Chapter no 18

I Bet You (Waylon University, #2)


few hours later, I’m in my dorm room, stewing after seeing Penelope. I clench my fists and pace around my bedroom. Fuck, I’m antsy, and all I can think about is how pissed she was about Sasha and how amped up I am that I can’t get her to admit she wants me just as much as I want her. It doesn’t matter that she’s a distraction right now. It doesn’t matter that I’ve sworn I won’t get involved with anyone.

She’s just…different.

My eyes land on a framed picture of my dad and me at my last high school football game, and my lips twist. If I had a solid relationship with him, maybe I could call him up and talk about this pressure I feel to be the best, to be a top pick in the draft. But my dad isn’t the kind of guy you open up to. Plus, he’s still disappointed in me after the fighting scandal.

My chest is heavy and I scrub my jaw. There’s no one to talk to, really, about Penelope. Blaze is too immature, and Maverick lives with Delaney now so I barely see him. And Dad? Ha. He thinks women are for sex only. Guess I can’t blame him considering how my mom left us.

I get a text and grab my phone.

It’s from Blaze. Dude. Your girl is here at the Tau house. My girl?

Penelope, asswipe.

I exhale.

On my way.

I hop in the shower, and twenty minutes later I’m out the door and headed to my truck.

The frat house is thumping with the strains of Post Malone as I walk in the door. It’s a full-scale party with people everywhere, open pizza boxes on the counter, and a keg in the kitchen. I grab a red plastic cup of beer and head to the basement where most of the people like to congregate.

Penelope is the first person I see, and I pause mid-step on the stairs and nearly spit out my drink when I get a gander at what she’s wearing: a plaid miniskirt with a fitted white collared shirt. The buttons are done all the way to the top and a little scarf thing is tied around her neck. Schoolgirl. At first glance, it’s demure, but then I look down and see her high-heeled black boots. Good God. My teeth snap together. Her auburn hair is curled and in pigtails, and she’s not wearing her glasses—a clear sign she’s on a mission.

Is it Connor she’s trying to ensnare? I run my eyes over the crowd, but I don’t see his familiar tall frame and dark hair. My fists unclench. Good. Sure, he’s decent, but a kernel of anger rushes through me every time I see the nerdy asshole.

I watch Penelope and Charisma—and is that Margo? Yep. The three of them, along with several other sisters, are laughing as they dance together at the edge of the space. No dudes around them.

I don’t even know Blaze is next to me until he speaks, his gaze on the group. “You got here fast. I see you’re watching the Chi Os,” he murmurs.


He chuckles, and I turn to give him a sharp look. “Something you want to say?”

He scratches at his head. “Dude, you’ve got a thing for her, for Penelope.

Like bad.”

“No, I don’t.”

He shakes his head and gives me this look like he knows shit. “I’m your go-to guy with the ball, man, and I read you like a book. You can’t keep your eyes off her. Even that day at Sugar’s…” He shakes his head.

I swallow and rub at my jaw.

Blaze muses. “You’d have pretty babies together.” My eyes flare. “Are you drunk?”

He shrugs. “I’ve had a few, but just because I’m a football player doesn’t mean I’m not romantic and shit.” A grin flashes across his face. “Plus, you deserve some good in your life. I say go for it. Win that bet and get the girl at the same time.”

He’s babbling. I squint at him, taking him in. “Question. Ever watch


“Team Jacob all the way.”

I shake my head. “I don’t even know you.”

He shrugs. “I have sisters. Girls love that shit.”

A slow song comes on, one of Ed Sheeran’s, and I see a group of frat boys eyeing the girls.

Hell no.

With a muttered farewell, I leave Blaze behind and head toward Penelope.

The closer I get, the tighter my chest feels.

What’s it going to take to make her see I’m not the person she thinks I am?

Why does her opinion matter to me?

I watch her toss her head back and laugh, her hair curving around her shoulders, lying in copper coils.

“What’s up? Enjoying the party?” I say as I stop in front of them, giving them my signature cocky grin.

“Oh. Hey.” It’s Penelope and she’s staring at me—like she does—as she takes a sip of her drink.

I don’t even pretend to do small talk. She isn’t one for it, and I don’t want to give her the opportunity to run away from me.

“Let’s dance.” It isn’t a question.

I take her hand, clasp it in mine, and tug her forward. She follows. “Brute. She didn’t say yes,” Charisma calls out after us.

“She would have,” I say over my shoulder.

Penelope hasn’t said anything as we reach the middle of the makeshift dance floor. She curls her arms around my neck and looks up at me. My hands linger on her lower waist, so fucking tempted to press myself completely against her, but I don’t because my dick is a steel rod.

My gaze wanders over her auburn hair. She’s so gorgeous it makes my teeth hurt. “Nice outfit,” I say. “Did you wear it for me?” I can’t stop the bullshit coming out of my mouth. Fuck—the truth is, I don’t know how to talk to her. Sure, I know how to flirt and fuck, but I don’t know how to really like a girl. I recall the fact that I asked her to do laundry with me. I really suck.

“I dress for myself.” She shrugs. “I didn’t know you’d be here.”

I nod, staring down at her. “You ran off today before we could finish our conversation.”

“Captain Obvious.”

“It wasn’t cool. I was trying to explain to you that I don’t give a shit about Sasha.”

Her eyes fly to mine. “Really? I figured you were into her…all big boobs and bunny-like. That isn’t me.”

“I know you’re not like that. It’s what I like about you.”

She bites her lip, and my eyes linger there, wondering how it would feel if I kissed her again, this time hard and intense and with so much feeling…

She exhales. “Look, can we forget about everything and just dance?”

“Hi. My name is Ryker. I play football. I love piña coladas and getting caught in the rain. I like making love at midnight, and…I can’t remember the rest of it. What’s your name?”

She giggles, and I know I’ve won her over. “Piña coladas?”

I pop an eyebrow. “Just going with the flow here. Don’t dis coconut and rum until you’ve tasted it.”

She laughs. “Okay. I’m Penelope, and I also love getting caught in the rain…and yoga?” She smiles. “Sorry. I can’t remember that song either.”

“I’m the football player you’ve looked for…” “Come with me and escape.”

We both laugh.

“See, this is easy,” I say as I pull her closer, until her breasts are pressed

against my chest. “I like getting to know you,” I murmur in her ear. She tilts her head back, gray eyes glinting up at me. “Is that so?” “Mmhmmm.”

Her lashes flutter down as if she’s hiding her emotions, and my hands tighten around her, my fingers trailing over the soft fabric of her skirt. I’m itching to run my hand over her ass and claim it as mine.

“I have a question for you,” I say. “Yeah?”

“Did you come hoping to see Connor?” She shrugs.

“Did you come hoping to see me?” Those long lashes lie against her cheeks. “Penelope?”


I want to say Let’s get out of here.

Let me get to know you…let me unwrap that skirt and show you exactly what it feels like when a man gives you an orgasm.

The air in the room changes, and I look up and see Archer coming down the stairs with a few other defensive players. Our eyes meet across the floor, and his lips tighten as he rakes his gaze over Penelope.

He turns back to one of the guys and points at us. They laugh and sneer. My gut churns. Dammit. I don’t want him watching us together,

wondering if I’m dancing with her just to win the bet.

“What is it?” she says, looking up at me. “You got quiet.”

I smile down at her. “Nothing, Red. Look, I’m sorry about today. I shouldn’t have let Sasha say some of that shit in front of you.”

“She was staking her claim. She wanted me to know she’d had you.” Her lips compress.

“Well, she won’t have me again.”

She doesn’t look sure as she watches me, and there’s a thoughtful look on her face like she’s going to say more, but she settles on, “Okay.”

As soon as the song is over, I walk with her back to her group and say my goodbyes. She watches me with a frown and perhaps disappointment. Maybe.

I imagine I feel her gaze on me as I walk across the basement and head to the stairs.

I pass by Archer on the way out, and he can’t help but make a comment. “Leaving so soon, golden boy?”

I shrug. “Nothing for me here.”

His eyes drift over to Penelope, a hardness there. “Got turned down, huh?”

“Fuck off.”

And before he can reply, I’m out the door.

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