Chapter no 30 -โ€Œ โ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€ŒTWO P I NK L I NES

Redeeming 6 (Boys of Tommen, #4)


WHEN I GOT HOMEย from work on Tuesday night, my mother was sitting on her bed, pairing socks, and all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball on her lap and cry.

I felt sick to my stomach as I hovered in the bedroom doorway, trying and failing to come up with the words needed to express just how terrified I felt in this moment.

โ€œBack for round two?โ€ Mam asked, flicking her gaze to me, referencing the blazing row we had this afternoon over her walking into my room unannounced, of all things. โ€œOr are you finally ready to tell me whatโ€™s wrong with you?โ€

Mam, Iโ€™m scared. Mam, Iโ€™m in trouble. Mam, I need a hug.

โ€œWhatโ€™s troubling you, Aoife?โ€ she pressed, concern filling her eyes. โ€œYouโ€™ve been standing in the doorway for ten minutes now, clearly trying to work up the courage to tell me something? Out with it.โ€

โ€œIโ€ฆโ€ the words wouldnโ€™t come out, and I shook my head, trying again, โ€œIโ€ฆโ€

Again, nothing came out.

โ€œIโ€™m sorry,โ€ I finally managed to squeeze out, voice strained. My cheeks were flushed, my skin was on fire, and the plastic stick I had tucked in the pocket of my coat caused my heart to seize up with dread. โ€œFor taking your head off earlier.โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s not you, love.โ€ โ€œI know.โ€

โ€œIs it Joey?โ€ she asked then, setting down a pair of socks and giving me her full attention. โ€œAre you two having trouble again? Because I thought you sorted everything out with him.โ€

โ€œI did,โ€ I replied, expelling a harsh breath. โ€œWeโ€™re fine.โ€ Mam frowned. โ€œThen whatโ€™s with the lonesome face?โ€

โ€œIโ€™m justโ€ฆ. Iโ€™mโ€ฆโ€ Shaking my head, I cleared my throat and mumbled,

โ€œTired. Iโ€™m just really tired, Mam.โ€

โ€œAre you sure thatโ€™s all it is?โ€ She didnโ€™t look convinced. โ€œBecause you know you can tell me anything.โ€

โ€œIโ€™m sure.โ€ Forcing a smile, I nodded and slipped away, moving straight for my room.

Closing my bedroom door behind me, I made a beeline for my bed and dove under the covers, fully clothed, shoes and all.

With the duvet over my head, I slowly withdrew the pregnancy test from my coat pocket, the one that had taken me twenty-four hours to work up the courage to use.

The two glaring pink lines in the display box hadnโ€™t faded one bit since their original appearance in the bathroom at work tonight.

And there it was.

Staring me right in the face. My life was over.




I KNEWย I was walking into trouble before I stepped foot through the door after work. I could feel it in the air around me.

Everything was all wrong and out of kilter.

I was also achingly aware that today was childrenโ€™s allowance day. A windfall day on the first Tuesday of every month, where our father got paid by the government for having children, and then drank every penny, before beating the living shit out of said children.

Sometimes, I thought that monthly allowance was the reason he continued to reproduce so many of us.

โ€œHowโ€™s it going,ย family,โ€ I said, tone laced with derisive sarcasm, when I stepped into the kitchen.

The minute I walked inside, I could smell the whiskey permeating off the old man, as he hovered unsteadily in the middle of the room.

โ€œJoey,โ€ he acknowledged warily. โ€œBoys in bed?โ€

Our father nodded, keeping his eyes on mine the entire time, watching me like I was some dangerous predator that would strike at any given minute.

He was dead on the fucking money.

I could feel the fear coming off my sister in waves as she cowered by the sink, with her small hand pressed to her neck.

Shannonโ€™s face was all blotchy, and her eyes were blood shot. I wasnโ€™t stupid.

It was as clear as day that Iโ€™d walked in at the right time.

Trying to keep my head, I reached for a can of coke from the fridge, knowing that I had to be careful here. โ€œWhereโ€™s Mam?โ€ I asked, taking a swig. โ€œStill at work?โ€

โ€œYour motherโ€™s at work and this one here is late home again,โ€ Dad slurred, glaring at Shannon. โ€œMissed her fucking bus, apparently.โ€

โ€œI know,โ€ I replied coolly, giving Shannon a wink. โ€œHowโ€™s it going, Shan?โ€

โ€œHey, Joe.โ€ She swallowed deeply and attempted to smile at me. โ€œNothing. Just hungry. I was getting a snack.โ€

Getting a smack more like.

Walking over to her, I playfully nudged her cheek with my knuckles, but it was only so that I could get a better look at the marks on her neck.

Bastardโ€™s fingerprints were imbedded on her skin.


โ€œDid Aoife stay long after she dropped you home?โ€ I threw her a lifeline by asking.

โ€œUh, no.โ€ Her eyes widened in awareness and gratitude as she hurried to say, โ€œShe just dropped me off and went straight home.โ€

Offering her a small wink of approval, I grabbed a packet of biscuits from the press and tossed them to her. โ€œHere. No doubt they were what you were looking for.โ€

They werenโ€™t.

She would never touch a thing on the top shelf that I stored my shit on, butย heย didnโ€™t know that.

โ€œItโ€™s not a halfway house,โ€ Dad snarled.

โ€œThis is my food, old man.โ€ I turned back to glare at him. โ€œBought with

myย money. Fromย myย job.โ€ โ€œThis is my house.โ€

โ€œGiven to you by the government,โ€ I drawled, unwilling to back down an

inch from the piece of shit in front of me. โ€œBecause ofย us.โ€ โ€œDonโ€™t get smart with me, boy.โ€

โ€œShannon, why donโ€™t you head on up to bed,โ€ I told her, knowing that shit was about to go down, and needing her out of the firing line.

Shannon moved for the door, but he stepped in front of her, blocking her way. โ€œIโ€™m not done talking to her.โ€

โ€œWell, sheโ€™s done talking to you,โ€ I said, tone deathly cold, as I shouldered him out of the way of the kitchen door, giving my sister an escape route. โ€œSo, get out of her way old man. Now.โ€

Thankfully, Shannon took the opportunity to bolt out of the room before he could catch ahold of her ponytail.

โ€œDonโ€™t fucking think about it,โ€ I warned, blocking the doorway, when he made to move after her. โ€œSheโ€™s not your fucking punching bag.โ€

โ€œDid ya see this?โ€ Grabbing a newspaper, he tossed it at me. โ€œDid ya see this carrying on, boy!โ€

Smoothing out the page, I stared down at a picture of my sister with none other than Mister Rugby himself.

โ€œWell, shit,โ€ I mused, reluctantly smiling at the sight ofย myย baby sister tucked under the arm of the rising star of Irish rugby. โ€œMaybe heย hasย notions.โ€

โ€œYou think this is funny?โ€ Dad snarled, ripping the newspaper from my hands and tearing the page in half. โ€œYour sisterโ€™s a fucking whore, and all you can do is smile about it?โ€

โ€œClearly, our definitions of the word whore are very different.โ€

โ€œThat doll youโ€™re fucking around with is another one,โ€ he told me. โ€œLittle blonde whore, prancing around my house with her tits and legs and hole on full show. Sheโ€™s looking for it, that one. Iโ€™m telling ya, boy, sheโ€™s looking for a good seeing toโ€”โ€

His words broke off when I leveled him with a fist to the face. โ€œYou keep your goddamn eyes off her!โ€

โ€œEyes?โ€ He threw his head back and laughed. โ€œIโ€™ll put more than my eyes on her the next time I see her.โ€

And that was all it took to unravel months of hard work and preservation.

Losing my absolute shit there and then, I slammed into my father, both throwing and receiving punches, as we crashed into kitchen table, knocking chairs over as we brawled.

โ€œWas she a virgin before ya broke her in, boy?โ€ he continued to torment me by saying. โ€œDid she bleed all over ya? What am I saying?โ€ he laughed

cruelly. โ€œThereโ€™s nothing between your legs to break her in with.โ€

โ€œIย willย kill you,โ€ I roared, straining against the beefy hand he had wrapped around my throat, as he pummeled his fist into my face. โ€œIf you so much asย thinkย about putting a hand on herโ€”โ€ Breaking free of his hold, I threw my entire weight at him, propelling us both forward until his legs gave way beneath him and we crashed to the ground. โ€œIf you look at my girlfriend again,โ€ I roared, fists flying with a flourish. โ€œIf you fucking breathe too close to her, theyโ€™ll have to take you out of this house in a body bag!โ€

โ€œJoey!โ€ Mamโ€™s voice filled my ears, and I looked up to find her standing in the kitchen doorway, cradling her round stomach, and looking at me like I was the monster in our story. โ€œGetย offย your father.โ€

The clever bastard beneath me let his hands fall to his sides, feigning innocence, as he groaned in pain. โ€œHeโ€™s killing me, Marie.โ€

โ€œGet off your father,โ€ Mam repeated, tone hardening, as she staggered into the kitchen. โ€œAnd get out of my sight before I say something weโ€™ll both regret.โ€

Disgusted, I released my hold on his shirt and climbed to my feet.

With blood smeared on my knuckles, I pointed a finger at her and spat, โ€œYouโ€™re a fool if you think youโ€™re not next,โ€ before stalking out of the kitchen.

Taking the staircase two steps at a time, I grabbed a wad of toilet paper from the bathroom before storming into my room, slamming the door shut behind me.

Stripping down to my jocks, because that manโ€™s hands had touched my clothes, I sank down on the edge of my bed.

Resting my elbows on my thighs, I sagged forward, and pressed the tissue to my mouth.

If I could peel the skin from my bones in this moment, I would have. I didnโ€™t want his hands anywhere near my body.

I couldnโ€™t fucking bear it.

โ€œJoe?โ€ My bedroom door opened inwards and I saw my sister standing in the doorway. โ€œYou okay?โ€

โ€œIโ€™m grand, Shan,โ€ I bit out, wiping the blood from my mouth. โ€œYou should go to bed.โ€

โ€œYouโ€™re bleeding.โ€ No shit.

โ€œItโ€™s just a busted lip.โ€ Impatient, and just about done with the whole fucking lot of them, I grumbled, โ€œGo back to your room.โ€

She didnโ€™t move.

Instead, she continued to hover in the doorway, until I relented and patted the mattress beside me, giving her what she needed.

โ€œIโ€™m sorry,โ€ she strangled out, hurrying towards me. โ€œSo sorry,โ€ she continued to cry, as her small arms came around my shoulders, putting more weight on me than I could handle.

It felt like my life was on a constant loop of reruns, repeating the same scene, the same pain, day after day, year after year, until it broke me.

Still, I went through the motions of comforting my little sister, and assuring her that it wasnโ€™t her fault, which was true.

Tonight wasnโ€™t on Shannon.

None of the previous nights of our past were on Shannon. It was allย them.

All of it.

After reassuring her a couple of hundred times, I gave up on any hope of having some alone time.

The tremors rolling through her assured me that she wasnโ€™t leaving my room.

Fuck my life.

Giving up my bed, I took the floor and settled down for the night, as the topic of conversation โ€“ and my sisterโ€™s focus โ€“ shifted from our father to a boy she was intent on feigning indifference towards.

Johnny Kavanagh.

When she told me that he was responsible for her concussion that first day, I felt something settle inside of me. Because I finally had the confirmation that what happened to her that day,ย had, in fact, been an accident. The lad was almost mechanical in his rigidity, with impeccable manners. The academy had him groomed into the perfect gentlemen.

No way would he risk a future as bright as his on a childish stunt.

I could smell the bullshit a mile off every time she denied her very obvious feelings, and smiled to myself as I listened to her ramble on about who I thought might be her very first crush.

Being one of those asshole older brothers Iย neverย wanted to be, I heard myself warn her off, but not because I didnโ€™t want her to find someone.

I did.

I just didnโ€™t want to see her get her hopes up on a fella with a future as bright as Johnny Kavanagh.

I had no doubt that she would be watching him from the television in a few months, and call me a protective asshole, but I didnโ€™t want to see my sister getย hurt.

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