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Chapter no 101

House of Flame and Shadow (Crescent City, #3)

Theย Depth Chargerย had anchored offshore, since the nearest port to the Eternal City was too shallow to accommodate the city-ship. Standing beside Ruhn, Lidia stared at her sons as they waited on the concrete pier while the transport pod surfaced, water sloshing off its glass dome top.

Revealing Renki and Davit, both waving wildly at the two boys standing beside Lidia.

At her sons, whoย were smiling at their dads, Brann enthusiastically waving back, Ace giving a smallerโ€”but no less earnestโ€”wave as well.

Ruhn placed a gentle hand on Lidiaโ€™s back, and she leaned into the reassuring, loving touch. Her mate. Yes, she knew it without a doubt.

The glass top of the pod opened, and then Renki and Davit leapt gracefully onto the pier, Brann and Ace running for themโ€”

It was pure loveย and joy, the embraces shared between the boys and their fathers. Renki had tears of relief running down his face, and Davit was holding both boys to him as if heโ€™d never let them go again.

But Davit did let go. He crossed to Lidia in two strides and wrapped his arms around her, too. โ€œThank you,โ€ the male said,ย voice choked with tears. โ€œThank you.โ€ Renki was there the moment Davit pulled back,ย hugging her as tightly.

Lidia found herself smiling, even as her heart was again aching, and leaned away to survey her sons.

They were both considering her, Brann frowning deeply, Ace more unreadable. It was the former who said, โ€œSo this is goodbye?โ€

Lidia glanced to Renki and Davit, who both nodded. Theyโ€™d spoken on the phone yesterday to coordinate this reunionโ€”and what lay ahead. โ€œUntilย things settle down a bit up here,โ€ Lidia said. โ€œAbove the surface, I mean.โ€

Because even in the day since the Asteri had been vanquished, shit was already hitting the fan. The drainage of the firstlight grid was going to be a huge problem. But the Ocean Queen had fueled all her city-ships and their various pods without firstlight. With her own power. Maybe the ruler had some insight into howย they might adapt their tech to move beyond consuming firstlight.

The Ocean Queen, of course, hadnโ€™t been happy when Lidia had sent a messenger to theย Depth Charger.ย Lidia had kept her note short and efficient:

I trust that my services are no longer required and henceforth resign from your employ.

With gratitude for your compassion,

Lidia Cervos

The Ocean Queen had dispatched her replyโ€”againย on a briny piece of kelpโ€”an hour later.

I have bigger issues to consider than your loyalty, Lidia Cervos. I accept your resignation, but do not fool yourself into thinking that this is the last we shall cross paths. For now, you may live your life Above.

It was the best Lidia could hope for.

Now, Lidia glanced between her sons and added, โ€œBut Iโ€™d like to see you both again. If thatโ€™s okay withย you.โ€

Brann nodded, and she had no words in her head as he walked up to her and threw his arms around her.

Her sonโ€™s scent, his warmth and nearness, threatened to bring her to her knees. But she managed to stay standing, knowingย Ruhn was beside her, would always be there, supporting her, as Brann pulled back, grinning.

โ€œYouโ€™re a badass,โ€ Brann said, and added, โ€œMom.โ€

Even as her heart glowedย with joy at the word, Lidia dared glance over his shoulder to find that Renki and Davit were grinning as broadly as Brann. Happy for herโ€”for all of them. Her boys had a beautiful family, and perhaps, if everyone was all right with it, it was one she could find a place in. Find joy in.

Brann leaned in, pressing a kiss to Lidiaโ€™s cheek that she knew sheโ€™d cherish for the rest of her existence.ย Then he walked over to Ruhn, and Lidia could only blink as Brann threw his arms around Ruhn, too, hugging him tight. โ€œThanks,โ€ Brann said. โ€œFor what you were gonna do. To save usโ€”and our mom.โ€

Ruhn clapped Brann on the back, and Lidiaโ€™s chest filled with so much brightness she could barely contain it all. โ€œNo worries,โ€ Ruhn said. โ€œAll in a dayโ€™s work for us Aux grunts.โ€

Brann grinned, then walkedย back to his parents, hugging Renki again.

Lidia glanced to Ace, who was watching her warily. Knowing he wouldnโ€™t rush into her arms as Brann had, Lidia walked up to him. Slowly. Giving him time to decide what he wanted to do.

Ace held his ground, but his eyes werenโ€™t cold as he said, โ€œThanks for coming for us.โ€ His mouth quirked to the side. โ€œTake care of yourself.โ€

โ€œIโ€™ve got Ruhn watchingย my back,โ€ Lidia said, glancing to Ruhn. โ€œIโ€™ll be fine.โ€

โ€œHeย shotย you,โ€ Ace said, frowning at Ruhn.

โ€œI shouldnโ€™t have told you that,โ€ Ruhn muttered.

Lidia smirked, but faced Ace again. โ€œHeโ€™ll pay for it, donโ€™t worry.โ€

Ace didnโ€™t look so sure, staring Ruhn down for a moment. But when he began walking toward his dads, he stumbled, as if โ€ฆ

Lidia glared at Ruhn, who whistled innocently at theย sky. Fineโ€”let him keep his mind-speaking secrets.

Ruhn slid a hand around her waist as the boys and their parents boarded the pod. Davit slid into the pilotโ€™s seat, flicking on switches,ย and Brann claimed the seat beside him. Renki and Ace took the back seats, and as the pod whirred to life, they all looked at her.

Lidia offered them a small, hopeful smile. Her fingers found Ruhnโ€™s, and sheย gripped his hand tightly. Ruhn didnโ€™t let go.

Her sons were alive, and free, and in her life again, and it was more than sheโ€™d ever hoped for.

So the future, whatever it held โ€ฆ sheโ€™d cherish every moment of it.

Bryce was thoroughly sick of Nenaโ€™s endless chill when she opened the Northern Rift again. Not to the home world of the Fae, but to Hel.

Only blackness awaited the army marching through.ย The beasts and flying things and the princes, who went one by one, Thanatos giving her a look that said she might have destroyed the Asteri but he was still mad about his dog, until only Apollion and Aidas stood before her in the ice and snow.

They did not seem to require coats or hats or gloves. They didnโ€™t even shiver.

Apollion said to Hunt, โ€œHel has no hold on you, and you have no obligationย to us.โ€

โ€œUh, thank you?โ€ Hunt said. โ€œLikewise.โ€

Apollion threw him a half smile, then glanced to Bryce. โ€œYou did better than expected.โ€

Bryce snapped her fingers, the sound muffled by her gloves. โ€œThatย is what I want on my new business cards.ย Bryce Quinlan: Better than Expected.โ€

Apollion just smirked and walked toward the dark.

โ€œHey,โ€ Bryce called after the Prince of the Pit.

Apollion paused,ย raising a brow at her.

Bryce threw him a grin and said, โ€œThanks for not giving up on Midgard.โ€

She could have sworn a kernel of compassion warmed Apollionโ€™s face before he glanced to Aidas and said, โ€œI shall be happy to lay the matter to rest. And to see my brother at peace.โ€

With that, he strode through the Rift.

Bryceโ€™s teeth were chattering now, but she faced Aidas. โ€œWill we see you again?โ€

Aidas smiled wickedly. โ€œDo you wish to?โ€

โ€œNo,โ€ Bryce said, and meant it. โ€œGrateful as we are โ€ฆ I think we have different definitions for the wordย pet.โ€

Aidas smiled fully this time. โ€œThen I shall give you my gratitude, Bryce Quinlan. And bid you farewell.โ€

โ€œIโ€™ll be forever grateful,โ€ Bryce said to the Prince of the Chasm, โ€œfor your kindness that day at the Oracle.โ€

His smile turned gentler.ย โ€œTheia would be proud of you.โ€

โ€œAnd of you,โ€ Bryce said, the only gift she could offer to a Prince of Hel. She refrained from saying that Theiaโ€™s pride meant shit to her, though. โ€œI think you might get to hear it from her lips one day.โ€

Aidas angled his head. Bryce had told all of them about what Jesiba had claimed. What sheโ€™d seen in that land of glowing light. โ€œYou think a Prince of Hel shallย be allowed in?โ€

Bryce walked up to him and kissed his cheek. Icy skin met her lips. โ€œI think a good male, regardless of where he is from, will always be allowed in.โ€

Aidasโ€™s eyes glowed bright blueโ€”with gratitude or longing or love, she didnโ€™t know. But the prince only nodded to her, then to Hunt, and walked through the Northern Rift into the dark.

Apollion was waiting just inside, and he tookย up a place beside his brother. Bryceโ€™s hand slid into Huntโ€™s, and she lifted her other hand in farewell.

To her surprise, both princes returned the gesture.

With a ripple of thought and power, she closed the Rift. Locked it securely, leaving no cracks to slip through. Though the Asteri were gone, all their crystal Gates throughout Midgard remained intact. But for now, at leastย thisย particularย Gate was shut completely. At long last.

โ€œLooks like your demon-hunting days might be over,โ€ she said to Hunt.

Her mate grinned down at her, and kissed her gently, and evenย the frigid winds of Nena seemed to warm around them. โ€œGuess I should file for unemployment.โ€

Tharion Ketos stood on the outskirts of the Meat Market, looking for his wife.

Thanks to the water sprites in her employ, theย Viper Queen had apparently been able to put out the blazing main building before the fire had spread, leaving the bulk of the Meat Marketโ€™s interconnected warehouses intact.

Indeed, it seemed as if it was business as usualโ€”albeit already adjusted to a new world. From the back of a truck, shady-looking grunts unloaded cannisters glowing with firstlight. Already stocking up on a product that wouldย soon be in high demand.

Tharion didnโ€™t really know why heโ€™d come here, when Sendes had informed him that the Ocean Queen had forgiven his disobedience. In fact, sheโ€™d made him a perfectly good offer to be a commander in her forces and work aboard theย Depth Charger, but heโ€™d found himself saying he had something to do first.

And then made his way back here.

The world was in upheaval. The Asteriย were gone, but there was an Imperial Senate to contend with, and Archangels, and the various House Heads, and โ€ฆ maybe he should have stayed on that ship.

He didnโ€™t know why he had expected peace and comfort. Why heโ€™d thought everyone would be happy and just โ€ฆ chill. But there were plenty of greedy fucks out there in the world, who were happy to use the shake-up to grab for power.

And he knewย that the fuck who ruled the Meat Market was probably one of them. Heโ€™d have to contend with her at some point, probably someday soon.

But right now he needed to find his wife. Just to make sure she was okay. Then he could be on his way. Go to theย Depth Charger. Or do something else, he didnโ€™t know. He figured Ogenas would guide him at some point. Maybe help him figure out his mess of a life.

Tharion slipped on the hood of his sweatshirt, checking thatย the gun concealed at his side was secure and ready, and walked into the warren of the Meat Market. To whatever Urd had in store for him.

He only made it one block before a female voice said from the shadows, โ€œYou have to be ten kinds of dumb to go back in there.โ€

He halted, peering into the alley from which the voice had spoken. Twoย crimson eyes smoldered in the darkness.

Tharion inclined his head. โ€œHello, Ariadne.โ€

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