Chapter no 113

Quantum Radio

After the movie, Ty and Nora sat in the observation lounge and talked for a long time.

To Ty, it felt like those afternoons they had spent together so many years ago on the National Mall as teenagers.

They talked about nothing and everything and whatever entered their minds. And he loved it. If given the chance, he would have stayed in that moment forever, safe in the space station, looking down on Earth, pondering ideas big and small.

But he knew they had to go.

Maria returned first, and Ty immediately saw a difference in her. She was glowing. There was, he thought, a sort of inner peace about her now, a quiet confidence that seemed to flow from the core of her being.

Kato returned next, and to Ty, he seemed like a dark mirror of Maria: serene on the surface but suppressing something darker deep inside.

The four quantum historians strode into the room and stood, their mirrored helmets showing a warped reflection of Ty, Nora, Kato, and Maria.

โ€œBefore you depart for your first official quantum mission, we have a gift.โ€

Each of the four historians stepped forward and held out a hand, palm up. Ty hesitated a moment, then extended his left hand, palm down, and grasped the historianโ€™s hand. Around him, Nora, Kato, and Maria were

doing the same.

Ty felt a slight tickling in his fingers, then in his palm, and finally in his forearm, as though ants were crawling under his skin. He shivered.

The historian released him.

Ty glanced down at his forearm, where a symbol was appearing on his skin. It looked almost like the dialog box on a computer.



Ty looked over at the others. Nora, Maria, and Kato also had the Gestalt menu on their forearms.

โ€œWhat is the Gestalt?โ€ he asked.

โ€œOn the worlds of the multiverse,โ€ the historian said, โ€œwe can offer you very limited support. As youโ€™ve seen, Covenant agents are hunting quantum historians. Our presence draws them. Our communications draw them. But the Gestalt is the one tool we can provide you. It is a foundational technology on our world, one given to all adolescents and adults. Think of it as a sort ofโ€ฆ evolution of the internet. The Gestalt stores data in your DNA and is capable of data communication across vast distances. In your case, the Gestalt has been loaded with the sum of knowledge from your worldโ€” history, science, and more, instantly available and searchable. It also contains a translation library that will enable you to understand all the languages we have observed across the multiverseโ€”and speak them, though your accent will come across as neutral.โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s helpful,โ€ Ty said. He hadnโ€™t even considered the language barriers they would encounter in the multiverse.

โ€œAllow me to demonstrate its operation,โ€ the historian said. They reached forward and lifted up Tyโ€™s left arm, then brought the thumb of his right hand to the heel of his left hand and pressed.

The Gestalt menu disappeared. Once again, Tyโ€™s skin was unmarked.

โ€œThe Gestalt reads your fingerprint at the activation point to ensure someone else canโ€™t open it. All you do is hold your thumb there for two seconds and the Gestalt will activate.โ€

The historian pressed Tyโ€™s thumb into his hand again, and the Gestalt menu materialized.

โ€œWe have also taken the liberty of adding four other items to your local Gestalt storage: each of your great works. For Miss Santos,ย Worlds & Time

โ€”including everything from her notebook. For Miss Brown, the manuscript ofย The Birthrightย and her research notes. For Mr. Tanaka,ย The March of Humanity. And for Mr. Klein, his quantum research.โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s much appreciated,โ€ Ty said, โ€œbut how do we add to our work?โ€

โ€œSimply write into the Gestaltโ€”either with a closed pen or your fingerโ€” which youโ€™ll get used to.โ€

Maria was already navigating the Gestalt, pulling up her songs. โ€œYeah, this is definitely going to take some getting used to,โ€ she said softly.

โ€œThe Gestalt has another vital function,โ€ the historian said. โ€œData collection and transmission. As you observe worlds across the multiverse, the Gestalt will automatically gather dataโ€”including everything you observe and learn. That data will not be communicated to us in real-time. As I said, Gestalt transmissions can be traced. As such, during your quantum missions, the Gestalt will operate in offline modeโ€”it will collect data and you will have access to data, but nothing more.โ€

โ€œWhen does the data get transmitted?โ€ Ty asked. โ€œWhen your mission is complete.โ€

โ€œHow does it know that?โ€ Ty asked.

โ€œFor each world you visit, the Gestalt will receive an encrypted mission profile and desired outcome.โ€

โ€œLike a smart contract,โ€ Ty said.

The historian cocked its head. โ€œAn apt, though basic, analogy.โ€ โ€œThanks,โ€ Ty said. โ€œI think.โ€

โ€œOnce the Gestalt detects that the mission outcome has been achievedโ€” via some event you observe or information you collectโ€”it will execute the departure protocol, which begins with uploading the data from your time on the world and any changes you made to your work or notes. The Gestalt will then receive an encoded transmission with the dial code for the next world youโ€™ve been assigned to, as well as a clue about your mission there and the corresponding encrypted mission outcome.โ€

โ€œWait,โ€ Ty said. โ€œWe only get a clue about what weโ€™re supposed to do?โ€ โ€œWe canโ€™t broadcast your mission in clear text via the Gestalt. The data

could be intercepted by the Covenant.โ€

โ€œBut you can send an encrypted smart contract for the mission outcome,โ€ Ty said.

โ€œThe programmatic trigger offers greater securityโ€”which the Covenant canโ€™t break. We must assume that they can decrypt standard data. As such, a clue is all we can offer you. If the Covenant knew your mission objective, it would put you in dangerโ€”and allow their agents to counter your actions.โ€

โ€œAssuming they even know weโ€™re operating in the multiverse.โ€

The historian paused. โ€œA fair point. But given your actions on A21, they will know soon.โ€

โ€œAnd theyโ€™ll begin hunting us then,โ€ Ty said. โ€œLike theyโ€™re hunting you.โ€ โ€œYes. They will.โ€

The historianโ€™s helmet panned across them. โ€œThis is important: when the Gestalt identifies that the mission is complete and reveals the dial code for the next world, you should dial as quickly as possible. The broadcast from your Gestalt to us will be like a homing beacon for your location in the multiverse. The moment it transmits, the Covenant could become aware, and they may come after youโ€”or direct their agents on the local world to your location.โ€

A long silence stretched out.

โ€œAny further questions?โ€ the historian asked.

โ€œJust one.โ€ Nora held up the quantum radio medallion. โ€œOn A21, you said we could have dialed our birthday symbols at any point to go home. Can we still do thatโ€”enter that code and go home?โ€

โ€œNo. From here out, that code is disabled. Dialing anything other than the codes we supply would risk jumping you to an uninhabitable world. Instant death.โ€

โ€œWell, since you put it that way,โ€ Ty muttered. โ€œAre you ready?โ€ the historian asked.

Ty took a deep breath. โ€œYes.โ€

On his forearm, the Gestalt activated, and in the center of the box, a sequence of four symbols appeared.



Nora held up the medallion. โ€œShould I dial?โ€

โ€œWe dial this one together,โ€ Ty said. โ€œLadies first.โ€

Holding the medallion in her left hand, Nora reached out with her right and keyed the first symbol. Maria hit the second one.

Kato made eye contact with Ty, nodded, and walked over and pressed the third symbol.

Ty glanced back at his forearm, at the fourth symbol that would transport them to another world in the multiverse. He reached out to Nora, to the medallion, but stopped, hand hovering above it.

โ€œOne last question,โ€ he said to the historian. โ€œWhat are our chances out there? Of coming home?โ€

โ€œIf you work together, and believe in yourselves, nothing can stop you. If you donโ€™t, nothing can save you.โ€

Ty nodded.

The quantum historian stepped closer to Ty. The garbled, computerized voice was softer when it spoke.

โ€œBut Iโ€™ll tell you, Ty, sometimes itโ€™s going to feel like youโ€™re going around in circles.โ€

For a moment, Ty was transported back to Geneva, to the little coffee shop in the Old Town, six months ago, sitting at the table with Penny, where he had said the wordsย Some days it just feels like weโ€™re going around in circles.

Ty smiled at the historian. Yeah. He knew it.

He pressed his finger onto the quantum radio medallion, and the world disappeared.

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