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Chapter no 23 – ZANDERS

Mile High (Windy City Series Book 1)

โ€œAnother game, Zanders. Another game, you left the arena alone. What the hell is going on?โ€

With my phone held tightly to my cheek, I plug the opposite

ear, attempting to block out some of the noise from the busy tarmac here in Phoenix. But regardless of the airplane engines buzzing or my teammates shuffling past me to get on our plane, I can still hear Rich loud and clear. His raised and frustrated voice helps with that.

โ€œRich, Iโ€™ve told you plenty of times to stop setting up girls to wait for me outside of the locker room. The media gets the narrative. They donโ€™t need more pictures with more chicks to help sell my image.โ€

โ€œReally? Because you havenโ€™t been pictured with anyone since mid- November, and I need to know whatโ€™s going on. You refuse to leave the arena with anyone. You havenโ€™t been caught out on the town. So, what is it? You need to fill me in.โ€

For fuckโ€™s sake. I want him off my back. This season is the first time Iโ€™ve realized how over the whole โ€œunlovable bad-boyโ€ image I have. And I havenโ€™t been pictured with anyone since mid-November because thatโ€™s when Stevie commented on it while we were trick or treating for Ella. I havenโ€™t slept with anyone since her, but I didnโ€™t like her thinking I had. So, I decided to make it loud and clear that itโ€™s been her and only her.

โ€œNothing is going on, Rich. Iโ€™m just tired of it all.โ€

Maddison pats me on the shoulder as he shuffles around me, heading to the airplane stairs. โ€œYou good?โ€ he silently mouths, turning around to face me as he continues to the plane.

I nod in agreement, but thereโ€™s a whole lot of frustration when I roll my eyes. Maddison knows whatโ€™s up. Heโ€™s been trying to convince me to fire Rich for weeks now. But firing your agent during a re-signing year, no matter how frustrating he is, is career suicide.

Turning my back to the plane, I continue to pace the tarmac as my team boards the aircraft.

โ€œTired of what, Zanders? Tired of making millions of dollars a year? Tired of having people fawn all over you? Tired of women throwing themselves at you?โ€

โ€œYeah, kind of.โ€

โ€œWhat is going on with you? Youโ€™re doing this now? Youโ€™re five months away from a possible re-signing with the only team you want to play for in the NHL. You want to throw that away? Be my guest. Chicago pays you the money they pay you because of the image you and Maddison bring to the table, outside of just hockey. But Iโ€™ll find you another team who will probably pay you a whole lot less if thatโ€™s what you want to do.โ€

โ€œPayย meย a whole lot less or payย youย a whole lot less?โ€ I mutter under my breath.

โ€œWhat was that?โ€

I contemplate giving him a piece of my mind about how I know he only cares how big my paychecks are because heโ€™s getting a percentage, but I donโ€™t. I keep my mouth shut.


โ€œWhoโ€™s your date to the gala?โ€

Now, thatโ€™s a question Iโ€™ve asked myself multiple times over the last few weeks. The only person I want to take is Stevie, but thereโ€™s going to be too much press there. I know she couldnโ€™t go with me due to that pesky fraternization rule. But regardless of that, I donโ€™t even know if sheโ€™dย wantย to go with me.

โ€œNo one. Iโ€™m going alone.โ€

โ€œFucking hell, Zanders. No, youโ€™re not. There will be too much media there for you to be alone. Iโ€™ll set you up with a date if you donโ€™t want to find your own.โ€

โ€œNo, Rich. Iโ€™m holding my ground on this one. That night is way too important to me to be faking it with some fucking puck bunny for some pictures. Weโ€™re not messing with Active Minds. Do what you want with my

image when it comes to hockey, but if it starts affecting the foundation or the kids, then Iโ€™m out.โ€

Silence lingers on the line between us.

โ€œFine. But you have five months to amp back up to the Evan Zanders Chicago knows and loves, or I can guarantee you, youโ€™ll lose your contract and be on a plane to bum-fuck nowhere playing for a city you donโ€™t want to be in.โ€

The line goes dead. Dick.

โ€œEZ!โ€ Scott, our team manager, calls out from the top of the stairs, right outside the main door of the airplane. โ€œYou ready?โ€

Looking around the tarmac, I realize Iโ€™m the last to board the plane. I hustle up the stairs just as the lead flight attendant closes the door behind me.

โ€œEverything good, man?โ€ Maddison lightly knocks me in the chest as I take my seat next to him.

โ€œRich is fucking killing me.โ€ โ€œFire him.โ€

โ€œI canโ€™t. Thatโ€™d be worse for my career than what heโ€™s threatening me with now.โ€

โ€œWhich is?โ€

โ€œThe usual. Chicago not wanting to re-sign me if I fuck up our little duo we have going. That if people start to figure out that I donโ€™t give a shit about owning the persona the media has me made out to be that the fans wonโ€™t want me.โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s bullshit, and you know it.โ€

Actually, I donโ€™t know it. Rich is on the money with one of my biggest fears that if people figure out Iโ€™m not the EZ theyโ€™ve grown accustomed to, they wonโ€™t love me anymore.

โ€œI swear to God heโ€™s way too obsessed with your personal life that I wouldnโ€™t be surprised if heโ€™s getting a payout from the tabloids or newspapers to leak information about where youโ€™re at or who youโ€™re with.โ€

Shrugging, I stay silent. At this point, nothing would surprise me, but regardless, it all feels real defeating, like Iโ€™m stuck with this image for the rest of my career.

โ€œZee,โ€ Maddison says, slightly under his breath. โ€œRich works for you. Youโ€™re in control here. As much as he likes to make you think you donโ€™t,

you hold all the power.โ€

Nodding in agreement, I lean my head back on the headrest behind me, drained. As if the grueling overtime win wasnโ€™t wearing enough on my body, that phone call with Rich has taken its toll on my mind.

I want to stop with all the stupid games. I want to leave the arena alone without anyone questioning me. I want Chicago to re-sign me with no doubt of what I bring to the organization. I want Stevie to be allowed to hang out with me. I want Stevie toย wantย to hang out with me.

I also really want to kiss her.

And tonight, Iโ€™m real tired of not doing the things I want to do.

โ€œIโ€™m gonna call Logan quickly before we take off.โ€ Maddison turns towards the window, dialing his wife. โ€œHappy New Year, baby!โ€

Oh, did I not mention it was New Yearโ€™s Eve, and we have a red-eye flight back to Chicago that will have us flying somewhere over Kansas at midnight?

Because it is, and the only girl I want to kiss when the clock strikes twelve just so happens to be on this airplane. But I canโ€™t touch her. Not here, and maybe not at all.

โ€œHowโ€™s Logan?โ€ I ask as Maddison hangs up with his wife.

โ€œSheโ€™s good.โ€ He smiles to himself. โ€œShe got her dress for the gala.โ€ I stay silent, knowing whatโ€™s about to come.

โ€œI canโ€™t wait to take it off her.โ€

Shaking my head, I canโ€™t help but laugh. Giddy motherfucker. โ€œRich is on my ass about taking a date.โ€

โ€œThen do it. We both know who you want to take, so why donโ€™t you ask her? Sheโ€™s right there.โ€ He nods towards the back of the plane. โ€œHere, letโ€™s do it now.โ€ Maddisonโ€™s hand reaches up to the flight attendant call light above his head, but before his fingers reach it, I swat them away just in time.

โ€œDonโ€™t.โ€ My voice is quiet yet stern. โ€œShe canโ€™t go with me.โ€ โ€œWhy not?โ€

โ€œBecause there will be way too much press there, and sheโ€™s not allowed to fraternize with us.โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s fucking dumb.โ€

โ€œTell me about it.โ€ I exhale a resigned sigh as I lean back in my chair once again. โ€œBesides, I donโ€™t know if sheโ€™d even want to go with me.โ€ My

voice is as hushed as it could be. โ€œAs far as I know, our little hookup was a one and done for her.โ€

Speaking of the sexy devil herself, Stevie comes to the exit row for the safety demo, showing the back half of the airplane how to use the safety equipment, just as she does before every flight.

โ€œLetโ€™s ask her.โ€ Maddison leans forward in his seat to speak to my favorite flight attendant.

โ€œDonโ€™t you dare.โ€ Once again, my volume is low, but my words are punctuated.

Stevieโ€™s gaze narrows at us before resuming her safety demonstration. She keeps her eyes forward, holding the faux seat belt over her head, but speaks to Maddison and me. โ€œWhy do you two over there seem even more in love with each other than usual tonight?โ€

Maddisonโ€™s lips lift in a sneaky smirk. He opens his mouth to speak, and his eyes twinkle with amusement as he looks over at me, testing me.

โ€œDonโ€™t you fucking dare.โ€ My voice is as quiet as I can make it. โ€œIf you say anything, I will end you. Then Iโ€™ll marry your wife just to spite you, and your son will grow up callingย meย Daddy.โ€

โ€œOh, fuck you!โ€ Maddison isnโ€™t trying to be quiet at all. โ€œStevie, Zee wants you to be his date to a charity gala in Chicago, but heโ€™s too chicken shit to ask and doesnโ€™t think youโ€™d want to go with him.โ€

โ€œI fucking hate you. We are no longer friends.โ€

Maddison sits back in his seat, his smug as fuck grin resting on his lips as Stevieโ€™s cute giggle echoes from the aisle.

If my cheeks could change color, Iโ€™d be blushing like a little girl right now as I turn back to look at her. Thankfully, nothing about her expression seems all that thrown off. If anything, sheโ€™s purely amused by my ex-best friend and me.

โ€œI canโ€™t.โ€ Which are the words I knew sheโ€™d say but hearing what I already knew doesnโ€™t suck any less.

Also, that doesnโ€™t clarify if itโ€™s that she canโ€™t because of her job or if she canโ€™t because she doesnโ€™t want to.

โ€œThatโ€™s what I told him.โ€ My smile feels tight and forced, but Iโ€™m trying to act as nonchalant as possible.

โ€œNo, I mean I canโ€™t go with you.โ€

Yes, thank you, Stevie. Please bruise my ego a little more, sweetheart. โ€œBecause Iโ€™m already going.โ€

Well, that causes my head to snap up real quick. โ€œWith my brother.โ€

Oh. I didnโ€™t think of that. Of course, Ryan Shay will be there. All the big names in Chicago sports will be.

Oh, this could be good. The hopeful glint in my eyes and the slight lift at my lips says precisely that.

This could be perfect.

Iโ€™ll be at the gala solo, and no one will be able to question why Stevie is there since sheโ€™ll be there with her brother.

Yeah, this is fucking perfect.

โ€œWhoโ€™s your brother?โ€ Maddisonโ€™s brows furrow in genuine confusion as he looks from Stevie back to me.

Stevieโ€™s eyes connect with mine for a moment in confusion before they soften, realizing that I didnโ€™t even tell my best friend. Sorry…ex-best friend. But of course, I didnโ€™t. She was keeping it a secret even from me, so itโ€™s not like Iโ€™m going to go around spilling her business.

And like I said, I donโ€™t give a shit that Ryan Shay is her brother.

Except right now. Right now, Iโ€™m real stoked that he is because heโ€™s going to get the girl to the gala, and thatโ€™s all I could ask for.

โ€œUm…โ€ she hesitates. โ€œHis name is Ryan Shay. He plays basketball for Chicago.โ€

โ€œShut the fuck up.โ€ Maddisonโ€™s mouth drops open. โ€œOkay,โ€ Stevie laughs.

โ€œWait. Youโ€™re for real? Your brother is Ryan Shay?โ€

She nods, continuing to chuckle at Maddisonโ€™s excitement. But knowing him, more than anything, heโ€™s excited to tell his wife and brother, who are huge basketball fans.

โ€œYeah. He owns the apartment in your building. Iโ€™m staying with him at the moment.โ€

โ€œHoly fucking shit. My wife is going to lose her mind.โ€

Looking up at Stevie standing in the exit row, I shoot her an apologetic smile for my guy fanboying over her brother, but she doesnโ€™t seem all that bothered by it. Sheโ€™s more so amused. Maybe what I said to her, that I like her regardless of her sibling, sunk in.

โ€œBy the way, my wife Logan was excited to meet you that day we went trick or treating,โ€ Maddison adds, bringing it back to Stevie, which Iโ€™m thankful for.

โ€œShe seems great.โ€

โ€œSheโ€™s the fucking best.โ€ This time itโ€™s me chiming in, and Maddison wears a soft smile at the statement.

โ€œThe fucking best,โ€ he agrees.

And apparently, weโ€™re best friends again.

โ€œWell, I guess Iโ€™ll be seeing her at the gala then. And both of you too?โ€ Her eyes dart to me.

Of course, sheโ€™ll be seeing us both. Does she not realize that this gala is a fundraiser for Active Minds of Chicago, the charity that Maddison and I are co-founders of?

โ€œSave me a dance?โ€ My tone comes out a bit too desperate and hopeful but fuck it. I am.

She playfully raises a single brow before her counteroffer. โ€œStop pushing the flight attendant call light?โ€

โ€œSee, those two things donโ€™t really seem equivalent at all.โ€ โ€œHow badly do you want a dance?โ€

My lips lift in a knowing smile. The answer to that? Real fucking badly. I donโ€™t respond because I donโ€™t have to. She knows. That playful smirk sitting on her full lips tells me just that, and the light squeeze she gives my

shoulder as she walks by reaffirms it.

โ€œWipe that stupid grin off your face,โ€ Maddison laughs.

I continue to smile, way too happy about this situation. โ€œCanโ€™t help it.โ€ โ€œYou know you legitimately like her, right? Iโ€™m not sure if youโ€™re

aware, but you do.โ€

A content sigh leaves my lips. โ€œYeah, I know.โ€


Most everyone is asleep a couple of hours into our flight. Iโ€™ve dozed off here and there, but for the most part, Iโ€™m awake.

Somehow my internal alarm wakes me up anytime Stevie walks down the airplane aisle, and I open my eyes just in time to get a perfect view. Whether itโ€™s her amazing ass as she walks up front or her stunning face as she shoots me a soft grin each time she walks to the back.

Itโ€™s a ten out of ten either way.

The plane is pitch black minus the slight glow of light coming from the front and back galleys so no one can see that my head is on a swivel, constantly checking the rear of the plane, looking for an opening to talk to Stevie alone.



Either or.

But it is almost midnight, and I wouldnโ€™t mind starting my year with


โ€œYouโ€™re awake, huh?โ€

My head snaps back to the dark area around me, finding one of the other

flight attendants standing by my seat.

I donโ€™t know her name, but itโ€™s the one that has a problem with Stevie fraternizing with us. With me.

โ€œUh, yeah. Canโ€™t sleep.โ€

She bends down, crouching next to my seat, and making herself eye level with me. โ€œCan I get you anything?โ€

โ€œNope. Iโ€™m good.โ€ My eyes dart to the back galley again, but I canโ€™t see Stevie, though I know sheโ€™s back there. Indy, as Stevie reminded me of her name, stands in plain view in the rear of the airplane, her eyes flickering to my seat, watching.

โ€œAny New Yearsโ€™ plans?โ€ the third flight attendant asks. โ€œYouโ€™re looking at them.โ€

โ€œYou havenโ€™t been out much while on the road. There havenโ€™t been any tabloid shots as of late.โ€

โ€œUm, yeah. Not really into going out these days.โ€ โ€œWell, thatโ€™s a shame because I was hopingโ€”โ€

โ€œHey, Tara,โ€ Indy interrupts. โ€œOne of the pilots needs one of us to swap him out so he can use the lavatory. If you want to go into the cockpit, Iโ€™ll watch the front and cover the door.โ€

โ€œOh.โ€ Tara stands, brushing her skirt smooth, and acting as casual as can be as if she wasnโ€™t dangerously close to teetering that fraternization line sheโ€™s so strict on Stevie about. โ€œYeah, we should do that.โ€

Tara turns on her heel, her shoulders straightening out and her resting bitch face coming back real quick as she heads towards the front of the plane.

Indy follows behind, but before sheโ€™s too far ahead, she shifts to look at me over her shoulder, shooting me a knowing wink. Turning back to realize the galley is empty sans one curly-haired girl, I offer Indy a cheeky smile before sheโ€™s up and out of sight.

Blondie is the captain of this ship, apparently.

As quietly as possible, attempting not to wake any of my teammates, I sneak my ass down the aisle to the back of the airplane, where I know Stevie is hiding away.

โ€œHey,โ€ I softly say, unable to hold back my way too hopeful grin when I find Stevie alone. I place my hands on either side of the partition, separating the galley from the rest of the plane, casually blocking us from anyone else.

โ€œHey.โ€ Her cheeks instantly flush under her freckles. โ€œHappy New Year.โ€

Stevie checks her watch. โ€œYouโ€™ve still got a few more minutes.โ€ โ€œSo, this gala…โ€


โ€œYouโ€™re going.โ€

โ€œYes,โ€ she giggles.

โ€œThatโ€™s cool.โ€ Nodding my head like an idiot. โ€œOr whatever.โ€

โ€œOr whatever.โ€ Her smile is bright, clearly recognizing Iโ€™m way too happy about this.

I take a step into the galley, and Stevieโ€™s expression instantly shifts. Her feet retract back, keeping the same distance between us.

The playful smile on her lips is gone, most likely because mine is too. I can feel the fire and want in my eyes as I corner her by taking another step forward. Only this time, she has nowhere to go, so her back hits the wall behind her as her mouth drops open. But still, I keep about a foot between us, not bombarding her space too much.

Not until she tells me she wants me to.

โ€œAnd if you werenโ€™t going with your brother, would you be going with me?โ€ My voice is low and thick.

Stevie doesnโ€™t respond, but I watch her throat bob in a swallow as the pulse in her neck pounds against the delicate flesh.

โ€œIf you couldnโ€™t get in trouble, would you be going with me?โ€

Again, she doesnโ€™t respond, her pretty eyes filled with all the words she wants to say but wonโ€™t.

โ€œSay yes,โ€ I whisper. โ€œTell me youโ€™d go with me. Tell me youย wantย to go with me.โ€

I need her to say yes, not just to inflate my ego, but because I need to know Iโ€™m not crazy. I need to know that she feels it too. That she likes being around me just as much. That she likes talking to me just as much. That she likes fucking me just as much. That she likes teasing me just as much.

โ€œHappy mother-fucking New Year!โ€ Rio yells from his seat, waking up the entire plane and startling me, causing me to jump back from the flight attendant who could get in trouble for our position.

Rio blasts his boom box as loud as possible, music blaring through the aircraft as cheers and shouts echo throughout the airplane. I peek down the aisle, seeing all my teammates wake up, a few of them dancing to the loud as fuck music.

Stevie slips her hand in mine, bringing my attention back to her as she hides in the corner of the galley for no one else to see, her back pressed against the wall.

She tugs the fabric of my shirt, bringing me to stand only inches in front of her. My palms find the wall behind her on either side of her head, caging her in.

Iโ€™m painfully aware that my chest is rising and falling more rapidly than it should, but this girl has had me off my game for months now, and Iโ€™m nervously breathing like there might not be any oxygen left on board soon.

What is she going to do? What is she going to let me do?

Looking up at me behind those dark lashes, Stevieโ€™s eyes bounce between mine. Thereโ€™s a touch of uncertainty in those blue-greens. Like sheโ€™s not sure whatโ€™s sheโ€™s doing. Like sheโ€™s not sure if she can say it.

But she seems like she wants to say it. Say it.

โ€œYes.โ€ She bites her bottom lip. โ€œI wish I could go with you.โ€

โ€œGood Dayโ€ blares through the aircraft, wafting from the boom box speakers as my mouth lifts on one side. My tongue slyly wets my lips as Stevieโ€™s eyes trail the movement, asking them to come closer without saying a word.

And when she hooks two fingers into the gold chain around my neck, bringing my mouth to hers, I know itโ€™s going to be a good day.

Itโ€™s going to be a good fucking year.

My mouth covers hers, needing, wanting, taking everything she has to offer.

Her hand curves around my neck, pulling me in, her metal rings cooling the heat of my skin. I lean into her, pushing her up against the side of the aircraft, needing to get as close as I can, needing everything.

My hands leave the wall, and instead, cup both her cheeks as her lips part open, her tongue sweeping in and finding mine. Sheโ€™s soft and warm, and for someone who has never been one for intimate kissing, I canโ€™t imagine not having this moment.

Her hips rhythmically push into mine with want, and the moan that leaves my throat is loud, but thankfully Rioโ€™s music covers up my desperate and hungry sounds.

The plane is getting louder, the boys are getting rowdier, and I need to stop so I donโ€™t get Stevie in trouble.

But, fuck, I donโ€™t want to stop. So, I donโ€™t.

My tongue explores her, swiping and tasting, our lips moving in perfect sync, not missing a beat, like we were made to do this with each other.

Finally, and unfortunately, Stevie pulls back slightly, breaking the connection. But the content smile sheโ€™s wearing on her swollen lips holds no sign of regretโ€”just satisfaction.

Fuck, I like kissing her.

Keeping my tatted hands covering her jaw, I lean my forehead on hers, both of us trying to fill our lungs with the oxygen we deprived ourselves of for a little too long.

โ€œHappy New Year,โ€ I whisper into her lips. โ€œHappy New Year.โ€ She smiles.

The amount of eye contact going on right now wouldโ€™ve been alarming a few months ago, but I canโ€™t find the will to look away.

I want it.

I want her.

She holds my stare, both of us equally content in this place.

โ€œIโ€™ll take a sparkling water,โ€ I softly say, ruining the moment because I have to before someone comes back here.

My cheeky smile is filled with amusement as Stevie playfully pushes my chest away.

โ€œGet out of here,โ€ she laughs.

Finding myself exceptionally hilarious, I chuckle right along with her before I head back to my seat. I take one step out of the galley before changing my mind and quickly turning back to steal one more swift kiss, away from anyoneโ€™s sight.

โ€œExtra limes, sweetheart.โ€ I linger right above her lips. โ€œI hate you.โ€

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