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Chapter no 1 – Sabrina

The Goal (Off-Campus, #4)

โ€œCRAP. CRAP. CRAP. Craaaaap. Where are my keys?โ€

The clock in the narrow hallway tells me I have fifty-two minutes to make a sixty-eight-minute drive if I want to get to the party on time.

I check my purse again, but the keys arenโ€™t there. I run through the various locations. Dresser? No. Bathroom? Was just there. Kitchen? Maybe


Iโ€™m about to pivot when I hear a jingle of metal behind me. โ€œYou looking for these?โ€

Contempt lodges in my throat as I turn around and step into a living room so small that the five pieces of dated furnitureโ€”two tables, one loveseat, one sofa, and one chairโ€”are squashed together like sardines in a can. The lump of flesh on the couch waves my keys in the air. At my sigh of irritation, he grins and shoves them under his sweatpants-covered ass.

โ€œCome and get โ€™em.โ€

I drag a frustrated hand down my flat-ironed hair before stalking over to my stepfather. โ€œGive me my keys,โ€ I demand.

Ray leers in return. โ€œDa-amn, you look hot tonight. Youโ€™ve turned into a real babe, Rina. You and me should get it on.โ€

I ignore the meaty hand thatโ€™s falling to his crotch. Iโ€™ve never known a man so desperate to touch his own junk. He makes Homer Simpson look like a gentleman.

โ€œYou and I donโ€™t exist to each other. So donโ€™t look at me, andย donโ€™tย call me Rina.โ€ Rayโ€™s the only person who ever calls me that, and I fucking hate it. โ€œNow give me my keys.โ€

โ€œI told youโ€”come and get โ€™em.โ€

With gritted teeth, I shove my hand under his lard-ass and root around for my keys. Ray grunts and squirms like the disgusting piece of shit he is until my hand connects with metal.

I drag the keys free and spin back to the doorway.

โ€œWhatโ€™s the big deal?โ€ he mocks after me. โ€œItโ€™s not like weโ€™re related, so thereโ€™s no incest problem.โ€

I stop and use thirty seconds of my precious time to stare at him in disbelief. โ€œYouโ€™re my stepfather. You married my mother. Andโ€”โ€ I swallow a rush of bile, โ€œโ€”and youโ€™re sleeping with Nana now. So, no, itโ€™s not about whether you and I are related. Itโ€™s because youโ€™re the grossest person on the planet and you belong in prison.โ€

His hazel eyes darken. โ€œWatch your mouth, missy, or one of these days youโ€™ll come home and the doors will be locked.โ€

Whatever. โ€œI pay for a third of the rent here,โ€ I remind him. โ€œWell, maybe youโ€™ll be in charge of more.โ€

He turns back to the television, and I spend another valuable thirty seconds fantasizing about bashing his head in with my purse. Worth it.

In the kitchen, Nana is sitting at the table, smoking a cigarette and reading an issue ofย People. โ€œDid you see this?โ€ she exclaims. โ€œKim K is nude again.โ€

โ€œGoodie for her.โ€ I grab my jacket off the back of the chair and head for the kitchen door.

Iโ€™ve found that itโ€™s safer to leave the house through the back. There are usually street punks congregating on the stoops of the narrow townhouses on our less than affluent street in this less than affluent part of Southie. Besides, our carport is behind the house.

โ€œHeard Rachel Berkovich got knocked up,โ€ Nana remarks. โ€œShe shouldโ€™ve aborted it, but I guess itโ€™s against their religion.โ€

I clench my teeth again and turn to face my grandmother. As usual, sheโ€™s wearing a ratty robe and fuzzy pink slippers, but her dyed blonde hair is teased to perfection and her face is fully made-up even though she rarely goes out.

โ€œSheโ€™s Jewish, Nana. I donโ€™t think itโ€™s against her religion, but even if it is, thatโ€™s her choice.โ€

โ€œProbably wants those extra food stamps,โ€ Nana concludes, blowing a long stream of smoke in my direction. Shit. I hope I donโ€™t smell like an ashtray by the time I get to Hastings.

โ€œIโ€™m guessing that isnโ€™t the reason Rachelโ€™s keeping the baby.โ€ One hand on the door, I shift restlessly, waiting for an opening to tell Nana


โ€œYour momma thought about aborting you.โ€

And there it is. โ€œOkay, thatโ€™s enough,โ€ I mutter. โ€œIโ€™m going to Hastings.

Iโ€™ll be back tonight.โ€

Her head jerks up from the magazine and her eyes narrow as she takes in my black knit skirt, black short-sleeved sweater with a scoop neck, and three-inch heels. I can see the words forming in her mind before they even leave her mouth.

โ€œYouโ€™re looking uppity. Going off to that fancy college of yours? You got classes on Saturday night?โ€

โ€œItโ€™s a cocktail party,โ€ I answer grudgingly.

โ€œOooh, cocktail, schocktail. Hope your lips donโ€™t get chapped kissing all the ass down there.โ€

โ€œYeah, thanks, Nana.โ€ I wrench open the back door, forcing myself to add, โ€œLove you.โ€

โ€œLove you too, baby girl.โ€

She does love me, but sometimes that love is so tainted, I donโ€™t know if itโ€™s hurting me or helping me.

I donโ€™t make the drive to the small town of Hastings in fifty-two minutesย orย sixty-eight minutes. Instead, it takes me an entire hour and a half because the roads are so damn bad. Another five minutes pass before I can find a parking space, and by the time I reach Professor Gibsonโ€™s house, Iโ€™m tenser than a piano wireโ€”and feeling about as fragile.

โ€œHi, Mr. Gibson. Iโ€™m so sorry Iโ€™m late,โ€ I tell the bespectacled man at the door.

Professor Gibsonโ€™s husband gives me a soft smile. โ€œDonโ€™t worry about it, Sabrina. The weather is terrible. Let me take your coat.โ€ He holds out a hand and waits patiently while I struggle out of my wool jacket.

Professor Gibson arrives as her husband is hanging my cheap coat amongst all the expensive ones in the closet. It looks as out of place as I do. I shove aside the feelings of inadequacy and summon up a bright smile.

โ€œSabrina!โ€ Professor Gibson calls out gaily. Her commanding presence jerks me to attention. โ€œIโ€™m so glad you arrived in one piece. Is it snowing yet?โ€

โ€œNo, just rain.โ€

She grimaces and takes my arm. โ€œEven worse. I hope you donโ€™t plan on driving back to the city tonight. The roads will be one sheet of ice.โ€

Since I have to work in the morning, Iโ€™ll be making that trek regardless of the road conditions, but I donโ€™t want Prof to worry, so I smile reassuringly. โ€œIโ€™ll be fine. Is she still here?โ€

The professor squeezes my forearm. โ€œShe is, and sheโ€™s dying to meet you.โ€

Awesome. I take my first full breath since I got here and allow myself to be led across the room toward a short, gray-haired woman dressed in a boxy pastel suitcoat over a pair of black pants. The outfit is rather blah, but the diamonds sparkling in her ears are larger than my thumb. Also? She seems too genial for a professor of the law. I always envisioned them as dour, serious creatures. Like me.

โ€œAmelia, let me introduce you to Sabrina James. Sheโ€™s the student Iโ€™ve been telling you about. At the top of her class, holds down two jobs, and managed a one seventy-seven on her LSATs.โ€ Professor Gibson turns to me. โ€œSabrina, Amelia Fromm, constitutional scholar extraordinaire.โ€

โ€œSo nice to meet you,โ€ I say, holding out my hand and praying to God it feels dry and not damp. I practiced shaking my own hand for an hour leading up to this.

Amelia grips me lightly before stepping back. โ€œItalian mother, Jewish grandfather, hence the odd combination of names. James is Scottishโ€”is that where your family is from?โ€ Her bright eyes sweep over me, and I resist the urge to fidget with my cheap Target clothing.

โ€œI couldnโ€™t say, maโ€™am.โ€ My family comes from the gutter. Scotland seems far too nice and regal to be our homeland.

She waves a hand. โ€œItโ€™s not important. I dabble in genealogy on the side.

So, youโ€™ve applied to Harvard? Thatโ€™s what Kelly has told me.โ€ Kelly? Do I know a Kelly?

โ€œShe means me, dear,โ€ Professor Gibson says with a gentle laugh. I blush. โ€œYes, sorry. I think of you as Prof.โ€

โ€œSo formal, Kelly!โ€ Professor Fromm accuses. โ€œSabrina, where else have you applied?โ€

โ€œBoston College, Suffolk, and Yale, but Harvard is my dream.โ€

Amelia raises an eyebrow at my list of tier two and three Boston schools.

Professor Gibson jumps to my defense. โ€œShe wants to stay close to home. And obviously she belongs at someplace better than Yale.โ€

The two professors share a contemptuous sniff. Prof was a Harvard grad, and apparently once a Harvard grad, always an anti-Yale person.

โ€œFrom all that Kelly has shared, it sounds like Harvard would be honored to have you.โ€

โ€œIt would be my honor to be a Harvard student, maโ€™am.โ€

โ€œAcceptance letters are being mailed out soon.โ€ Her eyes twinkle with mischief. โ€œIโ€™ll be sure to put in a good word.โ€

Amelia bestows another smile, and I nearly faint in happy relief. I wasnโ€™t just blowing smoke up her ass. Harvard really is my dream.

โ€œThank you,โ€ I manage to croak out.

Professor Gibson points me toward the food. โ€œWhy donโ€™t you get something to eat? Amelia, I want to talk to you about that position paper I heard was coming out of Brown. Did you have a chance to look at it?โ€

The two turn away, diving deep into a discussion about intersectionality of Black feminism and race theory, a topic that Professor Gibson is an expert in.

I wander over to the refreshment table, which is draped in white and loaded with cheese, crackers, and fruit. Two of my closest friendsโ€”Hope Matthews and Carin Thompsonโ€”are already standing there. One dark and one light, theyโ€™re the two most beautiful, smartest angels in the world.

I rush over to them and nearly collapse in their arms. โ€œSo? Howโ€™d it go?โ€ Hope asks impatiently.

โ€œGood, I think. She said that it sounded like Harvard would be honored to have me and that the first wave of acceptance letters is going out soon.โ€

I grab a plate and start loading it up, wishing the pieces of cheese were bigger. Iโ€™m so hungry I could eat an entire block. All day Iโ€™d been sick with anticipation because of this meeting, and now that itโ€™s over, I want to fall face-first into the food table.

โ€œOh, you are so in,โ€ declares Carin.

The three of us are advisees of Professor Gibson, whoโ€™s a big believer in helping young women along. There are other networking organizations on campus, but her influence is solely geared toward the advancement of women, and I couldnโ€™t be more grateful.

Tonightโ€™s cocktail party is designed for her students to meet with faculty members of the most competitive graduate programs in the nation. Hope is angling for a place at Harvard Med while Carin is headed for MIT.

Yep, itโ€™s a sea of estrogen inside Professor Gibsonโ€™s house. Other than her husband, only a couple of other men are present. Iโ€™m really going to miss this place after I graduate. Itโ€™s been a home away from home.

โ€œFingers crossed,โ€ I say in response to Carin. โ€œIf I donโ€™t get into Harvard, then itโ€™s BC or Suffolk.โ€ Which would be fine, but Harvard virtually guarantees me a shot at the job I want post-graduationโ€”a position at one of the nationโ€™s top law firms, or what everyone calls BigLaw.

โ€œYouโ€™ll get in,โ€ Hope says confidently. โ€œAnd hopefully once you get that acceptance letter, youโ€™ll stop killing yourself, because Lord, B, you look tense.โ€

I roll my head around my neck stiffly. Yeah, Iย amย tense. โ€œI know. My schedule is brutal these days. I went to bed at two this morning because the girl who was supposed to close at Boots & Chutes bugged out and left me to close, and then I was up at four to sort mail. I got home around noon, crashed, and almost overslept.โ€

โ€œYouโ€™re still working both jobs?โ€ Carin flips her red hair out of her face. โ€œYou said you were going to quit the waitressing gig.โ€

โ€œI canโ€™t yet. Professor Gibson said that they donโ€™t want us working our first year of law school. The only way I can swing that is to have enough for food and rent saved up before September.โ€

Carin makes a sympathetic noise. โ€œI hear you. My parents are taking out a loan so big, I might be able to afford a small country with it.โ€

โ€œI wish youโ€™d move in with us,โ€ Hope says plaintively.

โ€œReally? I had no idea,โ€ I joke. โ€œYouโ€™ve only said it twice a day since the semester started.โ€

She wrinkles her cute nose at me. โ€œYouโ€™dย loveย this place my dad rented for us. Itโ€™s got floor-to-ceiling windows and itโ€™s right on the subway line. Public transportation.โ€ She wiggles her eyebrows enticingly.

โ€œItโ€™s too expensive, H.โ€

โ€œYou know Iโ€™d cover the differenceโ€”or my parents would,โ€ she corrects herself. The girlโ€™s family has more money than an oil tycoon, but youโ€™d never know it from talking to her. Hopeโ€™s as down to earth as they come.

โ€œI know,โ€ I say between gulping down bites of mini-sausages. โ€œBut Iโ€™d feel guilty and then guilt would turn into resentment and then we wouldnโ€™t be friends anymore and not being your friend would suck.โ€

She shakes her head at me. โ€œIf, at some point, your stubborn pride allows you to ask for help, Iโ€™m here.โ€

โ€œWeโ€™reย here,โ€ Carin interjects.

โ€œSee?โ€ I wave my fork between the two of them. โ€œThis is why I canโ€™t live with you guys. You mean too much to me. Besides, this is working for me. Iโ€™ve got nearly ten months to save up before classes start next fall. Iโ€™ve got this.โ€

โ€œAt least come for a drink with us after this thing is over,โ€ Carin begs. โ€œI have to drive home.โ€ I make a face. โ€œIโ€™m scheduled to go in and sort

packages tomorrow.โ€

โ€œOn a Sunday?โ€ Hope demands.

โ€œTime and a half. I couldnโ€™t turn it down. Actually, I should probably take off soon.โ€ I lay my plate on the table and try to catch a glimpse of whatโ€™s going on beyond the huge bay window. All I see is darkness and streaks of rain on the glass. โ€œSooner Iโ€™m on the road, the better.โ€

โ€œNot in this weather youโ€™re not.โ€ Professor Gibson appears at my elbow with a glass of wine. โ€œThe weather advisory is for sheets of glassโ€” temperatureโ€™s dropping and the rain is turning into ice.โ€

One look at my advisorโ€™s face and I know I have to concede. So I do, but with great reluctance.

โ€œAll right,โ€ I say, โ€œbut I do this under protest. And youโ€”โ€ I tip my fork in Carinโ€™s direction, โ€œyou better have ice cream in the freezer in case I have to crash with you, otherwise Iโ€™m going to be really mad.โ€

All three of them laugh. Professor Gibson wanders off, leaving us to network as best as three college seniors can. After an hour of mingling, Hope, Carin and I grab our coats.

โ€œWhere are we going?โ€ I ask the girls.

โ€œDโ€™Andre is at Maloneโ€™s and I said Iโ€™d meet him there,โ€ Hope tells me. โ€œItโ€™s like a two-minute drive, so we should be fine.โ€

โ€œReally? Maloneโ€™s? Thatโ€™s a hockey bar,โ€ I whine. โ€œWhatโ€™s Dโ€™Andre doing there?โ€

โ€œDrinking and waiting for me. Besides, you need to get laid and athletes are your favorite type.โ€

Carin snorts. โ€œHer only type.โ€

โ€œHey, I have a very good reason for preferring athletes,โ€ I argue.

โ€œI know. Weโ€™ve heard it.โ€ She rolls her eyes. โ€œIf you want a stats question answered, go to the math geeks. If you want a physical need met, go to an athlete. Bodies are the tools of an elite athlete. They take care of it, know how to push its limits, yada yada.โ€ Carin makes a yapping gesture with her left hand.

I flick up my middle finger.

โ€œBut sex with someone you like is so much better.โ€ This comes from Hope, whoโ€™s been with Dโ€™Andre, her football player boyfriend, since freshman year.

โ€œI like them,โ€ I protest. โ€œโ€ฆfor the hour or so I use them.โ€

We share a giggle over that, until Carin brings up a guy who brought down the average.

โ€œDo you remember Ten-Second Greg, though?โ€

I shudder. โ€œFirst, thank you very little for bringing that bad memory up, and second, Iโ€™m not saying there arenโ€™t duds. Just that the odds are better with an athlete.โ€

โ€œAnd the hockey players are duds?โ€ Carin asks.

I shrug. โ€œI wouldnโ€™t know. I didnโ€™t ax them from my list of potentials because of their performance in the sack, but because theyโ€™re hyper- privileged jerks who get special favors from the profs.โ€

โ€œSabrina, girl, you got to let that go,โ€ Hope urges. โ€œNope. Hockey players donโ€™t make the cut.โ€

โ€œGod, but look at what youโ€™re missing out on.โ€ Carin licks her lips with exaggerated lasciviousness. โ€œThat one guy on the team with the beard? I want to know what that feels like. Beards are on my bucket list.โ€

โ€œGo on then. My boycott against hockey players just means more for you.โ€

โ€œIโ€™m on board with this, butโ€ฆโ€ She smirks. โ€œNeed I remind you that you hooked up with the manslut Di Laurentis?โ€

Ugh. Thatโ€™s a reminder Iย neverย need to hear.

โ€œFirst, I was totally drunk,โ€ I grumble. โ€œSecond, that was sophomore year. And third, heโ€™s the reason Iโ€™ve sworn off hockey players.โ€

Even though Briar University has a championship-winning football team, itโ€™s known as a hockey college. The guys who wear skates are treated

like gods. Case in pointโ€”Dean Heyward-Di Laurentis. Heโ€™s a poli sci major like me, so weโ€™ve had several classes together, including Statistics in our sophomore year. That course was hard as fuck. Everyone struggled.

Everyone but Dean, who was screwing the TA.

Andโ€”shocker!โ€”she gave him an A, which he absolutely didย notย deserve. I know this for a fact, because we were paired together for the final assignment, and I saw the garbage he turned in.

When I found out he aced it, I wanted to chop his dick off. It was so unfair. I worked my butt off in that course. Hell, I work my butt off for everything. My every accomplishment is stained with my blood, sweat and tears. Meanwhile, some asshole gets the world handed to him on a platter? Fuck. That.

โ€œSheโ€™s getting mad again,โ€ Hope stage-whispers to Carin.

โ€œSheโ€™s thinking about how Di Laurentis got an A in that one class,โ€ Carin shout-whispers back. โ€œShe really does need to get laid. How long has it been?โ€

I start to flip her off again when it occurs to me that I canโ€™t remember my last hookup.

โ€œThere was, um, Meyer? The lacrosse guy. That was in September. And after that was Beauโ€ฆโ€ I brighten up. โ€œHa! See? Itโ€™s only been a little over a month. Hardly a national emergency.โ€

โ€œGirl, someone with your schedule isnโ€™t allowed to go aย monthย without sex,โ€ Hope counters. โ€œYouโ€™re a walking ball of stress, which means you need a good dicking at leastโ€ฆdaily,โ€ she decides.

โ€œEvery other day,โ€ Carin argues. โ€œGive her lady garden some time to rest.โ€

Hope nods. โ€œFine. But no rest for the pussy tonightโ€”โ€ I snort in laughter.

โ€œYou hear that, B? Youโ€™ve been fed, you had an afternoon nap, and now you need some sexy times,โ€ Carin declares.

โ€œBut Maloneโ€™s?โ€ I repeat warily. โ€œWe just established that the place is crawling with hockey players.โ€

โ€œNot exclusively. I bet Beau is there. Want me to ask Dโ€™Andre?โ€ Hope holds up her phone, but I shake my head.

โ€œBeauโ€™s too much of a time commitment. Like he wanted to talk during sex. I want to do the deed and leave.โ€

โ€œOooh, talking! Scary.โ€ โ€œShut it.โ€

โ€œMake me.โ€ Hope tosses her head, her long braids smacking against my coat, and then exits Professor Gibsonโ€™s house.

Carin shrugs and follows her, and after a second of hesitation, I do too. Our coats are drenched by the time we reach Hopeโ€™s car, but we have our hoods on, so our hair survives the downpour.

Iโ€™m really not in the mood to chat up any guys tonight, but I canโ€™t deny that my friends are right. Iโ€™ve been plagued with tension for weeks, and these past few days Iโ€™ve definitely been feeling theโ€ฆitch. The kind of itch that can only be scratched with a hard, ripped body and a hopefully above average-sized cock.

Except Iโ€™m extremely selective about who I hook up with, and just as Iโ€™d feared, Maloneโ€™s is thick with hockey players when the girls and I stride inside five minutes later.

But hey, if thatโ€™s the hand Iโ€™ve been dealt, then I guess thereโ€™s no harm in playing it and seeing what happens.

Still, I have zero expectations as I follow my friends to the bar counter.

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