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Chapter no 23 – Danielโ€Œ

Part of Your World

We were lying in my bed, the morning after Hannahโ€™s baby came. It was eleven a.m. I had guests coming, but not until later today. Check-in wasnโ€™t

until three oโ€™clock, so I got to hang out with Alexis in my underwear until she left.

We were nappingโ€”weโ€™d been up all night.

I snuggled into her, nuzzling my nose into her neck. She made a happy groaning noise and rolled over, and the second I had her lips in reach, I kissed her.

We were exclusive.

I couldnโ€™t stop smiling.

I knew being exclusive wasnโ€™t everything. It wasnโ€™t a title. It wasnโ€™t boyfriend, girlfriend. But it meant I wasnโ€™t competing with anyone else, not for her attention or her time. Maybe it meant sheโ€™d come down moreโ€” maybe sheโ€™d even ask me to visit her.

But most of all I was glad there was nobody else, because the idea of it made me feel fucking unhinged. I didnโ€™t realize how much of a relief it was until it was off the table. I donโ€™t think I allowed myself to think too much on the fact that she may be seeing other people because I didnโ€™t feel like I was in any position to ask her not to.

I had these visions of what kind of guys probably hit on her over there. Older, successfulโ€”rich. Driving expensive cars, taking her to places I could never afford in a million years. It felt impossible that Iโ€™d managed to get her

to agree to this. But I wasnโ€™t gonna look a gift horse in the mouth. I was going to take it, say thank you, andย run.

I heard a huffing noise, and we both looked over. Hunter had put his chin on the bed to look at us, his tail wagging. His lip was curled up around a single snaggle tooth, and his bushy eyebrows pivoted as he looked back and forth between us. This dog loved her.

Alexis laughed, smiling up at me. โ€œDid you know that dogs developed eyebrow muscles to better manipulate us?โ€

I propped myself on my elbow. โ€œReally?โ€

โ€œYup. Wolves donโ€™t have them. Dogs that had more expressive faces were more likely to connect with their owners. So they evolved.โ€ She nodded sideways. โ€œTo this.โ€

Hunter backed up and let out a longย roooooooo!

I laughed and slid a hand down the back of her thigh to wrap her leg around my waist. She took it one step further and rolled on top of me, straddling me. The shirt Iโ€™d loaned her was pushed up around her hips. She put her hands on my bare chest and lowered to kiss me, her hair falling around my face in a curtain.

There were a million other things I should have been doing. Working on the unfinished pieces in the garage, getting the house ready for guests, repairing the loose step by the four-season porchโ€”I didnโ€™t give a shit about any of it. Iโ€™d work harder and faster to make up for the lost time, Iโ€™d take the hit, because this was worth it. It was more than worth it.

I was so proud for everyone in town to see me with her yesterday. I was proud of what she did with Lilyโ€”I was proud to even know her.

I donโ€™t think she realizes how exceptional she is. I got the sense nobody tells her, which is weird.

She rolled her hips against the hard-on she was causing. Our breath picked up and our kiss deepened. In one fluid movement, I rolled her onto her back and slipped a hand into the top of her lace underwear. She was wet, and the thought that she was wet forย meย made my dick even harder than it already was.

Damn, she turned me on.

I circled two fingers around the knot of nerves between her legs, and her breath shuddered at the caress.

She bit her lip. โ€œHow do youย doย that?โ€ she breathed. โ€œDo what?โ€ I asked, my voice husky.

โ€œKnow how to touch me.โ€

โ€œI pay attention to you,โ€ I said, kissing her collarbone gently. โ€œHow you feel matters to me.โ€

Something changed in the set of her body. I brought my face up to see what it was. There was something in her expression I couldnโ€™t readโ€”and maybe she didnโ€™t want me to read it, because she pulled me down on top of her and kissed me.

I was glad I was going to have the shirt she was wearing after she went home. Something that had her perfume on it, smelled like her.

When she left, the only proof I ever had that sheโ€™d been here, or that she even existed at all, was the ache I was starting to feel when she was gone.

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