. His hand still in her hair lovingly, but she’s shaking like a leaf in a tree.

“He was just supposed to scare her. But Matt took it too far.” She cries. “And killed her …”

“You’re correct.” My father takes a step back from her and she sags with relief. Thinking he’s going to reward her for telling the truth. “Matt did take it too far.” He agrees, nodding his head once. “But LeAnne is still very much alive.”

My eyes shoot to Ryat and he’s looking at my father, confusion written all over his face, informing me he was in the dark just as much as I am.

“No.” She shakes her head quickly. “He killed her …”

The sounds of the double doors opening behind me squeak. Everyone in the pews turn around to stare at whoever entered but I can’t. I’m frozen in place. Staring up into the loft at my husband. His already sharp jaw clenches, body going rigid, and eyes darken.

The sound of a pair of high heels on the concrete floor is all you hear as someone—no—some woman walks down it. I wrap my arms around my growing stomach protectively, not knowing what to expect while tears fill my eyes.

“Don’t stop on my account.” A woman’s voice announces to the congregation, making my chest painfully squeeze.

No. No. No. I don’t believe it.

“LeAnne.” My father says the name and smiles. “I thought you’d want to join in on the fun.”

Blinking, tears roll down my face.

Matt thrashes in his restraints while Valerie sobs on her knees.

I see a figure out of the corner of my eye start climbing the stairs to the left. I can’t help but look at it. Long dark hair that flows down her back in big waves. She’s dressed like she’s going to a funeral. Big black hat with a black lace veil covering half her face. A tight-fitting black dress with a long train. Coming to the loft, she turns to face the congregation and I hear the Lord members sitting in the pews gasp at her beauty. The woman screams power and radiates wealth. She’s stunning with sun-kissed skin and big blue eyes. Lips that look to be done—but not overly big—painted fire engine red.

I look just like her.

“I don’t understand.” Ryat is the first one to speak. “I saw you die.”

“No. you saw me laying on the floor. You never checked to see if I was dead.” LeAnne corrects him.

He scratches the back of his neck, taking a step back. The fact that he’s truly bothered by this, makes me even more nervous.

She goes to stand in front of Valerie, her hands on her slim hips. “You put a hit out on me.” The sounds of her slapping her follows. “Because you didn’t want Blakely knowing the truth.” She laughs, gripping her face and shoving her head back forcing Valerie to look up at her. “If it wasn’t for me, you would have never had the chance to be a mom. It’s not my fault you failed.” LeAnne shoves her away.

Valerie sobs, her head falling forward.

“And you,” She walks over to Matt who continues to thrash around. “You wanted to rape me. Men always think their dick gives them power.” She reaches out and grabs him between the legs, making him throw his head back and scream into his gag. “This makes you weak.” She snaps her fingers, and my father walks over to her, a knife in hand. He holds it out to her, and she let’s go of Matt just in time to stab him between his parted legs. The Lords all groan when she yanks it out and blood pours down Matt’s legs to the floor, screaming into his gag. “And let’s make it clear—you pushed me.”

My eyes fly to Ryat, and he’s seemed to have composed himself. His fisted hands and heavy breathing show his anger over the turn of events. “How …?”

“I knew you were coming.” She interrupts my husband and looks over at my father. “He gave me a heads-up.” She laughs softly. “I ordered the hit on Nathaniel. I requested you.” She presses a black pointed fingernail into my husband’s chest and my teeth grind at the contact. “Then Phil informed me that you had a partner. I knew his reasons for tagging along immediately. All because of your wife.”

Ryat stiffens but shoves her hand away from his body while I sit up straighter when her eyes land on mine. “Bring her up.”

Two men grip my upper arms and I’m yanked up from my seat. “Don’t touch me!” I shout, trying to get my arms loose but they effortlessly drag me up the stairs.

“What the fuck,” Ryat barks, rushing over to me once we hit the landing.

He yanks me free of the two men.

“It’s quite alright.” LeAnne says, gesturing to me and Ryat shoves me behind him, shielding me and the babies. “I’m not here to harm her.”

“Then don’t have your fucking dogs touch her.” He snaps.

“Quite the opposite actually.” She holds up the knife that’s still covered in Matt’s blood, handing it out to me handle first. “I’m here to give her what

she wants. Revenge.”

My heart is pounding, my adrenaline soaring. Swallowing I step out from behind Ryat and look at her. I reach out with a shaky hand and take it from her. “Is this … is this an initiation?” I ask and my voice shakes. Am I being tested? If so, why isn’t Ryat in on it? He looks confused and pissed.

“No.” She takes a step back. “This is for fun, darling. Mommy here sold you to the Winston’s to keep her secret of sending Matt to kill me.”

My eyes widen and look down at Valerie. She’s still sobbing, rocking back and forth on her knees. “That’s why you were so obsessed with me marrying Matt?” I demand. “You were willingly going to hand me over to him because Dad was still talking to my birth mother?”

She lifts her head, snot and tears running down her face. “I am your mother! You ungrateful little bitch!” Her eyes go to LeAnne who places her bloody hand on her hip, looking bored. “All you had to do was marry him!”

“He didn’t want me!” I scream.

Snorting, she licks her lips “You think I wanted your fucking father? You make sacrifices for the Lords.”

My hand shakes, holding the knife, and my grip tightens. “You were going to take my baby.” I don’t want anyone to know that I’m having two. That’s for me and only my husband to know.

“She what?” Ryat demands, stepping into me.

He thinks I told him everything that went on those days that I was in lockdown with Valerie and Matt, but I didn’t. I ignore him and step closer to her, “You said that you would cut my baby out of me yourself and leave what’s left of me for Matt.” Angry tears fill my eyes. “A mother would never say that to her child.”

Growling, she lifts her chin. “Good thing I’m not your mother.” Her eyes go to Ryat who stands to my left. “He doesn’t fucking love you! You’re a game, Blakely. To Matt. To him. I was going to do you a fucking favor.” Her green eyes move to my stomach. “I deserve that baby! I deserve my chance. And I’m going to get it …”

Cutting her off, I drop to my knees and shove the knife into her stomach, horizontally. Valerie’s mouth falls open, a single breath leaving her parted lips before I yank on the handle, pulling it across her abdomen, splitting her fucking open—gutting her—like she had planned on doing to me.

Kneeling in front of her, I feel the blood on my skin and soak up into my jeans. I watch, unable to look away—the life draining out of her green eyes

—and I hope that Ryat was wrong about there not being a heaven and hell. Because I hope she’s burning. When my day comes and I have to face my God, I will gladly go to hell for the life I took, because it saved two others. My children deserve a chance at a life they want. Not one that this bitch was going to dictate.

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