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Chapter no 21

Hell Bent

Too slow. She struck nothing but air. Reiter was already behind her, one arm clamped around her chest, the fingers of his other hand gripping her skull.

โ€œThere is no debt, you stupid child,โ€ he purred. โ€œIโ€™m the competition. Harel and his nasty little compatriots want my territory. But why that rat sent you here, I cannot tell. A gift? An enticement? The question will be whether I can drink you dry without ruining my suit. Itโ€™s a little challenge I like to set for myself.โ€

His teethโ€”hisย fangsโ€”sank into her neck. Alex screamed. The pain was acute, the needle prick, the abrupt agony that followed. Now she knew why there were no ghosts on the estate. This was where death lived.

Alex cried out to the Gray lurking reluctantly outside the gates. The schoolteacher rushed into herโ€”the stale smell of a coatroom full of brown-bag lunches, a dusty cloud of chalk, and her relentless will.ย Hands go up, mouths go shut.

The vampire hissed and broke his hold, spitting blood from his mouth.

Alex watched it spatter the couch, the carpet. โ€œSo much for your suit.โ€

His eyes glittered now, bright dimes in his too-pale face, fangs extended, wet with her blood. โ€œYou taste like the grave.โ€


She launched herself at him, flush with the Grayโ€™s strength, brass knuckles in place. She got in two good hits, heard his jaw crunch, felt his stomach crumple. Then he seemed to shake off the shock, regain his speed. He darted away, putting distance between them, and he rose, levitating,ย flying, weightless before her in his bloodstained whites.

Her mind screamed at the wrongness of him. How could she have mistaken this creature for human?

โ€œA real puzzle,โ€ the vampire said. The two strikes with the brass knuckles would have killed an ordinary man, but he looked unfazed. โ€œNow I understand why Eitan Harel sent an emaciated child after me. But what exactly are you, honey lamb?โ€

Fucking terrified.ย All she had was ghost strength and a scrap of magic borrowedโ€”stolenโ€”from Lethe. And clearly that wasnโ€™t going to be enough.

Had Eitan sent her here to die? She could worry about that later. If she lived.ย Think.ย What rattled this particular monster? The only time sheโ€™d seen him shaken was when sheโ€™d threatened his beautiful things, his glorious stuff.

Okay, you toothy motherfucker. Letโ€™s play.

She snatched a porcelain figurine off a side table, hurled it through the French doors, and lunged for the bar. She didnโ€™t wait to find out if heโ€™d taken the bait, just let herself crash into the bottles, smashing whatever she could and knocking the candles into the mess of liquor. She saw one gutter out, and she released a helpless sob. But then the fire caught and bloomed, a graceful flame, a spreading vine. It gained strength, licking up the alcohol, sliding along the bar.

The vampire howled. Alex dove behind the flames, using them for cover, feeling the heat grow and trying to cover her mouth as smoke billowed up. She stripped off her hoodie and wound it into a makeshift torch, soaking it in liquor, fire gathering around it like a ball of cotton candy. She bolted for the French doors, and tossed the torch behind her, heard aย whooshย as the curtains caught.

Alex threw herself through the window with a loud crash and felt the prickle of glass slicing her skin. Then she was running.

She had the Grayโ€™s strength within her, and she took long strides, ignoring the branches that stung her face, the throb at her neck where Reiter had bitten into her. She didnโ€™t bother with scaling the wall. She put her arms out in front of her and slammed through the gates. They gave way with a clang and she was sprinting down the street, fumbling for the keys to the

Mercedes. But her pockets were empty. The hoodie. The keys had been in the hoodie. Dawes was going to kill her.

Alex ran, her sneakers smacking against the blacktop of the empty streets. She saw lights on in the houses. Could she veer off, beg for help, try to find sanctuary? She seized on the ghostโ€™s strength, felt it rush deeper into her as her legs pumped. It barely felt like she was touching the ground. She ran through the dark, through pockets of streetlight, into the town where the traffic was thicker, past the train station, until she was running the frontage road parallel to the highway. She dodged a car, heard the shriek of a horn, and then she was moving over water. A river? The sea? She could see the lights from the bridge, big houses with their own docks reflected on the surface. She was running past chain-link fences, dogs barking and yowling in her wake. She was afraid to stop.

Could he track her? Smell her blood? He hadnโ€™t liked the taste of her, that much was clear, at least not once sheโ€™d summoned the Gray. She didnโ€™t know where she was anymore. She wasnโ€™t even sure if she was running toward New Haven or away from it. She didnโ€™t feel human. She was a coyote, a fox, some feral thing that crept into yards at night. She was a ghost herself, an apparition glimpsed through windows.

But fatigue was seeping in. She could feel the Gray begging her to stop. Ahead she saw a highway exit, and a gas station sitting in an island of light. She slowed her steps but didnโ€™t stop until sheโ€™d entered that bright dome of fluorescence. There were cars parked at the pump, a couple of semis pulled up in the big parking lot, travelers shopping in the mini-mart. Alex stopped in front of the sliding glass doors and bent double, hands on her knees, breath coming in gasps, afraid she might vomit as the adrenaline ebbed out of her body. The minutes ticked by, and she watched the road, the sky. Could Reiter actually fly? Turn into a bat? Did he have vampire buddies to send after her? Had he already put out the fire at his splendid mansion? She hoped not. She hoped that fire would eat everything he loved.

At last she relinquished the schoolteacher, feeling the dregs of her strength drain away. She felt nauseous and so tired. She sat down on the curb, rested her head against her knees, and wept hot, frightened tears.

โ€œItโ€™s all right.โ€


Alex jumped at the soft voice, half-expecting to see Linus Reiter next to

But it was the schoolteacher. Her smile was gentle. She had died in her

sixties, and there were deep creases around her eyes. She was wearing slacks, and a sweater, and a pin with a smiling rainbow on it that saidย Very good! Muy bien!ย Her hair was cut short.

There were no wounds that Alex could see, and she wondered how this woman had died. She knew she should turn away, pretend she couldnโ€™t hear her; any bond with a Gray could be dangerous. But she couldnโ€™t make herself do it.

โ€œThank you,โ€ she whispered, feeling fresh tears slide down her cheeks. โ€œWe donโ€™t go to that house,โ€ said the teacher. โ€œHe buries them in the


โ€œWho?โ€ Alex asked, feeling herself begin to shake. โ€œHow many?โ€ โ€œHundreds. Maybe more. Heโ€™s been there a very long time.โ€

Alex pressed her palms against her eyes. โ€œIโ€™m going to get something to drink.โ€

โ€œYour neck,โ€ the teacher murmured, as if mentioning that Alex had a speck of food on her face.

Alex put her hand to her neck. She couldnโ€™t tell how bad the wound was. She released her ponytail, hoping her hair would hide the worst of it.

โ€œCan I come with you?โ€ the teacher asked as Alex rose on wobbly legs.

Alex nodded. She knew how much the Bridegroom had wanted to remember what it was like to be in a body, and even if every moment she spent with this Gray was perilous, she didnโ€™t want to be alone.

She let the teacher drift into her this time, at her own pace. Alex saw a classroom of bored faces, a few raised hands, a sunny apartment and a woman with long graying hair, dancing as she set the table. Love flooded through her.

Alex let it carry her into the mini-mart. She bought rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, and a box of big bandages, along with a liter of Coke and a bag of Doritos. She kept her head down and paid in cash, glancing out at the parking lot, still afraid sheโ€™d see a dark shape descending.

She went to the bathroom to clean herself up. But as soon as she shut the door and looked in the mirror, she had to stop again.

Maybe sheโ€™d expected two clean little puncture wounds like in the movies, but the marks in her neck were jagged and ugly, crusted with blood. He hadnโ€™t pierced her jugular or sheโ€™d be dead, but there was plenty of mess. She looked like sheโ€™d been mauled by an animal, and she supposed she had. Alex wiped away the blood, ignoring the sting of the alcohol, grateful for it. She was cleaning him away, scrubbing out any trace of him.

Her neck looked better when she was done, but Alex was still afraid. What if that thing had infected her with something? And why the fuck hadnโ€™t anyone told her vampires were real?

Alex slapped a bandage on her neck and walked out to the curb. She sat down in the same spot and took a big swig of soda.

Eventually the teacher reemerged looking almost delirious with pleasure from the sugar. It would be polite to ask her name, but Alex had to set some limits.

โ€œDo you have someone to call?โ€ the woman asked.

She sounded like so many of the school counselors and social workers Alex had breezed through in her childhood. The good ones at least.

โ€œI have to call Dawes,โ€ she said, ignoring the confused look from the burly guy in plaid flannel pumping diesel into his truck and watching her talk to no one. โ€œI just donโ€™t want to.โ€ Alex felt sick with grief for the Mercedes, abandoned back in Old Greenwich. It was possible the vampire wouldnโ€™t find it, or not for a while. She didnโ€™t know anything about vampires. Did they have some preternatural sense of smell or an ability to track their victims? She shuddered.

โ€œYou seem like a good kid,โ€ said the teacher. โ€œWhat were you doing there?โ€

Alex took another swig. โ€œYou were a counselor, werenโ€™t you?โ€ โ€œIs it that obvious?โ€

โ€œItโ€™s nice,โ€ Alex admitted. But this Gray couldnโ€™t save her any more than the other kind people who had tried.

She pulled her cell from her jeans pocket, grateful that it hadnโ€™t gotten lost in the chase. There was no point to calling Dawes, not yet. She needed

someone with a car.

Alex nearly burst into tears when Turner actually picked up. โ€œStern,โ€ he said, his voice flat.

โ€œTurner, I need your help.โ€ โ€œWhat else is new?โ€

โ€œCan you come get me?โ€

โ€œWhere are you?โ€ he asked.

โ€œIโ€™m not sure.โ€ She craned her neck, looking for a sign. โ€œDarien.โ€ โ€œWhy canโ€™t you call a car?โ€

She didnโ€™t want to call a car. She didnโ€™t want to be near another stranger.

โ€œI โ€ฆ Something happened to me. I need a ride.โ€

There was a long pause, then sudden silence, as if heโ€™d turned off a television. โ€œText me your address.โ€


Alex hung up, found the location of the service station, and sent it to Turner. Then she stared at her phone. The fear was leaving her, replaced by fury, and it felt good, like that rubbing alcohol, cleaning her wounds, waking her up.

She dialed.

For once Eitan picked up immediately. Heโ€™d been watching, waiting to see if she survived.

She didnโ€™t bother with a greeting. โ€œYou set me up.โ€ โ€œAlex,โ€ he chided. โ€œI thought you will win.โ€

โ€œHow many did you send before me? How many didnโ€™t come back?โ€ There was a slight pause. โ€œSeven.โ€

She brushed fresh tears from her eyes. She wasnโ€™t sure when sheโ€™d started crying again, but she needed to keep her voice steady. She could do that. The anger was with her, simple, familiar. She didnโ€™t want to seem weak.

โ€œWas there really a debt?โ€ she asked.

โ€œNot exactly. He is taking customers from me and my associates.

Foxwoods, Mohegan Sun, all good markets.โ€

Reiter was a rival dealer. Alex supposed even vampires had to make a living.

โ€œFuck you and your associates.โ€

โ€œI thought you could fix. You are special.โ€

Alex wanted to scream. โ€œYou painted a target on my back.โ€ โ€œReiter will not bother with you.โ€

โ€œHow the fuck do you know?โ€

โ€œI have guests, Alex. You want I should send you some money?โ€

Sheโ€™d known for a long time that she might have to kill Eitan. Sheโ€™d thought about doing it back in Los Angeles, but he was always surrounded by guards like Tzvi, men with guns who wouldnโ€™t think twice about putting her down. And the deal Eitan had proposed had seemed so simple, like something she could handle, just one job.ย Do this and youโ€™re done. Good girl.ย But of course that hadnโ€™t been the end of it. Sheโ€™d gotten Eitanโ€™s money and sheโ€™d made it look easy, so it was always going to be one more favor, one more job, one more hump who owed, one more sob story. And what about her mother? What about Mira going for power walks to the farmersโ€™ market? Going to work every morning thinking her daughter was safe at last, and that she was safe too?

Alex hung up and stared out at the harsh lights near the pumps, the gleaming sign ablaze with gas prices, the shine of flannel guyโ€™s truck. It felt like the service station was some kind of beacon. But what were they calling out to with all of this bright light?

Killing Eitan would free her, but sheโ€™d have to be smart about it, find a way to get him alone, make him vulnerable the way she was. And she had to take her mom out of the equation, to make sure that if she screwed up, Mira wouldnโ€™t pay and that she couldnโ€™t be used as leverage again. To do that she needed money. A lot of it.

โ€œDo you want me to stay with you?โ€ the teacher asked. โ€œWould you? Until my ride gets here?โ€

โ€œYouโ€™re going to be okay.โ€

Alex managed a smile. โ€œBecause I seem like a good kid?โ€

The teacher looked surprised. โ€œNo, kiddo. Because youโ€™re a killer.โ€



When Turnerโ€™s Dodge arrived, Alex waved goodbye to the teacher and gratefully slid into the passenger seat. He had the heater on and the radio was tuned to some local NPR station describing the day in the markets.

They drove in silence for a while and Alex was actually nodding off when he said, โ€œWhat did you get yourself into, Stern?โ€

There was blood on her clothes and a bandage on her neck. Her shoes were covered in mud, and she still smelled of smoke and the booze sheโ€™d splattered all over Linus Reiterโ€™s living room.

โ€œNothing good.โ€

โ€œThat all youโ€™re going to say about it?โ€

For now it was. โ€œHowโ€™s your case going?โ€ She hadnโ€™t told him about her suspicions regarding the Praetor and his rivalry with Beekman yet.

Turner sighed. โ€œNot well. We thought weโ€™d found a connection between Dean Beekman and Professor Stephen.โ€

โ€œOh yeah?โ€ Alex was eager to talk about anything that wasnโ€™t Linus Reiter.

โ€œStephen blew the whistle on data coming out of one of the labs in the psych department. She had concerns that it was massaged by at least one of the fellows and that thereโ€™d been shoddy oversight from the professor who published the findings.โ€

โ€œAnd the dean?โ€

โ€œHe headed up the committee that disciplined the professor in question.

Ed Lambton.โ€

โ€œJudges,โ€ Alex murmured, remembering Professor Stephenโ€™s finger resting between the Bible pages. โ€œIt makes a kind of sense.โ€

โ€œOnly if youโ€™re being literal,โ€ Turner replied. โ€œJudges isnโ€™t about judges the way we think of them. It was just another word for leaders in biblical times.โ€

โ€œMaybe the killer didnโ€™t go to Sunday school. Did Lambton lose his job?โ€

Turner shot her an amused glance. โ€œOf course not. Heโ€™s got tenure. But heโ€™s on paid leave and had to retract the paper. His reputation is in ruins. The psych study was on honesty so heโ€™s become a bit of a punch line.

Unfortunately, I canโ€™t find any holes in his alibi. Thereโ€™s absolutely no way he could have gone after Dean Beekman or Professor Stephen.โ€

โ€œSo now what do you do?โ€

โ€œFollow the other leads. Marjorie Stephen had a volatile ex-husband. Beekman had an old harassment charge on the books. Weโ€™re not short on enemies.โ€

I know the feeling.

โ€œBeekman was connected to the societies too.โ€

โ€œWas he?โ€ Alex asked. Had Turner scooped the Professor Walsh-Whiteley lead?

โ€œHe was in Berzelius.โ€

Alex snorted. โ€œBerzelius is barely a society. They donโ€™t have any magic.โ€

โ€œStill a society. Do you know Michelle Alameddine?โ€

He knew she did. Heโ€™d seen them together at Elliot Sandowโ€™s funeral.

Was Turner interrogating her?

โ€œOf course,โ€ she said. โ€œShe was Darlingtonโ€™s Virgil.โ€

โ€œShe also spent time in the psych ward at Yale New Haven. She was part of a study led by Marjorie Stephen, and she was in the city the night Dean Beekman was killed.โ€

โ€œI saw her,โ€ Alex admitted. โ€œShe said she had to catch a train back to New York, that she was having dinner with her boyfriend.โ€

โ€œWe have her on camera at the train station. Monday morning.โ€

Not Sunday night. Michelle had lied to her. But there could be countless reasons for that.

โ€œHow did you know about the psych ward?โ€ Alex asked. โ€œThat should be confidential, right?โ€

โ€œItโ€™s my job to find out who murdered two faculty members. That kind of concern opens a lot of doors.โ€

Silence stretched between them. Alex thought of all the supposedly sealed records, the court cases, the write-ups by therapists and doctors in her past. The things she thought no one would ever know about her. She felt fear crowding in and she had to push it away. There was no point waltzing with old partners when her dance card was already full.

She shifted in her seat to face him. โ€œI donโ€™t want to ask you to go back to that map with me. But Halloween is two days away and we need to find our fourth.โ€

โ€œYour fourth. Like youโ€™re playing doubles tennis.โ€ Turner shook his head. He kept his eyes on the road when he said, โ€œIโ€™ll do it.โ€

Alex knew she shouldnโ€™t look a gift cop in the mouth, but she couldnโ€™t quite believe what she was hearing. Turner had no love for Darlington, no sense of obligation. He hated everything that Lethe stood for, especially after that trip to the Peabody basement. โ€œWhy?โ€

โ€œDoes it matter?โ€

โ€œWeโ€™re about to go to hell together. So yeah. It matters.โ€ Turner stared ahead. โ€œDo you believe in God?โ€


โ€œWow, not even a beat to think about it?โ€

โ€œIโ€™ve thought about it. A lot. Doย youย believe in God?โ€

โ€œI do,โ€ he said with a firm nod. โ€œI think I do. But I definitely believe in the devil, and if he gets hold of a soul and doesnโ€™t want to let it go, I think you have to try to pry it away from him. Especially if that soul has the makings of a soldier.โ€

โ€œOr a knight.โ€ โ€œSure.โ€

โ€œTurner, this isnโ€™t some kind of holy war. Itโ€™s not good versus evil.โ€ โ€œYou sure?โ€

Alex laughed. โ€œWell, if it is, are you sure weโ€™re the good guys?โ€ โ€œYou killed those people in Los Angeles, didnโ€™t you?โ€

The question hung between them in the car, another passenger, a ghost along for the ride. Alex considered just telling him. What would it feel like to be free of the secret of that night? What would it mean to have an ally against Eitan?

She watched the light from the highway splashing bright, then dark across Turnerโ€™s profile. She liked him. He was brave, and he was willing to stroll into the underworld to rescue someone he hadnโ€™t particularly liked just because he believed it was right. But a cop was a cop.

โ€œWhat happened to those people back in Los Angeles?โ€ he pushed. โ€œHelen Watson. Your boyfriend Leonard Beacon. Mitchell Betts. Cameron Aust. Dave Corcoran. Ariel Harel.โ€

The same thing that happens to anyone who gets close to me.

Alex studied the road slipping by, caught a glimpse of someone studying the screen of his phone against the steering wheel, a billboard for some band playing at Foxwoods in November, another for an accident attorney. She didnโ€™t like the way Turner had rattled off those names. Like he knew her file inside out.

โ€œItโ€™s funny,โ€ she said at last. โ€œPeople talk about life and death as if thereโ€™s some kind of ticking clock.โ€

โ€œThere isnโ€™t?โ€

Alex shook her head slowly. โ€œThatย tick tick tickย isnโ€™t a clock. Itโ€™s a bomb. Thereโ€™s no countdown. It just goes off and everything changes.โ€ She rubbed her thumb over a spot of blood on her jeans. โ€œBut I donโ€™t think hell is a pit full of sinners and a guy with horns playing bouncer.โ€

โ€œYou believe what you need to, Stern. But I know what I saw when I walked into that room back at Black Elm.โ€

โ€œWhat?โ€ Alex asked, though some part of her desperately didnโ€™t want to know.

โ€œThe devil,โ€ said Turner. โ€œThe devil trying to make his way out.โ€

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