Chapter no 132 -โ€Œ โ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€ŒFULL TERM

Redeeming 6 (Boys of Tommen, #4)


โ€œWELL,ย good news, your cervix is favorable,โ€ the doctor said, tossing his gloves in the nearby bin. โ€œThe babyโ€™s head is engaged. That bloody show you experienced this morning. That was your mucus plug. I wouldnโ€™t be surprised if you delivered in the next twenty-four hours.โ€

โ€œTwenty-four hours?โ€ Mam exclaimed. โ€œThat soon? But sheโ€™s not due for another three weeks.โ€

โ€œOnly 5% of babies are delivered on their due date, and this baby is measuring on the larger side, which aligns with why sheโ€™s already two centimeters dilated,โ€ he replied. โ€œIt could take several more days. Another week, even. Babies are unpredictable, but in my experience, your daughter is a prime candidate to deliver sooner rather than later.โ€

โ€œCan you slow it down, doc?โ€ Perched on the examination table, with my legs hanging open, and my dignity back in Ballylaggin, I pulled up on my elbows and pleaded with the man in green scrubs โ€œIโ€™m not due for another three weeks and my boyfriend doesnโ€™t get back into town until Wednesday night.โ€

โ€œAoife,โ€ Mam sighed. โ€œIt doesnโ€™t work that way, pet.โ€

โ€œBaby comes when baby is ready,โ€ the doctor replied. โ€œAnd Iโ€™m hedging towards baby being ready, Aoife.โ€

โ€œWell, I donโ€™t care what either of you say,โ€ I grumbled, rolling off the examination table and adjusting my maxi-dress. โ€œIโ€™m not having the baby until Joe gets home.โ€



“HEY, WADDLES,” Casey called out, leaning against my dad’s van in the hospital parking lot, soaking up the warm summer afternoon. “Howโ€™s our baby coming along?”

“Donโ€™t even start,” I grumbled, dragging my oversized self across the parking lot. “Itโ€™s too damn hot, and Iโ€™m dealing with some serious electric shocks to the crotch.”

“Lightning crotch,” Mom corrected as she unlocked the van. “Please, love, I know you’re cranky, but try to keep it less vulgar.”

“Lightning crotch,” Casey grinned. “Oooh, sounds spicy.”

“You know what’s not spicy, Case? Having a geriatric obstetrician shove his entire hand inside yourโ€””


“Vagina,” I huffed, correcting myself.

“Are we talking a whole fist here?” my best friend asked as she helped hoist me into the van.

“Weโ€™re talking a whole fist, arm, and elbow!”

“I hope he at least wore a glove.”

“Donโ€™t be so dramatic, Aoife,” Mom chuckled as she climbed into the driver’s seat and started the engine. “It was just a routine internal exam, love, not calving season at Old MacDonaldโ€™s farm. If you think that was bad, just wait until youโ€™re in labor. Itโ€™s going to be wild down there.”

“Old MacDonaldโ€™s farm,” Casey snorted. “Nice one, Trish.”

“Wow,” I said dryly. “Iโ€™m so thrilled that the upcoming destruction of my vagina is providing you both with such entertainment.”

“Well, thatโ€™ll teach you to let your boyfriend go in there without protection.”

“Yes, Mother,” I replied, dripping with sarcasm. “Iโ€™ve definitely learned my lesson.”

“Sheโ€™s already two centimeters dilated, Casey,” Mom said excitedly. “The doctor thinks sheโ€™ll have the baby by tomorrow.”

“Chill, Mom,” I cut in. “Nothingโ€™s coming out of me until Joey gets home.”

“Thatโ€™s not technically true,” Casey pointed out, nodding toward the damp spot on the front of my dress. “Youโ€™re leaking a little there, babe.”

“Oh, come on,” I wailed, throwing my hands up in frustration. “Whatโ€™s wrong with that boob?”

“We should get you a bell and rename you Daisy.”

“Which one, love?”

“The left one,” I grumbled, grabbing a tissue to stuff into my bra. “The right oneโ€™s always well-behaved, but the left oneโ€™s an embarrassing mess.”

“Oh, come on,” Casey laughed, patting my big belly. “Ignore the leaks and letโ€™s go get those swollen feet a pedicure before baby daddy gets back.”

“Hm,” I mumbled, slightly cheered by the thought of seeing Joey again. “Think they have a hedge trimmer at the salon?”

“Come on,” Casey coaxed. “Give us a smile. Youโ€™ve only been waiting for this all summer.”

She was right.

I had been waiting all summerโ€”fifteen long weeks, to be exact. Joey was finally coming home.

By Wednesday night, weโ€™d be together again.

“Iโ€™m nervous,” I admitted aloud for the first time, even though the feeling had been gnawing at me for weeks.

“What?” Casey and Mom asked in unison. “Why?”

“Because look at me, guys,” I gestured to my stomach. “Iโ€™m not exactly the Aoife he remembers.”

“Aoife, youโ€™re about to have his baby,” Mom said gently. “You are beautiful, sweetheart.”

“Forget beautiful, babe, you are breathtaking,” Casey chimed in. “I donโ€™t know anyone else who could rock a nine-month baby bump and still look totally hot! Heโ€™s going to lose his mind when he sees you!”

“Casey,” Mom scolded. “Please, love, can we not?”

“Sorry, Trish, but itโ€™s true,” my best friend replied. “Our girl here is a MILF!” Grinning mischievously, she added, “And when Joey the DILF gets home, sparks are going to fly.”

“Oh, for the love of all thatโ€™s holy,” Mom muttered, sounding pained.

“You have nothing to be insecure about, Aoif,” Casey reassured me. “But just to boost that self-esteem, weโ€™re going all out on the pampering today, and itโ€™s all on Daddy Tโ€™s dime.” She looked to my mom before asking, “You did swipe the credit card before we left the house this morning, didnโ€™t you, Trish?”

“I sure did, girls.”

“Yay.” Clapping excitedly, my bestie draped her arm over my shoulder. “Weโ€™re about to do some serious damage.”

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