Chapter no 17 – Adena

Powerful (A Powerless novella)

My arms are draped in darkness.

Black fabric spills over my hands as I scurry out of the sewing room. I smile down at the silky gown, unable to contain my giddiness at the sight of it.

This may be my most beautiful creation yet, and I can’t think of a more beautiful person to do it justice.

The halls are bustling with staI, all preparing for the 1nal ball looming far too close. With that in mind, I pick up my pace, dodging a parade of Imperials heading for the ballroom.

I wasn’t there for that 1rst ball – or the second, for that matter – seeing that I was snuggled with Mak in the Fort. But I heard of the attack, nonetheless. Ever since, the number of Imperials crawling around has greatly increased. I shudder despite the extra sense of safety they provide.

Plush carpet softens my steps, and I’m suddenly distracted by the feel of it. I can only imagine how impossible it would be to wake Pae up if the rug beneath our Fort was this comfortable. But if she manages to win these Trials, our 1rst order of business will be to 1nd something equally as soft—

My arms collide with a very solid someone.

Eyes Rying up from the Roor, I meet the equally distracted gaze above me. It’s gray and stormy and –Plagues help me – it belongs to Prince Kai.

I stumble into a curtsy, clutching the silky gown against my chest before it has the chance to slip between my sweaty palms. ‘Prince Kai! I didn’t even see you there! This carpet is terribly distracting.’

For once, I snap my mouth shut before I can do any more damage. When my gaze 1nally lifts from his black tunic, I’m relieved to 1nd an amused expression on his face.

Plagues, he’s pretty.

I hope he doesn’t see the physical shake of my head as I attempt to expel the thought from it. Because I have a pretty boy of my own. Though, I can admit that Pae is quite a lucky woman.

The corner of his mouth tips upward. ‘You must be Adena.’

‘Yes?’ I answer, confusion curling the word into a question. ‘How do you…’ I step aside for a scurrying servant. ‘How do you know that?’

‘Well, there is only one girl in this castle daring enough to wear anything but green to the ball tonight.’ He runs those gray eyes over the draped fabric in my arms. ‘So that would make you her seamstress from Loot.’

I blink up at him. ‘Um, yes, it would.’ With a smile, I add, ‘You are quite observant!’

His gaze Ricks over the fabric. ‘I’ve been spending a lot of time with your Psychic friend.’

I bite my tongue.

It is incredibly odd to be in on the ruse that everyone else believes. But I smile at him, nonetheless, honored to keep Pae’s secret. ‘Oh, I know.’ My eyes widen. ‘I mean, that is great to hear, Your Highness!’

There’s that slight smirk again. ‘She’s picked black tonight, then.’

I glance down at the gown. ‘She certainly has. And I have no doubt that she will look stunning.’

‘Neither do I,’ he says smoothly. ‘She will certainly be turning heads, though, that’s no surprise.’

Eyeing him closely, I select my words carefully. For once. ‘So, you’re okay with her not wearing green?’

He barely considers my question. ‘Of course. I wouldn’t want her to blend in.’

A small smile lifts my lips as I take in the future Enforcer. He certainly is not his brother. No, it seems that Kai would prefer Paedyn make a statement. Stand out.

And just like that, I’ve picked which pretty prince to root for. Because it’s Kai who is destined for Paedyn, no matter how tragic their story. No matter the opposite roles they play in this life. But maybe things will be diIerent in the next.

‘That is good to hear,’ I say quietly.

He’s sloppily rolling up the sleeves of his tunic, saying, ‘Why did it distract you?’

‘I’m sorry?’

He nods to our feet. ‘The carpet.’

‘Oh!’ I shrug, struggling to select which words I wish to say. ‘I was trying to memorize the feel of it beneath my feet. So Pae and I can get a rug this plush for our Fort.’

Emotion Rits across his face, though I can’t seem to decipher it. The dark lashes lining his light eyes Rutter and, for a moment, it looks as though he may say something. Instead, he takes a step away, ending our conversation with a single movement. Nodding curtly, he says, ‘I hope you 1nd that rug.’

Then he turns, tossing a smirk over his shoulder. ‘You’ll get to her room much faster if you phase through the wall. Trust me, I’ve done it plenty of times.’

And with that, the Enforcer strides down the crowded hallway, Imperials parting for him.

I blink, bewildered, at his back. It’s suddenly di cult to swallow. How could I have forgotten what he is?

I’ve just met Mak’s equal. The man who could have him killed in an instant. All because they possess the same power. And it seemed to roll oI the prince in waves – so at odds with the Wielder hidden within Loot. Though they felt eerily familiar, both foreboding in their own ways.

I shake my head, mind buzzing as I once again begin my journey down the bustling hall, but I stop short at the sight of the wall beside me.

I might as well take his advice.

Stepping out onto the other side of the wall, her bedroom awaits mere paces away. I sigh in relief when I’m 1nally whipping open her door. ‘Pae, I hope you’re prepared for all the attention you’ll be getting in this dress!’

Her head peeks round the dressing screen, silver hair swishing with the movement. ‘I really hope you’re exaggerating.’

I hurry over to where she hides, 1nding Ellie exasperated by the amount of hair she has to deal with. But this is a recurring problem that I don’t feel the

need to fret about.

Instead, I unravel the dress, displaying it against my body. ‘You tell me,’ I say, my smile smug. ‘Do you think this will get even the royals staring? Especially one in particular?’

Pae gapes at the gown before her, coal-lined eyes running over the length of it. ‘I’m afraid it will.’

‘Perfect!’ I shrug contently. ‘Then I’ve done my job well.’

‘Adena,’ Pae scoIs, even with a look of awe lighting her face. ‘You may have done your job a little too well.’

‘Why, are you worried a certain prince may fall to his knees at the very sight of you?’ I say dreamily.

Pae’s cheeks redden even as she crosses her arms and says, ‘I have no idea what you are talking about, A.’

I tap a 1nger to my lips. ‘Hmm. Well, his name rhymes with “eye”…’ ‘And “guy”,’ Ellie chimes in softly.

My face lights up. ‘Oh, and I might have just talked to him in the hallway.’

She whips round so fast that I narrowly miss inhaling a mouthful of silver hair. ‘You did not.’

I sigh, smiling blissfully. ‘I did.’

‘What could you two possibly have talked about?’ she says, exasperated. ‘Hmm, let me think. What common interests could we have?’ I smile

wickedly. ‘Oh, that’s right. You!’

Ellie giggles while Paedyn stiRes a groan. ‘Plagues, maybe I’d rather not know.’

‘Well, to sum it all up,’ I continue anyway, ‘he agreed that you would look stunning tonight. And he will de1nitely want to dance with you.’

I press my lips together. Those words didn’t exactly leave his mouth, but Pae doesn’t need to know that. And, besides, I’m sure he was thinking it.

Pae sighs, spinning that ring on her thumb incessantly. ‘Don’t remind me.’ I frown. ‘Did something happen?’

She laughs humorlessly. ‘Too much happened.’

I help peel oI her remaining clothing before she steps into the dress. ‘Oh, do tell,’ I say, greedy for every detail.

She slips her arms through the dainty sleeves that lay limply around her arm. ‘Can I 1ll you in after the Trial, A?’ She sounds exhausted. ‘I’m still trying to process it all myself.’

I help her tug the corset up. ‘Of course, Pae. You need to focus on the Trial.’

I say this to ease my guilty conscience. I have yet to tell her of Mak and every moment I’ve spent with him. She knows of my tendency to trip for someone, and yet, she will be one of the last to know.

‘Thanks, A,’ Paedyn smiles, looking relieved.

‘Don’t thank me yet.’ I wiggle a 1nger, gesturing for her to turn around. ‘I haven’t tightened the corset.’

‘Plagues,’ she murmurs. ‘If this dress was any less beautiful, I might beg not to wear it.’

‘Oh, please,’ I tease. ‘You love dressing up, even if you won’t admit it. Isn’t that right, Ellie?’

‘I mean…’ Ellie hesitates. ‘You do seem to enjoy it…’

Pae’s scoI is cut short when I tug at the laces of her corset. ‘Well, I sure as hell don’t enjoy being unable to breathe.’

‘But you’re breathtaking.’ I attempt to smother my snort. ‘Quite literally.’ ‘I think you’re enjoying this a little too much, A,’ she gasps.

‘This may be my last chance to dress you up.’ I tighten the laces, earning a grunt from Pae. ‘So I might as well take advantage of it!’

After much pleading from Pae, I 1nally tie oI the laces of her corset and spin her round to admire my work. Most of the bodice is see-through, showing oI her tan skin beneath the beads and swirling pattern decorating the corset. The sleeves are dainty and purely for design, as they do nothing to keep the dress up from where they dangle oI her shoulders.

My eyes take in the pooling skirt and the matching slits on either side. As I do so, Paedyn pushes the fabric apart to strap her silver dagger high on a thigh. Then she straightens, standing before Ellie and me for inspection. ‘So? What do you think?’

‘You look beautiful, Paedyn,’ Ellie breathes with a smile.

Unwanted tears prickle my eyes at the vision before me. ‘You look dangerous.

But in the most elegant of ways.’

She seems to melt at my words. ‘That may be the best compliment I’ve ever received.’

Ellie sighs. ‘You need to head to the ballroom soon, and I still have no idea what to do with your hair.’

‘Something simple,’ I suggest. ‘Maybe an updo? I want to see those collarbones of hers.’

Ellie obliges, tying Pae’s hair into a loose knot at the back of her neck, allowing strands to fall around her face as they please.

I clasp my palms in front of me, beaming at the 1nished product. ‘Gorgeous!

Now go before you’re late!’

Paedyn laughs lightly, reaching out to squeeze my hands. ‘Thank you, A. I can’t tell you how much I love each of the dresses you’ve made for me.’

‘I knew you loved them,’ I say slyly. ‘And me, of course.’ ‘And you.’ She grins. ‘Of course.’

My smile suddenly fades into something far more serious. ‘Promise you’ll make it back to me after this Trial?’

‘I promise I’ll try my absolute hardest,’ she murmurs earnestly. ‘Just one more, and I’m free. We are free.’

My lips lift into an unexpected smile. ‘I’ll be cheering you on the whole time, Pae.’

We admire one another for a long moment before I begin shooing her towards the door. ‘All right, go dance with your prince!’

‘Not if I can help it!’ she calls, throwing a smile over her shoulder before disappearing down the hallway.

Ellie turns to face me as soon as she’s out the door. ‘You oI to go see your boy?’

I beam. ‘That I am.’ Gathering up my cloth bag, I stride to the door with a blissful smile. ‘I’ll be back for the Trial tomorrow, don’t worry. Even though I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to stomach watching.’

After returning Ellie’s wave goodbye, I step out into the hallway and smother the urge to skip with excitement. I buzz with anticipation of our night at the Fort and—

And someone steps in my path.

It’s a servant. He’s young and timid and looking up at me uncertainly. ‘Oh!’ I exclaim. ‘Hello there.’

But he doesn’t return my politeness. No, he only oIers me a single, rehearsed line.

‘The king has requested to speak with you this evening.’

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