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Legendary (Caraval, #2): Chapter no 36

Legendary (Caraval, #2)

Tella shot up in bed with a start. Heart pounding, pulse rushingโ€”two more confirmations she wasnโ€™t cursed any longer. It should have made her feel ready to conquer the world. Instead, she couldnโ€™t shake the heavy sensation that the world was preparing to conquer her.

Her first instinct was to check the Aracle to see if her future had changed, but she could no longer trust the card, and she was done letting the Fates dictate her choices.

The shadows crawling over the floor and the sleep lines etched into her arms made it clear sheโ€™d been out for hours. Even though she no longer planned to finish the game, she hadnโ€™t meant to sleep so long.

It was nearly twilight. The light pouring through her window dyed everything inside her suite an eerie red, except for the pearly white letter sitting quietly at the edge of her bed, as if it had been waiting for her.

Tella ripped it open, eyes a little blurry as she began to read. But after the first two lines, her vision sharpened and her mind finished waking up.


My dear Donatella,

Thank you for the gift of your company the other night at

my little dinner. It was an unexpected pleasure to meet you. I didnโ€™t realize until after you left how much you reminded me of someone special I once knew. You donโ€™t particularly

look like her, but you have the same indomitable spirit and

vibrancy as Paradise the Lost. It made me wonder if she was your missing mother.

I probably shouldnโ€™t say this given who she was, but Valenda dimmed the day Paradise disappeared. She was a

treasure. If she was your mother and I can be of any help in your search to find her, do let me know.

Until we meet again, Elantine


Tella felt wide awake when she finished reading. She might have read it more than once. By the time she looked up and out the window again, the sun had nearly set. Any minute Legend would form a new constellation in the sky, showing the city that Caraval was starting up again.

Before reading Elantineโ€™s letter, Tella had been content to give up on the game, to leave her disloyal mother and her cursed deck of cards exactly where they were. As long as Tella never opened the vault, the Fates would not go free, and Legend could not destroy her mother. It seemed like a reasonable compromise. But now, after this message from Elantine, that choice felt like giving up. It felt like settling for the almost-ending Armando had talked about.

Tella knew it was foolish to imagine a better version of her mother than the one sheโ€™d seen inside the Temple of the Stars. And yet Elantineโ€™s letter made Tella hope that there was more to her motherโ€™s story, just as Dante had suggested.

โ€œDelivery,โ€ called a wispy voice from the other side of her door.

Tella hid Elantineโ€™s note in her bed as an overeager servant popped inside the suite.

The intruder carried a massive plum box topped with a purple bow the size of a melon. It must have been Tellaโ€™s Elantineโ€™s Eve costume from Minervaโ€™s.

โ€œI assume youโ€™ll need help dressing for tonight.โ€ The maid lifted the boxโ€™s lid. โ€œOh, this is the prettiest one Iโ€™ve seen! Youโ€™ll be sure to draw

every eye.โ€

A sheen of silver sparkles floated over the room as the maid pulled a smoky silver-blue gown from the box. The seamstress might have fought Tella about her choice to go as the Lost Heir, but sheโ€™d done a sublime job with the dress, even if it did remind Tella a little too much of Jacksโ€™s eyes.

It was backless, covered by only a gossamer cape the color of melted silver. After helping her put the gown on, the maid pinned the thin cape to the delicate beaded straps at Tellaโ€™s shoulders, which fed into a sheer smoky-blue bodice. It would have been indecent if not for the glittering silver-dipped leaves clinging to her chest and trailing over her torso, as if sheโ€™d been tossed in the winds by a magical storm. Her flowing skirt was a combination of midnight blue and liquid metal, shimmering in unearthly waves every time she moved, making it look as if she might disappear with one quick twirl.

โ€œItโ€™s magnificent,โ€ the girl said. โ€œAre you ready for theโ€”โ€ Her sentence cut off as she lifted the candled crown with its grim black veil from the bottom of the box. โ€œYouโ€™re going as Elantineโ€™s Lost Heir? Are you sure thatโ€™s wise?โ€

โ€œIโ€™m sure itโ€™s none of your business.โ€ Tella snatched the crown.

โ€œI was just trying to be helpful,โ€ the girl apologized with a quick curtsy. โ€œForgive me again, but Iโ€™ve heard rumors about your fiancรฉ, and after what happened earlier, I thought you might like a warning.โ€

Tella tried to refrain from asking more. The last time sheโ€™d spoken with a cheeky maid it had not ended well, but this maid seemed genuinely nervous, and Tella might have recognized her voice from her first night in the palace. She sounded like the servant whoโ€™d reminded her of a bunny and felt sorry for Tella. โ€œWhat happened earlier?โ€ Tella asked.

โ€œYou really havenโ€™t heard? The whole palace is bubbling about it. Theyโ€™re saying the real Lost Heir, Elantineโ€™s missing child, has reappeared. Of course, no one has confirmed it.โ€ The maid hushed her voice. โ€œThe empress fell ill right after the rumors started.โ€

โ€œWhatโ€™s wrong with her?โ€ Tella asked.

โ€œIโ€™m not privy to that sort of information,โ€ said the maid. โ€œBut it sounds serious.โ€

โ€œItโ€™s all probably part of Caraval,โ€ Tella said. If the empress actually had a missing child, it seemed like a great coincidence that the child would just happen to appear during Caraval.

But what if the empress was genuinely sick? The thought made Tella more uncomfortable than she would have expected. In her letter Elantine talked about Tellaโ€™s mother as if sheโ€™d known her. Sheโ€™d called her a treasure. Tella wanted to know why, but she wouldnโ€™t if anything happened to the empress.

โ€œThank you for the assistance,โ€ Tella said to the maid. โ€œYouโ€™re free to leave.โ€

Tella was dressed. All she needed to do was crown herself.

Unfortunately the waxy circle of candles forming the Lost Heirโ€™s crown was heavy and clunky, and the thick veil attached to it was impossible to see through.

Before putting it on her head, Tella tugged at the veilโ€™s fabric. Only the stubborn thing didnโ€™t want to budge.

She yanked it again.

The veil ripped free, but so did the crownโ€™s ring of black candles. They fell apart in thick, waxen tears, crumbling until all that remained were five razor-sharp points tipped in black opals.

It looked like an unbroken version of the Shattered Crown. The same crown Tella had seen when Armando read her fortune.

The Shattered Crown predicted an impossible choice between two equally difficult paths. Tella knew the circle in her hands wasnโ€™t the same crown. That crown was trapped in a deck of cards, and this crown had yet to break. But she didnโ€™t like that her fingers went numb wherever they touched it.

She wanted to shove it into the box. It felt like a bad idea to put this crown on. But she refused to be afraid of it or the ideas it brought to mind.

Tella looked in the mirror as she placed it atop her head. The crown wasnโ€™t nearly as heavy as it had been when the candles had been a part of it, but from the moment it touched her curls, Tella felt a stirring, as if wearing the crown was the first step toward an impossible choice she wasnโ€™t ready make.

She tried to dismiss the feeling. Just because she was going to speak with the empress about her mother didnโ€™t mean Tella was going to sacrifice herself to the stars so that she could win the game to save Paloma. And yet Tella found herself tucking Jacksโ€™s luckless coin into the pocket of her costume, along with the Aracle and the card imprisoning her mother.

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