The vestry roomย ofย the Salem meeting house, now serving as the anteroom of the General Court.
As the curtain rises, the room is empty, but for sunlight pouring through two high windows in the back wall. The roomย isย solemn, even forbidding. Heavy beams jut out, boards of random widths make up the walls. At the right are two doors leading into the meeting house proper, where the court is being held. At the left another door leads outside.
There is a plain bench at the left, and another at the ri,ghl. In the center a rather long meeting table, with stools and a considerable armchair snagged tip to it.
Through the partitioning wall at the right we hearย aย prosecutorย โsย voice, Judge Hathorne โs,ย asking a
question, then a woman’s voice, Marthaย Coreyโs, replying.
HATHORNE’S VOICE: Now, Martha Corey, there is abundant evidence in our hands to show that you have given yourself to the reading of fortunes. Do you deny it?
MARTHA COREY’S VOICE: I am innocent to a witch. I know not what a witch is. HATHORNE’S VOICE: How do you know, then, that you are not a witch?
MARTHA COREY’S VOICE: If I were, I would know it. HATHORNE’S VOICE: Why do you hurt these children? MARTHA COREY’S VOICE: I do not hurt them. I scorn it! GILESโ VOICE,ย roaring:ย I have evidence for the court!
Voices of townspeople rise in excitement.
DANFORTH’S VOICE: You will keep your seat! GILESโ VOICE: Thomas Putnam is reaching out for land! DANFORTH’S VOICE: Remove that man, Marshal!
GILESโ VOICE: You’re hearing lies, lies!
A roaring goes up from the people.
HATHORNE’S VOICE: Arrest him, Excellency!
GILESโ VOICE:ย Iย have evidence. Why will you not hear my evidence?
The door opens and Giles is half carried into the vestry roomย byย Herrick. Francis Nurse enters, trailing anxiously behind Giles.
GILES: Hands off, damn you, let me go! HERRICK: Giles, Giles!
GILES: Out of my way, Herrick! I bring evidence
HERRICK : You cannot go in there, Gilcs; it’s a court!
Enter Hale from theย court. HALE: Pray be calm a moment.
CILES: You, Mr. Hale, go in there and demand I speak. HALE: A molnent, sir. a moment.
GILES: Theyโ11 be hangin my wife!
Jtidge Hathorne enters. He is in lits sixties, a bitter, i einorseless Salem judgcd.ย HATHORNE: How do you dare come ioarin’ into this court! Are you gone daft, Corey? GILES: You’re not a Boston judge yet, Hathorne. Youโ11 not call me daft!
Enter Deputy Governor Danforth and, behind him, E–ekiel Cheeverย andย Purr is. On his appearance, sileitce falls. Danfoi th i.s a gi ave manย inย hi.โบ sixlie.s, of some litintor and ophi.stication thai do not, however, interfere nith an exact loyalHโข to his position and his cause. He com es doc n to Giles, who an!aits his math.
DANFORTH,ย looking dii ecily at Giles.โย Who is this manโ? PARRIS: Gilcs Corey, sir, and a more contentiousโ
toย Parris.ย I am asked the qucstion, and I am old enough to answer it!ย To Danforth, who impressesย /7iixย and toย vย horn he smiles tl7rough his strain.โย My name is Corey, sir, Giles Corey. I have six hundred acres, and timber in addition. It is my wife you be condemning now.ย He indicate the cow lroom.
DANFORTH: And how do you imagine to help her cause with such contemptuous riot? Now be gone. Your old age alone kccps you out ofjail for this.
GlLES,ย beginning to plead.โย They be tellinโ lies about my wife, sir,ย Iโ
DANFORTI I: Do you take it upon yourself to determine what this court shall believe and what it shall set aside’?
GILES: Your Excellency, wc mean no disrcspect forโ
DANFORTH: Disrespect indeed! It is disruption, M ister. This is the highest court of the supreme government of this province, do you know itโ?
GILES,ย beginningย toย weep.ย Your Excellency, I only said she were readin books, sir, and they come and take her out of my house for
DAN FORTH,ย iny tified.ย Books! What books?
GILES,ย thi otighย /fe/p/esS รขobs.โ It is my third wife. sir; I never had no wife that be so taken with books, and I thought to find the cause of it, dโyโsec, brit it were no witch I blamed her for.ย He is openly weeping.ย 1 have broke charity with the woman. I have broke charity with her.ย he cor ei s his face, ashamed. Danforth is respectfiilly silent.
HALE: Excellency, lie claims hard evidencc for his wife’s defense. I tliiiik that in all justice you must
DANFORTH: Then let him submit his evidence in proper aftidavit. You are certainly aware otโour procedure here. Mr. Hale. Toย Herrick.ย Clear this room.
IIERRICK: Come now, Giles. Heย gently pushes Corps out.
FRANCIS: We are desperate, sir; we come here three days now and cannot be heard. DANFORTH: Who is this manโ?
FRANCIS: Francis Nurse, Your Exccllcncy.
HALE: His wife’s Rebecca that were condemned this morning.
DANFORTH: Indeed! I am amazed to find you in such uproar. I have only good report of your character, Mr. Nurse.
HATHORNE: I think they must both be arrested in contempt, sir. DANFORTH,ย toย Francis.โย Let you write your plea. and in due time 1 willโ
FRANCIS: Excellency, we have proof fot your eyes; Clod forbid you shut them to it. The girls, sir, the girls are frauds.
DANFORTH: What’s that?
FRANCIS: We have proofโ of it, sir. Thcy are all deceiving you.
Danforthย isย shocked,ย betย studยฟ!ing Francis.
HATHORNE: This is contempt, sir, contempt!
DANFORTH: Peace, Judge Hathorne. Do you know who I am, Mr. Nurse? FRANCIS: 1 surely do, sir, and I think you must be a wise judge to be what you are.
DANFORTH: And do you know that near to four hundred are in the jails from Marblehead to Lynn, and upon my signature’?
DANFORTH: And seventy-two condemned to hang by that signature’?
FRANCIS: Excellency, I never thought to say it to such a weighty judge, but you are deceived.
F.nter Giles Corey’from left. All ttirn to see as he beckons in Maps Wan em with Proctor. Mapย isย keeping her eyes toย theย ground,โ Proctor has her elbow as though sheย vย ere iiear collapse.
PARRIS.ย on seeing her, in shock.โ M cry Warren!ย He goes directly to bend close to her face.ย What are you about here?
PROCTOR,ย pressing Pat i is uv ay from her z iIh u gentle but firm motion of protectivetiess.โย She would speak with the Deputy Governor.
DANFORTH,ย sliockeJย byย this, tw us to Herrick.โย Did you not tell me Mary Warren were sick in bed?
H ER RIC K: She were, Your Honor. When I go to fetch her to the court last meek, she said she were
GILES: She has been strivinโ with her soul all week, Your Honor; shc comes now to tell the truth of
this to you.
DANFORTH: Who is this?
PROCTOR: John Proctor, sir. Elizabeth Proctor is my wi1โe. PARRIS: Beware this man, Your Excellency, this man is mischief. HALE,ย excitedly.โย I think you must hear the girl, sir, sheโ
DANFORTH,ย wโขlio has become ver)! interested iii Maiย yย Warren and only raises a hand toward Hale.โย Peace. What would you tell us, Mary Warren?
Pi octor looks at her, but she cannot speak.
PROCTOR: She never saw no spirits, sir.
DANFORTH,ย with great alarm and surprise, to May!.ย Never saw rio spirits! GILES,ย eager ly.ย Never.
PROCTOR,ย i caching into lii. jacket.ย She has signed a deposition, sirโ
DANFORTH,ย instantl;!.ย No, no, 1 accept no depositions.ย He is i apidlyย co/cti/oiii7gย this, he tw n s fFOW Her tO Proctor.ย Tell me, Mr. Proctor, have you given out this story in the village’?
PROCTOR: We have not.
PARRIS: They’ve come to overthrow the court, sir! This man isโ
DANFORTH: I pray you, Mr. Parris. Do you know, Mr. Proctor, that the entire contention ofโ the state in these trials is that the voice of Heaven is speaking through the children?
PROCTOR: I know that, sir.
DANFORTH,ย thinks, tai-ing at Proctor, then turns to Mary Can en.ย And you, Mary Warren, how came you to cry out people for sending their spirits against youโ?
MARY WARREN: It wcrc prctcnsc, sir. DAN FORTH: I cannot hear you.
PROCTOR: It were pretense. she says.
DANFORTH: Ali’? And the other girls? Susanna Walcott, andโthe others? They are also pretending’? MARY WARREN: Aye, sir.
DANFORTH,ย wide-eyed.โย Indeed.ย Pause. He is bafled by this. He turns to study Pt octorย ‘sย face.
PARRIS,ย iii a sweat.ย Excellency, you surely cannot think to let so vile a lie be spread in open court!
DANFORTH: Indeed not, but it strike hard upon me that she will dare come here with such a tale. Now, Mr. Proctor, before I decide whether I shall hear you or not, it is my duty to tell you this. We burn a hot fire here; it melts down all conccalmcnt.
PROCTOR: I know that, sir.
DANFORTH: Lct me continue. I undcrstand well, a husband’s tenderness may drive him to extravagance in defense of a wife. Are you certain in your conscience, Mister, that your evidence isย the truth?
PROCTOR: It is. And you will surely know it.
DANFORTH: And you thought to declare this revelation in the open court before the public? PROCTOR: I thought I would, ayeโwith your permission.
DANFORTH,ย his eyes nat row ing.โย Now, sir, what is your purpose inย soย doing? PROCTOR: Why, IโI would free my wife, sir.
DANFORTH: Thcrc lurks nowhere in your heart. nor hidden in your spirit, any desire to undermine this court?
PROCTOR, wireย the faintest faltering:ย Why, no, sir. CIlEEVER,ย clears his throat. โนwakening.โย I Your Excellency. DANFORTH-I: Mr. Cheever.
CHEEVER: I think it be my duty, sirโAiod/Jโ,ย to Proctor.ย You’ll not deny it, Jolm.ย To Danfoi th.
Whcn we comc to take his wife, he damned the court and ripped your warrant. PARRIS: Now you have it!
DANFORTH: He did that, Mr. Hale? HALE,ย takesย uย breath.ย Aye, he did.
PROCTOR: It were a temper, sir. I knew not what I did. DANFORTH,ย studyin,g him.ย Mr. Proctor.
PROCTOR: Aye, sir.
DANFORTH,ย .vtiโaight into his eyes:ย Have you ever seen the Devil’? PROCTOR: No, sir.
DANFORTH: You are in all respects a Gospel Christian’? PROCTOR: I am, sir.
PARRIS: Stich a Christian that will not comc to church but once in a month! DANFORTH,ย resli โนiinedโhe is curious.โย Not come to church’?
PROCTOR: IโI have no love for Mr. Parris. It is no secret. But God I surely lovc. CHEEVER: He plow on Sunday. sir.
DANFORTH: Plow on Sunday!
CHEEVER,ย apologetic’ally.ย I think it be evidence. John. I am an oi’ficial of the court, I cannot keep it.
PROCTOR: IโI have once or twice plowed on Sunday. I have three children, sir, and until last year my land give little.
GILES: You’ll find other Christians that do plow on Sunday if the truth be known. HALE: Your Honor, I cannot think you may judge the man on such evidence.
DANFORTH: I judge nothing.ย Pause. He keeps z etching PFocior, v!ho tries to meet his gu-e. Iย tell you straight. Misterโ1 have seen marvels in this court. I have seen people choked before my eyes by spirits; I have seen them stuck by pins and slashed by daggers. I have until this moment not the slightest reason to suspect that the children may be deceiving inc. Do you understand my meaning?
PROCTOR: Excellency, does it not strike upon you that so many of these womcn havc lived so long with such upright reputation, andโ
PARRIS: Do you read the Gospel, Mr. Proctor? PROCTOR: I read the Gospel.
PARRIS: I think not, or you should surely know that Cain were an upright man, and yet he did kill Abel.
PROCTOR: Aye. God tells us that. Toย Danforth.โย But who tclls us Rebecca Nurse murdered scven babies by sending out her spirit on them? lt is the children only, and this one will swear she lied to you.
Danforth considerย ,ย tรฑeiiย beckons Hathorneย fpย him. Hathorne leans in, and he speaks in his ear. Hathorne nods.
HATHORNE: Aye, she’s the one.
DANFORTH: Mr. Proctor, this morning, your wife send me a claim in which she states that she is pregnant now.
PROCTOR: My wife pregnant!
DANFORTH: There be no sign of itโwe have examined her body.
PROCTOR: But if she say she is pregnant, then she must be! That woman will never lie, Mr.
DANFORTH: She will not? PROCTOR: Never, sir, never.
DANFORTH: We have thought it too convenient to be credited. However, if I should tell you now
that I will let her be kept another month; andย ifย she begin to show her natural signs. you shall haveย her living yet another year until she is delivcredโwhat say you to that?ย John Proctor is str tick silent.ย Come now. You say your only purpose is to save your wife. Good, then, she is saved at least this year, and a year is long. What say you, sirโ? It is done now. /n conย ill, Piโocloi glances at Frnncis and Giles.ย Will you drop this charge?
PROCTOR: IโI think I cannot.
DANFORTH,ย novโข an almost imperceptible hnrdness in his voice.ย Then your purpose is somewhat
PARRIS: I ieโs come to overthrow this court, Your I lonor! PROCTOR: These are my friends. Their wives are also accusedโ
DANFORTH,ย with a sudden briskitessย ofย munnei .ย I judge you not, sir. I am ready to hear your evidence.
PROCTOR: I come not to hurt the court; I onlyโ
DANFORTH, cuffingย him off.โย Marshal. go into the court andย bidย Judge Stoughton and Judge Sewall declare recess for one hour. And let them go to the tavei n, if they will. All witnesses and prisoners are to be kept in the building.
HERRICK: Aye, sir. flipย defereiitially.ย If l may say it, sir, I know this man all my life. It is a good man. sir.
DANFORTHโiIย is the reflection on himself he resents.ย I am surc of it, Marshal.ย Her rick nods, thenย que.i mil. Now, what deposititโบn do you have for us, Mr. Proctor? And I beg you be clear, open as the sky, and honest.
PROCTOR,ย as he takes out several papers.ย Iย am no lawycr, so I’llโ DANFORTH: The pure in heart need no lawyers. Proceed as you will.
PROCTOR,ย handing Danforth a paper.โย Will you read this first, sir? It’s a sort of testament. The people signing it declare their good opinion of Rebecca, and icy wife, and Martha Corey.ย Danfortli looks down at the paper.
PARRIS,ย to enlist DanJโortli ‘s sarcasm.โย Their good opinion!ย But Danforth goes oii reading, and Proctor is heartened.
PROCTOR: These are all landholding farmers, members of the church.ย Delicately, trying lo pointย outย aย paragi aph.โย If you’ll notice, sirโthey’ve known the women many years and never saw no sign they had dealings with the Devil.
Pan is nem!otisly moves over and reads oโบ!er Danforth โs shoulder.ย DANFORTH,ย glancing down a long list.ย How many names are hereโ? FRANCIS: Ninety-one, Your Excellency.
PARRIS,ย sweating.ย These people should be summoned.ย Danforth looksย upย at hinnย qoesfionii7g/V. For questioning.
FRANCIS,ย tremblingย willย anger.ย Mr. Danforth, I gave them all my word no harm wou)d come to them for signing this.
PARR IS: Th is is a clear attdck upon the court!
HALE. toย Part i.s, ti ring tu contain him.self:ย Is every an attack upon the court? Can no one
PARRIS: All innocetlt and Chrixtian people are happy for the courts in Salem! These people are gloomy for it.ย To Danforth directly.โย And I think you will want to know, from each and every onc of
them, what discontcnts them with you! HATHORNE: I think they ought to be examined, sir.
DANFORTH: It is not necessarily an attack, I think. Yetโ
FRANCIS: These are all covenanted Christians, sir.
DANFORTH: Then I am sure they may have nothing to fear.ย hands Cheever the paper.ย Mr. Cheever, have warrants drawn for all of theseโarrest for examination.ย To Proctor.โย Now. Mister, what otherย information do you have for usโ?ย Franc’i is Still standing, hon ified.ย You may sit, Mr. Nurse.
FRANCIS: I have brought trouble on these people; I haveโ
DANFORTH: No, old man, you have not hurt thcse people if they arc of good conscience. But you must understand, sir, that a person is cithcr with this court or he must be counted against it, thcrc bc no road between. This is a sharp time, now, a precise timeโwe live no longer in the dusky afternoon when evil mixed itself with good and befuddled the world. Now, by God’s grace, the shining sun is up, and them that fear not light will surely praise it. I hope you will be one o1โ those.ย Mary Warren suddenIjโข sobs.ย She’s not hearty, I sec.
PROCTOR: No, she’s not, sir.ย To Mai y, bending to her, holding her hand, quietly.โย Now remember what the angel Raphael said to the boy Tobias. Remember it.
MARY WARREN,ย hardly audible.ย Aye.
PROCTOR: โDo that which is good, and no harm shall come to thee.โ MARY WARREN: Aye.
DANFORTH: Come, man, we wait you.
Marshal Herrick retUrns, and takes his post at the door.
GILES: John, my deposition, givc hint mine.
PROCTOR: Aye.ย He hands Danforth another paper.ย This is Mr. Corey’s deposition. DANFORTH: Oh?ย He looks dotโบ nย ntย it. Non Hathorne comes behind hint and reads with liink.ย HATHORNE,ย suspiciousl jโข.ย What lawyer drew this, Corey?
GILES: You know 1 never hired a lawyer in my life, Hathorne.
DANFORTH,ย JBishing the reading.โย It is vcry well phrased. My compliments. Mr. Parris, if Mr. Putnam is in the court, will you bring him in?ย Hathorne takes the deposition, and v!ulksย toย the is indoโบs v!ith it. ParFis goes into theย court. You have no legal training, Mr. Cโoreyโ?
CILES,ย very pleased: Iย have the best, sirโ1 am thirty-three time in court in my life. And always plaintiff, too.
DANFORTH: Oh, then you’re much put-upon.
GILES: I am neverย put-upon;ย I know my rights, sir, and I will have them. You know, your father tried a case of mineโmight be thirty-five year ago,ย Iย think.
GILES: He never spoke to you of it? DANFORTH: No, I cannot recall it.
GILES: Thatโs strange, he give me nine pound damages. He were a fair judge, your father. Yโsee, I
had a white mare that time, and this fellow come to borrow the mareโรฑoterย Parris with Thomas Putnam. Whenย /7e sees Pefram,ย Giles ense goes; he is hard.
Aye, there he is.
DANFORTH: Mr. Putnain, I have hcrc an accusation by Mr. Corey against you. He states that you coldly prompted your daughtcr to cry witcliery upon George Jacobs that is nowย inย jail.
PUTNAM: It is a lie.
DANFORTH,ย tm-ning to Gile.v.โย Mr. PutnaiT1 states your charge is a lie. What say you to that? C lLES,fBrioยซs,ย lits fists clenchcmd.ย A fart on Thomas Putnain, that is what I say to that!
DANFORTH: What proofโ do you submit for your charge, sir?
GILES: My proof is there!ย Pointing to the paper.ย If Jacobs hangs for a witch he forfeit up his propertyโthat’s law! And there is none but Putnam with the coin to buyย soย great a piece. This man is killing his neighbors for their land!
DANFORTH: But proof, sir, proof.
GILES,ย pointingย ofย his deposition.โย The proof is therc! I liavc it trout an honest man who heard Putnain say it! The day his daughtcr cried out on Jacobs, lie said she’d given him a fair gift o1โ land.
HATHORNE: And the name of this man? GILES,ย taken aback.ย What name?
HATHORNE: The man that give you this information. GILES.ย hesitates, then.ย Why, IโI cannot give you his name. HATHORNE: And why not?
GILES,ย he.situte , then hm sts out.ย You know well why not! He’ll lay in jail if I give his name!
HATHORNE: This is contempt of the court, M r. Danforth! DANFORTH, toย avoidย real.โ You will surely tell us the name.
GILES: 1 will not give you no name. I mentioned my wife’s name once and I’ll burn in hell long enough for that. I stand mute.
DANFORTH: In that casc, I have no choice btit to arrest you for contcmpt of this court, do you know that?
GILES: This is a hearing; you cannot clap me for contempt of a hearing.
DANFORTI-I: Oh, it is a proper lawyer! Do you wish me to declare the court in full session hereโ? Or will you give me good replyโ?
GILES,fo/tering. I cannot give you no name, sir, 1 cannot.
DANFORTH: You are a foolish old wan. Mr. Chccvcr, begin the record. The court is now in session. 1 ask you, Mr. Coreyโ
PROCTOR,ย ht caking in.ย Your Honorโhe has the story in confidence, sir, and hcโ
PARRIS: The Devil lives on such confidences! /oย DaiJorth:ย Without confidences there could be no conspiracy, Your Honor!
HATHORN E:ย lย think it must be broken, sir.
DANFORTH,ย to Giles.ย Old man, if your informant tells the truth let him come here openly like a decent man. But if he hide in anonymity 1 must know why. Now sir, the government and central church demand o1โ you the name of him who reported Mr. Thomas Putnam a common murderer.
HALE: Excellencyโ DANFORTI: Mr. Hale.
HALE: We cannot blink it more. There isย ^ย Frodigious fear of this court in the countryโ DANFORTH: Then there is a prodigious guilt in the country. Areย youย afi’aid to be questioned here?
HALE: I may only fear the Lord, sir, but there is fear in the country nevertheless.
DANFORTH,ย angered nov .ย Reproach me not with the fear in the country; there is fear in the country because there is a moving plot to topplc Christ in the country!
HOLE: But it does not follow that everyone accused is part of it.
DANFORTH: No uncomiptcd man may fear this court, Mr. Hals! None! To Gilcs: You arc under arrcst in contempt of this court. Now sit you down and take counscl with yourself, or you will be set in the jail until you decide to answer all questions.
Giles Corey makes a rushย forย Putnani. Proctor lunges and holds him.
PROCTOR: No, Giles!
GILES,ย over Proc’tur โs shoulderย atย Putnam.ย Iโ11 cut your throat, Putnam, Iโll kill you yet!
PROCTOR,/orciZigย him into a chair.โย Peace, Giles, peace.ย Releasing him.ย Weโ11 prove ourselves. Now we will.ย He startsย toย turnย tpย DaiiJโorth.
GILES: Say nothinโ more, John.ย Poii7tiTtg at Danfortli.โย He’s only playinโ you! He means to hang us all!
Mai y Warren bursts into sobs.
DANFORTH: This is a court of law, Mister. I’ll have no e1’frontery hcrc!
PROCTOR: Forgive him, sir, for his old age. Peace, Giles, we’ll prove it all now.ย He lifts up May ‘8 chin.ย You cannot weep, Mary. Remember the angel, what he say to the boy. Hold to it, now; there is yourย rock. Mnrv quiefs. He lakes outย aย paper, and lurnsย toย Danforlh.ย This is Mary Warren’s deposition. IโI would ask you remember, sir, while you read it, that until two week ago she were no dif’ferent than thc other children are today. Hcย is speaking reasonably, restraining all his fears, his anger,ย hisย anxiety.ย You saw her scream, she howled, she swore familiar spirits choked her; she even testified that Satan, inย the form of women now in jail, tried to win her soul away, and then when she
DANFORTH : We know all this.
PROCTOR: Aye, sir. She swears now that she never saw Satan; nor any spirit, vague or clear, that Satan may have sent to hurt her. And she declares her friends are lying now.
Proctor .Alans to hand Danfortli the depo.Milton, and Hitle come.โบ up to Dan/ol th in a IFembling siute.
HALE: Excellency, a moment. I think this goes to the heart o1โthe matter. DANFORTH,ย with deep misgiโบโขings.โย It surely does.
HALE: I cannot say he is an honest man; I know him little. But in all justice, sir, a claim so weighty cannot be argued by a farmer. In God’s name, sir, stop here; send him home and let him come again with a lawyerโ
DANFORTH,ย patientl)โบ.โย Now look you, Mr. Haleโ
HALE: Excellency, 1 have signed seventy-two death warrants; 1 am a minister of the Lord, and 1 dare not take a life without there beย aย proof so immaculate no slightest qualm of conscience may doubt it.
DANFORTI-I: Mr. Hale, you surely do not doubt my justice.
HALE: I have this morning signed away the soul of Rebecca Nurse, Your Honor. Iโ11 not conceal it, my hand shakes yet as with a wound! I pray you, sir, //iis argument let lawyers present to you.
DAN FORTH: Mr. Hale, bet ieve me; for a man of such terrible learning you are most bewilderedโI hope you will forgive me. I have been thirty-two year at the bar, sir, and 1 shouldย beย confounded were I called upon to defend thesc people. Let you consider.ย nowโTo Proctor and the others.โย And I bid you all do likewise. In an ordinary crime, how does one defend the accused? One calls up witnesses to prove his innocence. But witchcraft isย ipso facto,ย on its face and by its nature, an invisible crime, is it not? Therefore, who may possibly bc witness to it? The witch and the victim. None other. Now we cannot hope the witch will accuse herself; grantedโ? Therefore, we must rely upon her victimsโ and thcy do testify, the childrcn certainly do testify. As for the witches, none will deny that we are most eager for all their confessions. Therefore, what is left for a lawyer to bring out? I think I have made my point. Have I not?
HALE: But this child claims the girls are not truthfiil, and if they are notโ
DANFORTH: That is precisely what I am about to consider, sir. What more may you ask of weโ? Unless you doubt my probityโ?
HAVE,ย defeated.ย I surely do not, sir. Let you consider it, then.
DANFORTH: And let you put your heart to rest. Her deposition, Mr. Proctor.
Proctor haiids it to him. Hathorne rises, goes beside Danforth, and starts reading. Parris comes to his other side. Danforth looks at John Proctor, then proceeds to read. Haleย gels ifD,ย finds position near the juclge, reads too. Proctor glances at Giles. Francis pra)!s silently, hands pressed together. Cheeโบ er wails placidly, theย sublime official, dtitiftil. Man, Warren obs once. John Proctor touches her head i eossw ingljโข.ย PreseDt/Jโขย Danforth lifts hisย eyes,ย stands up, fakesย ontย a kerchief and blonโขs
his nose. The others stnnd aside as he moiโบesย inย thoughtย tooย ard the โindowย .
PARRIS,ย hardly able to contain hi.s unger and fear.ย I should like to questionโ
DANFORTHโhis refย rea/ outburst, in which his contemptย forย Parris is clear .ย Miโ. Parris, I bid you be silent!ย He stands in silence, looking out the iโบ!indovโ. Nov, having established that he will set the gait.ย Mr. Cheever, will you go into the court and bring the children hei’e?ย Cheeยปei gets up and goes out upstage.
Donforlh now tm us to Mai y.ย Mary Warren, how came you to this tumabout? Has Mr. Proctor threatened you for this depositionโ?
DANFORTH: Has he ever threatened you? MARY WARREN,ย weaker.ย No, sir.
DANFORTH,ย sensing a wenkening.ย Has he threatened you’? MARY WARREN: No, sir.
DAN FORTH: Then you tell me that you sat in my court, callously lying, when you knew that pcople would hang by your evidence?ย She does not answer.ย Answer mc!
MARY WARREN,ย almost inaudibly.ย 1 did, sir.
DAN FORTI-1: How were you instructed in your lifeโ? Do you not know that God damns all liars’?
She cannot speak.ย Or is it now that you lie? MARY WARREN: No, sirโI am with God now. DANFORTH: You are with God now.
MARY WARREN: Aye, sir.
DANFORTH,ย containing himself.ย I will tell you thisโyou are either lying now. oiโ you were lying in the court, and in either case you have committed perjury and you will go to jail for it. You cannot lightly say you lied, Mary. Do you know that?
MARY WARREN: I cannot lie no morc. I am with God, I am with God.
But she breaksย ii7/Oย SObs at the thought of it, and the right door opens, and enter Susanna Walcott, Mercy Lezโขis, Betty Par i i.s, and finullyย Abigail. CheeveF COtiICS tO Danforth.
CHEEVER: Ruth Putnam’s not in the court, sir, nor the other children.
DANFORTH: These will be sufficient. Sit you down, children. SifextfJย they sit.ย Your friend, Mary Warren, has given us a deposition. In which she swears that she never saw familiar spirits, apparitions, nor any manifest of the Devil. She claims as well that none of you have scen these things either.ย Slight pause.ย Now, children, this is a court o1โ law. The law, based upon the Bible, and the Bible, writ by Almighty Ciod, forbid the practice of witchcraft, and describe death as the penalty thereof. But likewise, children, the law and Bible damn all bearers of false witness.ย Slight puuse.ย Now then. It does not escape me that this deposition may be devised to blind us; it may well be that Mary Warren has been conquered by Satan, who sends her here to distract our sacred purpose. lf so,
her neck will bi’eak for it. But if she speak true, I bid you now drop your guile and confess your pretence, for a quick confession will go easier with you.ย Puuse.ย Abigail Williams, rise.ย Abigail slowly rises.ย Is there any truth in thisโ?
ABIGAIL: No, sir.
DANFORTH,ย thinks, glances at Mai y, then back to Abigail.ย Children, a very augur bit will now bc turned into your souls until your honesty is proved. Will either of you change your positions now, or do you force me to hard questioning’?
ABIGAIL: 1 have naught to cliangc, sir. She lies. DANFORTH,ย /oย Mai y.โย You would stillย goย on with this’? MARY WARREN,/aiiif/y.โ Aye, sir.
DANFORTH,ย turning to Abigail.โย A poppet were discovered in Mr. Proctor’s house, stabbed by a needle. Mary Warren claims that you sat beside her in the court when she made it, and that you saw her make it and witncsscd how she herself stuck her needle into it for safc-keeping. What say you to that?
ABIGAIL,ย r ith a slight note of indignation.โย It is a lie, sir.
DANFORTH,ย afterย uย slight paiis’e:ย While you worked for Mr. Proctor, did you see poppets in that houseโ?
ABIGAIL: Goody Proctor always kept poppets.
PROCTOR: Your Honor, my wife never kept no poppets. Mary Warren confesses it was her poppet. CHEEVER: Your Excellency.
DANFORTH: Mr. Cheever.
CHEEVER: When I spokc with Goody Proctor in that house. she said she never kept no poppets. But she said she did keep poppets wlicn she were a girl.
PROCTOR: She has not been a girl these fifteen years, Your I lonor. HATI-IORNE: But a poppet will keep fifteen years, will it notโ?
PROCTOR: lt will keep if it is kept, but Mary Warren swears she never saw no poppets in my house, nor anyone else.
PARRIS: Why could thcrc not have bcen poppets hid where no one ever saw them?
PROCTOR,ย fiirious.โย Thcrc might also bc a dragon with five legs in my house, but no one has ever seen it.
PARRIS: We are here, Your Honor, precisely to discover what no one has ever seen.
PROCTOR: Mr. Danforth, what profit this girl to turn herself about’? What may Mary Warren gain but hard questioning and worse?
DANFORTH: You are charging Abigail Williams with a inarvclous cool plot to murder, do you understand that?
PROCTOR: I do, sir. I believe she weans to inurdei.
DANFORTH,ย pointingย atย .4bigni/, incredulously:ย This child would murder your wifeโ?
PROCTOR: It is not a child. Now hear me, sir. In the sight of the congregation she were twice this year put out of this meetin house for laughter during prayer.
DANFORTH,ย shocked, turning to Abigail.ย What’s this’? Laughter duringโ !
PARRIS: Excellency, she were under Tituba’s power at that time, but she is solemn now. GILES: Aye, now she is solemn and goes to hang people!
DANFORTH: Quiet, man.
HATI-IORNE: Surely it have no bearing on the question, sir. He charges contemplation of murder. DANFORTH: Aye.ย Heย studiesย Abigail for aย moment,ย then.ย Continue, Mr. Proctor.
PROCTOR: Mary. Now tell thc Governor how you danced in the woods.
PARRIS,ย instanllv.ย Excellency, since I come to Salem this man is blackening my name. He DANFORTH: In a moment, sir.ย To Mai y War ren, sternly, and surprised :ย What is this dancing?
MARYย WARREN: /-ย the glances at Abigail, wlto is .star ing Jon!ii at herย remorselessly. Then, appealing to Proctor: Mr. Proctorโ
PROCTOR,ย taking if i ight up.โย Abigail leads the girls to the woods, Your Honor, and they have danced thcrc nakedโ
PARRIS: Your Honor, thisโ
PROCTOR, oiย once: Mr.ย Parris discovered them himself in the dead of night! Ther e’s the โchildโ she is!
DANFORTHโitย is grovโขiiig into a nightmare, and heย turns,ย astonished,ย toย Parris.โย Mr. Parrisโ PARRIS: 1 can only say, sir, that 1 never found any oiโtliem naked, and this man isโ
DANFORTH : But you discovercd them dancing in the woods?ย E) es on Parris,ย heย points nt
Abigail.ย Abigail?
HALE: Excellency, when I tirst arrived mom Beverly, Mr. Parris told me that. DANFORTH: Do you deny it, Mr. Parrisโ?
PARRIS: I do not, sir, but I never saw any of them naked. DANFORTH: But she haveย danced?
PARRIS,ย unwโขillingly:ย Aye, sir.
Danfoi th,ย asย though wilh nevโข pees, looks at Abigail.
HATHORNE: Excellency, will you permit mc?ย He points nt Mai War ren.
DANFORTH,ย with greatย won iy.โ Pray, proceed.
HATHORNE: You say you never saw no spirits, Mary, were never threatencd or afflicted by any manifest of the Devil or the Devil’s agents.
MARY WARREN.ย ther yfaintly.ย No, sir.
IIATI IORNE,ย v ith a gleam of victor y.ย And yet, when people accused of witehery confronted you in court, you would faint, saying their spirits came out of their bodies and choked youโ
MARY WARREN: That were pretence, sir . DANFORTH: I cannot hear you.
MARY WARREN: Pi etense, sir.
PARRIS: But you did turn cold, did you not? I myself picked you up many times, and your skin were icy. Mr. Danforih. youโ
DANFORTH: I saw that many times.
PROCTOR: She only pretended to faint, Your Excellency. Thcy’re all inarvelous pretenders. HATHORNE: Then can she pretend to faint now’?
PARRIS: Why not? Now there arc no spirits attacking her, for nonc in this room is accused o1โ witchcraft. So let her turn herself cold now, let her pretend she is attacked now, lct her faint.ย He ttv its to Mary Warren.ย Faint!
PARRIS: Aye, faint. Prove to us how you pretended in the court so many times. MARY WARREN,ย looking to Proctor .ย 1โcannot faint now, sir.
PROCTOR,ย alarmed, quietly.โย Can you not pretend itโ?
MARY WARREN: 1โ.Sheย looksย aboutย as though searcltingย forย the passion to faint.ย Iโhave no sense of it now, 1โ
DANFORTH: Why’ What is lacking now’? MARY WARREN: I annot tell, sir, Iโ
DANFORTH : Might it be that here we have no afflicting spirit loose, but in the court there were soinc?
MARY WARREN: I never saw no spirits.
PARRI S: Then see no spirits now, and prove to us that you can faint by your own will, as you claim.
MARY WARREN,ย stares, searching for the emotion of it, and then shakes her head.โย I annot do
PARRIS: Then you will confess, will you not” lt were attacking spirits made you faint! MARY WARREN: No, sir, Iโ
PARRIS: Your Excellency, this isย aย trick to blind the court!
MARY WARREN: It’s not a trick!ย She stands.ย IโI used to faint because IโI thought I saw spirits. DANFORTH:ย Thoughtย you saw them!
MARY WARREN: fiut 1 did not, Your Honor.
HATHORNE: How could you think youย sawย them unless you saw them?
MARY WARREN: 1โ-1 cannot tell how, but I did. 1โI heard the other girls screaming, and you, Your Honor, you seemed to believe them, arid IโIt were only sport in the beginning, sir, but then the whole world cried spirits, spirits, and IโI promise you, Mr. Danforth, I only thought I saw them but I did not.
Hanforth peers at her.
PARRIS,ย smiling, but nervous because Kanforth seems to be struck b Maysย Currenย ‘s stoi โข.โ
Surely Your Excellency is not taken by this simple lie.
DANFORTH.ย /urxiiig vโขorriedly to Abigail.โย Abigail. I bid you now search your heart and tcll me this โand beware of it, child, to God every soul is precious and His vengeance is terrible on them that take life without cause. Isย itย possible, child, that the spirits you have seen are illusion only, some dcception that may cross your mind whenโ
ABIGAIL: Why, thisโthisโis a base question, sir. DANFORTH: Child, 1 would have you consider itโ
ABIGAIL : I have been hurt, Mr. Danforth; I have seen my blood rurininโ out!ย Iย have been near to murdei’ed every day becausc I done my duty pointing out the Devil’s peoplcโand this is my reward? To be mistrusted, denied, questioned likcย aโ
DANFORTH,ย weakening.ย Child, 1 do not mistrust youโ
ABIGAIL, inย an open threat.ย Letย )โขouย beware, Mr. Danforth. Think you to be so mighty that the power of Hell may not turnย yourย wits? Beware of it! There isโ.Stiddea/y,ย from an accusatory attitude, lter faceย ii i in,ย looking into the air ahove-ii is triiljโข frightened.
DANFORTH,ย apprehensively.ย What is it, child?
ABIGAIL.ย looking abotltย /f7ย the air, clasping lier arms about her as tlioti,gh cold.ย IโI know not. A wind, a cold wind, has come. /ferย eyes fall on Mea Warren.
MARY WARREN,ย terrified, plc iding.ย Abby! MERCY LEWIS,ย shivering.ย Your Honor, I lrccze! PROCTOR: They’re pretending!
HATHORNE,ย touching Abigail โs hand.ย She is cold, Your Honor, touch her! MERCY LEWIS,ย through chattering teeth.โย Mary, do you send this shadow on me? MARY WARREN: Lord, save me!
SUSANNA WALCOTT: I frecze, I freeze!
ABIGAIL,ย shiโบโขering โบ!isibly.โย It is a wind, a wind! MARY WARREN: Abby, don’t do that!
DANFORTH,ย himself engaged and enter edย byย Abigail.โย Mary Warrcn, do you witch her? I say to
you. do you send your spirit out?
With a hystei ical cyโบ Mary Warren star is to run. PFOClot catches her.
MARY WARREN, ofmo.siย collapsing.โย Let me go, Mr. Proctor, l cannot, I cannotโ ABIGAIL,ย crying to Heaven.โย Oh, Heavenly Father, take away this shadow!
Withoutย z arning or hesitation, Proctor leapsย atย Abigail and, grabbing her by the hair, pulls herย toย her feet. She sci earns in pain. Dan%rth, astonished, cries, โWhat are you about?โ and Hathorne aTtd Parris call, โTake jour handsย offย her!โ and out of it all comes Proctor โs roaring voice.
PROCTOR: How do you call Heaven! Whore! Whore!
Herrick breaks Proctor from her.
HERRlCK: John!
DANFORTI-1: Man! Man, what do youโ PROCTOR, breathless and in agony: It is a whore! DANFORTH,ย dmnfoifnded.ย You chargeโ’?
ABIGAIL: Mr. Danforth, he is lying!
PROCTOR: Mark hcr! Now she’ll suck a scream to stab me with. butโ DANFORTH: You will prove this! This will not pass!
PROCTOR,ย trembling, his life collapsingย pbootย him.ย I have known her, sir. I have known her. DANFORTH: Youโyou are a lecher?
FRANCIS,ย horrified.โ John,ย you cannot say such aโ
PROCTOR: Oh, Francis, 1 wish you had some evil in you that you might know me! Toย Hanforth.ย A man will not cast away his good name. You surely know that.
DANFORTH,ย dtimfounded.ย Inโin what time’? In what place’?
PROCTOR,ย his โบโขoiceย obpotย to break, arid his shame greni.โย In the proper placeโwhere my beasts arc bedded. On the last night of my joy. some eight months past. She used to serve meย inย my house, sir.ย He has to clamp his jam to keep from weeping.ย A man may think God sleeps, but God sees everything, I know it now. I beg you, sir, I beg youโsee her what she is. My wide, my dear good wife, took this girl soon after, sir, and put hcr out on the highroad. And being what she is, a lump of vanity, sirโHe isย being overcome.ย Excellency, forgive me, forgive me.ย Angrily ngainst himself, he turns ayโay from the Governor for a moment. Then,ย osย though to cry otit is his only means of speech left.ย Shc thinks to dance with mc on my wideโs grave! And well she might, for I thought of hcr softly. God help me, I lusted, and there is a promise in such sweat. But it is a whoreโs vengeance, and you must see it; I set iiiyself entirely in your hands. I know you must sce it now.
DANFORTH,ย blanched,ย inย horror, tw ning to Abigail.ย You deny every scrap and tittle of this’? ABIGAIL: Ifย Iย must answer that, I will leave andย Iย will not come back again!
Dai7foi th seems unsteady.
PROCTOR: I havc made a bell of my honor! I havc rung the doom of my good namcโyou will believe me, Mr. Danforth! My wife is innocent, except she knew a whore when she saw one!
AB ICiAl L,ย steppingย upย to Hunfoi th.ย What look do you give me?ย Eunfortli cannot .speak.ย I’ll not have such looks!ย She turns and Starts for the door.
DAN FORTH: You will remain where you are!ย Herrick teps into her path. theย c meย up short, fii e in her eyes.ย Mr. Parris, go into the court and bring Goodwifc Proctor out.
PARRIS,ย objecting.ย Your Honor, this is all aโ
DANFORTH,ย sharplyย toย Parris.โย Bring her out! And tell her not one word of what’s been spoken here. And let you knock before you enter.ย Parris goes otit.ย Now we shall touch the bottom of this swamp.ย To Proctor:ย Your wife, you say, is an honest woman.
PROCTOR: In her life, sir, she have never lied. Thcrc arc them that cannot sing, and them that cannot weepโmy wife cannot lie. I havc paid much to learn it, sir.
DANFORTH: And when she put this girl out of your house, she put her out for a harlot’? PROCTOR: Aye, sir.
DANFORTH: And knew her for a harlot? PROCTOR: Aye, sir, she knew her for a harlot.
DANFORTH: Good then. Toย Abigail.โย And if she tell me. child, it were for harlotry, may God spread
His mercy on you!ย Thereย isย a kmock. He calls to the door.ย Hold! Toย Abigail.ย Turn your back. Turn your back. To Proctor: Do likcwisc.ย Both tm n their backs-Abigail with indignant slowness.ย Nowย lct neither of you turn to face Goody Pi’octor. No one in this room is to speak one word. or raise a gesture ayeย or nay. Her turns toward the door, calls.โ Enter! The door opens. Eli-abeth enter.s v ith Parris. Pan is leaves her. She stands alone, her eyes looking for Pt octor.
Mr. Checver, rcport this testimony in all exactncss. Arc you rcady? CH NEVER: Ready, sir.
DANFORTH: Come here, woman.ย Elizabeth comes to hint, glancing at Proctorย โsย back.ย Look at me only, not at your husband. In my eyes only.
ELIZABETH,ย fnintl) .ย Good, sir.
DANFORTH: We are given to understand that at one time you dismissed your servant, Abigail Williams.
ELIZABETH : That is true, sir.
DANFORTH: For what cause did you dismiss her?ย Slight pause. Then Eli abetli tries to ,glance at Pi octor.ย You will look in my eyes only and not at your husband. Thc answer is in your memory and you need no help to give it to mc. Why did you dismiss Abigail Williams?
ELIZABETH,ย not know ing v!hat to say, sensing a situation, iโบetting her lips to stall for time.โย Sheโ dissatisfied me.ย Pause.ย And my husband.
DANFORTH: In what way dissatisfied youโ?
ELIZABETI1: She wereย โthe glance at Proctor for a cue.
DANFORTH: Woman, look at me!ย Eli–abetli doe.s.ย Were she slovenly ‘? Lazyโ? What disturbance did she cause’?
ELIZABETH: Your Honor, Iโin that time I were sick. And IโMy husband is a good and rightcous man. He is never drunk as soinc are, nor wastinโ his time at thc shovclboard, but always at his work. But in iTiy sicknessโyou see, sir, I were a long timc sick aiicr my last baby, and I thought I saw my husband somewhat turning from me. And thisย diriโShe turnsย toย Abigail.
DANFORTIโI: Look at me.
ELIZAB FTH: Aye, sir. Abigail Wil Itaintโ.the breaks off.
DANFORTH: What of Abigail Williams?
ELIZABETH: I caine to think he fancied her. And so one night I lost my wits, I think, and put her out on the highroad.
DANFORTH: Your husband id he indeed turn from you? ELIZABETI-I, inย ugon) .โย My husbandโis a goodly wan, sir. DANFORTH: Then he dld not turn from you.
ELIZABETH, starting to glaIlCe at Proctor: Heโ
DANFORTH,ย Ienches out and holds her fnce, then.ย Look at me! To your own knowledge, has John Proctor ever committed the crime of lechcry?ย /nย aย crisis of indecision she cannot spenk.ย Answer my question! Is your husband a lecher!
ELIZABETH,ย faintly.ย No. sir. DANFORTH: Rcinove her, Marshal. PROCTOR: Elizabeth, tcll the trtith! DANFORTH: She has spoken. Remove her!
PROCTOR,ย cy ing out.โย Elizabeth, I have confcsscd it! ELIZABETH: Oh, Clod!ย The door behind herโ.ย PROCTOR: She only thought to save my name!
HALE: Excellency, it is a natural lie to tell; I beg you. stop now before another is condemned! I may shutย myย conscience to it no moreโprivate vengeance is working through this testimony! From the beginning this man has struck me true. By my oath to Heaven, I believe him now, and I pray you call back lits wife bcforc weโ
DANFORTH: She spokc nothing o1โ lcchcry, and this man has lied!
HALE: I b-clievc him!ย Pointingย atย Abigail.ย This girl has always struck me false! She hasโ
.4bigail, v ith a weird, wild, chillingย cry,ย screams upย toย the ceiling.
A BIGAIL: You will not! Begone! Begone, I say!
DANFORTH: What is it, child?ย Bin .4bigai/, pointing with fear, is novโข raising up her frightened eyes, her awed face, totโบ ard the ceilingโthe girls are doing the sameโand nowย Hathoi ne, Hale, Putnam, Cheever, Her rick, anJ Daiiforth โน:Ioย t/ieย same. What โs there? He lowers his eyes from the ceiling, andย nowย he is frightened,โ there is i eul ten.tion in his voice.ย Child!ย She i tiโบโขith ull the giFlS,ย she i.s whimpering open-mouthed, agape at the ceiling.ย Girls! Why do youโ’?
MERCY LEWIS,ย poising.ย Itโs on the beam! Behind the rafter! DANFORTH,ย lookingย ify.โ Where!
ABIGAIL: Whyโ?ย She gulps.ย Why do you come, yellow bird’? PROCTOR: Where’s a bird’? I see no bird!
ABIGAIL,ย toย the ceiling:ย My face? My face? PROCTOR: Mr. Halcโ
DANFORTH: Be quict!
PROCTOR, /oย Hale:ย Do you see a bird? DANFORTH: Be quiet!!
ABIGAIL, toย the ceiling, in a genuine comโขersation n ith theย โbird,โย as though trying to talk it out oJโ
attacking her.ย But God made my facc; you cannot want to tear my face. Envy isย aย deadly sin, Mary. MARY WARREN,ย on her j’eet vโขith a spring, and horrified, pleading.โย Abby!
ABIGAIL,ย tmperttii hed, continuingย to theย โbird โ.โย Oh, Mary, this is a black art to change your shape.
No, I cannot, I cannot stop my mouth; it’s God’s work I do. MARY WARREN: Abby, I’mย here!
PROCTOR.ย frantica/ly:ย They’re pretending, Mr. Danforth!
ABIGAILโnonย she takes a backs ard step, as though in fear the bird will sv’oop dowrt momentarily.โย Oh, please, Mary! Don’t come down.
SUSANNA WALCOTT: Her claws. sheโs stretching her claws! PROCTOR: Lies, lics.
ABIGAIL,ย backing further, e) es still fixed above.โย Mary, please don’t hurt me! MARY WARREN,ย to Danforth.ย I’m not hurting her!
DANFORTH,ย to Mary Warren.ย Why does she see this vision? MARY WARREN : She secs nothinโ!
ABIGAIL,ย nozโข staring frill front as though hypnotic-ed, and mimicking the exact tone ofMai y
Warren’s ciy.ย She sces nothinโ!
MARY WARREN,ย pleading.โย Abby, you mustn’t!
ABIGAIL AND ALL THE GIRLS,ย all transfmed.ย Abby, you mustn’t! MARY WARREN,ย to all the girls.ย Iโm hcrc, I’m herc!
GIRLS: I’m here, Iโm here!
DANFORTH,ย hon ified.ย Mary Warren! Draw back your spirit out of them! MARY WARREN: Mr. Danforth!
GIRLS,ย cutting her off.โย Mr. Danforth!
DANFORTI-I: Have you compacted with the Devilโ? Have you’? MARY WARREN: Never, never!
GIRLS: Never, never!
DANFORTH,ย grow rug hysterical.ย Why can they only repeat youโ? PROCTOR: Give me a whipโI’ll stop it!
MARY WARREN: They’re sporting. Theyโ! GIRLS: They’re sporting!
MARY WARREN,ย turning on them all hysferically arid stuinpiitg herย feet: Abby, stop it! CIRLS,ย stariiping their feet.ย Abby, stop it!
GIRLS: Stop it!
MARY WARREN, screamingย it out at the topย ofย her lungs, and raising her fists.โย Stop it!! GIRLS,ย raising theirย fists.โ Stop it!!
May Warren, utterly confounded, anal becoming overw!helmedย byย Abigail’sโandย theย girls ‘โutter com iction, starts to u hiriiper, hands half raised, poโบi!erless, and all the girls begin whimpering exactlyย as she does.
DANFORTH: A little while ago you were afflicted. Now it seems you afflict others; where did yoii find this power?
MARY WARREN.ย staring ct Abigail .ย Iโhave no power. GIRLS: I have no power.
PROCTOR: They’re pulling you, Mister!
DANFORTH: Why did you turn about this past two wccks’? You liavc sccn thc Devil, havc you notโ? HALE,ย indictitiiig Abigail and the giiโl.s.โย You cannot believe them!
PROCTOR,ย sensing her rโขeakening.ย Mary, God damns all liars!
DANFORTH,ย pounding irย ii7loย her.ย You have seen the Devil, you have made compact with Lucifer, have you not?
PROCTOR: God damns liars, Mary!
Mary utters something unintelligible, starin at Abigail, who keeps watching the โbirdโ above.
DANFORTH: I cannot hear you. What do you say’?ย Mary utters againย You will confess yourself or you will hang!ย Heย farmsย her roughly to face him.ย Do you know who I am’? I say you will hang if you do not open with mc!
PROCTOR: Mary, remember the angel Raphaelโdo that which is good andโ
ABIGAIL,ย pointing tips art.โย The wings! Her wings are spreading! Mary, please, donโt, don’tโ! HALE: 1 see nothing, Your Honor!
DANFORTH: Do you confess this power!ย he is an inch fi oin her face.ย Speak!
ABIGAIL: She’s going to come down! She’s walking the beam! DANFORTH: Will you speak!
MARY WARREN,ย staring in hoi i or.ย I cannot! GIRLS: I cannot!
PARRIS: Cast the Devil out! Look him in the lace! Trample him! We’ll save you, Mary, only stand list against him andโ
A BlCiAlL,ย looking up.โย Look out! Sheโs coming down!
She and all the girls run to one call, shieldil7g their eyes. And now, as though cor tiered, they let out aย gigof7iicย scream, Ondย /lfoiy,ย as though infected, opens her mouth and screams v’ith them. Gradually Abigail and the gii 1s leave off, until onlyย Mmy is left there, staring tip at the โbird, โ.sci earning madly. All v atch her, horrified by this evident fit. Proctor stridesย toย her.
PROCTOR:ย Mary,ย tell the Governor what theyโUeย has hurdly got a word out, n!hen, seeing hint comingย forย her,ย s/ieย rushesย ofiiย of his reuch, screaming in horror.
MARY WARREN: Don’t touch me on’t touch me! .4/ย v’liich the ,girls halt at the door.
PROCTOR,ย astonished.โย Mary!
MARY WARREN,ย pointing at Pt octor .ย You’re the Devil’s man!
He is stoppeJ in his tracks.
PARRIS: Praise God!
GIRLS: Praise God!
PROCTOR,ย numbed.ย Mary, howโ?
MARY WARREN: I’ll not hang with you! I love God, 1 love God.
DANFORTH, toย Mary.โย Hc bid you do the Devil’s work?
MARY WARREN,ย hysterically, indicating Proctor.ย He come at me by night and every day to sign, to sign, toโ
DANFORTH: Sign what?
PARRIS: The Devil’s book’? He come with a book’?
MARY WARREN,ย hystericall;, oin Kingย aIย Pi octor, fearfiil of him.ย My name, he want my name. โI’ll murder you,โ he says, โif my wife hangs! We must go and overthrow the court,โ he says!
Hanforth โs head jerks to ai d Proctor, shock and hon or in his face.
PROCTOR,ย turning, appealing to Hale. lMx.ย Hale!
MARY WARREN,ย her sobs beginning.ย He wake mc every night, his eyes were like coals and his fingers claw my neck, and I sign, 1 sign …
HALE: Exccllcncy, this child’s gone wild!
PROCTOR,ย โนis Danforih โs v ide m,Yes pour on him.ย Mary, Mary!
MARY WARREN,ย screaming at him.ย No, I love God; I go your way no more. l love God. I bless God.ย .bobbing, he rushes to Abigail.ย Abby, Abby, I’ll never hurt you more!ย Theyโ all watch, n Abigail, out of her infinite charity, t euches oul and drav!s the sobbing Mai y to her, und ilten looks up to Daiiforth.
DANFORTH, toย Proctor.ย What are you?ย Proctor iS beyond speech in his anger.ย You are combined with anti-Christ, are you not’? 1 have seen your power; you will not deny it! What say you, Misterโ?
HALE: Excellencyโ
DANFORTHย :ย I will have nothing from you, Mr. Hale! Toย Proctor.ย Will you confess yoursel( befouled with Hell, or do you keep that black allegiance yet? What say you?
PROCTOR.ย his mind wild, breathlCSS.ย 1 sayโ1 sayโGod is dead! PARRIS: Hear it, hear it!
PROCTOR,ย laughs insanely, then.ย A fire, a fire is burning! I hear the boot of Lucifer, I see his filthy face! And it is my face, and yours, Danforth! For them that quail to bring men out of ignorance, as I have quailed, and as you quail now when you know in all your black hearts that this be fraudโGod damns our kind especially, and we will burn, we will burn together!
DANFORTI-I: Marshal! Take him and Corey with him to the jail! HALE,ย rat ting across to the door.ย I denounce these proceedings! PROCTOR: You are pulling Heaven down and raising up a whore!
HALE: I dcnouncc thcsc procccdings, I quit this court!ย He slam the doorย toย the otds ide behind him.
DANFORTH,ย calling to him in uย fury.ย Mr. Hale! Mr. Hale!