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Chapter no 25 – ZANDERS

Mile High (Windy City Series Book 1)

“Can I buy you a drink?” Leaning over Stevie, I rest an elbow on the bar with a perfect sightline down her cleavage.

I’m not trying to look, but I’m not not trying either.

“It’s an open bar,” she laughs.

Holding up two fingers to the bartender, I point towards Stevie’s almost empty beer, asking for another round.

And as I do, my gaze falls back on the pretty flight attendant at my side. She’s stunning as she always is, but seeing her all glammed up and dressed to the nines, the way I typically am, she’s on a whole other level tonight.

This sky-blue dress plays perfectly off her light brown skin, and it hugs every one of her curves that I’ve become all too obsessed with.

But at the same time, I miss her wild curls and her baggy thrifted clothes because, at the end of the day, that’s who she is.

“You’ve been avoiding me.” I take a swig of my fresh beer.

“Your entire team is here, and I don’t want to get in trouble.” Her voice is hushed, reminding me once again that this thing between us, whatever the hell it is, is forbidden.

Which is why over the last four hours of this gala, I’ve kept my distance, knowing there are far too many news outlets here reporting on our night. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t tried to steal a passing look or two, but Stevie’s blue-green eyes rarely met mine.

Leaning on both elbows, I bend down close to her, wanting to get even a small touch of her skin but also attempting to make it appear as if I’m just grabbing a drink at the bar.

“So, ‘Vee’, huh?”

“It’s a family nickname.”

“My family nickname is Zee. Vee and Zee. Aren’t we fucking adorable?”

A small laugh escapes her. “Do I get to call you ‘Vee’?”

A single, perfectly sculpted brow lifts. “Will that keep you from calling me ‘sweetheart’?”

“Not a chance.”

I earn another laugh.

“You can call me ‘Zee’ if you want.” My voice is quiet and not so confident.

Her eyes dart to mine. “Do you want me to call you ‘Zee’?” I shrug my shoulders, shyly nodding.

She bites down on her lower lip to hold her smile back, and my eyes trail the movement. And just that little seductive act turns me on like you wouldn’t believe.

Moving closer, my lips ghost her ear. “But I’d rather you scream it.”

Pulling back, I watch as her eyes go wide then fall to my lips before shifting her focus from me once again.

What the hell is going on? “Are you okay?”

She swallows deeply, nodding her head. “What’s wrong?”

She turns my way, her entire face softening. “Why didn’t you tell me that half of this organization is because of you? I thought it was Maddison’s this whole time. Everyone thinks that.”

Shrugging, I pull my beer back to my lips. “I tried to tell you a couple of times, but I knew you’d find out eventually.”


My eyes dart to hers as a small smile takes over my lips. I like hearing that name come out of her mouth.

“Why don’t you let people see the real you?” “It’s a long story. It’s hard to explain.”

“I want to understand,” she says. “Because right now, I’m confused as hell about who you are.”

“You know who I am.”

“Do I?”

Does she? Sure, she’s seen more than most people, but she doesn’t know everything. She doesn’t know why I put on an act for everyone else. She doesn’t know that I’m afraid.

She’s seen the asshole, player, rude, arrogant side plenty. And I’ve only shown her bits and pieces of the uncle, the caring, the loving, the protective side. It’s no wonder she’s confused.

“Go on a date with me.”

“What?” she asks with a startled laugh. “Zee, I cannot. We cannot go on a date.”

“Why not?”

“Because…because I work for you, and I’ll get fired if anyone saw us together.”

“I’ll make sure it’s a private place.”

“Zee, you don’t date. Stop being ridiculous.” She tries to laugh it off as if it’s a joke.

“Go on a date with me.”

I would add a “please” to the end of that, but I already sound desperate, begging like this. But let’s be honest, I am.

“You said you just wanted to hook up again.” She slightly shakes her head in confusion. “This was just physical, and it was supposed to be only once.”

“I changed my mind.” I turn around, leaning my back against the bar so I can look at her. “Stevie, go on a date with me.”

“I don’t…I can’t.” Her words stumble out of her mouth without conviction, and I’m not sure that she wants to say them or even that she even believes them, for that matter.

So, I change my tactic. Because even though I know there’s a big part of her who doesn’t understand me or thinks that I’m suddenly changing my mind by wanting a date with her, I have a feeling there’s an even bigger reason why she’s saying no.

And he just so happens to be the guy hanging around her brother all night.

“What happened with your ex-boyfriend?”

“Why are you so fucking observant,” she nervously laughs.

“Eight years of therapy, sweetheart.” I quickly tuck her hair behind her ear to see the earrings that decorate it, but I make my movement quick as to

not get caught. “What did he say that your brother doesn’t know?”

Nervous eyes bounce between mine before she releases a shaky exhale. “It’s not even what he said about me. I guess it’s how he made me feel.”

“How did he make you feel?” I keep my tone soft and my eyes locked on her, making sure she knows no one else in this room matters.

“Like I was an option, and not even the first one. Like I would only be his pick if he didn’t have better opportunities waiting for him. I just… I didn’t like feeling like I didn’t matter. I wanted him to choose me.”

I turn around, so we both face the bar again, my shoulder touching hers and our hands grazing, holding our respective beers. Our mutually ring- covered fingers look good next to each other, so I reach one out, skimming hers because that’s all the physical comfort I can offer in this room with too many eyes.

“And your brother, who seems like he’s protective as hell, by the way, he’s still friends with him?”

“Ryan is trying to help him get a job with a sports network here.” “Here? Chicago?”

Nodding, Stevie continues. “Ryan doesn’t know the details. I haven’t told him. He and Brett played basketball together in college, and they were equally loved on a campus that worshipped the team. Everyone wanted a piece of them, but I just wanted to be chosen by the guy I was in love with, you know?”

I stay silent, coaxing her to continue.

“We were together for three years, and not once did I feel like I was good enough for him. He constantly ended things with me if he had other options he wanted to pursue, then when he was out of said options, he would come crawling back. And I was the idiot who always took him back. I just wanted to be chosen.”

I hate him. Partly for how he made Stevie feel, and partly because he once had what I want so badly and treated her as if she didn’t matter. As if she wasn’t his first option.

She nervously twirls the ring on her thumb before I place my hand over hers, stopping it. The motion causes her to finally look up at me.

“You’re not an idiot. You’re not crazy for wanting to be wanted. For wanting to be loved.”

A deep swallow bobs in her throat.

“And you’re not an option, Stevie, because besides you, there’s no other choice.”

Her entire face relaxes, melting in front of me. “Don’t say that.” “Why not?”

“Because I’m trying not to like you.”

Her honesty makes me laugh. She’s used the phrase “I hate you” all too often since I met her.

“Well, good luck, sweetheart, because I’m a fucking gem.”

In my peripheral, Rich motions me over for another fucking interview.

Rolling my eyes, I place my attention back on Stevie. “I have to get back to work, but don’t forget you still owe me a dance.” I give her hand one last sly squeeze before leaving her at the bar.

“Who is that?” Rich’s focus is lasered on Stevie’s back.

“Don’t worry about it.” I continue walking past my agent in hopes of pulling his attention away from my favorite flight attendant.

He doesn’t need to know about her. Not tonight and maybe not ever.


To say I’m annoyed that Rich hasn’t let me enjoy my night is an understatement. He’s pimped me out for interview after interview, and I just want to get one fucking dance in. One dance with one girl to end my night.

But before I can make that happen, a certain point guard of a particular basketball team stops me.

“We need to have a conversation,” Ryan says, blocking the path to his sister with a hand on my chest.

He’s only an inch or so shorter than me, so I barely have to look down at him with smirking lips. “Do we now?”

“Don’t be a dick.”

Reluctantly, I follow him to an empty high-top table hidden in the corner. “I’m kind of known for being a dick, in case you haven’t heard.”

“Oh, I’ve heard. And that’s what we need to talk about.”

“All right, let’s go. Give me the big brother speech.” I lean down on my elbows, allowing him to be taller than me.

And even though this is annoying, I respect it. How could I not? The guy is just looking out for Stevie.

“What are you doing with my sister?”

My lips lift, trying to hold back my laughter. “You sure you want those details?”

Ryan is fuming at the moment, nostrils flaring, so I drop it down a few notches.

“I’m not messing with her if that’s what you think.” “That’s exactly what I think.”

“Well, that’s not the case. I’m not using her for some agenda. In fact, I’m doing the exact opposite. I’m trying to keep whatever the hell it is under wraps. I know the kind of shit that gets put on the internet about me, and I’m not going to let your sister get wrapped up in that.”

“What is it? Between you two, what’s going on?”

“Truthfully? Nothing. We’re friends, but I’m not going to lie to you. I like her. A lot. And if she’d give me a shot, I’d really like to see where it could go.”

Ryan’s brows are creased in confusion, not believing me.

“And I’m not going to ask your permission or some shit like that if that’s what you want.”

“I don’t want Vee wrapped up in your reputation, Zanders. I’m not going to sugarcoat it, I think your whole persona in the media is a fucking joke, and you give a bad name to athletes in this city.”

“You said you weren’t going to sugarcoat it,” I whine with sarcasm.

Rolling his eyes, he continues. “My sister cannot handle the type of attention you get, and I don’t want her name in the tabloids next to yours, do you understand?”

Nodding, I remain silent, allowing him to continue.

“I finally get to have her in my city, and I swear to God if you screw that up…” He shakes his head. “She’s an adult who can make her own choices, but I really don’t fucking like this one.”

Just then, I watch as Stevie’s ex-boyfriend leads her out on the dance floor. She doesn’t seem like she’s too eager to get away, but at the same time, she doesn’t seem entirely stoked to be out there with him either. The usual confident fire that girl wears around me is missing from her face.

“That right there…” I nod towards the dance floor, referring to Stevie and her ex. “You bringing that guy around your sister again? That’s a choice don’t fucking like.”

“Brett? You don’t even know him.”

“Do you? Because from what your sister has told me about their relationship, I don’t think you know him as well as you assume.”

Ryan keeps his eyes on the dance floor. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I’m going to let your sister decide what she wants you to know.”

That’s probably more than I should’ve said, but maybe that will give him a bit more pause about bringing that prick around Stevie again.

“Ryan.” He turns my way. “You seem like a good guy, and you clearly love your sister. I want you to know that I respect your concerns, and knowing the reputation I’ve earned, I understand why you’re worried about her.”

His expression softens, dropping the tough-guy act a notch by offering me a half-smile.

“Whatever is going on between her and me is way out of my comfort zone, but I’m going to try my best to keep her name out of the media if she decides to give me a chance.”

“EZ.” The DJ steps up to our table. “Sorry to interrupt, but you wanted to know when it was time for the last song of the night.”

I stand up straight and head towards the dance floor to take over, but before I get too far, I turn back to the point guard. “And Ryan, you forgot to say, ‘If you hurt her, I’ll kill you.’”

A silent laugh rumbles in his chest. “If you hurt her, I’ll kill you.” “Noted.”

I weave through the crowded space, almost every guest occupying the dance floor for the final song on the night. Patting Maddison on the shoulder as he dances with Logan, I slip past him, happy that the space is as packed as it is. Me getting my dance with Stevie shouldn’t ring too many alarms.

My eyes immediately fall on Brett’s hands sitting far too low on Stevie’s waist as I step in, stopping them in their movements.

“Can I cut in?”

Please, why am I even asking? I’m cutting in, regardless if this kid likes it or not.

“We’re in the middle of something.” Brett tries to stand firm, but he’s intimidated as fuck. I can see it in his eyes.

“Brett, I promised Zanders a dance.” Stevie’s voice is soft and kind, but I’d rather her tell him to get lost.

“So, you can go now,” I add.

“Dude, all the tabloids are right about you. You’re a fucking prick.” Brett’s face is covered in disgust.

“Thank you so much for that detailed observation.”

Stevie’s head drops down, her hand slapped over her mouth, trying to cover her giggle.

“Look, I know that you’re trying to use her brother for some kind of in to work in Chicago sports, but do you know who has more ties in this city than Ryan Shay? Me. So, I’ll let you leave this gala in one piece if you go now. Otherwise, I’m known for putting on a show, and I can guarantee you’ll never work in any of the sports networks in this city by the time I’m done with you.”

His eyes dart to Stevie’s, asking her to take back the words for me, but she doesn’t. Instead, she holds his stare, not backing down.

Good girl.

He turns towards her. “Think about the things we talked about.


Brett leaves with that.

Returning my attention to the stunner in blue, I hold out my hand, asking for our dance.

Lightly laughing, she puts her hand in mine, but it’s not enough. I take her other hand as well and drape them around my neck before sliding my palms down her soft arms, grazing her rib cage, then settling them just above her ass.

I pull her in close, not leaving any space between us as her fingers grip at my neck, playing with the back of my chain. And the DJ really did me a solid by playing a slow song, so I get to have her body pressed up against mine for at least the next three to four minutes.

“What happened to standing up for yourself, Stevie?” “I suck at it.”

A silent laugh heaves in my chest. Yeah, she does, but she’s trying. “What did he mean, the things you guys talked about?” Moving Stevie

around the dance floor, I keep my lips close to her ear, speaking quietly. “I wouldn’t say we talked. More like he talked. He doesn’t like you.” I release a deep, hefty laugh. “Yeah, no shit.”

“And my brother doesn’t like you.” Her tone is soft and cautious, and now I realize where this is going.

“But do you like me?”

Stevie pulls back slightly, her blue-green eyes locked on mine. “I don’t want to.”

I don’t love the words, but fuck, do I love the honesty. And that’s the thing, she’s always honest with me, and I can’t ask for more than that.

“And why’s that, sweetheart?” “Because you scare me.”

Nodding, I don’t respond with words but keep my hands resting on her lower back as we slightly sway around the dance floor.

“Your reputation scares me,” she whispers, leaning her forehead on my chest.

That one is a punch to my gut, but at the same time, I’m not surprised in the slightest. I brought this on myself when I created this storyline seven years ago. In my defense, I never thought there’d be a woman I wanted in my life, so I didn’t see the harmful effects it could cause later on.

“I’m sorry for saying that,” she squeaks out, hiding further into my chest.

Stroking the hair away from her face, I lean my lips right there on her temple.

“Don’t be sorry, Vee. I get it.”

I swallow hard but fuck. This hurts more than I expected.

“All I’m asking for is a chance,” I add in a hushed voice. “To prove to you that I’m not the person everyone thinks I am. That what you see in the media isn’t true. That the guy you saw tonight, the same one you saw wearing a fucking dress on Halloween, and the same one you talked to on Christmas—that’s me, Stevie.”

She leans back, and her eyes are soft, locked on mine, wanting to believe me.

“Just…please, go on a date with me. I’ll explain everything.” She pulls her gaze away. “Zee—”

“Stevie.” I cup her face, forcing her to look at me. “I like you. I know that doesn’t sound like anything coming from a grown-ass man, but fuck, I like you so much, and it’s fucking terrifying. You scare me just as much as I scare you.”

“Why?” She shakes her head in confusion. “Why me?” “What do you mean?”

“Of all people, why me? You can have anyone you want.”

Is she serious? Yes, of course, she is because this beautiful woman has more insecurities and self-doubt than she deserves, even though she tries to hide it. If anyone should feel unworthy, it’s me. I’m the one with the shitty reputation hanging over my head.

“I don’t want anyone else, Stevie. There isn’t anyone else. Don’t you get it? You’re the only choice. You’ve been stuck in my fucking head since October. Ever since that day you decided to put me in my place on that airplane.”

She finally chuckles, hiding in my chest again, so I lean down, my lips ghosting her ear as I continue.

“I don’t see you the way you see yourself. I think you’re good, and sweet, and hilarious, and fucking stunning, Vee. And I just want a chance.”

She stays silent, so I add, “You want to be chosen first? Well, so do I. So, choose me.”

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be begging someone to give me attention, to want to spend time with me, but here I am doing just that but finding it entirely worth it.

Stevie’s grasp tightens around my neck, pulling me closer, but I don’t think I can get any closer than I am right now. Our bodies are pressed together as we move along the dance floor, and our voices are quiet enough that only the two of us can hear.

But this song is almost over, and I’m not ready to let go.

“This was supposed to be just physical,” Stevie says. “It was supposed to be just sex. Why can’t we keep it to that?”

“It’s past that, and you know it.” She remains silent, so I say something I’ve never said before. “I want more than just sex.”

The song slows down, fading out, and I know the moment is almost gone.

My hands roam her waist as her hold on me tightens. My head is leaning into hers, my lips resting on her cheek. I want to kiss her. I want to pull her away from my chest and kiss her so fucking hard she forgets everything she’s worried about when it comes to me.

“Kiss me.” That’s her saying it, not me. “Go on a date with me.”

I feel her chest rise with a deep inhale. “Take me home with you.”

I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but instead of saying yes, I plead, “Go on a date with me.”

“Zee.” She pulls back, and just like that, the song is over as well as the night.

Immediately I’m swarmed with people, shaking my hand, saying good night. It’s overwhelming, to say the least, but all I want is a different answer from the girl who seems to be drifting further away from me as tonight’s guests bombard my space.

My gaze continues to flicker to the beauty in blue, but eventually, my attention is pulled to the mass of people I have to thank for coming out tonight.

And when I look back to where she was standing, she’s gone.

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