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Chapter no 31 – RYAT

The Ritual (L.O.R.D.S., #1)

REMOVE MY hand from her mouth and nose just as her eyes close. She sucks in a shaky breath when I pull out of her, and I pick her trembling body up and carry her to the bedroom. Laying her down, I sit between her parted legs. Her eyes are open but looking around aimlessly, trying to get her bearings back.

Three years having to abstain from sex while watching others have it fucks with your mind. I’ve read up on every kink and fetish you can think of. Plus, the longer you have to withhold, the dirtier your imagination has to get in order to get off. Erotic asphyxiation can be very dangerous. Some prefer to pass out completely. Others just like their air supply cut off for a few seconds. And then some like the physical aspect of being choked. The total submission is what turns them on.

“You’re so beautiful, Blake.” I lean down and kiss her cheek, tasting her tears. Sitting back up, I push my hard cock into her soaked cunt, making her trembling body flinch.

I watch her as my hips set a slow and steady rhythm, giving her a chance to catch her breath. Blue eyes start to focus a little more as they land on mine. She reaches up, wrapping her arms around my neck to pull my body down to hers.

Tilting her head to the side, I dot kisses on her slick neck. “Ready?” I ask her.

“Yeah,” she answers breathlessly.

“Take a deep breath,” I order. She does as she’s told, and I slap my hand over her mouth again. I can’t pinch her nose because of the position of my hand, but I make sure my palm covers it as well. My hips pick up their pace. Our bodies slap while her nails dig into my back, making me hiss in a breath when I feel them cut my skin.

She arches her back and neck while my body continues to pin her down. I feel the heat from her breath as she tries to let it out while her tight cunt clenches down on me once again.

Removing my hand from her mouth, I sit up and hold her face in both of my hands. She’s gasping for breath. “Look at me,” I order.

Her eyes are once again unfocused, and tears freely fall from the corners of them. “What do you say, little one?” I ask, wiping them away.

She blinks, her pretty eyes finding mine.

“Do you want to be his whore for the rest of your life, or do you want to be my good girl?” This is her only chance to choose me. I have no problem tricking or forcing her to be my wife. But her choosing to be with me over him makes it all that better.

“Yours,” she breathes. “Mine,” I agree.

I pull out and her arms fall to her sides. She’s weak, her body still trying to come down from her high. Flipping her over onto her stomach, I yank her hips up in the air, spreading her legs wide with mine. Sliding back into her soaking wet cunt, I pull her up to where she’s straddling me backward. I reach around, grabbing her breasts with one hand, making her moan. Her head falls back onto my chest while my other hand comes up and covers her mouth once again, my fingers pinching off her nose, and I fuck her, making the bed hit the wall.

It doesn’t take long for her to go slack this time, her body already exhausted. It only takes me a few more thrusts, and then I’m coming inside her.

I remove my hand from her face, and she sucks in a deep breath, her body still slack against mine. I gently lay her down and push her onto her back, propping her head up on the pillow before getting off the bed. I go over to my backpack and pull out the box. Opening it up, I remove the six carat princess cut engagement ring that I purchased while in New York yesterday, and slide it onto her finger. “Here’s to being mine forever, Blake,” I say, watching her sleep.


I OPEN MY heavy eyes to see it’s dark in my room. Whimpering, I stretch and feel the soreness in my body. I just lie here, looking up at the ceiling, and I hear the sound of rain hitting the window.

It’s hard to explain, but I almost feel like a new person. I have never come so hard in my life. It felt like I was floating. Dots peppered my vision,

and just when I thought I was going to pass out, he’d let go, and everything would come crashing back. Every inch of my body was tingling. It was like the best high you could reach without actually being on drugs.

Even now, my body still lightly tingles. As if a fire that can’t be put out still lingers.

Deciding I need to get up, I push off the covers and walk on shaky legs to the door. Opening it up, I find Ryat sitting on the couch, his cell to his ear. His emerald eyes spot me immediately. “I’ll call you back.” He hangs up, not even bothering to wait for the person on the other end to say goodbye. He stands and walks over to me while I stay in the doorway, unsure my legs will support me to walk that far to him.

Coming up to me, he kisses my forehead.

“What time is it?” I ask. My phone wasn’t on my nightstand. “A little after two in the afternoon.”

I frown. “I missed classes.” Was that his plan all along? He nods. “You needed the rest.”

“Ryat,” I growl. My hands shove him, but he doesn’t move. I’m not sure if it’s because my body is weak as fuck or because he is just that strong. “My mom will kill me.” Turning around, I make my way through my room and to the bathroom. I get a little dizzy and have to use the countertop for support. It’s comparable to when you stand quickly out of a hot bath, and you get light-headed while seeing dots.

“It’s fine,” he argues, coming in behind me.

“That’s easy for you to say,” I snap, picking up my underwear off the countertop from earlier. I go to put them on, but he yanks them from my hand.

“Ryat!” I shriek, reaching out for them, but he tosses them across the bathroom.

I sigh. “Real mature.” He grabs my arm and spins me around when I go to get them, pushing my back into the wall. “Ryat …”

“Calm down,” he says softly, his eyes searching my face. “You’re getting all worked up over nothing.”

“My mom—”

“Fuck your mother,” he interrupts me with a growl.

I feel like a child wanting to stomp their foot. “You don’t understand.” “I understand everything. Your mom thinks she can control you.”

“She does,” I say through gritted teeth hating to admit that. “She pays for this apartment.”

“Move out.”

I continue like he didn’t just suggest something so idiotic. “She pays for Barrington.”

“Drop out.”

“Are you insane?” I demand, and he just chuckles. “I’m not a Lord, Ryat,” I snap, and he stiffens against me. “I can’t do as I please.”

He grips my chin, forcing my head back against the wall to look up at him while stepping in closer. “You’re mine, Blake. And that holds a lot of power.”

Letting go of my neck, he runs his hands down my arms, making me break out in goose bumps. He grips my left hand and brings it to his lips, kissing my knuckles.

“It’s not that simple …” My voice trails off as I spot the ring on my finger, heart starting to hammer in my chest. “Ryat.” I breathe. “What?”

Memories of earlier this morning come back like a hurricane hitting a small town.

“Marry me, Blake.”

“Do you want to be his whore for the rest of your life, or do you want to be my good girl?”



“This”—he kisses it again—“is the answer to all your problems, Blake.

All you need is me. I’ll take care of you.”

“But … you were joking,” I manage to get out even though I’m having problems breathing. He might as well have his hand over my mouth and nose again. Those spots are back, and I try to blink them away.

“Why would I joke about that?” he asks, tilting his head to the side.

“Because you … you’re seeing other women.” That’s the only reason I can come up with.

“Who the fuck told you that?” he barks, making me jump.

Have I been wrong? “You. Your behavior. You keep disappearing …” I rush out, not really having anything else to go on.

He pulls away from me, and my body sags against the wall without his support. I allow my shaky knees to give out, and I slide down to sit on the cold, tiled floor while he starts pacing my bathroom.

“Every time I ask where you go, you don’t answer.” I go on at his silence because, honestly, I’m starting to question myself. I mean, did the man really ask me to marry him? The look of the rock on my finger is screaming yes! “You’re only with me because of Matt.” He doesn’t even offer a lie for that. “You’re a Lord.”

“Matt is a Lord, and you were going to marry him,” he argues, still pacing.

“No. I wasn’t.” I shake my head.

“Oh, I forgot. You were going to run away.” He snorts. “I’d like to see you try to run away from me …” He fists his hands. “You wouldn’t get far, Blake.”

“Wait.” I run a hand down my face. “How did you know …?” Finding strength in my newfound anger, I get to my feet. “How did you know what I was going to do?” I haven’t even told Sarah this. Too afraid she’d say something to Gunner.

He comes to a stop and turns to face me. I don’t know why but I hate that he’s fully dressed and I’m naked. It makes me feel vulnerable. Which is stupid. The man has tied me up, gagged me, blindfolded me, and taken away my air. Not sure why clothes matter all of a sudden. “You told me.”

“No, I didn’t.”

“Yes, you did. That night you were drunk off your ass, and I brought you home from Blackout.” His voice rises.

“What else did I say to you?” I demand.

“Enough,” he snaps and then storms over to me, pressing my back into the wall once again. He lifts his hands, cupping my face, and glares down at me. I take in a shaky breath. “Just know this, Blake. If you try to run from me, I will find you. And when I do, you will regret the day you left me.” Softening his eyes, he gives me a threatening smile. “You were mine yesterday, today, and tomorrow.” He gently kisses my forehead. The tenderness a contradiction to his threatening words. “And you will continue to be mine forever.”

I want to be terrified, but I’m not. Ryat Archer is possessive, controlling, and extremely jealous. He’s fucking toxic. But I can’t lay all the blame on him. Maybe I’m the cause of his toxicity. Maybe it’s my bad habits that bring out his worst. Hell, maybe I’m wrong, and they are his best qualities.

I want his hands around my throat. I want his body pinning mine down, and I want him to crave me the same way I need him.

So, who’s the real toxic one here?

“I’m not going anywhere,” I tell him, but even I know it’s a lie. Eventually, he’ll be done with me, and I’ll belong to Matt. I will do everything in my power to stop that.

He lets go of my face, his knuckles running over my jawline to my neck. “I think you’re lying.” There’s a hint of pleasure in his voice, and it makes me shiver.

I swallow nervously. “No …”

“I think you want to run, Blake.” His eyes search my face, the corner of his lips turning up. “Just for me to catch you.”

My heart hammers in my chest, and my thighs tighten. Why does that sound like fun? Why does it turn me on to think of him searching for me? Knowing that once he finds me, he’s going to punish me?

“Is that what you want, Blake? Want me to chase you?” “Yes.” I say the word before I can even think about it.

His eyes drop to my chest as his knuckles run over my breasts and my hard nipples. “We can play that game. Just know”—his eyes meet mine again—“that once I catch you, I will do whatever I want to you.” My stomach flip flops with excitement at his threat. “And after I drag you back here …” Lifting my hands, he intertwines our fingers and pushes them above my head, pinning them to the wall. “You will be my wife.”

I lick my parted lips and take in a deep breath, trying to calm my breathing. “You’ll have to find me first.”

Leaning in, he kisses my cheek. “I like my odds.” Then he lets go and pulls away from me. My arms drop to my sides like ten-pound weights. “I’ll see you soon.” With one last look at my naked body, he exits the bathroom.

I raise my hands and run them down my face letting out a breath. The ring catches my attention. I stare down at the large square diamond that’s surrounded by more diamonds. It’s a little gaudy for my taste but so gorgeous. I run my fingertip over it.

What happened to his future wife? Why all of a sudden does he want me? My parents will never willingly let me be with anyone other than Matt.

Well, my father might. My mother is the one obsessed with him.

But if I give myself to Ryat before I have to marry Matt? That would be my way out. My mother hates the idea of a divorce as much as she hates the idea of Ryat and me together. So, if I choose to marry Ryat first, then she’d have no choice but to accept him. She’d hate for her daughter to be

divorced in a matter of weeks of getting married. That would just make her look bad.

Smiling, I make my way over to the counter and look at myself in the mirror. I’ll run from Ryat for now, but when he catches me, I’ll marry him. Just like he said. If for no other reason than to piss off my mother!

Walking into my bedroom, I start yanking on the sheets looking for my cell. I find it on the floor. Calling my dad, I sit on the side of the bed, waiting for him to answer.

“Hello, honey.”

“Hey, Dad,” I say, smiling. “How are things going there?”

“Good. How about you?” he asks slowly. I haven’t spoken to him much since classes started this year. But it’s not unusual to go weeks without talking to him. He’s always been a busy man.

“Same,” I say, holding it with my shoulder and ear to the side of my head. “I need a favor.”

He’s silent for a long second. “Okay. What is it?”

“I need the jet,” I answer, biting on my bottom lip. This wouldn’t be the first time I’ve used it.

“Uh … where are you going?” he asks, sounding concerned. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah. Yeah. Sarah and I are just getting away. You know, to have a girls’ trip.” I lie easily.

“What about classes?” he asks.

Fuck! “It’s just a couple of days. We’ve already arranged it with our professors.”

“Okay.” He clears his throat. “Are you sure everything is all right?” “Yep,” I reply.

“I can have it to you by tomorrow night.”

That won’t work. “Can it be tonight?” He stays silent. “It’s just that we’re already packed, and I’d like to be on the beach first thing in the morning


“Sure, honey. I’ll have it fueled and sent your way.”

I drop my shoulders and let out a breath. “Thanks, Dad.” I hang up and don’t even bother looking for the cameras. Instead, I ignore Ryat completely. I know he’s watching me, but he can’t hear me. He doesn’t have audio that I know of. And even if he did, that doesn’t tell him where I’m going.

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