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Chapter no 23

Maybe Someday


Sound triggers.

They happen a lot, but mostly when I hear certain songs. Especially songs Hunter and I both loved. If I listen to a song during a particularly depressing period, then hear it later on down the road, it brings back all the old feelings associated with that song. There are songs I used to love that now I absolutely refuse to listen to. They trigger memories and feelings I donโ€™t want to experience again.

My text tone has become one of those sound triggers.

Namely, Ridgeโ€™s text tone. Itโ€™s very distinct, a snippet from the demo of our song โ€œMaybe Someday.โ€ I assigned it to him after I heard the song for the first time. Iโ€™d like to say that sound trigger is a negative one, but Iโ€™m not so sure it is. The kiss I experienced with him during the song certainly led to negative feelings of guilt, but the kiss itself still turns my heart into a hot mess just thinking about it. And I think about it a lot. Way more than I should.

In fact, Iโ€™m thinking about it right now as the snippet of our song pours from the speakers of my cell phone, indicating that Iโ€™m receiving a text.

From Ridge.

I honestly never expected to hear this sound again.

I roll over on my bed and stretch my arm to the nightstand, my now- trembling fingers grasping at my phone. Knowing that Iโ€™ve received a text from him has once again wreaked havoc with my organs, and theyโ€™ve forgotten how to function properly. I pull the phone to my chest and close my eyes, too nervous to read his words.

Beat, beat, pause. Contract, expand. Inhale, exhale.

I slowly open my eyes and hold up the phone, then unlock the screen.

Ridge: Are you home?

Am I home?

Why would he care if I were home? He doesnโ€™t even know where I live. Besides, he made it pretty clear where his heartโ€™s loyalty resided when he told me to move out three weeks ago.

But Iย amย home, and despite my better judgment, I want him to know Iโ€™m home. Iโ€™m tempted to respond with my address and tell him to come find out for himself whether or not Iโ€™m home.

Instead, I go with something safer. Something less telling.

Me: Yes.

I pull the covers off and sit up on the edge of the bed, watching my phone, too afraid even to blink.

Ridge: Youโ€™re not answering the door. Am I at the wrong apartment?

Oh, God.

Iย hopeย heโ€™s at the wrong apartment. Or maybe I hope heโ€™s at theย rightย apartment. I canโ€™t really tell, because Iโ€™m happy heโ€™s here, but Iโ€™m pissed off that heโ€™s here.

These conflicting feelings are exhausting.

I stand and run out of my bedroom, straight to my front door. I peer through the peephole, and sure enough, heโ€™s at my front door.

Me: Youโ€™re outside my door, so yeah. Right apartment.

I look out the peephole again after hitting send, and heโ€™s standing with his palm flat against the door, staring at his phone. Seeing the pained expression on his face and knowing it derives from the battle his heart is going through makes me want to swing open the door and throw my arms around him. I close my eyes and press my forehead to the door in order to give myself time to think before making any rash decisions. My heart is being pulled toward him, and I canโ€™t think of anything I want more right now than to open this door.

However, I also know that opening the door wonโ€™t do either of us any good. He just broke up with Maggie a matter of weeks ago, so if heโ€™s here for me, he can turn right around and leave. Thereโ€™s no way anything could work between us when I know heโ€™s still heartbroken over someone else. I deserve more than what he can give me right now. Iโ€™ve been through too much this year to let someone screw with my heart like this.

He shouldnโ€™t be here.

Ridge: Can I come in?

I turn until my back is pressed against the door. I clutch the phone to my chest and squeeze my eyes shut. I donโ€™t want to read his words. I donโ€™t want to see his face. Everything about him makes me lose sight of whatโ€™s important, whatโ€™s best for me. He isnโ€™t whatโ€™s best for my life right now, especially considering what heโ€™s gone through in his own life, and I should walk away from this door and not let him in.

But everything in me wants to let him in. โ€œPlease, Sydney.โ€

The words are almost an inaudible whisper through the other side of the door, but I definitely heard them. Every single part of me heard them. The desperation in his voice, combined with the simple fact that he spoke, completely slays me. I allow my heart to make my decision for me this time as I slowly face the door. I turn the lock and slide the latch loose, then open the door.

I canโ€™t describe what it feels like to see him standing in front of me again without using the termย terrifying.

Everything about the way he makes me feel is absolutely terrifying. The way my heart wants to be held by him is terrifying. The way my knees seem to forget how to hold me up is terrifying. The way my mouth wants to be claimed by his is terrifying.

I do my best to hide what his presence does to me by turning away from him and walking toward the living room.

I donโ€™t know why Iโ€™m trying to hide my reaction from him, but isnโ€™t that what people do? We try so hard to hide everything weโ€™re really feeling from those who probably need to know our true feelings the most. People try to bottle up their emotions, as if itโ€™s somehow wrong to have natural reactions to life.

My natural reaction in this moment is to turn and hug him, regardless of the reason heโ€™s here. My arms want to be around him, my face wants to be pressed against his chest, my back wants to be cradled by himโ€”yet Iโ€™m standing here trying to pretend thatโ€™s the last thing I need from him.


I inhale a calming breath, then turn around when I hear him close the front door behind him. I lift my eyes to meet his, and heโ€™s standing several feet in front of me, watching me. I can tell by the tightness in his expression that heโ€™s doing exactly what Iโ€™m doing. Heโ€™s holding back everything heโ€™s feeling for the sake of . . . what?



The one thing Iโ€™ve always admired about my relationship with Ridge is that weโ€™re so honest and real with each other. Iโ€™ve always been able to say exactly what I was thinking, and so has he. I donโ€™t like this shift weโ€™ve made.

I try to smile at him, but Iโ€™m not sure if my smile is working right now. I speak to him and enunciate clearly so he can read my lips. โ€œAre you here because you need a flaw?โ€

He laughs and exhales at the same time, relieved that Iโ€™m not angry.

Iโ€™mย notย angry. Iโ€™ve never been mad at him. The decisions heโ€™s made during the time heโ€™s known me arenโ€™t decisions I can hold against him. The only thing I hold against him is the night he kissed me and ruined me for every other kiss Iโ€™ll ever experience.

I take a seat on the couch and look up at him. โ€œAre you okay?โ€ I ask.

He sighs, and I quickly look away. Itโ€™s hard enough being in the same room as him right now, but even harder to make eye contact with him. He completes the walk into the living room and sits on the couch next to me.

I debated buying more furniture, but one couch was all I could afford. A love seat at that. Iโ€™m not so sure Iโ€™m sad about my lack of furniture, though, because his leg is touching my thigh, and the simple contact causes heat to roll through me like a riptide. I look down at our knees when they brush together and realize Iโ€™m still wearing the T-shirt I threw on right before I went to bed. I guess I was so shocked by the fact that he said he was at my apartment door that I didnโ€™t concern myself with how I looked. Iโ€™m in nothing but an oversized cotton T-shirt that falls to my knees, and my hair is more than likely a wreck.

Heโ€™s in jeans and a gray Sounds of Cedar T-shirt. I would say I feel underdressed, but Iโ€™m actually dressed appropriately for what I was doing before he showed up, which was going to bed.

Ridge: I donโ€™t know if Iโ€™m okay. Are you okay?

I forgot I even asked him a question for a second.

I shrug. Iโ€™m sure I will be fine, but Iโ€™m not going to lie and tell him I am. I think itโ€™s obvious that neither one of us can really be okay with how everything has turned out. Iโ€™m not okay with losing Ridge, and Ridge isnโ€™t okay with losing Maggie.

Me: Iโ€™m sorry about Maggie. I feel awful. Sheโ€™ll come around, though. Five years is a lot to give up for a misunderstanding.

I hit send and finally look up at him. He reads the text, then eyes me. The concentration in his expression makes the breath catch in my lungs.

Ridge: It wasnโ€™t a misunderstanding, Sydney. She understood a little too well.

I read his text several times, wishing he would expand on it.ย Whatย wasnโ€™t a misunderstanding? The reason they broke up? His feelings for me? Rather than ask him what he means, I cut to the question I want the answer to the most.

Me: Why are you here?

He works his jaw back and forth before responding.

Ridge: Do you want me to leave?

I look at him and slowly shake my head no. Then I pause and shake my head yes. Then I pause again and just shrug. He smiles endearingly, completely understanding my confusion.

Me: I guess whether or not I want you here depends on why youโ€™re here. Are you here because you need me to try to help you win back Maggie? Are you here because you miss me? Are you here because you want to try to work out some sort of friendship?

Ridge: Would I be wrong if I answered none of the above? I donโ€™t know why Iโ€™m here. Part of me misses you so much it hurts, while part of me wishes I never even met you to begin with. I guess today is one of the days I was hurting, so I stole Warrenโ€™s keys and forced him to give me your address. I didnโ€™t think this through or come up with any kind of speech. I just did what my heart needed me to do, which was to see you.

His brutally honest reply melts my heart and pisses me off all at the same time.

Me: What about tomorrow? What if tomorrow is one of the days you wished you never met me? What am I supposed to do then?

The intensity in his stare is unnerving. Maybe heโ€™s trying to gauge if that was an angry response. Iโ€™m not sure if it was or not. Iโ€™m not sure how I feel about the fact that he doesnโ€™t even know why heโ€™s here.

He doesnโ€™t respond to my text, and it proves one thing: heโ€™s having the same internal conflict with himself that Iโ€™ve been having.

He wants to be with me, but he doesnโ€™t.

He wants to love me, but he doesnโ€™t know if he should. He wants to see me, but he knows he shouldnโ€™t.

He wants to kiss me, but it would hurt just as much as it did the first time he kissed me and had to walk away. I suddenly feel uncomfortable staring at him. Weโ€™re way too close together on this couch, yet my body is making it very clear to me that it doesnโ€™t think weโ€™re close enough at all. What itโ€™s wishing would happen right now are all the things that arenโ€™t.

Ridge looks away and slowly scans my apartment for a few moments, then returns his attention to his phone.

Ridge: I like your place. Good neighborhood. Seems safe.

I almost laugh at his text and the casual conversation heโ€™s trying to make, because I know weโ€™re no longer in a place for casual conversation. We canโ€™t be friends at this point. We also canโ€™t be together with so much against us. Casual conversation has no place between us right now, yet I canโ€™t bring myself to reply any differently.

Me: I like it here. Thank you for helping me out with the hotel until I could move in. Ridge: It was the least I could do. Absolutely the least I could do.

Me: Iโ€™ll pay you back as soon as I get my first paycheck. I got my job back at the campus library, so it should only be another week.

Ridge: Sydney, stop. I donโ€™t even want you to offer.

I have no idea what to say in response. This whole situation is awkward and uncomfortable, because weโ€™re both dancing around all the things we wish we had the courage to do and say.

I set my phone facedown on the couch. I want him to know that I need a break. I donโ€™t like that we arenโ€™t being us.

He takes the hint and lays his phone down on the armrest beside him, then sighs heavily as he drops his head against the back of the couch. The silence makes me wish I could experience the world from his perspective for once. I find it almost impossible to put myself in his shoes, though. People with the advantage of hearing take so much for granted, and Iโ€™ve never understood that to the extent that I understand it now. Thereโ€™s nothing being spoken between us, yet I understand by his heavy sigh that heโ€™s frustrated with himself. I understand how much heโ€™s holding back by the way his breaths are being sharply pulled in.

I suppose his expertise in a silent world gives him an ability to read people, just in different ways. Instead of focusing on the sounds of my

breaths, he focuses on the rise and fall of my chest. Rather than listening to quiet sighs, he more than likely watches my eyes, my hands, my posture. Maybe thatโ€™s why his face is tilted toward mine now, because he wants to see me and get a feel for whatโ€™s going through my head.

I feel as if he reads me too well. The way heโ€™s watching me forces me to try to control every facial expression and every breath. I close my eyes and lean my head back, knowing heโ€™s staring, trying to get a sense of where I am.

I also wish I could just turn to him and tell him. I want to tell him how much Iโ€™ve missed him. I want to tell him how much he means to me. I want to tell him how horrible I feel, because before I showed up in his life, everything seemed perfect for him. I want to tell him that even though we both regretted it, that minute we spent kissing was the one minute out of my entire life that I wouldnโ€™t trade for the world.

At moments like these, Iโ€™m thankful heย canโ€™tย hear me, or there would have been so many things spoken that I would regret.

Instead, there are so many things left unsaid that I wish I had the courage to say.

Ridgeโ€™s weight shifts on the couch, and my eyes naturally open out of curiosity. Heโ€™s leaning across the arm of the couch, reaching for something. When he turns back around, heโ€™s holding a pen in his hand. He smiles softly, then picks up my arm. He turns his body toward mine and presses the pen to my open palm.

I swallow hard and slowly look up at his face, but heโ€™s looking down at my hand as he writes. I could swear I almost see a faint smile flash across his lips. When heโ€™s finished, he brings my palm to his mouth and blows softly to dry the ink. His lips are moist and puckered into a pout, and holy hell, it just got really warm in this apartment. He lowers my hand, and I look down at it.

Just wanted to touch your hand.

I laugh softly. Mostly because his words are so innocent and sweet compared to the things heโ€™s written on me in the past. Iโ€™ve been sitting here on this couch with him for ten minutes, wishing he would touch me, and then he goes and admits he was thinking the exact same thing. Itโ€™s so juvenile, as if weโ€™re teenagers. Iโ€™m almost embarrassed that it pleases me this much that heโ€™s touching me, but I canโ€™t recall a time Iโ€™ve ever wanted anything more.

He hasnโ€™t released my hand yet, and Iโ€™m still looking down at his writing, smiling. I brush my thumb across the back of his hand, and he gasps quietly. The permission I just gave him with that tiny movement

seems to have broken some invisible barrier, because he immediately slides his hand over mine and presses our palms together, then intertwines our fingers. The warmth of his hand doesnโ€™t come close to the warmth that just shot through my entire body.

God, if just holding hands with him feels this intense, I canโ€™t imagine what everything else with him would feel like.

Weโ€™re both watching our hands now, feeling every bit of the connection pulsating through our palms. He brushes over my thumb and flips our hands over, then takes the pen and presses it to my wrist. He moves the pen slowly up my wrist, drawing in a straight line all the way up my forearm. I donโ€™t stop him. I simply watch him. When he reaches the crease in my elbow, he begins to write again. I read each word as he writes it.

Just an excuse to touch you here, too.

Without releasing my hand, he lifts my arm and keeps his eyes focused on mine as he bends forward and blows softly up and down my arm. He presses his lips lightly against his words and kisses them without once breaking eye contact. When his lips meet my arm, I feel a soft flick of his tongue tease my arm for a split second before his mouth closes over my skin.

That might have just made me whimper. Yep. Pretty sure I just whimpered.

God, Iโ€™m so glad he couldnโ€™t hear that.

He pulls his lips away from my arm and continues to watch me, gauging my reaction. His eyes are dark and piercing, and theyโ€™re focused all over me. On my lips, on my eyes, on my neck, on my hair, on my chest. He canโ€™t seem to take me in fast enough.

He presses the pen against my skin again, starting where he left off. He rolls the pen slowly up my arm, watching it intently the whole time. When he reaches the sleeve of my T-shirt, he pushes it up carefully until my shoulder is exposed. He makes a small mark with the pen, then slowly leans over me. My head falls back against the couch when I feel his lips meet my skin. His breath is close and warm against my shoulder. Iโ€™m not even thinking about the fact that heโ€™s drawing all over me. That can be washed off later. Right now, I just want his pen to keep going and going until itโ€™s completely out of ink.

He pulls away and releases my hand, switching the pen to his other hand. He pulls my sleeve back down over my shoulder, then slips his fingers inside the collar of my T-shirt, tugging it to expose more of my collarbone. He puts the tip of the pen on my shoulder and glances up at

me while he proceeds with caution, making his way to my neck. His expression is heated, and I can tell heโ€™s proceeding with caution, despite the fact that I know exactly what he wishes were happening right now and where he plans to go with this pen. He doesnโ€™t have to verbalize it when his eyes clearly state it for him.

He moves the pen slowly up my neck. I naturally tilt my head to the side, and as soon as I do, I hear a rush of air hiss quietly through his teeth. He comes to a stop just below my ear. I squeeze my eyes shut and hope my heart doesnโ€™t explode when he leans in, because it definitely feels as if it could. His lips press gently against my skin, and I swear the room flips upside down.

Or maybe that was just my heart.

One of my hands slides up his arm and grasps the back of his head, not wanting him to pull away from this spot. His tongue makes another quick appearance against my neck, but he doesnโ€™t let my desperation stall him. He lifts away and looks back down at me. His eyes are smiling, knowing how crazy heโ€™s driving me.

He rolls the pen from the spot below my ear, back down my neck, and around to the dip in the base of my throat. Before kissing the spot he just marked, he grabs me by the waist and lifts me up, sliding me onto his lap.

I grasp his arms and suck in a rush of air the second he pulls me against him. My T-shirt slides up my thighs, and the fact that Iโ€™m not wearing anything under it except underwear pretty much guarantees that Iโ€™ve gotten myself into something thatโ€™s going to be damn hard to pull away from.

His eyes drop to the base of my throat as he slides a hand up my thigh, over my hip, and all the way up and into my hair. He grasps the back of my head, then pulls my neck against his mouth. This kiss is harder and not at all cautious like the rest of them. I slide my hands into his hair and keep his mouth pressed against my neck.

He works his kisses all the way up my neck until his mouth meets my chin. Our bodies are meshed firmly together, and one of his hands has found my lower back and is keeping me flush against him.

I canโ€™t move. Iโ€™m literally panting for breath, wondering where in the hell the strong Sydney went. Whereโ€™s the Sydney who knows this shouldnโ€™t be happening?

Iโ€™ll look for her later. After he finishes with his pen.

He pulls away when his lips come close to my mouth. Our bodies are as close as they can get without his mouth being on mine. He removes

his hand from my lower back and brings the pen back around to my throat. When he touches the tip of it to my skin, I gulp, anticipating which direction heโ€™s about to go with it.

North or south, north or south. I donโ€™t really care.

He begins to scroll upward, but then he stops. He pulls the pen away from my neck and shakes it, then touches it to my neck again. He makes another movement upward with the pen but stops again. He pulls back slightly and frowns at the pen, which Iโ€™m assuming has just run out of ink. He looks back at me and tosses the pen over my shoulder. I hear it land on the floor behind me.

His eyes drop to my lips, which Iโ€™m assuming would have been the penโ€™s final destination. Weโ€™re both breathing heavily, knowing exactly whatโ€™s about to come next. What weโ€™re about to experience again for the second time, knowing how much our first kiss affected us.

I think heโ€™s as terrified as I am right now.

Iโ€™m leaning all my weight into him, because Iโ€™ve never been this weak. I canโ€™t think, I canโ€™t move, I canโ€™t breathe. I just . . .ย need.

He brings both hands to my cheeks and looks directly into my eyes. โ€œYour call,โ€ he whispers.

Jesus Christ, that voice.

I stare at him, not sure if I like that he just put the control in my hands.

He wants this to be my decision.

Itโ€™s so much easier having someone else to blame when things go where they shouldnโ€™t. I know we shouldnโ€™t be putting ourselves into a situation weโ€™re only going to regret once itโ€™s over. I could put a stop to it right here. I could make it easier by asking him to leave now, rather than when things get even more complicated between us. I could slide off his lap and tell him he shouldnโ€™t be here because he hasnโ€™t even had time to forgive himself for what happened with Maggie. I could tell him to go away and not come back until his heart isnโ€™t confused anymore about who it wants.

If that day ever comes.

There are so many things I could and should and need to do, but none of them is what Iย wantย to do.

The pressure picks the worst possible time to break me. Theย worst

possible time.

I squeeze my eyes shut when I feel a tear begin to work its way out. It trickles down my cheek, falling slowly toward my jaw. Itโ€™s the absolutely slowest descent a tear has ever made. I open my eyes, and Ridge is watching it. Heโ€™s following the wet trail with his eyes, and I can see his

jaw growing more tense with every second that passes. I want to reach up and wipe it away, but the last thing I want to do is hide it from him. My tears say a whole lot more about how Iโ€™m feeling right now than Iโ€™m willing to say in a text.

Maybe I need him to know that this is hurting me. Maybe I want it to hurt him, too.

When the tear finally curves and disappears under my jaw, he brings his eyes back to mine. Iโ€™m surprised by what I see in them.

His own tears.

Knowing that heโ€™s hurting because Iโ€™m hurting shouldnโ€™t make me want to kiss him, but it absolutely does. Heโ€™s here because he cares about me. Heโ€™s here because he misses me. Heโ€™s here because he needs to feel what we felt in our first kiss again, just as I do. Iโ€™ve wanted that feeling back since the second his mouth left mine and he walked away.

I remove my hands from his shoulders and grab the back of his head, then lean into him, bringing my mouth so close to his that our lips brush.

He grins. โ€œGood call,โ€ he whispers.

He closes the space between our mouths, and everything else falls away. The guilt, the worries, the concern over what happens after this kiss ends. It all melts away the second his mouth claims mine. He gently coaxes my lips apart with his tongue, and all the chaos running through my heart and head is eliminated when I feel his warmth inside my mouth.

Kisses like his should come with a warning label. They canโ€™t be good for the heart. He runs a hand around to my upper thigh, then slips it beneath the hem of my T-shirt. His hand glides across my back, and he grips me tightly, then lifts his hips at the same time as he pulls me harder against him.


My. Goodness.

I become weaker and weaker with every rhythmic movement he creates with our bodies. I find whatever parts of him I can hold on to, because I feel as if Iโ€™m falling. I grab his shirt and his hair while I moan softly into his mouth. When he feels the sound escape my throat, he quickly pulls away from my mouth and squeezes his eyes shut, breathing heavily. When he opens his eyes again, heโ€™s staring at my throat.

He pulls his hand from beneath my shirt, then slowly brings it up to my neck.

Oh, my dear, sweet God.

He wraps his fingers around my neck, gently pressing his palm into the base of my throat while he stares at my mouth. The thought of him wanting to feel what heโ€™s doing to me makes my head swarm and the entire room spin. Iโ€™m somehow able to glance into his eyes long enough to see them transform from a calm desire to an almost carnal need.

With his other hand still curved around the back of my head, he pulls me to him with more urgency, covering my mouth with his. The second his tongue finds mine again, I give him more moans than he can possibly keep up with.

This is exactly what Iโ€™ve wanted from him. Iโ€™ve wanted him to show up and tell me how much heโ€™s missed me. Iโ€™ve needed to know that he cares about me, that he wants me. Iโ€™ve needed to feel his mouth on mine again so I could know that the way his first kiss made me feel wasnโ€™t just in my head this whole time.

Now that I have it, Iโ€™m not sure Iโ€™m strong enough for it. I know that the second this ends and he walks out the front door, my heart will die all over again. The more I open up to him, the more I need him. The more I admit to myself that I need him, the more it hurts to know that I still donโ€™t exactly have him.

Iโ€™m still not convinced that heโ€™s here for the right reasons. Even if heย isย here for the right reasons, itโ€™s still wrong timing. Not to mention all the questions still running through my head. I try to push them away, and for brief moments, it works. When his hands graze my cheek or his lips close over mine, I forget all about those questions that I canโ€™t seem to run away from. But then heโ€™ll pause to catch his breath, and heโ€™ll look me in the eye, and all those questions just cram right back into the front of my head, until theyโ€™re so heavy that theyโ€™re forcing more tears to want to escape.

I clench his arms when the uncertainty begins to take over. I shake my head and try to push against him. He pulls away from my mouth and sees my doubt building, and he shakes his head to get me to stop analyzing this moment between us. His eyes are pleading as he strokes my cheek, pulls me flush against him, and tries to kiss me again, but I struggle out of his arms.

โ€œRidge, no,โ€ I say. โ€œI canโ€™t.โ€

Iโ€™m still shaking my head when his hand grips my wrist. I slide off his lap and keep walking until his fingers fall away from me.

I walk straight to the kitchen sink and dispense soap into my hands, then begin scrubbing the ink off my arm. I reach into a drawer and pull out a rag, then wet it and press it to my neck. Tears are streaming down

my cheeks as I try to wash away the reminders of what just happened between us. The reminders are going to make him that much harder to overcome.

Ridge comes up behind me and places his hands on my shoulders. He turns me around to face him. When he sees that Iโ€™m crying, his eyes fill with apology, and he pulls the rag from my hand. He brushes the hair off my shoulder and gently rubs my skin, washing away the ink. He looks incredibly guilty for making me cry, but itโ€™s not his fault. Itโ€™s never his fault. Itโ€™s no oneโ€™s fault. Itโ€™s both our faults.

When heโ€™s finished rubbing away the ink, he tosses the rag behind me onto the counter, then pulls me against his chest. The comfort that surrounds me makes this even harder. I want this all the time. I wantย himย all the time. I want these tiny snippets of perfection between us to be our constant reality, but that canโ€™t happen right now. I completely understand his earlier comment, when he said that there are times he misses me and times he wishes he never met me, because right now, Iโ€™m wishing I never set foot out onto my balcony the first time I heard his guitar.

If I never experienced how he could make me feel, then I wouldnโ€™t miss it after heโ€™s gone.

I wipe my eyes and pull away from him. Thereโ€™s so much we need to discuss, so I walk to the couch, retrieve our phones, and bring his to him. I move away from him to lean against the other counter while I type, but he grabs my arm and pulls me back. He leans against the bar and pulls my back against his chest, then wraps his arms around me from behind. He kisses the side of my head, then moves his lips to my ear.

โ€œStay here,โ€ he says, wanting me to remain pressed against him.

Itโ€™s crazy how being held by someone for just a few minutes can forever change how it feelsย notย to be held by him. The second he releases his hold on you, it suddenly feels as if a part of you is missing. I guess he feels it, too, which is why he wants me near him.

Does he feel this way about Maggie, too?

Questions like this refuse to leave my mind. Questions like this keep me from believing he could ever be happy with the outcome of his situation, because he lost her in the end. I donโ€™t want to be someoneโ€™s second choice.

I lean my head against his shoulder and squeeze my eyes shut, trying my best not to let my mind go there again. However, I know I have to go there if I ever want to find a sense of closure.

Ridge: I wish I could read your mind.

Me: Believe me, I wish you could, too.

He laughs quietly and squeezes me tightly in his arms. He keeps his cheek pressed against my head as he types out another text.

Ridge: Weโ€™ve always been able to say whatever is on our minds. You still have that with me, you know. You can say whatever you need to say, Sydney. Thatโ€™s what Iโ€™ve always loved about us the most.

Why do all the words he says and writes and texts have to pierce my heart?

I inhale a deep breath, then exhale carefully. I open my eyes and look down at my phone, terrified to ask the one question I donโ€™t really want the answer to. I ask it anyway, because as much as I donโ€™tย wantย to know the answer, Iย needย to know the answer.

Me: If she texted you right now and said she made the wrong choice, would you go? Would you walk out my front door without thinking twice?

My head stills when the rapid rise and fall of his chest comes to a sudden halt.

I can no longer hear his breaths. His grip around me loosens slightly. My heart crumbles.

I donโ€™t need to read an answer from him. I donโ€™t even need toย hearย it. I can feel it in every part of him.

Itโ€™s not as if I were expecting his answer to be any different. He spent five years with her. Itโ€™s obvious that he loves her. Heโ€™s never said otherwise.

I was just hoping he was wrong.

I immediately break away from him and walk swiftly toward my bedroom. I want to lock myself inside until he leaves. I donโ€™t want him to see what this does to me. I donโ€™t want him to see that I love him the same way he loves Maggie.

I reach my bedroom and swing open the door. I rush inside and begin to shut the door behind me, but he pushes the door open. He steps into my bedroom and turns me around to face him.

His eyes are searching mine, desperately trying to get across whatever it is he wishes he could say. He opens his mouth as if heโ€™s going to speak, but then he closes it again. He releases my arms, then turns around and runs his hands through his hair. He grips the back of his neck, then kicks my bedroom door shut with a frustrated groan. He leans his

forearm into the door and presses his forehead against it. I do nothing but stand still and watch him try to fight the war within himself. The same war Iโ€™ve been fighting.

He remains in the same position while he lifts his phone and responds to my text.

Ridge: Thatโ€™s not a fair question.

Me: Yeah, well, you didnโ€™t really put me in a fair situation by showing up here tonight.

He turns until his back is flat against my bedroom door. He brings two frustrated hands to his forehead, then lifts his leg at the knee and kicks the door behind him. Seeing him struggle with who he really wants is more pain than Iโ€™m willing to endure. I deserve more than he can give me right now, and his conflict is screwing with my heart. Screwing with my head. Everything with him is just too much.

Me: I want you to leave. I canโ€™t be around you anymore. It terrifies me that youโ€™re wishing I were her.

He hangs his head and stares at the floor for several moments while I continue to stare at him. He isnโ€™t denying that heโ€™d rather be with Maggie right now. He isnโ€™t making excuses or telling me he could love me more than he loves her.

Heโ€™s completely quiet . . . because he knows Iโ€™m right.

Me: I need you to leave. Please. And if you really care about me, you wonโ€™t come back.

He slowly turns and faces me. His eyes lock with mine, and Iโ€™ve never seen more emotions flash through them than in this moment.

โ€œNo,โ€ he says firmly.

He begins walking toward me, and I begin backing away from him. Heโ€™s shaking his head pleadingly. He reaches me just as my legs meet my bed, and then he grabs my face between his hands and presses his lips to mine.

I shake my head and push against his chest. He steps away from me and winces, looking even more frustrated with his inability to communicate with me. His eyes search the room for whatever will help him convince me Iโ€™m wrong, but I know nothing can help our situation. He just needs to realize this, too.

He looks down at my bed, then back at me. He grabs my hand and pulls me around to the side of the bed. He places his hands on my

shoulders and pushes me down until Iโ€™m seated. I have no idea what heโ€™s doing, so I donโ€™t resist.


He continues to lower me until Iโ€™m lying with my back flat on the bed. He stands straight up and removes his T-shirt. Before he even has it completely over his head, Iโ€™m already attempting to roll off the bed. If he thinks sex will fix our situation, heโ€™s not as smart as I thought he was.

โ€œNo,โ€ he says again when he sees me trying to escape.

The sheer conviction in his voice causes me to freeze, and I fall back against my mattress again. He kneels down on the bed, grabs a pillow, and lays it beside my head. He lies down next to me, and my whole body tenses from his close proximity. He picks up his phone.

Ridge: Listen to me, Sydney.

I stare at the text in anticipation of what heโ€™ll type next. When I notice that heโ€™s not even texting me a follow-up, I look at him. He shakes his head and pulls my phone from my hands, then tosses it beside him. He takes my hand and places it over his heart.

โ€œHere,โ€ he says, patting my hand. โ€œListen to me here.โ€

My chest tightens when I realize what he wants me to do. He pulls me to him, and I willingly allow it. He gently lowers my head to his heart as he adjusts himself beneath me and helps me get comfortable.

I relax against his chest, finding the rhythm of his heartbeat.

Beat, beat, pause. Beat, beat, pause. Beat, beat, pause.

Itโ€™s absolutely beautiful.

The way it sounds is beautiful. The way it cares is beautiful.

The way it loves is beautiful.

He presses his lips to the top of my head. I close my eyes . . . and I cry.


I hold her against me for so long Iโ€™m not even sure if sheโ€™s awake. I still have so much I want to say to her, but I donโ€™t want to move. I love the way she feels when weโ€™re wrapped together like this. Iโ€™m afraid if I move, sheโ€™ll come to her senses again and ask me to leave.

Itโ€™s barely been three weeks since Maggie and I broke up. When Sydney asked if Iโ€™d take Maggie back, I didnโ€™t answer, but only because I know she wouldnโ€™t believe my answer.

I love Maggie, but I honestly donโ€™t think Maggie and I are best for each other anymore. I know exactly where we went wrong. The beginning of our relationship was romantic to the point where it was almost fictionalized. We were nineteen years old. We barely knew each other. The way we waited for an entire year only built up feelings that werenโ€™t based on anything except false hopes and idealized love.

By the time Maggie and I were finally able to be together, I think we were more in love with the idea of us, rather than with the actual us. Of course, I loved her. I still love her. But until I met Sydney, I had no idea how much my love for Maggie was built up from my desire to swoop in and save her.

Maggie was right. Iโ€™ve done nothing for the past five years but try to be the hero who protects her. The problem? Heroines donโ€™t need protecting.

When Sydney put me on the spot earlier, I wanted to tell her no, that I wouldnโ€™t take Maggie back. When she said she was terrified that I was wishing she were Maggie, I wanted to grab hold of her and prove to her how Iโ€™ve never, not once, wished I were anywhere else when Iโ€™m with her. I wanted to tell her the only regret I have is not realizing sooner which one of them I was better for. Which girl I made more sense with. Which girl I grew to love in a realistic, natural way, not in an idealized sense.

I didnโ€™t say anything because Iโ€™m terrified she wonโ€™t understand. Iโ€™ve chosen Maggie over her time and time again, and itโ€™s my own fault that Iโ€™ve put doubt into Sydneyโ€™s head. And even though I know that the scenario sheโ€™s painting could never happen because Maggie and I both accept that itโ€™s over, Iโ€™m not so sure Iย wouldnโ€™tย take Maggie back. However, my decision wouldnโ€™t be because I want to be with Maggie more. It wouldnโ€™t even be because I love Maggie more. But how do I possibly convince Sydney of that when itโ€™s hard forย meย to comprehend?

I donโ€™t want Sydney ever to feel like my second choice, when I know in my heart that sheโ€™s theย rightย choice. Theย onlyย choice.

I keep my arm around her, and I pick up my phone. She lifts her head and rests her chin on my chest, looking up at me. I hand her back her phone, and she takes it, then turns away from me and presses her ear against my heart again.

Me: Do you want to know why I needed you to listen to me?

She doesnโ€™t respond with a text. She just nods her head yes, remaining pressed against my chest. One of her hands is slowly tracing up and down from my waist to my arm. The feel of her hands against my skin is something I never want to become a memory. I lower my left hand to the back of her head and stroke her hair.

Me: Itโ€™s kind of a long explanation. Do you have a notebook I can write in?

She nods and slides off me. She reaches into her nightstand and takes out a notebook and a pen. I readjust myself against her headboard. She hands me the notebook but doesnโ€™t move closer to me. I grab her wrist and part my legs, then motion for her to lie against me while I write. She crawls toward me and wraps her arms around my waist, pressing her ear to my heart again. I put my arms around her and prop the notebook on my knee, resting my cheek on top of her head.

I wish there was an easier way for us to communicate so all the things I have to say to her could be instant. I wish I could look into her eyes and tell her exactly how I feel and whatโ€™s on my mind, but I canโ€™t, and I hate that for us. Instead, I lay my heart out on paper. She remains still against my chest while I take almost fifteen minutes to gather my thoughts and get them all down for her. When Iโ€™m finished, I hand her the notebook. She readjusts herself until her back is pressed against my chest. I keep my arms around her and hold her while she reads the letter.


I have no idea what to expect from the words heโ€™s just written, but as soon as he hands me the paper I begin to soak every sentence up as quickly as my eyes can scan them. The fact that a barrier exists in the way we communicate makes every word I receive from him, in whatever form, something I feel the need to consume as quickly as possible.

I donโ€™t know if Iโ€™m actually more aware of my own heartbeat than other people are of theirs, but I tend to believe I am. The fact that I canโ€™t hear the world around me leaves me to focus more on the world inside me. Brennan told me the only time heโ€™s aware of his own heartbeat is when itโ€™s quiet and heโ€™s being still. Thatโ€™s not the case for me, because itโ€™s always quiet in my world. Iโ€™m always aware of my heartbeat. Always. I know its pattern. I know its rhythm. I know what makes it speed up and slow down, and I even know when to expect that. Sometimes I feel my heart react before my brain has the chance to. The reactions of my heart have always been something I was able to predict . . . until a few months ago.

The first night you walked out onto your balcony was the first night I noticed the change. It was subtle, but it was there. Just an extra little skip. I brushed it off because I didnโ€™t want to think it had anything to do with you. I liked how loyal my heart was to Maggie, and I didnโ€™t want my loyalty to her to change.

But then, the first time I saw you singing along to one of my songs, it happened again. Only that time, it was more obvious. It would speed up a little faster every time I saw your lips moving. It would start beating in places I never felt my heart beat before. That first night I saw you singing, I had to get up and go inside to finish playing, because I didnโ€™t like how you made my heart feel. For the first time, I felt as though I had absolutely no control over it, and that made me feel horrible.

The first time I walked out of my bedroom to find you standing in my apartment, soaking wet from the rainโ€”my God, I didnโ€™t know hearts could beat like that. I knew my heart like the back of my hand, and nothing had ever made it react like you did. I put the blankets on the couch for you as quickly as I could, pointed you in the direction of the bathroom, and immediately went back to my bedroom. Iโ€™ll spare you the details of what I had to do while you were in my shower in order to calm myself down after seeing you up close for the first time.

My physical reaction to you didnโ€™t worry me. Physical reactions are normal, and at that point, my heart still belonged to Maggie. My heartbeats were all for Maggie. They always had been, but the more time I spent with you, the more you started to unintentionally infiltrate and steal some of those heartbeats. I did everything I could to prevent it from happening. For a while, I convinced myself that I was stronger than my heart, which is why I allowed you to stay. I thought what I felt for you was nothing but attraction and that if I let myself have you in my fantasies enough, that would suffice in reality. However, I soon realized that the way I fantasized about you wasnโ€™t at all how guys normally fantasize about girls theyโ€™re attracted to. I didnโ€™t imagine myself stealing kisses from you when no one was around. I didnโ€™t imagine myself sliding into your bed in the middle of the night and doing to you all the things we both wished I would do. Instead, I was imagining what it would feel like if you fell asleep in my arms. I was imagining what it would feel like to wake up next to you in the morning. I was imagining your smiles and your laughter and even how good it would feel to be able to comfort you when you cried.

The trouble I had gotten myself into became obvious the night I put those headphones in your ears and watched you sing the song we created together. Watching those words pass your lips and knowing I couldnโ€™t hear them and feeling how much my heart ached for us in that moment, I knew what was happening was so much more than I could control. My strength was overpowered by my weakness for you. The second my lips touched yours, my heart split completely in two. Half of it belonged to you from that point on. Every other beat of my heart was for you.

I knew I should have asked you to leave that night, but I couldnโ€™t bring myself to do it. The thought of saying good-bye to you hurt way too much. I had planned on asking you to move out the next day, but once we talked through everything, the ease with which we dealt with our situation gave me more excuses to ignore it. Knowing we were both

fighting it gave me hope that I could give back to Maggie the part of my heart I had lost to you.

The weekend of Warrenโ€™s party was when I realized it was too late. I spent the entire night of the party trying not to watch you. Trying not to be obvious. Trying to keep my attention focused on Maggie, where it should have been. However, all the effort and denial in the world couldnโ€™t have saved me from what happened the next day. When I walked into your room and sat down beside you on the bed, I felt it.

I felt you give me a piece of your heart.

And Sydney, I wanted it. I wanted your heart more than Iโ€™ve ever wanted anything. The second I reached down and held your hand in mine, it happened. My heart made its choice, and it chose you.

My relationship with Maggie was a great one, and I never want to disrespect what I had with her. When I told you Iโ€™ve loved her since the moment I met her and that Iโ€™d love her until the moment I die, I was being honest. I have always loved her, I do love her, and I always will love her. Sheโ€™s an incredible person who deserves so much more than what life has handed her, and it pisses me off to this day when I think about it. I would switch my fate with hers in a second if I had that option. Unfortunately, life doesnโ€™t work that way. Fate doesnโ€™t work that way. So even after I knew I had found in you what I would never find in my relationship with Maggie, it still wasnโ€™t enough. No matter how much I cared for you or how deep my feelings for you ran, it would have never been enough to get me to leave Maggie. If I couldnโ€™t change her fate, I was at least going to give her the best damn life I could give her. Even if it meant sacrificing aspects of my own, I would have done it without pause, and I never would have regretted it. Not even for a second.

However, until three weeks ago, I didnโ€™t realize that the best life I could give her was a life without me in it. She needed the opposite of what I could offer her, and I know that now. She knows that now. And we accept it.

So when you ask if I would choose her over you, youโ€™re presenting a situation that I canโ€™t give you a straight answer to. Because yes, at this point, I probably would walk away from you if she asked me to. The majority of my loyalty still lies with her. But if youโ€™re asking who I need more? Who I want to be with more? Who my heart craves more? My heart decided that for me a long time ago, Sydney.

When Iโ€™ve read the last word, I pull the notebook against my chest and cry. He slides me off of him until Iโ€™m on my back, and he hovers over me, guiding my eyes up to meet his.

โ€œItโ€™s you,โ€ he says aloud. โ€œMy heart . . . wants you.โ€

A sob breaks free from my chest when I hear his words. I immediately grab his shoulders and lift myself up, pressing my lips to the area directly over his heart. I kiss him over and over, silently thanking him for giving me reassurance that I havenโ€™t been in this alone.

When I lower my head back to the pillow, he lies beside me, then pulls me against him. He touches my cheek with his hand and slowly leans in to kiss me. His mouth caresses mine so carefully it feels as if heโ€™s holding my heart in his hand and is afraid he might drop it.

As much as Iโ€™m convinced he would do everything he could to protect my heart, Iโ€™m still too scared to hand it over. I donโ€™t want to give it to him until I know itโ€™s the only heart heโ€™s holding.

โ€ข โ€ข โ€ข

I donโ€™t open my eyes, because I donโ€™t want him to know I hear him leaving. I felt him kiss me. I felt him slide his arm out from beneath me. I heard him pull his shirt over his head. I heard him search for a pen. I heard him write me a letter, and I heard him place it on the pillow beside me.

I feel his hand as it presses into the mattress beside my head. His lips meet my forehead before he pulls away and walks out my bedroom door. When I hear the front door shut, I roll onto my side and pull the covers over my head to block out the sunlight. If I didnโ€™t have to work today, Iโ€™d stay right here in this position and cry myself dry.

I brush my hand across the mattress in search of his letter. When I find it, I pull it under the covers with me and read it.


A few months ago, we thought we had it all figured out. I was with the one girl I thought I would be with forever, and you were with a guy you thought deserved you way more than he did.

Look at us now.

Wanting more than anything to be free to love each other but cursed by bad timing and loyal hearts. We both know where we want to be; we just donโ€™t know how to get there. Orย whenย we should get there. I wish things were as easy as they seemed when I was nineteen. Weโ€™d grab a calendar and pick a date, and weโ€™d start a countdown until I could show up at your front door and start loving you.

However, Iโ€™ve learned that the heart canโ€™t be told when and who and how it should love. The heart does whatever the hell it wants to do. The

only thing we can control is whether we give our lives and our minds the chance to catch up to our hearts.

I know thatโ€™s what you want more than anything. Time to catch up.

As much as I want to stay here and allow this to begin between us, thereโ€™s something I want from you even more than that.I want you to be with me in the end, and I know that canโ€™t happen if I keep trying to rush our beginning. I know exactly why you were hesitant to let me in last night: you arenโ€™t ready yet. Maybe Iโ€™m not, either. Youโ€™ve always said you wanted time to yourself, and the last thing I want is to start a relationship with you when Iโ€™ve barely given enough respect to the one that just ended with Maggie.

I donโ€™t know when youโ€™ll be ready for me. It might be next month or next year. Whenever it is, just know that I have absolutely no doubt that we can make this work. I know we can. If there are two people in this world capable of finding a way to love each other, itโ€™s us.


P.S. I spent most of the night watching you sleep, so thatโ€™s one fantasy I got to check off the list. I also wrote lyrics to an entire song, which was unfortunate for Brennan. I didnโ€™t have my guitar, so I forced him to make a rough cut of it at five oโ€™clock this morning so I could leave it with you.

One of these days, Iโ€™ll play it for you, along with all the other songs I plan to write for you while weโ€™re apart. Until then, Iโ€™ll be waiting patiently.

Just say when.

I fold the letter and pull it against my chest. As much as it hurts to know heโ€™s walking away, I also know that I need to let him. I asked for this. We need this.ย Iย need this. I need to get myself to a point where I know that we can finally be together without all the doubt running through my head. Heโ€™s right. My mind needs to catch up to my heart.

I run the back of my hand across my eyes, then open my texts.

Me: Can you come over? I need your help.

Warren: If this has to do with the fact that I gave Ridge your address last night, Iโ€™m sorry. He forced it out of me.

Me: This has nothing to do with that. I need to ask you for a huge favor. Warren: Be there when I get off work tonight. Should I bring condoms? Me: Funny guy.

I close out the text to Warren and open up the song Ridge just sent me. I reach into my drawer for my headphones, then fall back against my pillow and hit play.


Baby, everything youโ€™ve ever done Underneath this here sun

It doesnโ€™t even matter anymore Oh, of this Iโ€™m sure

Cuz youโ€™ve taken me Places I want to be And you show me

Everything that I could ever Want to see

You, you know itโ€™s You know itโ€™s you

I think about you every single day

Trying to think of something better to say Maybe hi, how are you

Not just anything will do Cuz youโ€™ve taken me Places I want to be

And you show me Everything that I could ever Want to see

You, you know itโ€™s You know itโ€™s you

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