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Chapter no 27 – WILLOW

The Coven (Coven of Bones, #1)

I crooked my finger twice, summoning Iban forward. He shook his head from side to side, a youthful, disbelieving smile reminding me

of just how young he was.

How young we were, and the Choice he’d been forced to make before he was old enough to understand the implications of it.

“Do you ever regret it?” I asked, dodging backward as he lunged for me. His hands wrapped around air, finding the spot where I’d stood only a moment before completely empty. Slamming the side of my arm down on his back, I used his momentum against him.

My push made him spiral, his arms flailing a little as he fought for his balance, and he spun to look at me. All around the grounds in front of the school, other students did the same. Witches paired off with witches, Vessels observing primarily but interacting when they thought they would be well received.

“Sometimes,” he said, shrugging his shoulders as if it didn’t matter.

I supposed in a way it didn’t, given that nothing anyone did could ever change it. I hoped he at least found what he was looking for one day, but the fact that he’d chosen the ability to bear children over having magic when Susannah intended to allow them all to die anyway…

I sighed, spinning and aiming a kick directly for his face as he rushed me. He stopped just in time, my leg raised in the air so that the sole of my sneaker was only inches from his nose. He grinned, touching the bare skin of my ankle where it peeked out from beneath the black leggings I’d donned for the day.

The fabric was thin, hugging my curves flawlessly. There was no gap between my thighs, and I gloried in the feeling of pants that I’d been denied since arriving in Crystal Hollow. I’d gotten far too used to rubbing deodorant on the inside of my thighs every morning to prevent the chafing burn that happened when I had to walk from one side of the school to the other too many times in one day.

I pulled my foot out of his grip, tipping my head to the side and giving him a look that communicated he needed to focus. He smiled unapologetically as I stepped back, squaring my posture and readying for the next mock attack.

“Do you think you’re doing her any favors?” Gray asked, stepping up beside Iban.

“Stop it,” I snapped, glaring at him from the corner of my eye.

He raised a brow at me in mocking condescension, and I just waited for him to voice the words that made his lips tip into a smirk.

I could hear them as if he’d spoken them; feel them hanging between


That’s not what you were saying when my mouth was on your pussy.

I swallowed, turning my gaze away and raising my hands into fists. I

waited for Iban to regroup himself after the interruption, raising his own hands and stepping toward me. He moved slower than I knew he was capable, the eyes supervising every move he made making him nervous.

“There’s a murderer in this school,” Gray said, his voice dropping to a low seethe as he placed a hand on Iban’s shoulder and shoved him away. The way the others around us stilled at the reminder of the word, at the reminder that there were twelve of us who were very vulnerable. “If you aren’t going to take her safety seriously, then let her fight with someone who will.”

“You?” Iban asked, and the challenge in those words wasn’t lost on me. It was an acknowledgement of everything Gray should have worked harder to hide, knowing that a relationship between us should have been kept a secret.

Gray ignored Iban, turning to me more fully and spreading his feet until he stood shoulder-width apart. It was the first time I’d seen him out of a suit in the light of day. His black sweatpants hinted at the deep lines of muscle in his thighs, and his black t-shirt was so fitted that everyone knew just how broad his shoulders and chest were.

He didn’t so much as raise a hand at me as he quirked his brow, waiting for me to strike.

“I’m not very likely to be doing the attacking,” I murmured, watching as his laughter began in his stomach. His chest shook with the force of it as he bowed his head forward, his eyes drifting closed.

“Have you fucking met you?” he asked, his breath a deep wheeze that drew a laugh even from Iban as he watched our interaction.

“Rude,” I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest. I was far too aware of the all-too-curious stare of the other man who wanted to fuck me, not trusting anyone in this school as far as I could throw them. Iban was sweet, and I suspected he had the best intentions at the end of the day.

But that didn’t mean Susannah hadn’t already wrapped her bones around him.

I hadn’t been able to shake her words when she’d been ready to put me into the deep sleep, that Iban could be convinced to visit me. I wasn’t so sure, because at the end of the day, I suspected his vision of a family involved a wife and not someone who slept eternally and left him to raise a child on his own.

Gray moved quickly, his body crossing the distance between us. I barely had time to uncross my arms before the flat of his palm slammed into my chest.

I fell back to the ground, the wind knocking out of me as I forced myself to get my hands beneath me and pushed to my feet in a swift jump.

“Again, rude,” I said, rolling my neck from side to side and trying to make my body go loose.

I couldn’t be distracted by Iban’s watchful stare, not if I wanted to survive a spar with a Vessel mostly unscathed.

“There’s my favorite witchling,” Gray murmured, and the praise sparked something warm in me.

My stomach rolled over itself, leaving me feeling vulnerable and exposed for a moment. I shook it off when Gray swung a leg for my feet, giving me just enough time to jump over it before his fist aimed for my face.

It skimmed my cheek as I turned my head, narrowly avoiding the strike. I glared at him as I moved, stepping closer to him. My arms were so much shorter than his, which seemed endless, forcing me to get farther into his space.

He could and would grab me, but he wouldn’t have the ability to land a hit with the same momentum. His arms swung for me, trying to wrap around my back as I drew in a deep breath and dropped to my knees.

I might have made a snarky comment about how he’d been right that I’d be on my knees next if I hadn’t needed to hurry. I cocked back my arm, delivering a sharp jab to his stomach and aiming for his spleen. I wasn’t even sure Vessels had organs, but it seemed like it would be worth a shot.

My knees struck the dirt, and I flattened my palms together. After sliding them between his legs, I spread them wide and tucked them behind his knees, then pulled. Gray’s legs bent forward. I hurried to get my hands free before they became trapped, spinning to my feet and raising a leg.

The roundhouse connected with the side of his face, knocking his head to the side. He caught my ankle and used it to twist my body. My other leg left the ground, leaving me to spin in the air as I fell to the ground. The moment my back struck the earth, I wheezed and attempted to get to my feet once again.

“Fuck,” I groaned, pressing a hand to my chest.

Gray closed the distance, crawling over my prone body to straddle my hips and glare down at me. Blood welled at the corner of his mouth, and it gave me a moment of pride to know that I’d at least injured him before he knocked me on my ass.

He stared down at me, seeming entirely unconcerned with the way the others around us whispered as he reached for my wrists. I punched him in the face, spreading the gash on his lip as he smiled and finally caught me, pinning my hands to the ground next to my head.

I barely resisted the urge to spit in his face.

“Hate me all you want, Witchling. I’m trying to keep you alive,” he said, cutting off my words as he leaned forward. “You’re not human. So stop fighting like one.”

I swallowed, not having reached for my magic once during our spar. I assumed that was normal, but as I glanced around, the other students seemed to call theirs to their aid as they moved.

My father had taught me to fight. My father—who did not possess even an inkling of magic in his veins.

I swallowed, nodding in agreement for once. I couldn’t argue with what we both knew was true. He released me finally, getting to his feet and leaving me sprawled on the ground.

“Get up,” he muttered, squaring himself all over again.

I pushed to my feet much more slowly, focusing on my breathing and dropping into that place my mother had taught me to touch. To stroke and nourish. The magic of the earth flowed through my veins. Their voices spoke in my ear; all I had to do was listen.

My eyes drifted closed as I touched what remained of life around me. Gray stared at me when I opened my eyes, giving me the moment I needed to ready myself.

I lunged first this time, striking toward him as I aimed for his face. He sidestepped as I pulled on the grass with my magic, encouraging it to grow and extend. When he moved, the grass wrapped around his feet, holding him still as I tried again.

He evaded even still, his speed far too fast for me to even consider matching. It was impossible to get to him in a one on one, and my frustration grew.

“You’re a witch, Willow. So be a fucking witch and work in tandem with your magic.”

I growled, reaching for the dirt as he broke free from the blades of grass and caught me around the waist. His hands pressed into my stomach, lifting me from the ground as he flung me backward. The earth rose up to meet me this time, catching me and cradling me as I sprawled on my back.

The bastard flicked a piece of dirt off his shirt, staring down at me and making my blood boil.


I went again.

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