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Chapter no 8

The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 5)


My sword reappeared in my pocket.

Yeah, great timing. Now I could attack the walls all I wanted. My cell had no bars, no windows, not even a door. The skeletal guards shoved me straight through a wall, and it became solid behind me. I wasnโ€™t sure if the room was airtight. Probably. Hadesโ€™s dungeon was meant for dead people, and they donโ€™t breathe. So forget fifty or sixty years. Iโ€™d be dead in fifty or sixty minutes. Meanwhile, if Hades wasnโ€™t lying, some big trap was going to be sprung in New York by the end of the day, and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.

I sat on the cold stone floor, feeling miserable.

I donโ€™t remember dozing off. Then again, it mustโ€™ve been about seven in the morning, mortal time, and Iโ€™d been through a lot.

I dreamed I was on the porch of Rachelโ€™s beach house in St. Thomas. The sun was rising over the Caribbean. Dozens of wooded islands dotted the sea, and white sails cut across the water. The smell of salt air made me wonder if I would ever see the ocean again.

Rachelโ€™s parents sat at the patio table while a personal chef fixed them omelets. Mr. Dare was dressed in a white linen suit. He was readingย The Wall Street Journal. The lady across the table was probably Mrs.

Dare, though all I could see of her were hot pink fingernails and the cover ofย Condรฉ Nast Traveler. Why sheโ€™d be reading about vacations while she was on vacation, I wasnโ€™t sure.

Rachel stood at the porch railing and sighed. She wore Bermuda shorts and her Van Gogh T-shirt. (Yeah, Rachel was trying to teach me about art, but donโ€™t get too impressed. I only remembered the dudeโ€™s name because he cut his ear off.)

I wondered if she was thinking about me, and how much it sucked that I wasnโ€™t with them on vacation. I know thatโ€™s whatย Iย was thinking.

Then the scene changed. I was in St. Louis, standing downtown under the Arch. Iโ€™d been there before. In fact, Iโ€™d almost fallen to my death there before.

Over the city, a thunderstorm boiledโ€”a wall of absolute black with lightning streaking across the sky. A few blocks away, swarms of emergency vehicles gathered with their lights flashing. A column of dust rose from a mound of rubble, which I realized was a collapsed skyscraper.

A nearby reporter was yelling into her microphone: โ€œOfficials are describing this as a structural failure, Dan, though no one seems to know if it is related to the storm conditions.โ€

Wind whipped her hair. The temperature was dropping rapidly, like ten degrees just since Iโ€™d been standing there.

โ€œThankfully, the building had been abandoned for demolition,โ€ she said. โ€œBut police have evacuated all nearby buildings for fear the collapse might triggerโ€”โ€

She faltered as a mighty groan cut through the sky. A blast of lightning hit the center of the darkness. The entire city shook. The air glowed, and every hair on my body stood up. The blast was so powerful I knew it could only be one thing: Zeusโ€™s master bolt. It should have vaporized its target, but the dark cloud only staggered backward. A smoky fist appeared out of the clouds. It smashed another tower, and the whole thing collapsed like childrenโ€™s blocks.

The reporter screamed. People ran through the streets. Emergency lights flashed. I saw a streak of silver in the skyโ€”a chariot pulled by reindeer, but it wasnโ€™t Santa Claus driving. It was Artemis, riding the storm, shooting shafts of moonlight into the darkness. A fiery golden comet crossed her pathโ€ฆmaybe her brother Apollo.

One thing was clear: Typhon had made it to the Mississippi River. He was halfway across the U.S., leaving destruction in his wake, and the gods were barely slowing him down.

The mountain of darkness loomed above me. A foot the size of Yankee Stadium was about to smash me when a voice hissed,ย โ€œPercy!โ€

I lunged out blindly. Before I was fully awake, I had Nico pinned to the floor of the cell with the edge of my sword at his throat.

โ€œWantโ€ฆtoโ€ฆrescue,โ€ he choked.

Anger woke me up fast. โ€œOh, yeah? And why should I trust you?โ€ โ€œNoโ€ฆchoice?โ€ he gagged.

I wished he hadnโ€™t said something logical like that. I let him go.

Nico curled into a ball and made retching sounds while his throat recovered. Finally he got to his feet, eyeing my sword warily. His own blade was sheathed. I suppose if heโ€™d wanted to kill me, he couldโ€™ve done it while I slept. Still, I didnโ€™t trust him.

โ€œWe have to get out of here,โ€ he said.

โ€œWhy?โ€ I said. โ€œDoes your dad want toย talkย to me again?โ€

He winced. โ€œPercy, I swear on the River Styx, I didnโ€™t know what he was planning.โ€

โ€œYou know what your dad is like!โ€

โ€œHe tricked me. He promisedโ€”โ€ Nico held up his hands. โ€œLookโ€ฆ right now, we need to leave. I put the guards to sleep, but it wonโ€™t last.โ€

I wanted to strangle him again. Unfortunately, he was right. We didnโ€™t have time to argue, and I couldnโ€™t escape on my own. He pointed at the wall. A whole section vanished, revealing a corridor.

โ€œCome on.โ€ Nico led the way.

I wished I had Annabethโ€™s invisibility hat, but as it turned out, I didnโ€™t need it. Every time we came to a skeleton guard, Nico just pointed at it, and its glowing eyes dimmed. Unfortunately, the more Nico did it, the more tired he seemed. We walked through a maze of corridors filled with guards. By the time we reached a kitchen staffed by skeletal cooks and servants, I was practically carrying Nico. He managed to put all the dead to sleep but nearly passed out himself. I dragged him out of the servantsโ€™ entrance and into the Fields of Asphodel.

I almost felt relieved until I heard the sound of bronze gongs high in the castle.

โ€œAlarms,โ€ Nico murmured sleepily. โ€œWhat do we do?โ€

He yawned then frowned like he was trying to remember. โ€œHow aboutโ€ฆrun?โ€

Running with a drowsy child of Hades was more like doing a three- legged race with a life-size rag doll. I lugged him along, holding my sword in front of me. The spirits of the dead made way like the celestial bronze was a blazing fire.

The sound of gongs rolled across the fields. Ahead loomed the walls of Erebos, but the longer we walked, the farther away they seemed. I was about to collapse from exhaustion when I heard a familiarย โ€œWOOOOOF!โ€

Mrs. Oโ€™Leary bounded out of nowhere and ran circles around us, ready to play.

โ€œGood girl!โ€ I said. โ€œCan you give us a ride to the Styx?โ€

The wordย Styxย got her excited. She probably thought I meantย sticks. She jumped a few times, chased her tail just to teach it who was boss, and then calmed down enough for me to push Nico onto her back. I climb aboard, and she raced toward the gates. She leaped straight over the EZ- DEATH line, sending guards sprawling and causing more alarms to blare. Cerberus barked, but he sounded more excited than angry, like:ย Can I play too?

Fortunately, he didnโ€™t follow us, and Mrs. Oโ€™Leary kept running. She didnโ€™t stop until we were far upriver and the fires of Erebos had disappeared in the murk.

Nico slid off Mrs. Oโ€™Learyโ€™s back and crumpled in a heap on the black sand.

I took out a square of ambrosiaโ€”part of the emergency god-food I always kept with me. It was a little bashed up, but Nico chewed it.

โ€œUh,โ€ he mumbled. โ€œBetter.โ€

โ€œYour powers drain you too much,โ€ I noticed.

He nodded sleepily. โ€œWith great powerโ€ฆcomes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.โ€

โ€œWhoa, zombie dude.โ€ I caught him before he could pass out again. โ€œWeโ€™re at the river. You need to tell me what to do.โ€

I fed him the last of my ambrosia, which was a little dangerous. The stuff can heal demigods, but it can also burn us to ashes if we eat too

much. Fortunately, it seemed to do the trick. Nico shook his head a few times and struggled to his feet.

โ€œMy father will be coming soon,โ€ he said. โ€œWe should hurry.โ€

The River Styxโ€™s current swirled with strange objectsโ€” broken toys, ripped-up college diplomas, wilted homecoming corsagesโ€”all the dreams people had thrown away as theyโ€™d passed from life into death. Looking at the black water, I could think of about three million places Iโ€™d rather swim.

โ€œSoโ€ฆI just jump in?โ€

โ€œYou have to prepare yourself first,โ€ Nico said, โ€œor the river will destroy you. It will burn away your body and soul.โ€

โ€œSounds fun,โ€ I muttered.

โ€œThis is no joke,โ€ Nico warned. โ€œThere is only one way to stay anchored to your mortal life. You have toโ€ฆโ€

He glanced behind me and his eyes widened. I turned and found myself face-to-face with a Greek warrior.

For a second I thought he was Ares, because this guy looked exactly like the god of warโ€”tall and buff, with a cruel scarred face and closely shaved black hair. He wore a white tunic and bronze armor. He held a plumed war helm under his arm. But his eyes were humanโ€”pale green like a shallow seaโ€”and a bloody arrow stuck out of his left calf, just above the ankle.

I stunk at Greek names, but even I knew the greatest warrior of all time, who had died from a wounded heel.

โ€œAchilles,โ€ I said.

The ghost nodded. โ€œI warned the other one not to follow my path.

Now I will warn you.โ€

โ€œLuke? You spoke with Luke?โ€

โ€œDo not do this,โ€ he said. โ€œIt will make you powerful. But it will also make you weak. Your prowess in combat will be beyond any mortal, but your weaknesses, your failings will increase as well.โ€

โ€œYou mean Iโ€™ll have a bad heel?โ€ I said. โ€œCouldnโ€™t I just, like, wear something besides sandals? No offense.โ€

He stared down at his bloody foot. โ€œThe heel is only myย physical

weakness, demigod. My mother, Thetis, held me there when she dipped

me in the Styx. What really killed me was my own arrogance. Beware! Turn back!โ€

He meant it. I could hear the regret and bitterness in his voice. He was honestly trying to save me from a terrible fate.

Then again, Luke had been here, and he hadnโ€™t turned back.

Thatโ€™sย why Luke had been able to host the spirit of Kronos without his body disintegrating. This is how heโ€™d prepared himself, and why he seemed impossible to kill. He had bathed in the River Styx and taken on the powers of the greatest mortal hero, Achilles. He was invincible.

โ€œI have to,โ€ I said. โ€œOtherwise I donโ€™t stand a chance.โ€

Achilles lowered his head. โ€œLet the gods witness I tried. Hero, if you must do this, concentrate on your mortal point. Imagine one spot of your body that will remain vulnerable. This is the point where your soul will anchor your body to the world. It will be your greatest weakness, but also your only hope. No man may be completely invulnerable. Lose sight of what keeps you mortal, and the River Styx will burn you to ashes. You will cease to exist.โ€

โ€œI donโ€™t suppose you could tell me Lukeโ€™s mortal point?โ€

He scowled. โ€œPrepare yourself, foolish boy. Whether you survive this or not, you have sealed your doom!โ€

With that happy thought, he vanished. โ€œPercy,โ€ Nico said, โ€œmaybe heโ€™s right.โ€ โ€œThis wasย yourย idea.โ€

โ€œI know, but now that weโ€™re hereโ€”โ€

โ€œJust wait on the shore. If anything happens to meโ€ฆWell, maybe Hades will get his wish, and youโ€™ll be the child of the prophecy after all.โ€

He didnโ€™t look pleased about that, but I didnโ€™t care.

Before I could change my mind, I concentrated on the small of my backโ€”a tiny point just opposite my navel. It was well defended when I wore my armor. It would be hard to hit by accident, and few enemies would aim for it on purpose. No place was perfect, but this seemed right to me, and a lot more dignified than, like, my armpit or something.

I pictured a string, a bungee cord connecting me to the world from the small of my back. And I stepped into the river.

Imagine jumping into a pit of boiling acid. Now multiply that pain times fifty. You still wonโ€™t be close to understanding what it felt like to swim in the Styx. I planned to walk in slow and courageous like a real hero. As soon as the water touched my legs, my muscles turned to jelly and I fell face-first into the current.

I submerged completely. For the first time in my life, I couldnโ€™t breathe underwater. I finally understood the panic of drowning. Every nerve in my body burned. I was dissolving in the water. I saw facesโ€” Rachel, Grover, Tyson, my mother, but they faded as soon as they appeared.

โ€œPercy,โ€ my mom said. โ€œI give you my blessing.โ€ โ€œBe safe, brother!โ€ Tyson pleaded.

โ€œEnchiladas!โ€ Grover said. I wasnโ€™t sure where that came from, but it didnโ€™t seem to help much.

I was losing the fight. The pain was too much. My hands and feet were melting into the water, my soul was being ripped from my body. I couldnโ€™t remember who I was. The pain of Kronosโ€™s scythe had been nothing compared to this.

The cord, a familiar voice said.ย Remember your lifeline, dummy!

Suddenly there was a tug in my lower back. The current pulled at me, but it wasnโ€™t carrying me away anymore. I imagined the string in my back, keeping me tied to the shore.

โ€œHold on, Seaweed Brain.โ€ It was Annabethโ€™s voice, much clearer now. โ€œYouโ€™re not getting away from me that easily.โ€

The cord strengthened.

I could see Annabeth nowโ€”standing barefoot above me on the canoe lake pier. Iโ€™d fallen out of my canoe. That was it. She was reaching out her hand to haul me up, and she was trying not to laugh. She wore her orange camp T-shirt and jeans. Her hair was tucked up in her Yankees cap, which was strange because that should have made her invisible.

โ€œYou are such an idiot sometimes.โ€ She smiled. โ€œCome on. Take my hand.โ€

Memories came flooding back to meโ€”sharper and more colorful. I stopped dissolving. My name was Percy Jackson. I reached up and took

Annabethโ€™s hand.

Suddenly I burst out of the river. I collapsed on the sand, and Nico scrambled back in surprise.

โ€œAre you okay?โ€ he stammered. โ€œYour skin. Oh, gods. Youโ€™re hurt!โ€

My arms were bright red. I felt like every inch of my body had been broiled over a slow flame.

I looked around for Annabeth, though I knew she wasnโ€™t here. It had seemed so real.

โ€œIโ€™m fineโ€ฆI think.โ€ The color of my skin turned back to normal. The pain subsided. Mrs. Oโ€™Leary came up and sniffed me with concern.

Apparently, I smelled really interesting. โ€œDo you feel stronger?โ€ Nico asked.

Before I could decideย whatย I felt, a voice boomed, โ€œTHERE!โ€

An army of the dead marched toward us. A hundred skeletal Roman legionnaires led the way with shields and spears. Behind them came an equal number of British redcoats with bayonets fixed. In the middle of the host, Hades himself rode a black-and-gold chariot pulled by nightmare horses, their eyes and manes smoldering with fire.

โ€œYou will not escape me this time, Percy Jackson!โ€ Hades bellowed. โ€œDestroy him!โ€

โ€œFather, no!โ€ Nico shouted, but it was too late. The front line of Roman zombies lowered their spears and advanced.

Mrs. Oโ€™Leary growled and got ready to pounce. Maybe thatโ€™s what set me off. I didnโ€™t want them hurting my dog. Plus, I was tired of Hades being a big bully. If I was going to die, I might as well go down fighting.

I yelled, and the River Styx exploded. A black tidal wave smashed into the legionnaires. Spears and shields flew everywhere. Roman zombies began to dissolve, smoke coming off their bronze helmets.

The redcoats lowered their bayonets, but I didnโ€™t wait for them. I charged.

It was stupidest thing Iโ€™ve ever done. A hundred muskets fired at me, point blank. All of them missed. I crashed into their line and started hacking with Riptide. Bayonets jabbed. Swords slashed. Guns reloaded and fired. Nothing touched me.

I whirled through the ranks, slashing redcoats to dust, one after the other. My mind went on autopilot: stab, dodge, cut, deflect, roll. Riptide was no longer a sword. It was an arc of pure destruction.

I broke through the enemy line and leaped into the black chariot.

Hades raised his staff. A bolt of dark energy shot toward me, but I deflected it off my blade and slammed into him. The god and I both tumbled out of the chariot.

The next thing I knew, my knee was planted on Hadesโ€™s chest. I was holding the collar of his royal robes in one fist, and the tip of my sword was poised right over his face.

Silence. The army did nothing to defend their master. I glanced back and realized why. There was nothing left of them but weapons in the sand and piles of smoking, empty uniforms. I had destroyed them all.

Hades swallowed. โ€œNow, Jackson, listen hereโ€ฆ.โ€

He was immortal. There was no way I could kill him, but gods can be wounded. I knew that firsthand, and I figured a sword in the face wouldnโ€™t feel too good.

โ€œJust because Iโ€™m a nice person,โ€ I snarled, โ€œIโ€™ll let you go. But first, tell me about that trap!โ€

Hades melted into nothing, leaving me holding empty black robes.

I cursed and got to my feet, breathing heavily. Now that the danger was over, I realized how tired I was. Every muscle in my body ached. I looked down at my clothes. They were slashed to pieces and full of bullet holes, but I was fine. Not a mark on me.

Nicoโ€™s mouth hung open. โ€œYou justโ€ฆwith a swordโ€ฆyou justโ€”โ€ โ€œI think the river thing worked,โ€ I said.

โ€œOh gee,โ€ he said sarcastically.ย โ€œYou think?โ€

Mrs. Oโ€™Leary barked happily and wagged her tail. She bounded around, sniffing empty uniforms and hunting for bones. I lifted Hadesโ€™s robe. I could still see the tormented faces shimmering in the fabric.

I walked to the edge of the river. โ€œBe free.โ€

I dropped the robe in the water and watched as it swirled away, dissolving in the current.

โ€œGo back to your father,โ€ I told Nico. โ€œTell him he owes me for letting him go. Find out whatโ€™s going to happen to Mount Olympus and convince him to help.โ€

Nico stared at me. โ€œIโ€ฆI canโ€™t. Heโ€™ll hate me now. I meanโ€ฆeven more.โ€

โ€œYou have to,โ€ I said. โ€œYou owe me too.โ€

His ears turned red. โ€œPercy, I told you I was sorry. Pleaseโ€ฆlet me come with you. I want to fight.โ€

โ€œYouโ€™ll be more help down here.โ€

โ€œYou mean you donโ€™t trust me anymore,โ€ he said miserably.

I didnโ€™t answer. I didnโ€™t know what I meant. I was too stunned by what Iโ€™d just done in battle to think clearly.

โ€œJust go back to your father,โ€ I said, trying not to sound too harsh. โ€œWork on him. Youโ€™re the only person who might be able to get him to listen.โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s a depressing thought.โ€ Nico sighed. โ€œAll right. Iโ€™ll do my best. Besides, heโ€™s still hiding something from me about my mom. Maybe I can find out what.โ€

โ€œGood luck. Now Mrs. Oโ€™Leary and I have to go.โ€ โ€œWhere?โ€ Nico said.

I looked at the cave entrance and thought about the long climb back to the world of the living. โ€œTo get this war started. Itโ€™s time I found Luke.โ€

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