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โ€ŒChapter no 22

Siege and Storm (The Shadow and Bone Trilogy, #2) by Leigh Bardugo

Mal avoided me all afternoon, so I was surprised when he showed up with Tamar to escort me to Nikolaiโ€™s birthday dinner. Iโ€™d assumed heโ€™d get Tolya to take his place. Maybe he was making amends for missing his previous shift.

Iโ€™d given serious thought to not attending the dinner myself, but there didnโ€™t seem to be much point. I couldnโ€™t think of a likely excuse, and my absence would just offend the King and Queen.

Iโ€™d dressed in a light kefta made of shimmering panels of sheer gold silk. The bodice was set with sapphires of deep Summonerโ€™s blue that matched the jewels in my hair.

Malโ€™s eyes flickered over me as I entered the common room, and it occurred to me that the colors would have suited Zoya better. Then I had to wonder at myself. Gorgeous as she might be, Zoya wasnโ€™t the problem. Mal was leaving. I was letting him go. There was no one else to blame for the rift between us.

Dinner was held in one of the sumptuous dining rooms of the Grand Palace, a chamber known as the Eagleโ€™s Nest for the massive frieze on its ceiling depicting the crowned double eagle, a scepter in one talon and a cluster of black arrows bound by red, blue, and purple ribbons in the other. Its feathers had been wrought in real gold, and I couldnโ€™t help but think of the firebird.

The table was crowded with the highest-ranking generals of the First Army and their wives, as well as all the most prominent Lantsov uncles, aunts, and cousins. The Queen sat at one end of the table looking like a crumpled flower in pale rose silk. At the opposite end, Vasily sat next to the King, pretending not to notice as his father ogled an officerโ€™s young wife. Nikolai held court at center table, with me beside him, his charm sparkling as always.

He had requested that no ball be held in his honor, deeming it inappropriate given the plight of the refugees outside the city walls. Yet, in Belyanoch, the King and Queen could not resist the occasion. The meal stretched across thirteen courses, featuring a whole suckling pig and a life-size gelatin mold shaped like a fawn.

When it came time for gifts, Nikolaiโ€™s father presented him with an enormous egg glazed in pale blue. Inside, it revealed an intricate miniature ship sailing on a lapis sea. Sturmhondโ€™s red dog banner flew from the shipโ€™s mast, and its tiny cannon discharged with a pop, releasing the faintest puff of white smoke.

Throughout the meal, I listened to the conversation with half an ear while I kept my eyes on Mal. The Kingโ€™s guards were stationed at intervals along each wall. Tamar was somewhere behind me, but Mal stood directly across from me, rigidly at attention with his hands clasped behind his back, eyes fixed straight ahead in the impassive gaze of an anonymous servant. It was a kind of torture to watch him like this. We were only a few feet apart, yet it felt as though there were miles between us. This distance had been the norm since our arrival in Os Alta. Each glance at him tightened the knot in my chest. He had shaved, had his hair trimmed, and his uniform was neatly pressed. He appeared weary and distant, but he looked like himself again.

The nobles raised toasts to Nikolaiโ€™s health, and the generals extolled his military leadership and bravery. I expected to see Vasily scowl at the praise heaped upon his brother, but instead, he appeared quite cheerful. His face was flushed with wine, and a smug smile played on his lips. His trip to Caryeva seemed to have left him in high spirits.

My eyes flitted back to Mal. I didnโ€™t know whether I wanted to cry or stand up and start hurling dishes against the wall. The room felt too warm, and the wound at my shoulder had started to itch and pull again. I had to resist the urge to reach up and scratch it.

Great, I thought dismally. Maybe Iโ€™ll have another hallucination in the middle of the dining room, and the Darkling will climb out of the soup tureen.

Nikolai bent his head and whispered, โ€œI know my company doesnโ€™t count for much, but could you at least try? You look like youโ€™re about to burst into tears.โ€

โ€œSorry,โ€ I murmured. โ€œIโ€™m justโ€ฆโ€

โ€œI know,โ€ he said, and gave my hand a squeeze beneath the table. โ€œBut that gelatin deer gave its life for your entertainment.โ€

I tried to smile, and I did make an effort. I laughed and chatted with the round, red-faced general on my right and pretended to care as the freckled Lantsov boy across from me rambled on about repairs to the dacha heโ€™d inherited.

When the flavored ices had been served, Vasily rose to his feet and lifted a glass of champagne.

โ€œBrother,โ€ he said, โ€œit is good to be able to toast your birth this day and to celebrate with you when you have spent so long on other shores. I salute you and drink to your honor. To your health, little brother!โ€

โ€œNe zalost!โ€ chorused the guests, drinking deeply from their glasses and resuming their conversations.

But Vasily wasnโ€™t finished. He tapped the side of his glass with his fork, producing a loud clink clink clink that regained the partyโ€™s attention. โ€œToday,โ€ he said, โ€œwe have more to celebrate than my brotherโ€™s noble


If the emphasis werenโ€™t enough, Vasilyโ€™s smirk would have been.

Nikolai continued to smile pleasantly.

โ€œAs you all know,โ€ Vasily continued, โ€œI have been traveling these last weeks.โ€

โ€œAnd no doubt spending,โ€ chortled the red-faced general. โ€œHave to build yourself a new stable soon, I suspect.โ€

Vasilyโ€™s glare was icy. โ€œI did not go to Caryeva. Instead, I journeyed north on a mission sanctioned by our dear father.โ€

Beside me, Nikolai went very still.

โ€œAfter long and arduous negotiations, I am pleased to announce that Fjerda has agreed to join us in our fight against the Darkling. They have pledged both troops and resources to our cause.โ€

โ€œCan this be?โ€ asked one of the noblemen.

Vasilyโ€™s chest swelled with pride. โ€œIt can. At long last and through no small effort, our fiercest enemy has become our most powerful ally.โ€

The guests broke out into excited conversation. The King beamed and embraced his eldest son. โ€œNe Ravka!โ€ he shouted, lifting his champagne.

โ€œNe Ravka!โ€ sang the guests.

I was surprised to see Nikolai frowning. Heโ€™d said his brother liked shortcuts, and it seemed Vasily had found one. But it wasnโ€™t like Nikolai to let his disappointment or frustration show.

โ€œAn extraordinary achievement, brother. I salute you,โ€ Nikolai said, lifting his glass. โ€œDare I ask what they wanted in return for this support?โ€

โ€œThey do drive a hard bargain,โ€ Vasily said with an indulgent laugh. โ€œBut nothing too onerous. They sought access to our ports in West Ravka and requested our help policing the southern trade routes against Zemeni pirates. I imagine youโ€™ll be of some assistance with that, brother,โ€ he said with another warm chuckle. โ€œThey wanted a few of the northern logging roads reopened, and once the Darkling is defeated, they expect the cooperation of the Sun Summoner in our joint efforts to push back the Fold.โ€

He grinned broadly at me. I bridled a little at his presumption, but it was an obvious and reasonable request, and even the leader of the Second Army was a subject of the King. I gave what I hoped was a dignified nod.

โ€œWhich roads?โ€ asked Nikolai.

Vasily waved his hand dismissively. โ€œTheyโ€™re somewhere south of Halmhend, west of the permafrost. Theyโ€™re sufficiently defended by the fort at Ulensk if the Fjerdans get any ideas.โ€

Nikolai stood up, his chair scraping loudly against the parquet floor. โ€œWhen did you lift the blockades? How long have the roads been open?โ€

Vasily shrugged. โ€œWhat differenceโ€”โ€ โ€œHow long?โ€

The wound at my shoulder throbbed.

โ€œA little over a week,โ€ Vasily said. โ€œSurely youโ€™re not concerned that the Fjerdans intend to march on us from Ulensk? The rivers wonโ€™t freeze for months, and until thenโ€”โ€

โ€œDid you ever stop to consider why they might concern themselves with a logging route?โ€

Vasily gave a disinterested wave. โ€œI assume because theyโ€™re in need of timber,โ€ he said. โ€œOr maybe itโ€™s sacred to one of their ridiculous woodsprites.โ€

There was nervous laughter around the table. โ€œItโ€™s defended by a single fort,โ€ Nikolai growled.

โ€œBecause the passage is too narrow to accommodate any real force.โ€ โ€œYou are waging an old war, brother. The Darkling doesnโ€™t need a

battalion of foot soldiers or heavy guns. All he needs are his Grisha and the nichevoโ€™ya. We have to evacuate the palace immediately.โ€

โ€œDonโ€™t be absurd!โ€

โ€œOur one advantage was early warning, and the scouts at those blockades were our first defense. They were our eyes, and you blinded us. The Darkling could be mere miles from us by now.โ€

Vasily shook his head sadly. โ€œYou make yourself ridiculous.โ€

Nikolai slammed his hands down on the table. The dishes jumped with a loud rattle. โ€œWhy isnโ€™t the Fjerdan delegation here to share in your glory? To toast this unprecedented alliance?โ€

โ€œThey sent their regrets. They were not able to travel immediately, dueโ€”โ€

โ€œTheyโ€™re not here because thereโ€™s about to be a massacre. Their pact is with the Darkling.โ€

โ€œAll of our intelligence puts him in the south with the Shu.โ€

โ€œYou think he doesnโ€™t have spies? That he doesnโ€™t have his own operatives within our network? He laid a trap that any child could recognize, and you walked right into it.โ€

Vasilyโ€™s face turned purple.

โ€œNikolai, surelyโ€”โ€ his mother objected.

โ€œThe fort at Ulensk is manned by a full regiment,โ€ put in one of the generals.

โ€œYou see?โ€ said Vasily. โ€œThis is fearmongering of the worst kind, and I will not stand for it.โ€

โ€œA regiment against an army of nichevoโ€™ya? Everyone at that fort is already dead,โ€ said Nikolai, โ€œsacrificed to your pride and stupidity.โ€

Vasilyโ€™s hand went to his sword hilt. โ€œYou overreach, you little bastard.โ€

The Queen gasped.

Nikolai released a harsh laugh. โ€œYes, call me out, brother. A lot of good it will do. Look around this table,โ€ he said. โ€œEvery general, every nobleman of high rank, most of the Lantsov line, and the Sun Summoner. All in one place, on one night.โ€

A number of faces at the table went suddenly pale.

โ€œPerhaps,โ€ said the freckle-faced boy across from me, โ€œwe should considerโ€”โ€

โ€œNo!โ€ said Vasily, his lip trembling. โ€œThis is his own petty jealousy!

He cannot stand to see me succeed. Heโ€”โ€

The warning bells began to ring, distant at first, down near the city walls, one and then another, joining each other in a rising chorus of alarm that echoed up the streets of Os Alta, through the upper town, and over the walls of the Grand Palace.

โ€œYouโ€™ve handed him Ravka,โ€ said Nikolai.

The guests rose, pushing back from the table in a gabble of panic. Mal was at my side immediately, his saber already drawn.

โ€œWe have to get to the Little Palace,โ€ I said, thinking of the mirrored dishes mounted on the roof. โ€œWhereโ€™s Tamar?โ€

The windows exploded.

Glass rained down on us. I threw up my arms to shield my face and the guests screamed, huddling against each other.

The nichevoโ€™ya swarmed into the room on wings of molten shadow, filling the air with the whirring buzz of insects.

โ€œGet the King to safety!โ€ Nikolai cried, unsheathing his sword and running to his motherโ€™s side.

The palace guards stood paralyzed, frozen in terror.

A shadow lifted the freckled boy from his feet and threw him against the wall. He slid to the ground, his neck broken.

I raised my hands, but the room was too crowded for me to risk using the Cut.

Vasily still stood at the table, the King cowering beside him. โ€œYou did this!โ€ he screamed at Nikolai. โ€œYou and the witch!โ€

He lifted his saber high and charged, bellowing with rage. Mal stepped in front of me, raising his sword to block the blow. But before Vasily could bring down his weapon, a nichevoโ€™ya grabbed hold of him and tore his arm from its socket, sword and all. He stood for a moment, swaying, blood pumping from his wound, then dropped to the floor in a lifeless heap.

The Queen began to shriek hysterically. She shoved forward, trying to reach her sonโ€™s body, feet slipping in his blood as Nikolai held her back.

โ€œDonโ€™t,โ€ he pleaded, wrapping his arms around her. โ€œHeโ€™s gone,

Madraya. Heโ€™s gone.โ€

Another pack of nichevoโ€™ya descended from the windows, clawing their way toward Nikolai and his mother.

I had to take a chance. I brought the light down in two blazing arcs, cutting through one monster after another, barely missing one of the generals who crouched cowering on the floor. People were screaming and weeping as the nichevoโ€™ya fell upon them.

โ€œTo me!โ€ Nikolai shouted, herding his mother and father toward the door. We followed with the guards, backing our way into the hall, and ran.

The Grand Palace had erupted into chaos. Panicked servants and footmen crowded the corridors, some scrambling for the entrance, others barricading themselves into rooms. I heard wailing, the sound of breaking glass. A boom sounded from somewhere outside.

Let it be the Fabrikators, I thought desperately.

Mal and I burst from the palace and careened down the marble steps. A screech of twisting metal rent the air. I looked down the white gravel path in time to see the golden gates of the Grand Palace blown off their hinges by a wall of Etherealki wind. The Darklingโ€™s Grisha streamed onto the grounds in their brightly colored kefta.

We pelted down the path toward the Little Palace. Nikolai and the royal guards trailed behind us, slowed by his frail father.

At the entrance to the wooded tunnel, the King bent double, wheezing badly as the Queen wept and held tight to his arm.

โ€œI have to get them to the Kingfisher,โ€ said Nikolai.

โ€œTake the long way around,โ€ I said. โ€œThe Darkling will be headed to the Little Palace first. Heโ€™ll be coming for me.โ€

โ€œAlina, if he captures youโ€”โ€

โ€œGo,โ€ I said. โ€œSave them, save Baghra. I wonโ€™t leave the Grisha.โ€ โ€œIโ€™ll get them out and come back. I promise.โ€

โ€œOn your word as a cutthroat and a pirate?โ€

He touched my cheek once, briefly. โ€œPrivateer.โ€ Another explosion rocked the grounds.

โ€œLetโ€™s go!โ€ shouted Mal.

As we sprinted into the tunnel, I glanced back and saw Nikolai silhouetted against the purple twilight. I wondered if Iโ€™d ever see him again.

* * *

THE MOUND AT my shoulder burned and throbbed, driving me faster as we raced along the path. My mind was reelingโ€”if they had a chance to seal themselves in the main hallif they had time to man the guns on the roof, if I can just reach the dishes. All of our plans, undone by Vasilyโ€™s arrogance.

I burst into the open, and my slippered feet sent gravel flying as I skidded to a halt. I donโ€™t know if it was momentum or the sight before me that drove me to my knees.

The Little Palace was wreathed in seething shadows. They clicked and whirred as they skittered over the walls and swooped down on the roof. There were bodies lying on the steps, bodies crumpled on the ground. The front doors were wide open.

The path in front of the steps was littered with shards of broken mirror. Lying on its side was the shattered hulk of one of Davidโ€™s dishes, a girlโ€™s body crushed beneath it, her goggles askew. Paja. Two nichevoโ€™ya crouched before the dish, gazing at their broken reflections.

I released a howl of pure rage and sent a fiery swath of light burning through both of them. It fractured along the edges of the dish as the nichevoโ€™ya disappeared.

I heard the rattle of gunfire from up on the roof. Someone was still alive. Someone was still fighting. And there was one dish left. It wasnโ€™t much, but it was all we had.

โ€œThis way,โ€ said Mal.

We tore across the lawn and in through the door that led to the Darklingโ€™s chambers. At the base of the stairs, a nichevoโ€™ya came shrieking at us from a doorway, knocking me off my feet. Mal slashed at it with his saber. It wavered, then re-formed.

โ€œGet back!โ€ I yelled. He ducked, and I sent the Cut slicing through the shadow soldier. I took the stairs two at a time, my heart pounding, Mal close on my heels. The air was thick with the smell of blood and the bone-shaking clatter of gunfire.

As we emerged onto the roof, I heard someone shout. โ€œAway!โ€

We just had time to duck before the grenatki exploded high above us, searing our eyelids with light and leaving our ears ringing. Corporalki manned Nikolaiโ€™s guns, sending torrents of bullets into the mass of shadows as Fabrikators fed them ammunition. The remaining dish was surrounded by armed Grisha, struggling to keep the nichevoโ€™ya at bay. David was there, clinging awkwardly to a rifle and trying to hold his ground. I threw the light high in a blazing whipcrack that split the sky overhead and bought us a few precious seconds.


David gave two hard blasts on the whistle around his neck. Nadia dropped her goggles, and the Durast manning the dish moved into position. I didnโ€™t waitโ€”I lifted my hands and sent light streaming at the dish. The whistle blew. The dish tilted. A single pure beam of light blasted from the mirrored surface. Even without the second dish, it skewered the sky, slashing through the nichevoโ€™ya as they burned away to nothing.

The beam swept the air in a gleaming arc, dissolving black bodies before it, thinning the horde until we could see the deep Belyanoch twilight. A cheer went up from the Grisha at the first sight of stars, and a thin sliver of hope pierced my terror.

Then a nichevoโ€™ya broke through. It dodged the beam and hurled itself at the dish, rocking it on its moorings.

Mal was on the creature in an instant, slashing and cutting. A group of Grisha tried to seize its muscled legs, but the thing shifted and

skittered away from them. Then the nichevoโ€™ya were descending from all sides. I saw one slip past the beam and dive straight into the back of the dish. The mirror rocked forward. The light faltered, then winked out.

โ€œNadia!โ€ I screamed. She and the Durast leapt from the dish just in time. It toppled on its side in a tremendous crash of breaking glass as the nichevoโ€™ya renewed their attack.

I threw out arc after arc of light.

โ€œGet to the hall!โ€ I cried. โ€œSeal the doors!โ€

The Grisha ran, but they were not fast enough. I heard a shout and saw the brief flash of Fedyorโ€™s face as he was lifted from his feet and tossed from the roof. I lay down a bright shower of cover, but the nichevoโ€™ya just kept coming. If only weโ€™d had both dishes. If only weโ€™d had a little more time.

Mal was suddenly beside me again, rifle in hand. โ€œItโ€™s no good,โ€ he said. โ€œWe have to get out of here.โ€

I nodded, and we backed toward the stairs as the sky grew dense with writhing shapes. My foot connected with something soft behind me, and I stumbled.

Sergei was huddled against the dome. He held Marie in his arms.

Sheโ€™d been torn open from neck to navel.

โ€œThereโ€™s no one left,โ€ he sobbed, tears running down his cheeks. โ€œThereโ€™s no one left.โ€ He rocked back and forth, holding Marie tighter. I couldnโ€™t bear to look at her. Silly, giggling Marie with her lovely brown curls.

The nichevoโ€™ya were skittering over the roof, rushing toward us in a black tide.

โ€œMal, get him up!โ€ I shouted. I slashed out at the throng of shadows rushing toward us.

Mal grabbed Sergei and pulled him away from Marie. He flailed and struggled, but we got him inside and banged the door shut behind us. We half carried, half shoved him down the stairs. On the second flight, we heard the roof door blow open above us. I threw a slicing cut of light high, hoping to hit something other than the staircase, and we tumbled down the final flight.

We threw ourselves into the main hall, and the doors crashed closed behind us as the Grisha rammed the lock into place. There was a loud thud and then another as the nichevoโ€™ya tried to break through the door.

โ€œAlina!โ€ Mal shouted. I turned and saw that the other doors were sealed, but there were still nichevoโ€™ya inside. Zoya and Nadiaโ€™s brother were backed against a wall, using Squaller winds to heave tables and

chairs and broken bits of furniture at an oncoming pack of shadow soldiers.

I raised my hands, and the light swept forward in sizzling cords, tearing through the nichevoโ€™ya one by one, until they were gone. Zoya dropped her hands, and a samovar fell with a loud clang.

At every door we heard thumping and scraping. The nichevoโ€™ya were clawing at the wood, trying to get in, searching for a crack or gap to seep through. The buzzing and clicking seemed to come from all sides. But the Fabrikators had done their work well. The seals would hold, at least for a little while.

Then I looked around the room. The hall was bathed in blood. The walls were smeared with it, the stone floor was wet with it. There were bodies everywhere, little heaps of purple, red, and blue.

โ€œAre there any others?โ€ I asked. I couldnโ€™t keep the tremor from my voice.

Zoya gave a single, dazed shake of her head. A spatter of blood covered one of her cheeks. โ€œWe were at dinner,โ€ she said. โ€œWe heard the bells. We didnโ€™t have time to seal the doors. They were just โ€ฆ everywhere.โ€

Sergei was sobbing quietly. David looked pale, but calm. Nadia had made it down to the hall. She had her arm around Adrik, and he still had that stubborn tilt to his chin, though he was shaking. There were three Inferni and two more Corporalkiโ€”one Healer and one Heartrender. They were all that remained of the Second Army.

โ€œDid anyone see Tolya and Tamar?โ€ I asked. But no one had. They might be dead. Or maybe theyโ€™d played some part in this disaster. Tamar had disappeared from the dining room. For all I knew, theyโ€™d been working with the Darkling all along.

โ€œNikolai might not have left yet,โ€ Mal said. โ€œWe could try to make it to the Kingfisher.โ€

I shook my head. If Nikolai wasnโ€™t gone, then he and the rest of his family were dead, and possibly Baghra too. I had a sudden image of Nikolaiโ€™s body floating facedown in the lake beside the splintered pieces of the Kingfisher.

No. I would not think that way. I remembered what Iโ€™d thought of Nikolai the first time Iโ€™d met him. I had to believe the clever fox would escape this trap, too.

โ€œThe Darkling concentrated his forces here,โ€ I said. โ€œWe can make a run for the upper town and try to fight our way out from there.โ€

โ€œWeโ€™ll never make it,โ€ said Sergei hopelessly. โ€œThere are too many of them.โ€ It was true. Weโ€™d known it might come to this, but weโ€™d assumed weโ€™d have greater numbers, and the hope of reinforcements from Poliznaya.

From somewhere in the distance, we heard a rolling crack of thunder. โ€œHeโ€™s coming,โ€ moaned one of the Inferni. โ€œOh, Saints, heโ€™s


โ€œHeโ€™ll kill us all,โ€ whispered Sergei. โ€œIf weโ€™re lucky,โ€ replied Zoya.

It wasnโ€™t the most helpful thing to say, but she was right. Iโ€™d seen the truth of how the Darkling dealt with traitors in the shadowy depths of his own motherโ€™s eyes, and I suspected Zoya and the others would be treated far more harshly.

Zoya tried to wipe the blood from her face, but only succeeded in leaving a smear across her cheek. โ€œI say we try to get to the upper town. Iโ€™d rather take my chances with the monsters outside than sit here waiting for the Darkling.โ€

โ€œThe odds arenโ€™t good,โ€ I warned, hating that I had no hope to offer. โ€œIโ€™m not strong enough to stop them all.โ€

โ€œAt least with the nichevoโ€™ya it will be relatively quick,โ€ David said. โ€œI say we go down fighting.โ€ We all turned to look at him. He seemed a little surprised himself. Then he shrugged. He met my eyes and said, โ€œWe do the best we can.โ€

I looked around the circle. One by one they nodded.

I took a breath. โ€œDavid, do you have any grenatki left?โ€

He pulled two iron cylinders from his kefta. โ€œThese are the last.โ€ โ€œUse one, keep the other in reserve. Iโ€™ll give the signal. When I open

the doors, run for the palace gates.โ€ โ€œIโ€™m staying with you,โ€ Mal said.

I opened my mouth to argue, but one look told me there would be no point.

โ€œDonโ€™t wait for us,โ€ I said to the others. โ€œIโ€™ll give you as much cover as I can.โ€

Another clap of thunder split the air.

The Grisha plucked rifles from the arms of the dead and gathered around me at the door.

โ€œAll right,โ€ I said. I turned and laid my hands on the carved handles. Through my palms, I felt the thump of nichevoโ€™ya bodies as they heaved themselves against the wood. My wound gave a searing throb.

I nodded to Zoya. The lock snicked back.

I threw the door open and shouted, โ€œNow!โ€

David lobbed the flash bomb into the twilight as Zoya swooped her arms through the air, lofting the cylinder higher on a Squaller draft.

โ€œGet down!โ€ David yelled. We turned toward the shelter of the hall, eyes squeezed shut, hands thrown over our heads, bracing for the explosion.

The blast shook the stone floor beneath our feet, and the glare burned red across my closed lids.

We ran. The nichevoโ€™ya had scattered, startled by the burst of light and sound, but only seconds later, they were whirling back toward us.

โ€œRun!โ€ I shouted. I raised my arms and brought the light down in fiery scythes, cutting through the violet sky, carving through one nichevoโ€™ya after the next as Mal opened fire. The Grisha ran for the wooded tunnel.

I called on every bit of the stagโ€™s power, the sea whipโ€™s strength, every trick Baghra had ever taught me. I pulled the light toward me and honed it into searing arcs that cut luminous trails through the shadow army.

But there were just too many of them. What had it cost the Darkling to raise such a multitude? They surged forward, bodies shifting and whirling like a glittering cloud of beetles, arms stretched forward, sharp talons bared. They pushed the Grisha back from the tunnel, black wings beating the air, the wide, twisted holes of their mouths already yawning open.

Then the air came alive with the rattle of gunfire. There were soldiers pouring out of the woods to my left, shooting as they ran. The war cry that issued from their lips raised the hair on my arms. Sankta Alina.

They hurtled toward the nichevoโ€™ya, drawing swords and sabers, slashing out at the monsters with terrifying ferocity. Some were dressed as farmers, some wore ragged First Army uniforms, but each of them bore identical tattoos: my sunburst, wrought in ink over the sides of their faces.

Only two were unmarked. Tolya and Tamar led the charge, eyes wild, blades flashing, roaring my name.

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