Chapter no 28 – DEBBIE

Keep It in the Family

‘Morning,’ I say, and then open the lounge window in the Annexe. This room hasn’t been aired for a while and it smells musty in here and of dirty nappies. I take a can of Febreze from the cupboard under the sink and spray the curtains, sofa and even the carpet with a fine linen-scented mist.

There doesn’t appear to be any sign of Mia wanting to move out of our house. Finn has declined our offer to give them the money to buy somewhere, explaining it’s not the right time for them. He stopped short of blaming her. So it doesn’t look as if they are going anywhere in a hurry. I won’t lie and say this doesn’t please me.

Mia exits the bathroom and looks at me in a way that I can only interpret as awkward. Typically, each morning she’ll give me a heartfelt smile and she’ll thank me in advance for taking Sonny back into the main house with me for the rest of the day. We’ve got into quite the routine, he and I, playing out in the garden if it’s warm enough, or holed up in the playroom I’ve created for him in one of the spare bedrooms. I’ll feed him, change him and will only bring him back when Finn has texted to tell me he’s on his way home from work. The upside of whatever it is that’s wrong with Mia means I get to spend all my days with my grandson.

Mia has already changed out of her pyjamas, her hair is washed and she looks almost guilty for having made the

effort. She holds her head down a little and doesn’t make eye contact when she asks me how I am. Is she hiding something or am I misreading her?

‘I’ll keep Sonny here with me today if that’s okay?’ she says.

‘Really?’ I ask. ‘Why’s that?’ ‘It’ll give you a break.’

‘Oh I don’t need one, I’m fine. Besides, I was taking him to show off to my friends at lunch.’

‘You’ve been having him loads lately, you could do with a rest.’

This time her smile is artificial, as if there is something else going on behind it.

‘Is everything okay?’ I ask.

‘Yes, it’s absolutely fine, honestly. I just think it’ll do him and me some good having a bit of time together.’

‘Well, if you’re sure you can handle it. It’s been a while since you’ve had him for a whole day. He can be quite demanding if you don’t know what you’re doing.’

‘Yes, I’m sure.’

‘Maybe I’ll pop by at lunchtime and make sure he’s okay.’

‘Honestly Debbie, there’s no need.’

‘Right then,’ I huff, and kiss my grandson’s forehead before leaving them alone. I turn one last time to look at them both. He remains on his play mat but she has yet to approach him.

This development doesn’t sit comfortably with me one little bit. I’m not going to be pushed out of his life just because Mia has suddenly decided she wants to play at being Mum.

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