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Chapter no 13

The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 5)


We could see the white flag from half a mile away. It was as big as a soccer field, carried by a thirty-foot-tall giant with bright blue skin and icy gray hair.

โ€œA Hyperborean,โ€ Thalia said. โ€œThe giants of the north. Itโ€™s a bad sign that they sided with Kronos. Theyโ€™re usually peaceful.โ€

โ€œYouโ€™ve met them?โ€ I said.

โ€œMmm. Thereโ€™s a big colony in Alberta. You doย notย want to get into a snowball fight with those guys.โ€

As the giant got closer, I could see three human-size envoys with him: a half-blood in armor, anย empousaย demon with a black dress and flaming hair, and a tall man in a tuxedo. Theย empousaย held the tux dudeโ€™s arm, so they looked like a couple on their way to a Broadway show or somethingโ€” except for her flaming hair and fangs.

The group walked leisurely toward the Heckscher Playground. The swings and ball courts were empty. The only sound was the fountain on Umpire Rock.

I looked at Grover. โ€œThe tux dude is the Titan?โ€

He nodded nervously. โ€œHe looks like a magician. I hate magicians.

They usually have rabbits.โ€

I stared at him. โ€œYouโ€™re scared of bunnies?โ€

โ€œBlah-hah-hah! Theyโ€™re big bullies. Always stealing celery from defenseless satyrs!โ€

Thalia coughed.

โ€œWhat?โ€ Grover demanded.

โ€œWeโ€™ll have to work on your bunny phobia later,โ€ I said. โ€œHere they come.โ€

The man in the tux stepped forward. He was taller than an average humanโ€”about seven feet. His black hair was tied in a ponytail. Dark round glasses covered his eyes, but what really caught my attention was the skin on his face. It was covered in scratches, like heโ€™d been attacked by a small animalโ€”a really,ย reallyย mad hamster maybe.

โ€œPercy Jackson,โ€ he said in a silky voice. โ€œItโ€™s a great honor.โ€

His lady friend theย empousaย hissed at me. Sheโ€™d probably heard how Iโ€™d destroyed two of her sisters last summer.

โ€œMy dear,โ€ Tux Dude said to her. โ€œWhy donโ€™t you make yourself comfortable over there, eh?โ€

She released his arm and drifted over to a park bench.

I glanced at the armed demigod behind Tux Dude. I hadnโ€™t recognized him in his new helmet, but it was my old backstabbing buddy Ethan Nakamura. His nose looked like a squashed tomato from our fight on the Williamsburg Bridge. That made me feel better.

โ€œHey, Ethan,โ€ I said. โ€œYouโ€™re looking good.โ€ Ethan glared at me.

โ€œTo business.โ€ Tux Dude extended his hand. โ€œI am Prometheus.โ€

I was too surprised to shake. โ€œThe fire-stealer guy? The chained-to- the-rock-with-the-vultures guy?โ€

Prometheus winced. He touched the scratches on his face. โ€œPlease, donโ€™t mention the vultures. But yes, I stole fire from the gods and gave it to your ancestors. In return, the ever merciful Zeus had me chained to a rock and tortured for all eternity.โ€


โ€œHow did I get free? Hercules did that, eons ago. So you see, I have a soft spot for heroes. Some of you can be quite civilized.โ€

โ€œUnlike the company you keep,โ€ I noticed.

I was looking at Ethan, but Prometheus apparently thought I meant theย empousa.

โ€œOh, demons arenโ€™t so bad,โ€ he said. โ€œYou just have to keep them well fed. Now, Percy Jackson, let us parley.โ€

He waved me toward a picnic table and we sat down. Thalia and Grover stood behind me.

The blue giant propped his white flag against a tree and began absently playing on the playground. He stepped on the monkey bars and crushed them, but he didnโ€™t seem angry. He just frowned and said, โ€œUh- oh.โ€ Then he stepped in the fountain and broke the concrete bowl in half. โ€œUhoh.โ€ The water froze where his foot touched it. A bunch of stuffed animals hung from his beltโ€”the huge kind you get for grand prizes at an arcade. He reminded me of Tyson, and the idea of fighting him made me sad.

Prometheus sat forward and laced his fingers. He looked earnest, kindly, and wise. โ€œPercy, your position is weak. You know you canโ€™t stop another assault.โ€

โ€œWeโ€™ll see.โ€

Prometheus looked pained, like he really cared what happened to me. โ€œPercy, Iโ€™m the Titan of forethought. I know whatโ€™s going to happen.โ€

โ€œAlso the Titan of crafty counsel,โ€ Grover put in. โ€œEmphasis on


Prometheus shrugged. โ€œTrue enough, satyr. But I supported the gods in the last war. I told Kronos: โ€˜You donโ€™t have the strength. Youโ€™ll lose.โ€™ And I was right. So you see, I know how to pick the winning side. This time, Iโ€™m backing Kronos.โ€

โ€œBecause Zeus chained you to a rock,โ€ I guessed.

โ€œPartly, yes. I wonโ€™t deny I want revenge. But thatโ€™s not the only reason Iโ€™m supporting Kronos. Itโ€™s the wisest choice. Iโ€™m here because I thought you might listen to reason.โ€

He drew a map on the table with his finger. Wherever he touched, golden lines appeared, glowing on the concrete. โ€œThis is Manhattan. We have armies here, here, here, and here. We know your numbers. We outnumber you twenty-to-one.โ€

โ€œYour spy has been keeping you posted,โ€ I guessed.

Prometheus smiled apologetically. โ€œAt any rate, our forces are growing daily. Tonight, Kronos will attack. You will be overwhelmed. Youโ€™ve fought bravely, but thereโ€™s just no way you can hold all of Manhattan. Youโ€™ll be forced to retreat to the Empire State Building. There youโ€™ll be destroyed. I have seen this. Itย willย happen.โ€

I thought about the picture Rachel had drawn in my dreamsโ€”an army at the base of the Empire State Building. I remembered the words of the young girl Oracle in my dream:ย I foresee the future. I cannot change it.

Prometheus spoke with such certainty it was hard not to believe him. โ€œI wonโ€™t let it happen,โ€ I said.

Prometheus brushed a speck off his tux lapel. โ€œUnderstand, Percy.

You are refighting the Trojan War here. Patterns repeat themselves in history. They reappear just as monsters do. A great siege. Two armies. The only difference is, this time you are defending.ย Youย are Troy. And you know what happened to the Trojans, donโ€™t you?โ€

โ€œSo youโ€™re going to cram a wooden horse into the elevator at the Empire State Building?โ€ I asked. โ€œGood luck.โ€

Prometheus smiled. โ€œTroy was completely destroyed, Percy. You donโ€™t want that to happen here. Stand down, and New York will be spared. Your forces will be granted amnesty. I will personally assure your safety.

Let Kronos take Olympus. Who cares? Typhon will destroy the gods anyway.โ€

โ€œRight,โ€ I said. โ€œAnd Iโ€™m supposed to believe Kronos would spare the city.โ€

โ€œAll he wants is Olympus,โ€ Prometheus promised. โ€œThe might of the gods is tied to their seats of power. You saw what happened to Poseidon once his undersea palace was attacked.โ€

I winced, remembering how old and decrepit my father looked. โ€œYes,โ€ Prometheus said sadly. โ€œI know that was hard for you. When

Kronos destroys Olympus, the gods will fade. They will become so weak

they will be easily defeated. Kronos would rather do this while Typhon has the Olympians distracted in the west. Much easier. Fewer lives lost. But make no mistake, the best you can do is slow us down. The day after tomorrow, Typhon arrives in New York, and you will have no chance at all. The gods and Mount Olympus will still be destroyed, but it will be much messier. Much, much worse for you and your city. Either way, the Titans will rule.โ€

Thalia pounded her fist on the table. โ€œI serve Artemis. The Hunters will fight to our last breath. Percy, youโ€™re not seriously going to listen to this slimeball, are you?โ€

I figured Prometheus was going to blast her, but he just smiled. โ€œYour courage does you credit, Thalia Grace.โ€

Thalia stiffened. โ€œThatโ€™s my motherโ€™s surname. I donโ€™t use it.โ€

โ€œAs you wish,โ€ Prometheus said casually, but I could tell heโ€™d gotten under her skin. Iโ€™d never even heard Thaliaโ€™s last name before. Somehow it made her seem almost normal. Less mysterious and powerful.

โ€œAt any rate,โ€ the Titan said, โ€œyou need not be my enemy. I have always been a helper of mankind.โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s a load of Minotaur dung,โ€ Thalia said. โ€œWhen mankind first sacrificed to the gods, you tricked them into giving you the best portion. You gave us fire to annoy the gods, not because you cared about us.โ€

Prometheus shook his head. โ€œYou donโ€™t understand. I helped shape your nature.โ€

A wiggling lump of clay appeared in his hands. He fashioned it into a little doll with legs and arms. The lump man didnโ€™t have any eyes, but it groped around the table, stumbling over Prometheusโ€™s fingers. โ€œI have been whispering in manโ€™s ear since the beginning of your existence. I represent your curiosity, your sense of exploration, your inventiveness.

Help me save you, Percy. Do this, and I will give mankind a new giftโ€”a new revelation that will move you as far forward as fire did. You canโ€™t make that kind of advance under the gods. They would never allow it. But this could be a new golden age for you. Orโ€ฆโ€ He made a fist and smashed the clay man into a pancake.

The blue giant rumbled, โ€œUh-oh.โ€ Over at the park bench, the

empousaย bared her fangs in a smile.

โ€œPercy, you know the Titans and their offspring are not all bad,โ€ Prometheus said. โ€œYouโ€™ve met Calypso.โ€

My face felt hot. โ€œThatโ€™s different.โ€

โ€œHow? Much like me, she did nothing wrong, and yet she was exiled forever simply because she was Atlasโ€™s daughter. We are not your enemies. Donโ€™t let the worst happen,โ€ he pleaded. โ€œWe offer you peace.โ€

I looked at Ethan Nakamura. โ€œYou must hate this.โ€ โ€œI donโ€™t know what you mean.โ€

โ€œIf we took this deal, you wouldnโ€™t get revenge. You wouldnโ€™t get to kill us all. Isnโ€™t that what you want?โ€

His good eye flared. โ€œAll I want is respect, Jackson. The gods never gave me that. You wanted me to go to your stupid camp, spend my time crammed into the Hermes cabin because Iโ€™m not important? Not even recognized?โ€

He sounded just like Luke when heโ€™d tried to kill me in the woods at camp four years ago. The memory made my hand ache where the pit scorpion had stung me.

โ€œYour momโ€™s the goddess of revenge,โ€ I told Ethan. โ€œWe should respect that?โ€

โ€œNemesis stands for balance! When people have too much good luck, she tears them down.โ€

โ€œWhich is why she took your eye?โ€

โ€œIt was payment,โ€ he growled. โ€œIn exchange, she swore to me that one dayย Iย would tip the balance of power. I would bring the minor gods respect. An eye was a small price to pay.โ€

โ€œGreat mom.โ€

โ€œAt least she keeps her word, unlike the Olympians. She always pays her debtsโ€”good or evil.โ€

โ€œYeah,โ€ I said. โ€œSo I saved your life, and you repaid me by raising Kronos. Thatโ€™s fair.โ€

Ethan grabbed the hilt of his sword, but Prometheus stopped him. โ€œNow, now,โ€ the Titan said.โ€œWeโ€™re on a diplomatic mission.โ€

Prometheus studied me as if trying to understand my anger. Then he nodded like heโ€™d just picked a thought from my brain.

โ€œIt bothers you what happened to Luke,โ€ he decided. โ€œHestia didnโ€™t show you the full story. Perhaps if you understoodโ€ฆโ€

The Titan reached out.

Thalia cried a warning, but before I could react, Prometheusโ€™s index finger touched my forehead.

* * *

Suddenly I was back in May Castellanโ€™s living room. Candles flickered on the fireplace mantel, reflecting in the mirrors along the walls. Through the kitchen doorway I could see Thalia sitting at the table while Ms. Castellan bandaged her wounded leg. Seven-year-old Annabeth sat next to her, playing with a Medusa beanbag toy.

Hermes and Luke stood apart in the living room.

The godโ€™s face looked liquid in the candlelight, like he couldnโ€™t decide what shape to adopt. He was dressed in a navy blue jogging outfit with winged Reeboks.

โ€œWhy show yourself now?โ€ Luke demanded. His shoulders were tense, as if he expected a fight. โ€œAll these years Iโ€™ve been calling to you, praying youโ€™d show up, and nothing. You left me withย her.โ€ He pointed toward the kitchen like he couldnโ€™t bear to look at his mother, much less say her name.

โ€œLuke, do not dishonor her,โ€ Hermes warned. โ€œYour mother did the best she could. As for me, I could not interfere with your path. The children of the gods must find their own way.โ€

โ€œSo it was for my own good. Growing up on the streets, fending for myself, fighting monsters.โ€

โ€œYouโ€™re my son,โ€ Hermes said. โ€œI knew you had the ability. When I was only a baby, I crawled from my cradle and set out forโ€”โ€

โ€œIโ€™m not a god! Just once, you couldโ€™ve said something. You couldโ€™ve helped whenโ€โ€”he took an unsteady breath, lowering his voice so no one in the kitchen could over-hearโ€”โ€œwhen she was having one of herย fits, shaking me and saying crazy things about my fate. When I used to hide in the closet so she wouldnโ€™t find me with thoseโ€ฆthose glowing eyes. Did you evenย careย that I was scared? Did you even know when I finally ran away?โ€

In the kitchen, Ms. Castellan chattered aimlessly, pouring Kool-Aid for Thalia and Annabeth as she told them stories about Luke as a baby.

Thalia rubbed her bandaged leg nervously. Annabeth glanced into the living room and held up a burned cookie for Luke to see. She mouthed,ย Can we go now?

โ€œLuke, I care very much,โ€ Hermes said slowly, โ€œbut gods must not interfere directly in mortal affairs. It is one of our Ancient Laws.

Especially when your destinyโ€ฆโ€ His voice trailed off. He stared at the candles as if remembering something unpleasant.

โ€œWhat?โ€ Luke asked. โ€œWhat about my destiny?โ€

โ€œYou should not have come back,โ€ Hermes muttered. โ€œIt only upsets you both. However, I see now that you are getting too old to be on the run without help. Iโ€™ll speak with Chiron at Camp Half-Blood and ask him to send a satyr to collect you.โ€

โ€œWeโ€™re doing fine without your help,โ€ Luke growled. โ€œNow, what were you saying about my destiny?โ€

The wings on Hermesโ€™s Reeboks fluttered restlessly. He studied his son like he was trying to memorize his face, and suddenly a cold feeling washed through me. I realized Hermesย knewย what May Castellanโ€™s mutterings meant. I wasnโ€™t sure how, but looking at his face I was absolutely certain. Hermes understood what would happen to Luke someday, how he would turn evil.

โ€œMy son,โ€ he said, โ€œIโ€™m the god of travelers, the god of roads. If I know anything, I know that you must walk your own path, even though it tears my heart.โ€

โ€œYou donโ€™t love me.โ€

โ€œI promise Iโ€ฆI do love you. Go to camp. I will see that you get a quest soon. Perhaps you can defeat the Hydra, or steal the apples of Hesperides. You will get a chance to be a great hero beforeโ€ฆโ€

โ€œBefore what?โ€ Lukeโ€™s voice was trembling now. โ€œWhat did my mom see that made her like this? Whatโ€™s going to happen to me? If you love me,ย tellย me.โ€

Hermesโ€™s expression tightened. โ€œI cannot.โ€ โ€œThen you donโ€™t care!โ€ Luke yelled.

In the kitchen, the talking died abruptly.

โ€œLuke?โ€ May Castellan called. โ€œIs that you? Is my boy all right?โ€

Luke turned to hide his face, but I could see the tears in his eyes. โ€œIโ€™m fine. I have a new family. I donโ€™t need either of you.โ€

โ€œIโ€™m your father,โ€ Hermes insisted.

โ€œAย fatherย is supposed to be around. Iโ€™ve never evenย metย you. Thalia, Annabeth, come on! Weโ€™re leaving!โ€

โ€œMy boy, donโ€™t go!โ€ May Castellan called after him. โ€œI have your lunch ready!โ€

Luke stormed out the door, Thalia and Annabeth scrambling after him. May Castellan tried to follow, but Hermes held her back.

As the screen door slammed, May collapsed in Hermesโ€™s arms and began to shake. Her eyes openedโ€”glowing greenโ€”and she clutched desperately at Hermesโ€™s shoulders.

โ€œMy son,โ€ she hissed in a dry voice. โ€œDanger. Terrible fate!โ€ โ€œI know, my love,โ€ Hermes said sadly. โ€œBelieve me, I know.โ€

The image faded. Prometheus pulled his hand away from my forehead.

โ€œPercy?โ€ Thalia asked. โ€œWhatโ€ฆwhat was that?โ€ I realized I was clammy with sweat.

Prometheus nodded sympathetically. โ€œAppalling, isnโ€™t it? The gods know what is to come, and yet they do nothing, even for their children. How long did it take for them to tell youย yourย prophecy, Percy Jackson? Donโ€™t you think your father knows what will happen to you?โ€

I was too stunned to answer.

โ€œPerrrcy,โ€ Grover warned, โ€œheโ€™s playing with your mind. Trying to make you angry.โ€

Grover could read emotions, so he probably knew Prometheus was succeeding.

โ€œDo you really blame your friend Luke?โ€ the Titan asked me. โ€œAnd what about you, Percy? Will you be controlled by your fate? Kronos offers you a much better deal.โ€

I clenched my fists. As much as I hated what Prometheus had shown me, I hated Kronos a lot more. โ€œIโ€™ll give you a deal. Tell Kronos to call off his attack, leave Luke Castellanโ€™s body, and return to the pits of Tartarus. Then maybe I wonโ€™t have to destroy him.โ€

Theย empousaย snarled. Her hair erupted in fresh flames, but Prometheus just sighed.

โ€œIf you change your mind,โ€ he said, โ€œI have a gift for you.โ€

A Greek vase appeared on the table. It was about three feet high and a foot wide, glazed with black-and-white geometric designs. The ceramic lid was fastened with a leather harness.

Grover whimpered when he saw it. Thalia gasped. โ€œThatโ€™s notโ€”โ€

โ€œYes,โ€ Prometheus said. โ€œYou recognize it.โ€

Looking at the jar, I felt a strange sense of fear, but I had no idea why. โ€œThis belonged to my sister-in-law,โ€ Prometheus explained.


A lump formed in my throat. โ€œAs in Pandoraโ€™s box?โ€

Prometheus shook his head. โ€œI donโ€™t know how thisย boxย business got started. It was never a box. It was aย pithos, a storage jar. I suppose Pandoraโ€™sย pithosย doesnโ€™t have the same ring to it, but never mind that. Yes, she did open this jar, which contained most of the demons that now haunt mankindโ€” fear, death, hunger, sickness.โ€

โ€œDonโ€™t forget me,โ€ theย empousaย purred.

โ€œIndeed,โ€ Prometheus conceded. โ€œThe firstย empousaย was also trapped in this jar, released by Pandora. But what I find curious about the storyโ€” Pandora always gets the blame. She is punished for being curious. The gods would have you believe that this is the lesson: mankind should not explore. They should not ask questions. They should do what they are told. In truth, Percy, this jar was a trap designed by Zeus and the other gods. It was revenge onย meย and my entire familyโ€”my poor simple brother Epimetheus and his wife Pandora. The gods knew she would open the jar. They were willing to punish the entire race of humanity along with us.โ€

I thought about my dream of Hades and Maria di Angelo. Zeus had destroyed an entire hotel to eliminate two demigod childrenโ€”just to save his own skin, because he was scared of a prophecy. Heโ€™d killed an innocent woman and probably hadnโ€™t lost any sleep over it. Hades was no better. He wasnโ€™t powerful enough to take his revenge on Zeus, so he cursed the Oracle, dooming a young girl to a horrible fate. And Hermesโ€ฆ why had he abandoned Luke? Why hadnโ€™t he at least warned Luke, or tried to raise him better so he wouldnโ€™t turn evil?

Maybe Prometheus was toying with my mind.

But what if heโ€™s right?ย part of me wondered.ย How are the gods any better than the Titans?

Prometheus tapped the lid of Pandoraโ€™s jar. โ€œOnly one spirit remained inside when Pandora opened it.โ€

โ€œHope,โ€ I said.

Prometheus looked pleased. โ€œVery good, Percy. Elpis, the Spirit of Hope, would not abandon humanity. Hope does not leave without being given permission. She can only be released by a child of man.โ€

The Titan slid the jar across the table.

โ€œI give you this as a reminder of what the gods are like,โ€ he said. โ€œKeep Elpis, if you wish. But if you decide that you have seen enough destruction, enough futile suffering, then open the jar. Let Elpis go. Give up Hope, and I will know that you are surrendering. I promise Kronos will be lenient. He will spare the survivors.โ€

I stared at the jar and got a very bad feeling. I figured Pandora had been completely ADHD, like me. I could never leave things alone. I didnโ€™t like temptation. What ifย thisย was my choice? Maybe the prophecy all came down to my keeping this jar closed or opening it.

โ€œI donโ€™t want the thing,โ€ I growled.

โ€œToo late,โ€ Prometheus said. โ€œThe gift is given. It cannot be taken back.โ€

He stood. Theย empousaย came forward and slipped her arm through


โ€œMorrain!โ€ Prometheus called to the blue giant. โ€œWe are leaving. Get

your flag.โ€

โ€œUh-oh,โ€ the giant said.

โ€œWe will see you soon, Percy Jackson,โ€ Prometheus promised. โ€œOne way or another.โ€

Ethan Nakamura gave me one last hateful look. Then the truce party turned and strolled up the lane through Central Park, like it was just a regular sunny Sunday afternoon.

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