Chapter no 11

I Bet You (Waylon University, #2)


Penelope Graham. Damn.

Somewhere between hiding with her behind the plant and kissing her in the bookstore, something changed between us. I can’t put my finger on exactly what, but I do know I’m fucking jealous as hell of a nerd who loves to talk about mechanical pencils and pool.

You have no right to your jealousy, I tell myself while I follow behind them as they walk through the quad.

Much to my surprise, I also notice that, at some point, she pulled up her sweatshirt and did some kind of tie thing on the side, so it shows off her heart- shaped ass. She must have done it while they were walking out of the bookstore, and I was lingering behind the display.

I take in several pairs of male eyes roving over her as she sashays past them and it annoys me.


I shouldn’t be surprised they’re staring.

There’s something mesmerizing about her that calls to the caveman in me and brings all my alpha instincts to the surface. She’s part goofy but clever. Hot but innocent. Her lips are a perfect Cupid’s bow, full and red, and I admit to staring at them a little too long in the bookstore before we kissed. And her coppery hair that falls around her oval face? That’s the stuff of wet dreams.

I half-smile. She isn’t impressed with who I am, and that…that I fucking dig.

I walk briskly, my stride extended as I try to catch up to them without getting close enough to be noticed. Hell, I just want to be a fly on the wall for their conversation. Most of their exchange in the bookstore was about school supplies.

What I’m definitely not thinking about is the elephant in my head: that kiss.

Yeah, it was spur of the moment, but part of me wants to repeat it as soon as I can.


That won’t happen.

I’m getting Connor for her—not me.

I enter the science building, still following the…lovebirds? I watch their heads bend close to each other as they have a conversation that seems intense.

What are they talking about?


I was on a team in high school. Please. And just like that, I grin at nothing in particular. Penelope is…funny.

As I head down the hallway to class, I see Archer coming around the corner, his arm around Sasha, one of the jersey chasers.

Anger curls around me. These past couple of days at practice have been tense, but I’m hanging in there, as long as he can keep his trap shut.

I head for the entrance to the auditorium just as Archer ditches Sasha and hightails it over to me. His gaze sees the pair up ahead—Connor and Penelope—and a wide grin splits his face. A low whistle comes from him as he checks her out before she disappears through the door.

I hate that he’s staring at her. “What do you want?” I say.

He smirks. “Ah, poor Ryker, she’s with a guy. That certainly makes things interesting, but I’m sure a handsome fellow like you can figure it out.” He tosses his head back and laughs but then sobers, his eyes narrowing on my face. “Unless I’m wrong and you’ve tapped that already?”

I stare down at him, my fists tightening. “None of your goddamn business.”

“Now that’s a no if I ever heard one,” he says in his slow drawl before giving me a slap on the back. “Don’t worry, sport, maybe you can talk her into it. I mean, I know you’ve lost some of your game with the ladies this year, but surely you can get this girl.” He considers me. “But then, maybe you’re not feeling masculine enough? I mean, you’ve had some bad press lately. They say it affects the libido.”

I exhale. “Don’t you have better things to do with your time than worry about who I’m screwing? People who talk about sex are the ones who aren’t getting it, bro.”

He waves me off. “Actually, this is the highlight of my week. I’m going to win that trophy this year because you’re too much of a pussy to get a piece of ass that should be so easy for someone like you—seeing as you’re the big man on campus and all.”

I smirk. “Sounds like jealousy to me, Archer. I’m not taking your bet. And as soon as Maverick comes back to the team, your ass is no longer captain.”

His face reddens, and I’m glad I finally hit a nerve. He’s a hard nut to crack under all that fake bravado. “You think you’re so good, don’t you? You think just because you’re Ryker Voss everyone’s just going to give you a pass.”

I tower over him, inching into his space until I hope he smells my toothpaste. “Keep all this talk up and you’re going to get hurt.”

He laughs, a bit shrilly, and bounces away from me on the balls of his

feet. “Whatever. It’s all in good fun. Now, get back out there and try again, buddy. You’re letting her get away with some guy who can’t hold a candle to you—supposedly.”

Then he’s gone, vanishing down the hallway with Sasha by his side, leaving me fuming and ready to punch a hole in the wall. I settle for raking a hand through my hair.

Why do I let him get to me?

Because everything is getting to you now. And something is going to crack.

It’s going to crumble around me, and there won’t be anything I can do about it.

I close my eyes briefly until a very Southern female voice interrupts me. “Ryker? Oh, goodness. How are you? I haven’t seen you in forever.”

I whip around, and it’s Margo…something. Maybe she’s been lurking here for a while—I can’t tell. I can’t think of her last name, but I recall what I know about her: last year she dated some rich dude who screwed her over for a Theta. Apparently, she caught him red-handed at a party. I can’t recall all the details, but the rumor mill ran rampant.

“You’re just the person I wanted to see,” she adds. A slow smile breaks over her face as she eats me up with her eyes.


I know a come-on when I see it. We don’t usually chat, but I’ll bite.

“What’s up?” I ask, looking down in bemusement as she crooks her hand into the bend of my elbow and leads me over to the side next to the wall where we’re out of the way of foot traffic. I’ve never taken her for the flirtatious type, or as one to dress skimpily—she’s more of a CEO type—but today she’s showing off, wearing three-inch heels and a short white sundress.

My ego is still a bit bruised from being brushed off for Connor, and that’s what makes me malleable as she delicately and briefly fingers one of the buttons on my shirt. “You know, I’ve always loved how you dress. Even though you’re this big strong football player, you certainly have style. Where do you shop?”

“Anywhere that has big and tall,” I say dryly. “Is there something you wanted to talk about?” That isn’t about fashion? “I have a class to get to.”

She smiles again and leans in closer until I smell her perfume, something flowery and sweet. It’s nothing like Penelope’s candy scent—dammit, why am I even thinking about her right now?

Rein it in, Ryker. Rein it in.

She laughs up at me, big eyes wide. “I just wanted to say hi. We had a class together last semester, but you were always so covered up in girls I never really got to talk to you.”

Uh-huh. Margo’s the kind who gets what she wants if she wants it bad enough, and she’s never made an attempt to talk to me.

“Well, here I am, ready and waiting. Let’s talk.” I give her a cocky grin. I can flirt with the best of them, and if it helps me forget that this year is sucking so far, so be it.

She preens. “I think you’re an excellent football player. The way you throw the ball…and stuff.”

Stuff? I scratch my forehead. Is she serious?

From behind me, I hear the sarcastic tones of Penelope’s voice. I turn around and sure enough, she’s standing there, minus Connor.

Her hand goes to her hip. “Well, don’t you guys make the perfect Ken and Barbie.” She says it completely without malice, but there’s a glint in her smoky gray eyes as she measures the distance between Margo and me.

Margo takes her in, her lips pressing together tightly. “Hello, Penelope.”

I sense tension and straighten. “You two know each other?” They eyeball each other like two dogs after the same bone. “Aren’t you both Chi Os?”

“And stepsisters—since last year,” Penelope says tightly.

Margo nods. “My mom married her dad, Professor Wainwright.”

Professor Wainwright? My eyes flare. But he and Penelope don’t have the same last name…

“The psychology teacher?” He’s also the chair of the department and my guidance counselor. I have a meeting with him soon to make sure I’ve got my credits together for graduation. A graduate of Waylon back in the day, he was a quarterback in the NFL for a few years.

Penelope gives me a short nod. “It’s not something I go around telling people.” She shrugs, a hard set to her face. “I barely know my dad. I happen to know a lot about football because I like the sport.”

Ah. I know what it’s like to barely know a parent. My mom left my dad when I was three and has been floating in and out of my life ever since. She only comes around when she’s in between boyfriends and has nothing better to do. The last time I saw her was over two years ago at a football game in Austin, where I’m from. Despite the fact that I’m the quarterback, she’s never been to a game here at Waylon. From watching the myriad of emotions flitting across Penelope’s face, it seems we have that dynamic in common.

“Don’t you have a class to get to?” Margo says to Penelope. “It can wait.”

Margo narrows her eyes. “I wanted to speak with Ryker alone.”

Penelope stiffens and looks back at me, her eyes gazing at me accusingly. The arch in my eyebrow says, Are you jealous?

Never in a million years, her smirk replies.

Then why the dirty looks?

She grits her teeth.

“I thought you’d already gone inside to sit with Dimpleshitz,” I say pointedly.

“I did. I came out to find you.”



She eyes Margo and chews on her lip, obviously contemplating.

Did things go south with Dimpleshitz?

I’m about to ask her when Margo stumbles in her heels—how do you do that standing still?—and I reach out and grab her. She melts in my arms. “Thank you, Ryker. You’re so strong.” She bites her lower lip and pushes out her tits. My eyes, of course, go straight down to her cleavage. I’m human, after all.

I glance over at Penelope, who’s glaring at me.


“No worries,” I say to Margo, setting her right. “Is there something else you wanted?”

She clears her throat, her hands fluttering. “Yes, as I was saying earlier…I think you’re the best player in the country, and no one is more disappointed than me that you aren’t being considered for the Heisman this year.”

She definitely has my attention now. I frown. “The award isn’t everything,” I say, even if it so is.

“Good Lord, he could still win. He was cleared by the NCAA. How many times do I have to tell people?” Penelope says rather loudly.

“Are you…defending him?” Margo asks, an incredulous look on her face.

Penelope shrugs. “Even if he doesn’t get the Heisman, he’s going to be a top pick in the draft. That’s nothing to sneer at.”

“But he did the betting thing to you.” “I’m right here,” I add dryly.

Penelope looks at Margo. “And he apologized and has made up for it. Once I forgive someone, it’s over and done. We’re moving on. Isn’t that right?” Her smoky eyes meet mine, and fuck, my heart kicks up a notch. My gaze drifts over her porcelain complexion, taking in the curls that fall around her shoulders. I stare at her lips, remembering that kiss.

She’s not for you.

I swallow. “Yeah.”

Margo lets out a heavy sigh, and this time her hand on my arm is insistent as she tugs. “Whatever.” She focuses back on me. “Anyway, as I was saying, the Chi Omegas are having a huge—”

Willyoucometothehomecomingpartywithme?” Penelope asks rapidly, running the words together as she stands with her hands clenched.

I whip my gaze back to her. “What?”

Did she just ask me to go to a party with her?

She nods. “It’s a homecoming party at the Chi O house after the game. I know you usually go to the Tau house…” Her voice drifts off and she fidgets.

I grin at her, giving her the full golden boy charm. “I’d love to, babe.”

She grimaces at the endearment. “And invited you,” she adds, a scowl on her face as she sends a triumphant look at Margo.

“Whatever floats your boat.” I turn more fully toward her, hoping Margo will take the hint and move away, but she doesn’t. “What about Dimpleshitz?” I ask. “Is he going to be okay with that?”

She looks confused and waves me off. “I invited him too…just now. I was coming out to tell you. Aren’t you proud of me? I mean, I was nervous, but he asked me out, so I think he’s really into me. It gave me the confidence I needed.” She smiles.

A frown scrunches my forehead. “I see. So I’m not your date?”

Penelope gives me an unsure look. “No. We can invite as many people as we want. We want to have a better party than the Thetas, and Margo insists we ask the most popular A-list students to come to the party. You’re my pick.”

A muscle ticks in my jaw. I get it now. I’m just a commodity. A means to an end. Get the popular jock there and everyone else will follow.

“Dudes! What’s going on?” Blaze calls out as he waves. Dillon is next to him, the backup quarterback from Alabama with dreadlocks and a killer smile. They jog over to us, faces expectant. Carefree. Maybe that was me at some point but not anymore.

Blaze sidles up to Penelope, his gaze darting from her to me, a questioning look in his eyes. “So you guys are cool now?”

I just got her a date with her #1 crush—so yeah.

Margo is still attached to my arm, and part of me, the part that’s smarting after not being the only person Penelope invited to the Chi Omega party, decides to let her keep hanging on, especially since Penelope can’t stop looking at me and Margo.

Charisma appears in our circle and throws an arm around Penelope then gives me a narrowed look. “What’s up?”

Penelope says brightly, “I asked Ryker to the Chi Omega after party for homecoming, and he said yes.”

An expression of surprise then understanding flits across Charisma’s face as she looks at Penelope and then Margo.

Blaze’s ears perk up, and he turns to Charisma, his eyebrows waggling. “I haven’t gotten my invitation yet. How’s about it, babe—wanna ask me?”

“Don’t call me babe and no.”

“I’m inviting you,” Penelope announces. He lets out a whoop and high-fives Dillon.

“Well, if it’s going to be a big hoedown, I gotta be there too,” Dillon


Charisma rolls her eyes. “Great. It’s going to be one big football sausage fest.”

Penelope gives Margo a smile. “Aren’t you glad Charisma and I managed to invite all these great guys?”

Margo grits her teeth and pushes out a smile. “Of course. Our party’s going to be the best.”

Blaze gives me a long look. “Homecoming isn’t that far away. Maybe we all need to hang out some before it gets here.”

My lips tighten. I know what he’s insinuating. He wants me to bang Penelope.

Penelope shrugs. “Sure.”

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