Chapter no 20 – Adrianna

Heart of Desire

I couldn’t help it, here I was yelling and cursing at myself that I made the stupid decision to go to a damn game I didn’t even want to go to.

The football game had ended, and I sat away from everyone, Maya

was close to the fence looking for Brooks, and yet he paid no attention to her.

It was sad, really, that he was looking for me. He shows off his bright smile, taking off his helmet running to me as I take a step back, I didn’t want it to look like I had forgiven him for everything he had done.

“You enjoy the game?” He smiled wildly as Maya’s eyes stared back at


“No.” I plainly said as his smile disappeared.

“Surprised you didn’t bring Margo or your friends.” He looked boyishly


I tried to hide the disdain from my voice, “Margo and my friends are at the hockey game.”

“Right, well… shouldn’t you be there as well?” He started to look away. Yes, I should be.

“Why?” I asked.

Brooks walked closer, “Prince would want you there, wouldn’t he?”

Brooks looked like he just swallowed a big lump of rocks, like he was sick of just talking about my current relationship.

I guess I would understand, but it was different, he was the one who wasn’t faithful. He was the one who hid me from everyone.

“Yes, he would.” I swallow.


“But you’re here.” His smile builds up again, I won’t be sad to see it go away once again. “This means you want to see me. That you want me back.” I back up as he steps closer.

“No.” I pull away, “I’m with Grayson.” I defensively called out; he looked a bit more feral as I pulled away. And here I was again cursing at myself because I thought he would be a bit more different now.

“You can’t be serious Adrianna.” He yelled, his face contouring a bit more as I swallowed. God, I wished that I had listened to Prince.

“But I am.” I started to grab my belongings.

“Adrianna, he doesn’t belong with you. He doesn’t fucking deserve you!” He scoffs.

I laugh, “And you do?” “I’m better.” He whines.

He whines like a damn child. He was a fucking three-year-old trapped in an twenty-year-old’s body. “Why can’t you just stop being so fucking stubborn and come home with me? I can cook your favorite.” He blurted trying to catch me from leaving.

While a plate of his famous spaghetti was tempting, I could only think about getting out of here.

“You and Grayson don’t make any fucking sense.” He places his hands on his head, frustration filling his face as I look back.

“Grayson and I are figuring things out.” I state while putting on my jacket.

“We’ve both known Prince forever and you know damn well there wasn’t a day where you wouldn’t complain about him!”


“I guess we fell in love.” I mutter.

Unlikely. Grayson and I were too powerful to be together, and no, I didn’t mean something like we would save the world type shit. I mean we would make the galaxy explode because we’re two ticking grenades when we’re near each other.

Our hate for each other is very much mutual, hell, hate was an understatement.

“Adrianna, please.” He held my sweater, as I pulled away, the fabric tearing he lets go.

“Fucking hell.” I sneered as he gripped my wrist, “You better think about what your next move is Brooks.” I gestured to his hand gripping my


“He’s not here.” He places my hand on his cheek as I flinch, “He doesn’t have to know.”

I managed to get my hand back as my wrist was sore. A man sucker punched Brooks, making him fall to the ground in a hysterical cry. I couldn’t help but smile.

“Are you okay?” the man mutters. I smile at him, “Yes, thank you!”

He straightens, I pull out my bag, pulling out my wallet, “You must receive some royalties from doing that.” I pull out two hundred dollars.

His eyes widen, “Ma’am, you don’t need to do that.” He insists as I look at him with confusion.

I realized that he wasn’t the type to take money from just anyone.

“It’s not tampered cash, I assure you.” I smiled again looking at his pretty put together outfit, he was wearing a suit. “You can buy…” I pulled out another three hundred dollars as he took a step back. “You can buy a new suit!” Personally, I didn’t think the gray suited him well. I was wishing to the Gods he would take the damn money and spend it on a nice Tom Ford suit.

But I couldn’t say that.

“Really, I insist.” I take his hand, placing the money and pushing his hand back towards his chest.

But then it struck me, Brooks was still on the ground, I pulled out my pepper spray can, “Adrianna, I won’t stop until I get you back!” He yells as I pop open the can, letting the spray hit his eyes which were already swollen. I laughed.

So did the guy.

Brooks screams, getting up and running in a random direction, I look back at the middle-aged man.

“What are you even doing here with a suit on, you know it’s a private school football game right?” I laughed as his face stayed stone cold.

It’s like he had an answer but felt it was inappropriate to say it.

I stood taller, folding my arms tight, “What are you doing here?” I asked once more before looking at his car which appeared right behind him.

Fucking hell.

The front of his car had a crown emblem on the hood. Fucking Grayson.

Suddenly, it was like I was sideswiped on a highway. Here I was thinking he would leave me alone for just a football game.

“God damn, Prince.”

I looked at the guy as he gave me a sheepish smile, “Bosses orders, Miss Cassian.”

I got in my car, blood rushed up to my face as I felt my anger reach the bottom of my soul, then settling.

“Miss Cassian!” He yells, pulling out in front of me.

“I won’t hesitate to fucking run you over!” He pulls out his phone, probably to call Grayson.

“You work for the enemy!” I yelled as he laughed, it was funny, but at this very moment I didn’t have the urge to smile a bit.

“For your safety!” He screams as I drive forward.

“And I gave you five hundred dollars!” I said with disgust as he dropped his head in front like he was trying hard not to burst out laughing.

I pull out, “Let’s see if you still have a boss after I’m done with him!” I bellow as he gets out of the way, I speed out of the parking lot. I felt my anger wavering under my skin at Grayson.

It was like he was always in my bloodstream, injecting himself into me as it raised my blood pressure.

It was like his pure goal in life was to make sure he pissed me off.

Why couldn’t he just accept that I wasn’t going to the damn game and to leave me alone? I could’ve taken care of myself from Brooks.

My worrying over Grayson from earlier had surfaced and calmed down as my anger shot up as a priority.

I guess I would find out if he was okay when I got to his house to give him a piece of my damn mind.

But I thought about it even more, if Grayson hired a damn bodyguard to keep an eye for me at the game, he banked at the thought of me not going.

And that makes my heart squeeze. Just a little bit.

I didn’t know whether to slap Grayson for hiring a damn bodyguard to watch me or kiss him because he knew I wasn’t going to be at his game.

I was overthinking this.

All I really knew at this very moment was that I wanted to be near Grayson, whether it was me giving him a mouth full of words or just being with him.

I took a breath as I looked ahead at the road, my pills in the glove box, I swallowed before looking at them. It was tempting to take one.

I was incomprehensible. I didn’t even understand my own thoughts when it came to him.

He was the only one who made my whole mind chaos like I was living in a daily hell.

Yet why was he the only one that could manage to calm my thoughts, like my brain wasn’t smushed into a burger patty?

I knew there was a lot of mystery to Grayson Prince, but what I didn’t know was why he made sense to me. I could read him like my favorite Jane Austen novel and understand every fucking word being said.

Grayson Prince didn’t just read me. He listened to me. He could hear my struggles and not treat me any differently, he saw me.

But with that, he absolutely knew how to push my damn buttons.

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