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Chapter no 4 – Tucker

The Goal (Off-Campus, #4)

THE SOUND OFย a car engine revving jerks me awake. Itโ€™s still dark out, but I can make out the tiniest sliver of light on the horizon, a grayish stripe in a black background. I flip the lever of my seat and allow the mechanism to push me upright, just in time to see a small Honda Civic pulling out of Sabrina Jamesโ€™s drive.

Blearily, I check the time on the dash. Four a.m. As her car drives past, I catch a glimpse of dark hair, and before I know it, Iโ€™ve pulled out in traffic behind her.

I followed her to Boston last night because the roads were still icy and I was worried about her. And I wasnโ€™t convinced she was going to text me. After sheโ€™d come that last time, sheโ€™d totally shut down. It was obvious that being intimate isnโ€™t something she feels comfortable with. I got the sense I could say about any filthy thing I wanted to her and sheโ€™d be completely fine, but a tender, caring word and sheโ€™d jackrabbit out of there.

Hell, she almost jumped out of my truck in her haste to get away. I didnโ€™t take it personally, though.

I stretch my back as best as I can. I havenโ€™t slept in my truck for a long time, and my bodyโ€™s reminding me the exact reason why. But it was either catch a few zzzs or take a chance driving back on the slick roads. I chose to sleep in my cab.

Sabrinaโ€™s car zips through a yellow light and then takes a sharp left. By the time I catch up, sheโ€™s pulling into the employee parking lot of a south Boston post office. A second later, she stumbles out of the driverโ€™s seat wearing a work uniform, her long hair tied back in a ponytail.

A smile curves across my face. Smoking hot, bright as the sun, and a hard worker? Damn. My mom would love this girl.


Iย DRIVE BACKย to Hastings with a silly-ass grin on my face and throw myself on my bed to sleep for three measly hours. Then I hop right back in the truck and drive to campus to meet up with my study group, because weโ€™ve got a big marketing test tomorrow. Though Iโ€™m not sure this nine a.m. cram session is going to help me much in my groggy state. Two cups of coffee succeed in waking me up a bit, and I feel much more alert when the session breaks up around eleven.

Rather than head home right away, I grab a third coffee and pull out my phone. Itโ€™s time to do a little digging, and Iโ€™d rather do it at the coffeehouse than at home where my nosy roommates might ask questions.

I know Sabrina has classes with Dean, but Deanโ€™s not exactly reliable when it comes to her, so I hit up the only other poli sci major I knowโ€” Sheena Drake. Sheโ€™s an ex but still a good friend of mine. Actually, I canโ€™t think of a single ex Iโ€™m not friends with.

Me:ย What do u know about Sabrina James?

Sheena answers right away, which tells me she either didnโ€™t party too hard last night, or she partied so hard she never went to bed.

Her:ย Ugh. Hate her.

I frown at the screen.

Me:ย Why?

Her:ย b/c sheโ€™s hotter than me. Bitch.

My loud snort draws the attention of the trio of students at the neighboring table. Another text from Sheena pops up.

Her:ย But sheโ€™s hotter than EVERYONE. So I guess I canโ€™t b mad? Why r u asking about her?

Me:ย Ran into her last night. She seemed cool.

Her:ย I wouldnโ€™t know. Got 2 classes w/ her but sheโ€™s not too chatty. Super smart, tho. Rumor is she only hooks up w/ jocks.

I sip my coffee as I ponder that. Guess it makes sense, seeing as she hooked up with me last night. My phone buzzes with another message from Sheena.

U crushing on her?

Considering I had my tongue, mouth, fingers and dick all over her last night, I think I might be past crushing. But I just type,ย Maybe.

Her:ย U so are!!! Tell me everything!!!ย Me:ย Nothing 2 tell. CU in Econ tmrw?ย Her:ย Yup.

Me:ย K. Thx, babe.

Her:ย <3

I scroll through my contact list in search of anyone else who might know Sabrina, but only one name pops out at me. Hell, itโ€™s probably the person I shouldโ€™ve spoken to first.

I gulp down the rest of my coffee, then head for the door. I shoot off a quick text, but thereโ€™s no insta-response, so instead of waiting I send another message, this time to Ollie Jankowitz, the roommate of the guy Iโ€™m trying to track down.

Me:ย U with Beau?

Him:ย Negative.

Me:ย Know where heโ€™s at?

Him:ย Gym.

Well, that was easy.

I leave my truck in the student lot and decide to make the trek on foot, since the football stadium is only a short walk from the coffeehouse. My

Briar hockey ID doesnโ€™t give me access to the training facility, but luckily I reach the door at the same time as a sophomore lineman, who lets me in.

I find Beau Maxwell in the weight room, working on his chest and arms. Beau is Briarโ€™s beloved quarterback, and, as far as I know, the last guy whoโ€™d held Sabrinaโ€™s interest for any significant period of time.

Heโ€™s a friend of mine, closer to Dean than any of us, but weโ€™re still buddies and Iโ€™d rather he hear that Iโ€™m chasing after Sabrina from me than the gossip mill. Athletes spend as much time as anyone talking about hookups, girlfriends, and future lays.

โ€œMaxwell,โ€ I call as I cross the room, which smells like sweat and industrial cleaning supplies. โ€œGot a minute?โ€

Beau doesnโ€™t look away from the mirror. โ€œSure. Iโ€™m gonna do bench presses in a sec. You can spot me.โ€

โ€œSounds like a plan.โ€ I take a seat on the bench next to him and mentally count his reps as he does them. At ten, he drops the fifty-pound kettle bell and turns to me.

โ€œIโ€™m doing light weights, double reps,โ€ he explains, feeling the need to justify the two-fifty weight on the barbell.

โ€œShould you even be lifting anything at all?โ€ I donโ€™t know much about the quarterback position, but it seems to me that any extra muscle could affect his throwing arm.

โ€œLight weights only,โ€ he reiterates.

As he lies back and reaches above him, I move to the head of the bench. With these weights, I doubt he could hurt himself, so the spotter position is sort of unnecessary. But it gives me something to do while we talk.

โ€œHeard you hooked up with Sabrina James this fall,โ€ I start awkwardly. โ€œYou still holding a torch for her?โ€

Beau tilts his head backward so he can stare at me. Heโ€™s got vivid blue eyes that Iโ€™m pretty sure half the chicks at Briar have gotten lost in. Or have dreamed about getting lost in.

โ€œNaah, no torch here,โ€ he finally answers. โ€œWhy? You aiming to tap that?โ€

Already have, dude. But I repeat what I told Sheena. โ€œMaybe.โ€

โ€œGotcha. Well, if youโ€™re looking for more than a hookup, sheโ€™s not your girl.โ€


โ€œOh yeah. Seriously, Tuck, sheโ€™s closed tighter than a clam. She doesnโ€™t have time.โ€ Beau wrinkles his forehead. โ€œSheโ€™s got like four or five jobs and you have to fit in on her schedule. Like a doctor on call.โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s good to know.โ€

He finishes out his reps in silence. When heโ€™s done, he pushes upright, and I toss him a bottle of water I find next to the bench.

โ€œNeed any more help?โ€ I ask. โ€œNaah, I got it.โ€

โ€œSee you around then.โ€ I take a step, then glance over at him again. โ€œDo me a favor and keep this convo between us?โ€

He nods. โ€œGotcha.โ€

Iโ€™m at the exit door when Beau calls out to me. โ€œHey, what if I said I was still interested?โ€

I turn around to meet his eyes. โ€œThatโ€™d be too bad.โ€

Beau chuckles. โ€œI thought so. Well, more power to you, dude, but Iโ€™m warning youโ€”there are easier women than Sabrina.โ€

โ€œWhy would I want someone easy?โ€ I flash him a grin. โ€œThat doesnโ€™t sound like any fun.โ€

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