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Chapter no 11

Hidden Pictures

And Iโ€™m sorry but thereโ€™s no way Teddy drew these pictures. Most adults canโ€™t draw this wellโ€”let alone a five-year-old boy who sleeps with stuffed animals and canโ€™t count past twenty-nine.

But how else did they end up in the recycling bin? Did Ted draw them? Caroline?

Are the Maxwells studying illustration in their free time? All my questions lead to more questions, and pretty soon

Iโ€™m wishing I never got out of bed. I wish Iโ€™d just let the sanitation trucks carry away the clues, so I wouldnโ€™t have to wonder what they meant.

Monday passes in a dazeโ€”LEGOs, mac and cheese, Quiet Time, swimming poolโ€”but by nightfall Iโ€™m ready to do some serious research. I take a shower and wash my hair and put on one of Carolineโ€™s nicest outfits, a breezy blue midi dress with pretty white flowers. Then I walk a mile into town to The Raconteur, Spring Brookโ€™s local independent bookstore.

Iโ€™m surprised to find it crowded on a Monday nightโ€”a neighborhood author has just finished a reading and the mood is festive, like a party. People are drinking wine in plastic cups and eating sheet cake off tiny paper plates. I have to push through the crowd to reach the parenting section, but Iโ€™m grateful for all the distractions; I donโ€™t want any store clerks offering to help me find something. If they heard what I was researching, theyโ€™d think I was crazy.

I gather some books and head out the back door to a large brick patioโ€”a crowded cafรฉ thatโ€™s ringed with

twinkling Christmas lights. Thereโ€™s a small bar selling snacks and drinks, and a very earnest teenage girl sitting on a barstool with an acoustic guitar, dressed in overalls and singing โ€œTears in Heaven.โ€ I canโ€™t hear this song without thinking about my sisterโ€™s memorial service; it was part of a playlist that looped over and over. The song is constantly sneaking up on me in supermarkets and restaurants, and even after a thousand times it still has the power to make me cry. But this girlโ€™s version is brighter than the Eric Clapton original. Thereโ€™s something about her young age that makes the song seem almost hopeful.

I walk over to the coffee bar and order a mug of tea and a pastry, only to find that I donโ€™t have enough hands to carry everything. Plus, all the tables are full and no one seems anxious to leave, so I canโ€™t believe my good luck when I see Adrian sitting alone at a table for two, reading a Star Wars novel.

โ€œCan I join you?โ€

And itโ€™s funnyโ€”this time,ย heย doesnโ€™t recognizeย me, not right away, not in Carolineโ€™s gorgeous $500 dress. โ€œYes! Definitely! Mallory! How are you?โ€

โ€œI didnโ€™t realize it would be so crowded.โ€

โ€œItโ€™s always busy here,โ€ Adrian says. โ€œThis is the third-hottest spot in Spring Brook.โ€

โ€œWhat are the other two?โ€

โ€œNumber one is Cheesecake Factory, obviously. Number two is the Wegmans hot food buffet.โ€ He shrugs. โ€œWe donโ€™t have much of a night life.โ€

The girl with the guitar finishes โ€œTears in Heavenโ€ to tepid applause but Adrian claps long and loud, and she shoots an annoyed look in our direction. โ€œMy cousin Gabriella,โ€ he says. โ€œSheโ€™s only fifteen, can you believe it? She marched in here with a guitar and they gave her a job.โ€

Gabriella leans closer to the microphone and says sheโ€™s going to switch to the Beatles, and then she starts singing a sweet cover of โ€œBlackbird.โ€ I look at the book Adrian is

reading. The cover shows Chewbacca firing lasers at an army of robots, and the title is printed in giant silver-foil letters:ย Wookiee Vengeance.

โ€œIs that any good?โ€

Adrian shrugs. โ€œItโ€™s not canon? So they take a lot of liberties. But if you likedย Ewok Vengeance, youโ€™ll love this one.โ€

And I canโ€™t help myselfโ€”I start laughing. โ€œYouโ€™re really something. You look like a landscaper. Youโ€™ve got a Florida tan and dirt under your fingernails. But it turns out youโ€™re actually a country club kidย andย a Star Wars nerd.โ€

โ€œI spend my whole summer pulling weeds. I need some escapist entertainment.โ€

โ€œI understand. I watch Hallmark Channel for the same reason.โ€


โ€œNo joke. Iโ€™ve seen all fiveย Murder, She Bakedย mysteries. And I donโ€™t share this information with a lot of people so Iโ€™m trusting you to keep it secret.โ€

Adrian crosses an X over his heart. โ€œYour secretโ€™s safe with me,โ€ he says. โ€œWhat books areย youย reading?โ€ And I donโ€™t have to answer the question because my books are already on the table and Adrian can read the spines:ย Abnormal Child Psychologyย andย The Encyclopedia of Supernatural Phenomena. โ€œThis is how you unwind after a long day of babysitting?โ€

โ€œIf I told you why Iโ€™m reading these books, thereโ€™s a good chance youโ€™ll think Iโ€™m crazy.โ€

Adrian closesย Wookiee Vengeanceย and sets it aside, giving me his full and undivided attention. โ€œAll my favorite stories come with that kind of warning,โ€ he says. โ€œTell me everything.โ€

โ€œItโ€™s a really long story.โ€ โ€œI have nowhere to be.โ€

โ€œIโ€™m warning you. The bookstore might close before I can finish.โ€

โ€œStart from the beginning and donโ€™t leave out any details,โ€ he tells me. โ€œYou never know whatโ€™s going to be important.โ€

So I tell him about my job interview with the Maxwells, about the guest cottage, about my daily routine with Teddy. I describe the evolution of Teddyโ€™s drawings and the strange conversations happening inside Teddyโ€™s bedroom. I tell him about my discussions with Mitzi and the Maxwells. I ask him if he knows the story of Annie Barrett, and he assures me that every kid in Spring Brook knows the story of Annie Barrett. Apparently sheโ€™s the local boogeyman, always ready to prey on children who stray into the forest after dark.

And after nearly an hour of talking (and after his cousin packs up her guitar and heads home, after all the surrounding tables have emptied out and itโ€™s just me and Adrian and the cafรฉ staff wiping down tables) I reach into my bag and produce my latest discoveryโ€”the drawings from the recycling bin.

Adrian flips through the pictures in astonishment. โ€œYouโ€™re saying Teddy drew these? Five-year-old Teddy?โ€

โ€œThat paper comes from Teddyโ€™s sketch pad. And I can hear him drawing in the bedroom. He comes out with pencil all over his fingers. The only thing I can think of isโ€”โ€ I tap theย Encyclopedia of Supernatural Phenomena. โ€œMaybe heโ€™s channeling someone. Maybe itโ€™s the spirit of Annie Barrett.โ€

โ€œYou think Teddy is possessed?โ€

โ€œNo. This isnโ€™tย The Exorcist. Annie isnโ€™t trying to destroy Teddyโ€™s soul or take over his body. She just wants to borrow his hand. She uses it during Quiet Time, when heโ€™s alone in his bedroom. And for the rest of the day, she leaves him alone.โ€

I pause so Adrian can laugh or make fun of me, but he doesnโ€™t say anything, so I outline the rest of my theory: โ€œAnnie Barrett is a good artist. She already knows how to draw. But this is her first time drawing withย someone elseโ€™s

arm. So her first few efforts are terrible. Theyโ€™re just scribbles. But after a couple pages she gets better. She gains control and thereโ€™s more detail. Texture, light, and shadow. Sheโ€™s mastering her new toolโ€”Teddyโ€™s hand.โ€

โ€œSo how did these pages end up in the trash?โ€

โ€œMaybe Anya put them there. Or maybe Teddy did, Iโ€™m not sure. Heโ€™s become very private about his drawings.โ€

Adrian cycles through the pictures again, this time studying them more closely. He turns some of the drawings upside down, searching the scribbles for a deeper meaning. โ€œYou know what they remind me of? Those picture-puzzles inย Highlightsย magazine. Where the artist hides stuff in the background. Like, the roof of the house is actually a boot, or a pizza, or a hockey stick, you remember those?โ€

I know the puzzles heโ€™s describingโ€”my sister and I used to love themโ€”but I think these pictures are more straightforward. I point to the drawing of the woman crying out in anguish. โ€œI think this is a self-portrait. I think Annieโ€™s drawing the story of her murder.โ€

โ€œWell, thereโ€™s one easy way to find out. Letโ€™s get a photo of the real Annie Barrett. Compare her to the woman in this picture. See if they match.โ€

โ€œI already looked. Thereโ€™s nothing online.โ€

โ€œWell, lucky for you, my mother works summers at the Spring Brook public library. They have a massive archive of town history. A whole basement full of materials. If anyoneโ€™s going to have a picture of Annie Barrett, itโ€™s them.โ€

โ€œCould you ask her? Would she mind?โ€

โ€œAre you kidding? She lives for this stuff. Sheโ€™s a teacher and a part-time librarian. If I tell her youโ€™re researching local history, sheโ€™ll be your new best friend.โ€

He promises to ask her first thing in the morning, and I feel so much better, now that Iโ€™ve shared my problems. โ€œThank you, Adrian. Iโ€™m glad you donโ€™t think Iโ€™m crazy.โ€

He shrugs. โ€œI think we have to consider every possibility. โ€˜When you eliminate the impossible, all that remains,

however improbable, must be the truth.โ€™ Thatโ€™s Spock in

Star Trek VI, but heโ€™s paraphrasing Sherlock Holmes.โ€ โ€œMy God,โ€ I tell him. โ€œYou really are a nerd.โ€



We walk home in the dark and we have the sidewalks to ourselves. The neighborhood feels safe, quiet, peaceful. Adrian plays tour guide, pointing out the houses of his most notorious high school classmates, like The Dude Who Rolled His Parentsโ€™ SUV and The Girl Who Had to Change Schools After a Scandalous TikTok Video. I get the sense he knows everyone in Spring Brook, that his high school years were like a glossy Netflix teen drama, one of those silly soap operas where everyone is beautiful and the outcome of a varsity football game has life-altering consequences.

Then he points to a house on the corner and tells me itโ€™s where Tracy Bantam grew up.

โ€œShould I know who that is?โ€

โ€œThe point guard for the Lady Lions. Penn Stateโ€™s womenโ€™s basketball team. I figured you knew each other.โ€

โ€œPenn State is enormous,โ€ I tell him. โ€œThere are fifty thousand students.โ€

โ€œI know, I just figured all the jocks went to the same parties.โ€

I donโ€™t answer Adrian right away. Heโ€™s giving me the perfect opportunity to come clean. I should tell him it was a stupid joke, a game I play with strangers. Clear up the truth before our relationship goes any further. I think itโ€™s possible heโ€™ll understand.

Except I canโ€™t tell Adrian part of the truth without telling him the whole truth. If I tell him that I never actually went to college, Iโ€™ll have to explain how Iโ€™ve spent the last few years

โ€”and thereโ€™s no way Iโ€™m ready to get into all that, not right now, not when weโ€™re having such a nice conversation. So I just change the subject.

We arrive at the Flower Castle but Adrian says heโ€™ll walk me home and I donโ€™t object. He asks where Iโ€™m from and heโ€™s surprised to learn that I grew up in South Philly, that I could see Citizens Bank Park from my bedroom window. โ€œYou donโ€™t sound like youโ€™re from the city.โ€

I give him my best Rocky Balboa: โ€œYo, Adrian! You tink we all tawk like dis?โ€

โ€œItโ€™s not your voice. Itโ€™s the way you present yourself.

Youโ€™re so positive. Youโ€™re not jaded like everyone else.โ€ Oh, Adrian, I think to myself. You really have no idea. He asks, โ€œAre your parents still in South Philly?โ€

โ€œJust my mom. They split up when I was young, and my dad moved to Houston. I hardly know him.โ€

This is all true, so I think my answer sounds fairly convincing, but then Adrian asks if I have any siblings.

โ€œJust one sister. Beth.โ€ โ€œOlder or younger?โ€ โ€œYounger. Sheโ€™s thirteen.โ€

โ€œDoes she go to your meets?โ€

โ€œAll the time. Itโ€™s three hours in the car, one way, but if itโ€™s a home race my mother and sister always come.โ€ And my voice catchesโ€”I donโ€™t know why Iโ€™m saying all this stuff. I want to be honest with him, to have a real relationship, and instead Iโ€™m just piling on more lies.

But as I walk these moonlit sidewalks with this very sweet and handsome lawn boy, itโ€™s so easy to surrender to fantasy. My real past feels a million miles away.

When we finally reach the Maxwellsโ€™ house, itโ€™s dark. Itโ€™s after ten thirty and everyone must be in bed. We follow the tiny flagstone path around the side of the house and itโ€™s even darker out back, with just the shimmering blue light of the pool to guide the way.

Adrian squints across the yard, scanning the trees for the outline of my cottage. โ€œWhereโ€™s your house?โ€

I canโ€™t see it, either. โ€œSomewhere back in those trees. I left the porch light on, but I guess the bulb burned out.โ€

โ€œHmmph. Thatโ€™s weird.โ€ โ€œIs it?โ€

โ€œAfter all the stories you just told me? I donโ€™t know.โ€

We walk across the lawn to the cottage, and Adrian waits on the grass while I climb the steps to my porch. I try the door and itโ€™s still locked, so I reach for my keys. Suddenly Iโ€™m grateful to Caroline for insisting I put the Viper on my key chain. โ€œMaybe Iโ€™ll just look inside for a minute. Would you mind waiting?โ€

โ€œNo problem.โ€

I unlock the door, reach inside, and toggle the switch for the porch lightโ€”definitely dead. But the interior light works fine, and the cottage looks just as I left it. Nothing in my kitchen, nothing in the bathroom. I even get down on my knees and take a quick peek under the bed.

โ€œEverything okay?โ€ Adrian calls.

I walk back outside. โ€œItโ€™s fine. I just need a new bulb.โ€

Adrian promises to call when he has more information about Annie Barrett. I watch and wait as he crosses the yard and rounds the side of the house, disappearing from view.

And as I turn to enter the cottage, my foot brushes an ugly gray rock about the size of a tennis ball. I look down and realize Iโ€™m standing on paper, three sheets of paper with ragged edges, and the rock is holding them in place. Keeping my back to the door of the cottage, I reach down and pick them up.

Then I go inside, lock the door, and sit at the edge of my bed, turning the pages one at a time. Theyโ€™re like the three drawings that Ted Maxwell ripped into piecesโ€”the three drawings he swore Iโ€™d never see again. Only theyโ€™ve been drawn by a different hand. These drawings are darker and more detailed. They use so much pencil and charcoal, the paper has warped and buckled. A man is digging a grave. A woman is being dragged through a forest. And someone is looking up from the bottom of a very deep hole.






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