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Chapter no 16

The Hawthorne Legacy (The Inheritance Games, 2)

Wind whipping in my hair, I called Alisa from the roof to ask about the will.

โ€œIโ€™m unaware of any special copies of Mr. Hawthorneโ€™s prior will, but McNamara, Ortega, and Jones certainly has an original on file that you could view.โ€

I knew exactly what Alisa meant when she said โ€œspecial,โ€ but just because there wasnโ€™t an equivalent to the Red Will didnโ€™t mean that this was a dead end. Not yet.

โ€œHow soon can I see it?โ€ I asked, my eyes still on Jamesonโ€™s. โ€œI need you to do two things for me first.โ€

I scowled. When Iโ€™d asked to see the Red Will, Alisa had leveraged my request to put me in a room with a team of stylists. โ€œNot another makeover,โ€ I groaned. โ€œBecause this is about as made over as I get.โ€

โ€œYouโ€™re perfectly presentable these days,โ€ Alisa assured me. โ€œBut I will need you to clear some time in your schedule for an appointment with Landon right after school.โ€

Landon was a media consultant. She handled PRโ€”and prepping me to talk to the press.

โ€œWhy do I need to meet with Landon right after school?โ€ I asked suspiciously.

โ€œIโ€™d like you interview-ready within the next month. We need to be sure that weโ€™re the ones controlling the story, Avery.โ€ Alisa paused. โ€œNot your father.โ€

I couldnโ€™t say what I wanted to say, which was that Ricky Grambs

wasnโ€™tย my father. It wasnโ€™tย hisย signature on my birth certificate.

โ€œFine,โ€ I said sharply. โ€œWhat else?โ€ Alisa had said โ€œtwo things.โ€

โ€œI need you to recover your senses and let your poor bodyguard onto that roof.โ€



After school, I met with Landon in the Oval Room.

โ€œLast time we met, I taught you how not to answer questions. The art of answering them is a bit more complicated. With a group of reporters, you can ignore questions you donโ€™t want to answer. In a one-on-one interview, that ceases to be an option.โ€

I tried to at least look like I was paying attention to what the media consultant was saying.

โ€œInstead of ignoring questions,โ€ Landon continued, her posh British accent pronounced, โ€œyou have to redirect them, and you must do so in a way that ensures that people are interested enough in what youโ€™re saying that they fail to notice when you take a detour directly toward one of your preordained talking points.โ€

โ€œMy talking points,โ€ I echoed, but my thoughts were on Tobias Hawthorneโ€™s will.

Landonโ€™s deep brown eyes didnโ€™t miss much. She arched an eyebrow at me, and I forced myself to focus.

โ€œLovely,โ€ she declared. โ€œThe first thing you need to decide is what you want people taking away from any given interview. To do that, you will need to formulate a personal theme, exactly six talking points, and no fewer than two dozen personal anecdotes that will humanize youย andย redirect any category of question you might receive toward one of your talking points.โ€

โ€œIs that all?โ€ I asked dryly.

Landon ignored my tone. โ€œNot quite. Youโ€™ll also need to learn to identify โ€˜noโ€™ questions.โ€

I could do this. I could be a good little heiress celebrity. I could refrain from rolling my eyes. โ€œWhat are โ€˜noโ€™ questions?โ€

โ€œTheyโ€™re questions that you can answer in a single word, most typicallyย no. If you canโ€™t spin a question around to a talking point, or if talking too much will make you look guilty, then you need to be able to look the interviewer in the eye and, without sounding the least bit defensive, give her that one-word answer.ย No. Yes. Sometimes.โ€

The way she said those words soundedย soย sincereโ€”and she hadnโ€™t even been asked a question.

โ€œI donโ€™t have anything to feel guilty about,โ€ I pointed out. โ€œI havenโ€™t done anything wrong.โ€

โ€œThat,โ€ she said evenly, โ€œis exactly the kind of thing that is going to make you sound defensive.โ€



Landon gave me homework, and I left our session determined to ensure that Alisa held up her end of the bargain. An hour later, Oren, Alisa, Jameson, and I were on the way to the law firm of McNamara, Ortega, and Jones.

To my surprise, Xander was sitting out front when we got there. โ€œDid you tell him we were coming?โ€ I asked Jameson as the two of us stepped out of the SUV.

โ€œI didnโ€™t have to,โ€ Jameson murmured back, his eyes narrowing. โ€œHeโ€™s a Hawthorne.โ€ He raised his voice loud enough for Xander to hear it. โ€œAnd heโ€™d better not have me bugged.โ€

The fact that surveillance technology was even a possibility here said a lot about their childhood.

โ€œItโ€™s a wonderful day for looking at legal documents,โ€ Xander replied cheerfully, sidestepping the comment about having Jameson bugged.

Neither Alisa nor Oren said a word as the five of us entered the building and rode the elevator up. When the doors opened, my lawyer led me to a corner office, where a document was lying on the desk.ย Dรฉjร  vu.

Alisa gave the three of us an Alisa Look. โ€œIโ€™ll leave the door open,โ€ she announced, taking up a position next to Oren, right outside the door.

Jameson called after her, amused. โ€œWould you close the door if I promised very sincerely not to ravish your client?โ€

โ€œJameson!โ€ I hissed.

Alisa glanced back and rolled her eyes. โ€œIโ€™ve literally known you since you were in diapers,โ€ she told Jameson. โ€œAnd you haveย alwaysย been trouble.โ€

The door stayed open.

Jameson cut his eyes toward me and gave a little shrug. โ€œGuilty as charged.โ€

Before I could reply, Xander vaulted past us to get to the will first.

Jameson and I crowded in beside him. All three of us read.

I, Tobias Tattersall Hawthorne, being of sound body and mind, decree that my worldly possessions, including all monetary and physical assets, be disposed of as follows:

In the event that I predecease my wife, Alice Oโ€™Day Hawthorne, all my assets and worldly possessions shall be bequeathed unto her. In the event that Alice Oโ€™Day Hawthorne predeceases me, the terms of my will shall be as follows:

To Andrew and Lottie Laughlin, for years of loyal service, I bequeath a sum of one hundred thousand dollars apiece, with lifelong, rent-free tenancy granted in Wayback Cottage, located on the western border of my Texas estate.

Xander tapped his finger against that sentence. โ€œSounds familiar.โ€

The bit about the Laughlins had appeared in Tobias Hawthorneโ€™s more recent will as well. Going on instinct, I scanned the will in front of us for other similarities. Oren wasnโ€™t mentioned in this one, but Nan was, under the exact same terms as Tobias Hawthorneโ€™s later will. Then I came to the part about the Hawthorne daughters.

To my daughter Skye Hawthorne, I leave my compass, may she always know true north. To my daughter Zara, I leave my wedding ring, may she love as wholly and steadfastly as I loved her mother.

The wording there was familiar, too, but in his final will, Tobias Hawthorne had also left his daughters money to cover all debts accrued as of his date of death, and a onetime inheritance of fifty thousand dollars. In this version, he reallyย hadย left them nothing except trinkets. Nash, the only Hawthorne grandson whoโ€™d been born before this will was written, wasnโ€™t mentioned at all. There was no provision allowing the Hawthorne family to continue living in Hawthorne House. Instead, the rest of the will was simple.

The remainder of my estate, including all properties, monetary assets, and worldly possessions not otherwise specified, is to be liquefied and the proceeds split equally among the following charitiesโ€ฆ

The list that followed was longโ€”dozens in total.

Attached to the back of Tobias Hawthorneโ€™s will was a copy of his wifeโ€™s will, containing nearly identical terms. If she died first, everything went to her husband. If he predeceased her, their assets went to charityโ€” with the same bequests to the Laughlins and Nan, and nothing left to Zara and Skye.

โ€œYour grandmother was in on it,โ€ I told the boys.

โ€œShe died right before Grayson was born,โ€ Jameson said. โ€œEveryone says the grief over Toby killed her.โ€

Had the old man told his wife that their son was still alive? Had he knownโ€”or even suspectedโ€”the truth back when this will was written?

I returned my attention to the document and read it again from the top. โ€œThere are only two major differences between this will and the last one,โ€ I said when I was done.

โ€œYou arenโ€™t in this one.โ€ Xander ticked off the first. โ€œWhich, barring time travel, makes sense, given that you werenโ€™t born until three years after it was written.โ€

โ€œAnd the charities.โ€ Jameson was in laser-focus mode. He didnโ€™t so much as spare a glance for his brotherโ€”or for me. โ€œIf thereโ€™s a clue in here, itโ€™s in that list.โ€

Xander grinned. โ€œAnd you know what that means, Jamie.โ€

Jameson made a face that suggested that he did, in fact, know what that meant.

โ€œWhat?โ€ I asked.

Jameson sighed theatrically. โ€œDonโ€™t mind me. This is what I look like when Iโ€™m preparing to be painfully bored and predictably annoyed. If we want the rundown on the charities on this list, thereโ€™s an efficient way of getting it. Prepare yourself for a lecture, Heiress.โ€

That was the exact moment when I realized what he was talking aboutโ€” and who had the information we needed. The member of the Hawthorne

family who knew its charitable works intimately. Someone Iโ€™d already told about Toby. โ€œGrayson.โ€

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