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Chapter no 3 – Hastings Research Institute

Lessons in Chemistry


Calvin Evans also worked at Hastings Research Institute, but unlike Elizabeth, who worked in crowded conditions, he had a large lab all to himself.

Based on his track record, maybe he deserved the lab. By age nineteen, he had already contributed critical research that helped famed British chemist Frederick Sanger clinch the Nobel Prize; at twenty-two, he discovered a faster way to synthesize simple proteins; at twenty-four, his breakthrough concerning the reactivity of dibenzoselenophene put him on the cover ofย Chemistry Today.ย In addition, heโ€™d authored sixteen scientific papers, received invitations to ten international conferences, and had been offered a fellowship at Harvard. Twice. Which he turned down. Twice. Partly because Harvard had rejected his freshman application years earlier, and partly becauseโ€”well, actually, there was no other reason. Calvin was a brilliant man, but if he had one flaw, it was his ability to hold a grudge.

On top of his grudge holding, he had a reputation for impatience. Like so many brilliant people, Calvin just couldnโ€™t understand how no one elseย got it.ย He was also an introvert, which isnโ€™t really a flaw but often manifests itself as standoffishness. Worst of all, he was a rower.

As any non-rower can tell you, rowers are not fun. This is because rowers only ever want to talk about rowing. Get two or more rowers in a room and the conversation goes from normal topics like work or weather to long, pointless stories about boats, blisters, oars, grips, ergs, feathers, workouts, catches, releases, recoveries, splits, seats, strokes, slides, starts,

settles, sprints, and whether the water was really โ€œflatโ€ or not. From there, it usually progresses to what went wrong on the last row, what might go wrong on the next row, and whose fault it was and/or will be. At some point the rowers will hold out their hands and compare calluses. If youโ€™re really unlucky, this could be followed by several minutes of head-bowing reverence as one of them recounts the perfect row where it all felt easy.


Other than chemistry, rowing was the only thing Calvin had true passion for. In fact, rowing is why Calvin applied to Harvard in the first place: to row for Harvard was, in 1945, to row for the best. Or actuallyย secondย best. University of Washington wasย theย best, but University of Washington was in Seattle and Seattle had a reputation for rain. Calvin hated rain. Therefore, he looked further afieldโ€”to the other Cambridge, the one in England, thus exposing one of the biggest myths about scientists: that theyโ€™re any good at research.

The first day Calvin rowed on the Cam, it rained. The second day it rained. Third day: same. โ€œDoes it rain like thisย allย the time?โ€ Calvin complained as he and his teammates hoisted the heavy wooden boat to their shoulders and lumbered out to the dock. โ€œOh never,โ€ they reassured him, โ€œCambridge is usually quite balmy.โ€ And then they looked at one another as if to confirm what they had already long suspected: Americans were idiots.


Unfortunately, his idiocy also extended to datingโ€” a big problem since Calvin very much wanted to fall in love. During all six lonely years he spent in Cambridge, he managed to ask out five women, and of those five, only one consented to a second date, and that was only because sheโ€™d thought he was someone else when she answered the phone. His main issue was inexperience. He was like a dog who, after years of trying, catches a squirrel and then has absolutely no idea what to do with it.

โ€œHelloโ€”uh,โ€ heโ€™d said, his heart pounding, his hands moist, his mind suddenly completely blank as his date opened the door. โ€œDebbie?โ€

โ€œItโ€™sย Deirdre,โ€ his date sighed, taking the first of what would be many glances at her watch.

At dinner, the conversation lurched between the molecular breakdown of aromatic acids (Calvin), to what movie might be playing (Deirdre), to the synthesis of nonreactive proteins (Calvin), to whether or not he liked to dance (Deirdre), to look at the time, it was already eight thirty p.m. and he had to row in the morning so he would be taking her straight home (Calvin). It goes without saying that there was very little sex after these dates.

Actually, there was none.


โ€œI canโ€™t believe youโ€™re having trouble,โ€ his Cambridge teammates would tell him. โ€œGirlsย loveย rowers.โ€ Which wasnโ€™t true. โ€œAnd even though youโ€™re an American, youโ€™re not bad looking.โ€ Which was also not true.

Part of the problem was Calvinโ€™s posture. He was six feet four inches tall, lanky and long, but he slouched to the rightโ€”probably a by-product of always rowing stroke side. But the bigger issue was his face. He had a lonesome look about him, like a child whoโ€™d had to raise himself, with large gray eyes and messy blondish hair and purplish lips, the latter of which were nearly always swollen because he tended to chew on them. His was the kind of face that some might call forgettable, a below-average composition that gave no hint of the longing or intelligence that lay behind, save for one critical featureโ€”his teethโ€”which were straight and white, and which redeemed his entire facial landscape whenever he smiled. Fortunately, especially after falling in love with Elizabeth Zott, Calvin smiled all the time.


They first metโ€”or rather, exchanged wordsโ€”on a Tuesday morning at Hastings Research Institute, the sunny Southern Californian private

research lab where Calvin, having graduated from Cambridge with a PhD in record time and with forty-three employment offers to weigh, accepted a position partly because of reputation, but mostly because of precipitation. It didnโ€™t rain much in Commons. Elizabeth, on the other hand, accepted Hastingsโ€™s offer because it was the only one she received.

As she stood outside Calvin Evansโ€™s lab, she noted a number of large warning signs:



Then she opened the door.

โ€œHello,โ€ she called over Frank Sinatra, who was blasting from a hi-fi that sat incongruously in the middle of the room. โ€œI need to speak to whoever is in charge.โ€

Calvin, surprised to hear a voice, poked his head out from behind a large centrifuge.

โ€œExcuse me, miss,โ€ย he called, irritated, a large pair of goggles shielding his eyes from whatever was bubbling off to his right, โ€œbut this area is off-limits. Didnโ€™t you see the signs?โ€

โ€œIย did,โ€ Elizabeth yelled back, ignoring his tone as she made her way across the lab to switch off the music. โ€œThere. Now we can hear each other.โ€

Calvin chewed his lips and pointed. โ€œYou canโ€™t be in here,โ€ he said. โ€œTheย signs.โ€

โ€œYes, well, I was told that your lab has a surplus of beakers and weโ€™re short downstairs. Itโ€™s all here,โ€ she said, thrusting a piece of paper at him. โ€œItโ€™s been cleared by the inventory manager.โ€

โ€œI didnโ€™t hear anything about it,โ€ Calvin said, examining the paper. โ€œAnd Iโ€™m sorry, but no. I need every beaker. Maybe Iโ€™d better speak with a

chemist down there. You tell your boss to call me.โ€ He turned back to his work, flipping the hi-fi back on as he did.

Elizabeth didnโ€™t move. โ€œYou want to speak to a chemist? Someone other than ME?โ€ she yelled over Frank.

โ€œYes,โ€ย he answered. And then he softened slightly. โ€œLook, I know itโ€™s not your fault, but they shouldnโ€™t send a secretary up here to do their dirty work. Now I know this might be hard for you to understand, but Iโ€™m in the middle of something important. Please. Just tell your boss to call me.โ€

Elizabethโ€™s eyes narrowed. She did not care for people who made assumptions based on what she felt were long-outdated visual clues, and she also didnโ€™t care for men who believed, even if she had been a secretary, that being a secretary meant she was incapable of understanding words beyond โ€œType this up in triplicate.โ€

โ€œWhat a coincidence,โ€ she shouted as she went straight over to a shelf and helped herself to a large box of beakers. โ€œIโ€™m busy too.โ€ Then she marched out.


More than three thousand people worked at Hastings Research Instituteโ€” thatโ€™s why it took Calvin over a week to track her downโ€”and when he did finally find her, she seemed not to remember him.

โ€œYes?โ€ she said, turning to see who had entered her lab, a large pair of safety glasses magnifying her eyes, her hands and forearms wrapped in large rubber mitts.

โ€œHello,โ€ he said. โ€œItโ€™s me.โ€

โ€œMe?โ€ she asked. โ€œCould you be more specific?โ€ She turned back to her work.

โ€œMe,โ€ Calvin said. โ€œFive floors up? You took my beakers?โ€

โ€œYou might want to stand back behind that curtain,โ€ she said, tossing her head to the left. โ€œWe had a little accident in here last week.โ€

โ€œYouโ€™re hard to track down.โ€

โ€œDo you mind?โ€ she asked. โ€œNowย Iโ€™mย in the middle of something important.โ€

He waited patiently while she finished her measurements, made notations in her book, reexamined yesterdayโ€™s test results, and went to the restroom.

โ€œYouโ€™re still here?โ€ she asked, coming back. โ€œDonโ€™t you have work to do?โ€


โ€œYou canโ€™t have your beakers back.โ€ โ€œSo, you do remember me.โ€

โ€œYes. But not fondly.โ€ โ€œI came to apologize.โ€ โ€œNo need.โ€

โ€œHow about lunch?โ€ โ€œNo.โ€




โ€œListen,โ€ Elizabeth said, her large mitts resting on her hipbones, โ€œyou should know youโ€™re starting to annoy me.โ€

Calvin looked away, embarrassed. โ€œI sincerely beg your pardon,โ€ he said. โ€œIโ€™ll go.โ€


โ€œWas that Calvinย Evans?โ€ a lab tech asked as he watched Calvin weave his way through fifteen scientists working elbow to elbow in a space a quarter the size of Calvinโ€™s private lab. โ€œWhat was he doing down here?โ€

โ€œMinor beaker ownership issue,โ€ Elizabeth said.

โ€œBeakers?โ€ He hesitated. โ€œWait.โ€ He picked up one of the new beakers. โ€œThat big box of beakers you said you found last week. They wereย his?โ€

โ€œI never said I found beakers. I said Iย acquiredย beakers.โ€ โ€œFrom Calvin Evans?โ€ he said. โ€œAre you crazy?โ€

โ€œNot technically.โ€

โ€œDid he say you could take his beakers?โ€ โ€œNot technically. But I had a form.โ€

โ€œWhat form? You know you have to go through me. You know ordering supplies is my job.โ€

โ€œI understand. But Iโ€™ve been waiting for more than three months. Iโ€™ve asked you four times, Iโ€™ve filled out five requisition orders, Iโ€™ve spoken to Dr. Donatti about it. Honestly, I didnโ€™t know what else to do. My research depends on getting these supplies.ย Theyโ€™re just beakers.โ€

The lab tech closed his eyes. โ€œListen,โ€ he said, slowly reopening them as if to dramatize her stupidity. โ€œIโ€™ve been here a lot longer than you and I know things. You know what Calvin Evans is famous for, donโ€™t you? Besides chemistry?โ€

โ€œYes. Having an excess of equipment.โ€

โ€œNo,โ€ he said. โ€œHeโ€™s famous for holding a grudge. A grudge!โ€ โ€œReally?โ€ she said taking interest.


Elizabeth Zott held grudges too. Except her grudges were mainly reserved for a patriarchal society founded on the idea that women were less. Less capable. Less intelligent. Less inventive. A society that believed men went to work and did important thingsโ€”discovered planets, developed products, created lawsโ€”and women stayed at home and raised children. She didnโ€™t want childrenโ€”she knew this about herselfโ€”but she also knew that plenty of other womenย didย want childrenย andย a career. And what was wrong with that? Nothing. It was exactly what men got.

Sheโ€™d recently read about some country where both parents workedย andย took part in raising the children. Where was that, again? Sweden? She couldnโ€™t remember. But the upshot was, it functioned very well. Productivity was higher; families were stronger. She saw herself living in such a society. A place that didnโ€™t always automatically mistake her for a secretary, a place where, when she presented her findings in a meeting, she

didnโ€™t have to brace herself for the men who would invariably talk over her, or worse, take credit for her work. Elizabeth shook her head. When it came to equality, 1952 was a real disappointment.

โ€œYou have to apologize to him,โ€ the lab tech was insisting. โ€œWhen you take the damn beakers back, grovel. You put our entire lab at risk, and you made me look bad.โ€

โ€œItโ€™ll be fine,โ€ Elizabeth said. โ€œTheyโ€™re beakers.โ€

But by the next morning, the beakers were gone, replaced by dirty looks from a few of her fellow chemists who now also believed sheโ€™d put them in jeopardy of Calvin Evansโ€™s legendary grudge holding. She tried to talk with them, but each gave her the cold shoulder in their own way, and later, as she was walking by the lounge, she overheard the same few grousing about her

โ€”about how she took herself so seriously, how she thought she was better than any of them, how sheโ€™d refused dates from all of them, even the single men. And how the only way she could have possibly gotten her masterโ€™s from UCLA in organic chemistry was theย hardย wayโ€”the word โ€œhardโ€ being accompanied by rude gestures and tight laughter. Who did she think she was anyway?

โ€œSomeone ought to put her in her place,โ€ said one. โ€œSheโ€™s not even that smart,โ€ insisted another.

โ€œSheโ€™s a cunt,โ€ declared a familiar voice. Her boss, Donatti.

Elizabeth, accustomed to the first words but stunned by the last, pressed herself against the wall, overcome by a wave of nausea. This was the second time sheโ€™d been called that word. The first timeโ€”the first horrible timeโ€”had been at UCLA.


It had happened nearly two years ago. A masterโ€™s candidate with only ten days left before graduation, she was still in the lab at nine p.m., certain sheโ€™d found a problem with the test protocol. As she tapped a freshly sharpened number-two pencil against the paper, weighing her hunch, she heard the door open.

โ€œHello?โ€ she called. She wasnโ€™t expecting anyone.

โ€œYouโ€™re still here,โ€ said a voice free of surprise. Her advisor.

โ€œOh. Hello, Dr. Meyers,โ€ she said, looking up. โ€œYes. Just going over the test protocol for tomorrow. I think I found a problem.โ€

He opened the door a little wider, stepping inside. โ€œI didnโ€™t ask you to do that,โ€ he said, his voice edgy with irritation. โ€œI told you it was all set.โ€

โ€œI know,โ€ she said. โ€œBut I wanted to give it one last look.โ€ The one-last-look approach wasnโ€™t something Elizabeth liked to doโ€”it was something she knew sheย hadย to do to maintain her position on Meyersโ€™s all-male research team. Not that she really cared about his research: his was safe stuff, not at all groundbreaking. Despite a notable lack of creativity paired with an alarming absence of new discoveries, Meyers was considered one of the top DNA researchers in the United States.

Elizabeth didnโ€™t like Meyers; no one did. Except, possibly, UCLA, who loved him because the man published more papers than anyone in the field. Meyersโ€™s secret? He didnโ€™t write the papersโ€”his graduate students did. But he always took full credit for every word, sometimes only changing the title and a few phrases here and there before passing it off as an entirely different paper, which he could do because who reads a scientific paper all the way through? No one. Thus his papers grew in number, and with them, his reputation. Thatโ€™s how Meyers became a top DNA researcher: quantity.

Besides his talent for superfluous papers, Meyers was also famous for being a lecher. There werenโ€™t many women in the science departments at UCLA, but the few there wereโ€”mostly secretariesโ€”became the focus of his unwanted attention. They usually left after six months, their confidence shaken, their eyes swollen, citing personal reasons. But Elizabeth did not leaveโ€”she couldnโ€™t, she needed the masterโ€™s. So she endured the day-to-day degradationsโ€”the touches, the lewd comments, the rank suggestionsโ€” while making it clear she had no interest. Until the day he called her into his office, ostensibly to talk about her admittance to his doctoral program, but instead shoving his hand up her skirt. Furious, she forcibly removed it, then threatened to report him.

โ€œTo whom?โ€ he laughed. Then he admonished her for being โ€œno funโ€ and swatted her bottom, demanding that she go fetch his coat from his office closet, knowing that when she opened the door she would find it lined with pictures of topless women, a few splayed, expressionless, on their hands and knees, a manโ€™s shoe resting triumphantly on their backs.


โ€œItโ€™s here,โ€ she said to Dr. Meyers. โ€œStep ninety-one on page two thirty-two. The temperature. Iโ€™m fairly certain itโ€™s too high, which means the enzyme will be rendered inactive, skewing the results.โ€

Dr. Meyers watched her from the door. โ€œDid you show this to anyone else?โ€

โ€œNo,โ€ she said. โ€œI just noticed it.โ€

โ€œSo, you havenโ€™t talked with Phillip.โ€ Phillip was Meyersโ€™s top research assistant.

โ€œNo,โ€ she said. โ€œHe just left. Iโ€™m sure I could still catch himโ€”โ€ โ€œNo need,โ€ he interrupted. โ€œIs anyone else here?โ€

โ€œNot that I know of.โ€

โ€œThe protocol is right,โ€ he said sharply. โ€œYouโ€™re not the expert. Stop questioning my authority. And donโ€™t mention this to anyone else. Do you understand?โ€

โ€œI was only trying to help, Dr. Meyers.โ€

He looked at her, as if weighing the veracity of her offer. โ€œAnd I need your help,โ€ he said. And then he turned back toward the door and locked it.


His first blow was an open-handed slap that spun her head to the left like a well-hit tetherball. She gasped in shock, then managed to right herself, her mouth bleeding, her eyes wide with disbelief. He grimaced as if unsatisfied with his results, then hit her again, this time knocking her off the stool. Meyers was a big manโ€”nearly 250 poundsโ€”his strength a product of density, not fitness. He bent down to where she lay on the floor and,

grabbing her by the hips, hoisted her up like a crane lifting a sloppy load of lumber, plunking her back down on the stool like a rag doll. Then he flipped her over, and kicking the stool away, slammed her face and chest against the stainless-steel counter. โ€œHold still, cunt,โ€ he demanded as she struggled, his fat fingers clawing beneath her skirt.

Elizabeth gasped, the taste of metal filling her mouth as he mauled her, one hand pulling her skirt up past her waist, the other twisting the skin of her inner thighs. With her face flat against the table, she could barely breathe, let alone scream. She kicked back furiously like an animal caught in a trap, but her refusal to concede only infuriated him more.

โ€œDonโ€™t fight me,โ€ he warned, as sweat dripped from his stomach onto the backs of her thighs. But as he moved, her arm regained freedom. โ€œHoldย still,โ€ he demanded, enraged, as she twisted back and forth, gasping in shock, his bulbous torso flattening her body like a pancake. In a final effort to remind her who was in charge he gripped her hair and yanked. Then he shoved himself inside her like a sloppy drunk, moaning with satisfaction until it was cut short by a shriek of pain.

โ€œFuck!โ€ Meyers yelled, pulling his weight from her. โ€œJesus, fuck! What was that?โ€ He shoved her away, confused by a blaze of misery springing from the right side of his body. He looked down at his blubbery waist, trying to make sense of the pain, but all he saw was a small pink eraser sticking out from his right iliac region. It was encircled by a narrow moat of blood.

The number-two pencil. With her free hand, Elizabeth had found it, gripped it, and driven it straight into his side. Not just part of itโ€”all of it. Its sharply pointed lead, its friendly yellow wood, its shiny gold bandโ€”all seven inches of it versus all seven inches of him. And in doing so, she pierced not only his large and small intestine, but her academic career as well.


โ€œDo youย reallyย go here?โ€ the campus police officer said after an ambulance had taken Dr. Meyers away. โ€œI need to see some student ID.โ€

Elizabeth, her clothes torn, her hands shaking, a large bruise beginning to bloom on her forehead, looked back, incredulous.

โ€œItโ€™s a valid question,โ€ the officer said. โ€œWhat would a woman be doing in a lab this time of night?โ€

โ€œIโ€™m a gr-graduate student,โ€ she stuttered, feeling like she might be sick. โ€œIn chemistry.โ€

The officer exhaled as if he didnโ€™t have time for this sort of nonsense, then took out a small notepad. โ€œWhy donโ€™t you tell me what youย thinkย happened.โ€

Elizabeth supplied him with the details, her voice dulled by shock. He looked as if he was jotting it down, but when he turned away to tell another officer he โ€œhad it all under control,โ€ she noticed that the notepad was blank.

โ€œPlease. Iโ€ฆI need a doctor.โ€

He flipped his notepad shut. โ€œWould you like to make a statement of regret?โ€ Then he gave her skirt a glance as if the fabric alone was an obvious invitation. โ€œYou stabbed the man. Itโ€™ll go better for you if you show some remorse.โ€

She looked back at him, hollow eyed. โ€œYouโ€ฆyou misunderstand, Officer. He attacked me. Iโ€ฆI defended myself. I need a doctor.โ€

The officer exhaled. โ€œNo statement of regret, then?โ€ he said, clicking his pen shut.

She stared at him, her mouth slightly open, her body trembling. She looked down at her thigh where Meyersโ€™s handprint was outlined in a light purple. She choked back the urge to vomit.

She looked up in time to see him checking his watch. That small movement was all it took. She reached out and snatched her ID card back from between his fingers. โ€œYes, Officer,โ€ she said, her voice as taut as prison wire. โ€œNow that I think about it, I do have one regret.โ€

โ€œMuch better,โ€ he said. โ€œNow weโ€™re getting somewhere.โ€ He clicked his pen back open. โ€œLetโ€™s hear it.โ€

โ€œPencils,โ€ she said.

โ€œPencils,โ€ he repeated, writing it down.

She raised her head to meet his eyes, a rivulet of blood coursing from her temple. โ€œI regret not having more of them.โ€


The attack, or โ€œunfortunate event,โ€ as the admissions committee called it just before they formally rescinded her admittance to the doctoral program, had been her doing. Dr. Meyers had caught her cheating. Sheโ€™d tried to change a test protocol to skew the experimentโ€™s resultsโ€”he had the proof right hereโ€”and when heโ€™d confronted her, sheโ€™d thrown herself at him, offering sex. When that didnโ€™t work, a physical fight ensued and before he knew it, he had a pencil in his gut. He was lucky to be alive.

Almost no one bought this story. Dr. Meyers had a reputation. But he was also important, and UCLA had no intention of losing someone of his stature. Elizabeth was out. Her masterโ€™s was complete. Her bruises would heal. Someone would write her a recommendation. Go.

Thatโ€™s how sheโ€™d ended up at Hastings Research Institute. And now here she was, outside the Hastings lounge, her back pressed against a wall, sick to her stomach.


She looked up to find the lab tech peering at her. โ€œYou all right, Zott?โ€ he asked. โ€œYou look kind of funny.โ€

She didnโ€™t reply.

โ€œMy fault, Zott,โ€ he admitted. โ€œI shouldnโ€™t have made such a big deal about the beakers. As for them,โ€ he said, tipping his head toward loungeโ€”it was clear heโ€™d overheard the conversationโ€”โ€œtheyโ€™re just being fellas. Ignore โ€™em.โ€

But she couldnโ€™t ignore them. In fact, the very next day, her boss, Dr. Donattiโ€”the one whoโ€™d called her a cuntโ€”reassigned her to a new project. โ€œItโ€™ll be a lot easier,โ€ he said. โ€œMore your intellectual speed.โ€

โ€œWhy, Dr. Donatti?โ€ she asked. โ€œWas there something wrong with my work?โ€ Sheโ€™d been the driving force behind her current group research project and as a result, they were close to publishing results. But Donatti pointed to the door. The next day, she was assigned to a low-level amino acid study.

The lab tech, noting her growing dissatisfaction, asked her why she wanted to be a scientist anyway.

โ€œI donโ€™t want to be a scientist,โ€ she snapped. โ€œIย amย a scientist!โ€ And in her mind, she was not going to let some fat man at UCLA, or her boss, or a handful of small-minded colleagues keep her from achieving her goals. Sheโ€™d faced tough things before. She would weather what came.

But weathering is called weathering for a reason: it erodes. As the months went by, her fortitude was tested again and again. The only thing that gave her any respite at all was the theater, and even that sometimes disappointed.


It was a Saturday night, about two weeks after the beaker incident. Sheโ€™d bought a ticket toย The Mikado,ย a supposedly funny operetta. Although she had long looked forward to it, as the story unfolded, she realized she didnโ€™t find it funny at all. The lyrics were racist, the actors were white, and it was blatantly obvious that the female lead was going to be blamed for everyone elseโ€™s misdeeds. The whole thing reminded her of work. She decided to cut her losses and leave at intermission.

As luck would have it, Calvin Evans was also there that night, and had he been able to pay attention, he might have shared all Elizabethโ€™s opinions. But instead he was on a first date with a secretary from the Biology Division,ย andย he was sick to his stomach. The former was a mistake: the secretary had asked him to the operetta only because she believed his fame meant he was rich, and he, reacting to her eye-watering perfume, had blinked several times, which she thought meant โ€œIโ€™d love to.โ€

The queasiness started in act 1, but by the end of act 2, it had escalated to a roiling boil. โ€œIโ€™m sorry,โ€ he whispered, โ€œbut I donโ€™t feel well. Iโ€™m leaving.โ€

โ€œWhat do you mean?โ€ she said suspiciously. โ€œYou look fine to me.โ€ โ€œSick to my stomach,โ€ he murmured.

โ€œWell, excuse me, but I bought this dress special for tonight,โ€ she said, โ€œand Iโ€™m not leaving till Iโ€™ve worn it the full four hours.โ€

Calvin thrust some cab money in the general direction of her astonished face, then rushed himself out to the lobby, one hand on his abdomen as he headed straight toward the bathroom, careful not to jounce his hair-trigger stomach.

As luck would also have it, Elizabeth had reached the lobby at the same moment, and like Calvin, she too was making her way to the bathroom. But when she saw the long line, she whirled away in frustration, and in doing so, slammed directly into Calvin, who instantly vomited on her.

โ€œOh god,โ€ he said, between retches, โ€œoh Jesus.โ€

Stunned at first, Elizabeth gathered herself and, ignoring the mess heโ€™d just made of her dress, put a comforting hand on the bent torso. โ€œThis man is sick,โ€ Elizabeth called to the bathroom line, not yet realizing who it was. โ€œCould someone call a doctor?โ€

But no one did. All the theater bathroom goers, reacting to the stench and the sound of violent illness, vacated the area immediately.

โ€œOh my god,โ€ Calvin said over and over again, holding his stomach,

โ€œoh my god.โ€

โ€œIโ€™ll get you a paper towel,โ€ Elizabeth said gently. โ€œAnd a cab.โ€ And then she took a good look at his face and said, โ€œSay, donโ€™t I know you?โ€


Twenty minutes later, she was helping him into his house. โ€œI think we can rule out the aerosol dispersion of diphenylaminearsine,โ€ she said. โ€œSince no one else was affected.โ€

โ€œChemical warfare?โ€ he gasped, holding his stomach. โ€œI hope so.โ€

โ€œIt was probably just something you ate,โ€ she said. โ€œFood poisoning.โ€

โ€œOh,โ€ he moaned. โ€œIโ€™m so embarrassed. Iโ€™mย soย sorry. Your dress. Iโ€™ll pay for the cleaning.โ€

โ€œItโ€™s fine,โ€ she said. โ€œItโ€™s only a splatter.โ€ She helped him onto his sofa, where he collapsed into a large heap.

โ€œIโ€ฆI canโ€™t remember the last time I vomited. Much less inย public.โ€ โ€œIt happens.โ€

โ€œI was on a date,โ€ he said. โ€œCan you imagine? I left her there.โ€

โ€œNo,โ€ she said, trying to remember the last time sheโ€™d even had a date.

They were silent for a few minutes, then he closed his eyes. She took this as her cue to leave.

โ€œAgain, so sorry,โ€ he whispered, as he heard her make her way to the door.

โ€œPlease. Thereโ€™s no need to apologize. It was a reaction, a chemical incompatibility. Weโ€™re scientists. We understand these things.โ€

โ€œNo, no,โ€ he said weakly, wanting to clarify. โ€œI mean about assuming you were a secretary that dayโ€”about telling you to have your boss call me,โ€ he said. โ€œI am soย sorry.โ€

To this she had no response.

โ€œWeโ€™ve never been formally introduced,โ€ he said. โ€œIโ€™m Calvin Evans.โ€ โ€œElizabeth Zott,โ€ she answered, gathering her things.

โ€œWell, Elizabeth Zott,โ€ he said, managing a small smile, โ€œyouโ€™re a lifesaver.โ€

But it was clear she hadnโ€™t heard.


โ€œMy DNA research focused on polyphosphoric acids as condensing agents,โ€ she told Calvin over coffee in the cafeteria the following week. โ€œAnd itโ€™s been going well up until now. As of last month, Iโ€™ve been reassigned. To an amino acid study.โ€

โ€œBut why?โ€

โ€œDonattiโ€”donโ€™t you work for him, too? Anyway, he decided my work was unnecessary.โ€

โ€œBut condensing agent research is critical to further understanding of DNAโ€”โ€

โ€œYes, I know, Iย know,โ€ she agreed. โ€œIt was what Iโ€™d planned to pursue in my doctorate. Although what Iโ€™m really interested in is abiogenesis.โ€

โ€œAbiogenesis? The theory that life arose from simplistic, nonlife forms?

Fascinating. But youโ€™re not a PhD.โ€ โ€œNo.โ€

โ€œBut abiogenesis is PhD territory.โ€

โ€œI have a masterโ€™s in chemistry. From UCLA.โ€

โ€œAcademia,โ€ he nodded sympathetically. โ€œIt got old. You wanted out.โ€ โ€œNot exactly.โ€

A long moment of uncomfortable silence followed.

โ€œLook,โ€ she started up again, taking a deep breath, โ€œmy hypothesis of polyphosphoric acids is as follows.โ€

Before she knew it, sheโ€™d talked to him for more than an hour, Calvin nodding as he made notes, occasionally interrupting with elaborate questions, which she easily fielded.

โ€œI would be further,โ€ she said, โ€œbut as I mentioned, I was โ€˜reallocated.โ€™ And before that, getting the basic supplies to continue my real work proved nearly impossible.โ€ Thatโ€™s why, she explained, sheโ€™d been reduced to stealing equipment and supplies from other labs.

โ€œBut why was it so hard to get supplies?โ€ Calvin asked. โ€œHastings has plenty of money.โ€

Elizabeth looked at him as if heโ€™d just asked how, with all those rice paddies, there could possibly be starving children in China. โ€œSex discrimination,โ€ she answered, taking the number-two pencil she always wore either behind her ear or in her hair and tapping it with emphasis on the table. โ€œBut also, politics, favoritism, inequality, and general unfairness.โ€

He chewed on his lips.

โ€œBut mostly sex discrimination,โ€ she said.

โ€œWhat sex discrimination?โ€ he asked innocently. โ€œWhy wouldnโ€™t we want women in science? That makes no sense. We need all the scientists we can get.โ€

Elizabeth looked at him, astonished. She had been under the impression that Calvin Evans was a smart man, but now she realized he was one of those people who might only be smart in one narrow way. She studied him more closely, as if assessing what it might take to get through. Gathering her hair in both hands, she wound it twice before placing it in a knot on top of her head. Then she secured it with her pencil. โ€œWhen you were at Cambridge,โ€ she said carefully, placing her hands back on the table, โ€œhow many women scientists did you know?โ€

โ€œNone. But my college was all-male.โ€

โ€œOh, I see,โ€ she said. โ€œBut surely, women had the same opportunities elsewhere, correct? So how many women scientists do you know? Do not say Madame Curie.โ€

He looked back at her, sensing trouble.

โ€œThe problem, Calvin,โ€ she asserted, โ€œis that half the population is being wasted. Itโ€™s not just that I canโ€™t get the supplies I need to complete my work, itโ€™s that women canโ€™t get the education they need to do whatย theyโ€™reย meant to do. And even if they do attend college, it will never be a place like Cambridge. Which means they wonโ€™t be offered the same opportunities nor afforded the same respect. Theyโ€™ll start at the bottom and stay there. Donโ€™t even get me started on pay. And all because they didnโ€™t attend a school that wouldnโ€™t admit them in the first place.โ€

โ€œYouโ€™re saying,โ€ he said slowly, โ€œthat more women actually want to be in science.โ€

She widened her eyes. โ€œOf course we do.ย In science, in medicine, in business, in music, in math. Pick an area.โ€ And then she paused, because the truth was, sheโ€™d only known a handful of women whoโ€™d wanted to be in science or any other area for that matter. Most of the women sheโ€™d met in college claimed they were only there to get their MRS. It was disconcerting, as if theyโ€™d all drunk something that had rendered them temporarily insane.

โ€œBut instead,โ€ she continued, โ€œwomen are at home, making babies and cleaning rugs. Itโ€™s legalized slavery. Even the women who wish to be homemakers find their work completely misunderstood. Men seem to think the average mother of fiveโ€™s biggest decision of the day is what color to paint her nails.โ€

Calvin pictured five children and shuddered.

โ€œAbout your work,โ€ he said, trying to redirect the battle. โ€œI think I can fix it.โ€

โ€œI donโ€™t need you to fix anything,โ€ she said. โ€œIโ€™m perfectly capable of fixing my own situation.โ€

โ€œNo, youโ€™re not.โ€ โ€œExcuse me?โ€

โ€œYou canโ€™t fix it because the world doesnโ€™t work that way. Life isnโ€™t fair.โ€

This infuriated herโ€”thatย heย would tellย herย about unfairness. He wouldnโ€™t know the first thing about it. She started to say something, but he cut her off.

โ€œLook,โ€ he said, โ€œlife has never been fair, and yet you continue to operate as if it isโ€”as if once you get a few wrongs straightened out, everything else will fall into place. They wonโ€™t. You want my advice?โ€ And before she could say no, he added, โ€œDonโ€™t work the system. Outsmart it.โ€

She sat silently, weighing his words. They made annoying sense in a terribly unfair way.

โ€œNow hereโ€™s a lucky coincidence: Iโ€™ve been trying to rethink polyphosphoric acids for the last year and Iโ€™m getting nowhere. Your research could change that. If I tell Donatti I need to work with your findings, youโ€™ll be back on it tomorrow. And even if I didnโ€™t need your workโ€”which I doโ€” I owe you. Once for the secretarial remark, and again for the vomit.โ€

Elizabeth continued to sit silently. Against her better judgment, she felt herself warming to the idea. She didnโ€™t want to: she didnโ€™t like the notion that systems had to be outsmarted. Why couldnโ€™t they just be smart in the first place? And she certainly didnโ€™t like favors. Favors smacked of

cheating. And yet she had goals, and dammit, why should she just sit by? Sitting by never got anyone anywhere.

โ€œLook,โ€ she said pointedly, as she brushed a strand of hair off her face. โ€œI hope you wonโ€™t think Iโ€™m jumping to conclusions, but Iโ€™ve had trouble in the past and I want to be clear: Iโ€™m not dating you. This is work, nothing more. I am not interested in a relationship of any kind.โ€

โ€œNor am I,โ€ he insisted. โ€œThis is work. Thatโ€™s it.โ€ โ€œThatโ€™s it.โ€

And then they gathered their cups and saucers and went off in opposite directions, each desperately hoping the other didnโ€™t mean it.

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