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The Whisper Gazette

Spectacular (Caraval, #3.5)

Special Holiday Edition

A History of Wonder Makes for a Wonderful History

By Kutlass Knightlinger


Some say the Great Holiday is a celebration fabricated by the guild of toymakers. Others say it was the seamstresses and suit-cutters who plotted and schemed to create a day to sell gowns and gloves and silk cravats that would only be worn once. Then, of course, there are those who say it was the confectioners’ sugary-sweet idea.

But the truth is, the Great Holiday was brought to the Meridian Empire by Northern Princess Infinity Larkspur, who married Emperor Xavier Xavier IV during the seventh year of the Xavier dynasty.

Upon moving to the Meridian Empire, Princess Infinity was evidently quite disturbed to find how

few days there were for her subjects to simply celebrate—to spread cheer, joy, and love.

She believed people needed to make merry. To anticipate. To wish. To give. And so, the Great Holiday came into being.

Other new holidays were born after that. Princess Infinity turned old myths and stories into

holidays in the same effortless way that other royals turned indiscretions into scandalous stories.

It is true, the seamstresses and toymakers and confectioners all benefited a great deal from the creation of this holiday.

But can’t the same be said for all of us?

I might have outgrown toys, but I hope never to outgrow joy and dressing up and giving gifts.

This year, I confess, I do not have a beloved special someone to give a gift to. But I have a gift ready, just in case my eye is caught at Empress Scarlett’s party.


Spectacular (Caraval, #3.5) by Stephanie Garber


Spectacular (Caraval, #3.5) by Stephanie Garber

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