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Chapter no 2 – A Beautiful Day

The Name of the Wind

IT WAS ONE OF those perfect autumn days so common in stories and so rare in the real world. The weather was warm and dry, ideal for ripening a field of wheat or corn. On both sides of the road the trees were changing color. Tall poplars had gone a buttery yellow while the shrubby sumac encroaching on the road was tinged a violent red. Only the old oaks seemed reluctant to give up the summer, and their leaves remained an even mingling of gold and green.

Everything said, you couldnโ€™t hope for a nicer day to have a half dozen ex-soldiers with hunting bows relieve you of everything you owned.

โ€œSheโ€™s not much of a horse, sir,โ€ Chronicler said. โ€œOne small step above a dray, and when it rains sheโ€”โ€

The man cut him off with a sharp gesture. โ€œListen friend, the kingโ€™s army is paying good money for anything with four legs and at least one eye. If you were stark mad and riding a hobbyhorse down the road, Iโ€™d still take it off you.โ€

Their leader had an air of command about him. Chronicler guessed he had been a low ranking officer not long ago. โ€œJust hop down,โ€ he said seriously. โ€œWeโ€™ll get this done with and you can be on your way.โ€

Chronicler climbed down from his horse. He had been robbed before and knew when there was nothing to be gained by discussion. These fellows knew their business. No energy was wasted on bravado or idle threats. One of them looked over the horse, checking hooves, teeth, and harness. Two others went through his saddlebags with a military efficiency, laying all his worldly possessions out on the ground. Two blankets, a hooded cloak, the flat leather satchel, and his heavy, well-stocked travelsack.

โ€œThatโ€™s all of it, Commander,โ€ one of the men said. โ€œExcept for about twenty pounds of oats.โ€

The commander knelt down and opened the flat leather satchel, peering inside.

โ€œThereโ€™s nothing but paper and pens in there,โ€ Chronicler said.

The commander turned to look backward over his shoulder. โ€œYou a scribe then?โ€

Chronicler nodded. โ€œItโ€™s my livelihood, sir. And no real use to you.โ€

The man looked through the satchel, found it to be true, and set it aside. Then he upended the travelsack onto Chroniclerโ€™s spread cloak and poked idly through the contents.

He took most of Chroniclerโ€™s salt and a pair of bootlaces. Then, much to the scribeโ€™s dismay, he picked up the shirt Chronicler had bought back in Linwood. It was fine linen dyed a deep, royal blue, too nice for traveling. Chronicler hadnโ€™t even had the chance to wear it yet. He sighed.

The commander left everything else lying on the cloak and got to his feet.

The others took turns going through Chroniclerโ€™s things.

The commander spoke up, โ€œYou only have one blanket, donโ€™t you Janns?โ€ One of the men nodded. โ€œTake one of his then, youโ€™ll need a second before winterโ€™s through.โ€

โ€œHis cloak is in better shape than mine, sir.โ€

โ€œTake it, but leave yours. The same for you, Witkins. Leave your old tinderbox if youโ€™re taking his.โ€

โ€œI lost mine, sir,โ€ Witkins said. โ€œElse I would.โ€

The whole process was surprisingly civilized. Chronicler lost all of his needles but one, both extra pairs of socks, a bundle of dried fruit, a loaf of sugar, half a bottle of alcohol, and a pair of ivory dice. They left him the rest of his clothes, his dried meat, and a half-eaten loaf of incredibly stale rye bread. His flat leather satchel remained untouched.

While the men repacked his travelsack, the commander turned to Chronicler. โ€œLetโ€™s have the purse then.โ€

Chronicler handed it over. โ€œAnd the ring.โ€

โ€œThereโ€™s hardly any silver in it,โ€ Chronicler mumbled as he unscrewed it from his finger.

โ€œWhatโ€™s that around your neck?โ€

Chronicler unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a dull ring of metal hanging from a leather cord. โ€œJust iron, sir.โ€

The commander came close and rubbed it between his fingers before letting it fall back against Chroniclerโ€™s chest. โ€œKeep it then. Iโ€™m not one to come between a man and his religion,โ€ he said, then emptied the purse into one hand, making a pleasantly surprised noise as he prodded through the coins with his finger. โ€œScribing pays better than I thought,โ€ he said as he began to count out shares to his men.

โ€œI donโ€™t suppose you could spare me a penny or two out of that?โ€ Chronicler asked. โ€œJust enough for a couple of hot meals?โ€

The six men turned to look at Chronicler, as if they couldnโ€™t quite believe what they had heard.

The commander laughed. โ€œGodโ€™s body, you certainly have a heavy pair,

donโ€™t you?โ€ There was a grudging respect in his voice.

โ€œYou seem a reasonable fellow,โ€ Chronicler said with a shrug. โ€œAnd a manโ€™s got to eat.โ€

Their leader smiled for the first time. โ€œA sentiment I can agree with.โ€ He took out two pennies and brandished them before putting them back into Chroniclerโ€™s purse. โ€œHereโ€™s a pair for your pair, then.โ€ He tossed Chronicler the purse and stuffed the beautiful royal-blue shirt into his saddlebag.

โ€œThank you, sir,โ€ Chronicler said. โ€œYou might want to know that that bottle one of your men took is wood alcohol I use for cleaning my pens. Itโ€™ll go badly if he drinks it.โ€

The commander smiled and nodded. โ€œYou see what comes of treating people well?โ€ he said to his men as he pulled himself up onto his horse. โ€œItโ€™s been a pleasure, sir scribe. If you get on your way now, you can still make Abbottโ€™s Ford by dark.โ€

When Chronicler could no longer hear their hoofbeats in the distance, he repacked his travelsack, making sure everything was well stowed. Then he tugged off one of his boots, stripped out the lining, and removed a tightly wrapped bundle of coins stuffed deep into the toe. He moved some of these into his purse, then unfastened his pants, produced another bundle of coins from underneath several layers of clothes, and moved some of that money into his purse as well.

The key was to keep the proper amount in your purse. Too little and they would be disappointed and prone to look for more. Too much and they would be excited and might get greedy.

There was a third bundle of coins baked into the stale loaf of bread that only the most desperate of criminals would be interested in. He left that alone for now, as well as the whole silver talent he had hidden in a jar of ink. Over the years he had come to think of the last as more of a luck piece. No one had ever found that.

He had to admit, it was probably the most civil robbery heโ€™d ever been through. They had been genteel, efficient, and not terribly savvy. Losing the horse and saddle was hard, but he could buy another in Abbottโ€™s Ford and still have enough money to live comfortably until he finished this foolishness and met up with Skarpi in Treya.

Feeling an urgent call of nature, Chronicler pushed his way through the bloodred sumac at the side of the road. As he was rebuttoning his pants, there was sudden motion in the underbrush as a dark shape thrashed its way free of some nearby bushes.

Chronicler staggered back, crying out in alarm before he realized it was nothing more than a crow beating its wings into flight. Chuckling at his own foolishness, he straightened his clothes and made his way back to the road through the sumac, brushing away invisible strands of spiderweb that clung

tickling to his face.

As he shouldered his travelsack and satchel, Chronicler found himself feeling remarkably lighthearted. The worst had happened, and it hadnโ€™t been that bad. A breeze tussled through the trees, sending poplar leaves spinning like golden coins down onto the rutted dirt road. It was a beautiful day.

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