Chapter no 19 – Laaysof

Heart of Desire



slam into the locker room, the second period had just ended, and I managed just one point against Halston Academy, which I thought was a fucking golf school.

They weren’t even playing well. I just felt like I wasn’t playing my best,

even when I knew I was trying.

Everyone huddled inside the locker room, they all looked at me with worried faces. I honestly didn’t know what to say, only that I was letting them down.

“We’re losing.” one of our freshman teammates, Josh says. And by the looks of the whole team, they wanted to sacrifice him to God then and there.

“No shit. Maybe because I’ve seen better hands on a digital clock than you.” Andrew muttered.

Chuck felt the need to add, “Shut up Drew, at least he can skate longer than a fucking period.”

I just stood and watched as the team kept up the aggression, and inside me, something sparked.

We were playing well, and that was our first mistake in the game. We had let go of our roots, what made us who we were, and firing this fight up was the best way to continue the game.

Liam looked at me curiously, as he had a drink of water.

Cole Smith was our goalkeeper, and he was the best. I couldn’t help but push others to trash tell him a bit more to make sure he saves every puck going into the nets direction, I smile at Chris and Liam, “And what the hell

is up with you Smith? I’ve seen coupons that save more than you!” Chris instantly got what I was doing, while Liam…

…Did not.

“Shut the fuck up, Prince.” He growls as I smirk.

“Maybe I’ll ask the coach to switch you for Lawrence. At least he doesn’t look like the Titanic, only looking good until he hits the ice.” I squared up to Cole, he was a nice height. He had to be for a goalkeeper, and I did admire his work.

But I was taller, and I was angrier, I heard him talk under his breath, most likely something we did to piss him off, and it was the perfect ammo.

I grinned devilishly as Liam grew cautious, I grabbed Cole’s shoulder, “I’m sorry, what was that?”

I look at him in his visor, “Could you please roll your windows down so I can hear you talk shit?” Cole’s eyebrows furrowed as did everyone else’s as they grew angrier with each other.

We needed this. We needed this aggression. I needed this.

Everyone was pushing each other and almost about to punch but I made my voice louder than some of the pretty harsh insults, “Everyone hear that?” We heard coaches whistle blow, a warning to start heading out of the lockers.

Everyone looked at me angry and a bit shaken.

“Are you guys angry?” I walk closer to the whole team as Neil smile, he was always a bit fucked up, and loved it when I schemed.

“Of course, we’re angry. We just got insulted by each fucking teammate here!” Justin yells.

Liam steps up, “I didn’t insult anybody!”

I pushed him down as the team stayed stiff and irritated everyone, “I want you mad.” I let out as they looked around concerned, “I want you to be so fucking mad that you play with that aggression on the ice.”

Everyone nods, understanding, “You guys want this win?” I yell.

Everyone yells as I look at Coach Livingston, him nodding with my leadership, “Then let’s show them we want this win.”

I huffed out a breath as everyone ran out of the locker room and asked to go back to the rink. I took a second to scan the crowd looking for the familiar faces.

Luckily, I found my family, Amelia sat in front of my father and stepmother loud and proud. My father looked generally pessimistic about

being here, even when he knew it was an important night for me. He didn’t hide his disdain for being here on a work night.

I turn over to the student section, my eyes directly at Margo, Juliette, and Verina. There was still no sign of Adrianna which made me feel uneasy, like my stomach was tight and my body tense.

I wasn’t a moron, I knew she was at the football game, and she would find it pleasurable when I got aggravated by her.

As the team gets regulated, I skate over to Margo as she walks towards me, “Where the hell is she?” It wasn’t a question.

Margo smiles, “Why do you care?”

I sent a look over to my parents, as my eyes shot directly to August who has a flat and center seat with posters for the school hanging and something about saving polar bears.

Margo nods her head a bit hesitant to answer, “She’s at Brooks’ game, isn’t she?” I scowled as Margo stayed quiet.

She didn’t need to say anything, I only skated away from her, with my blood boiling and my hands gripping my stick as tight as ever.

A player from the other team skates over to Liam who I could sense was not looking for a new friend, Liam looked about ready to pound the guy in the face.

And the game began again, the puck was flying everywhere, it was like the other team had completely lost its puck control, just skating with the puck was a challenge to some of the players, they tripped.

I skated right past them, pulling the puck away and fast speed skating over to the other net facing the other goalie, he was testing me.

I love it when I embarrass people, I skated behind him as he continued eye contact with me, “You will never get through me, his eyes squinting, I smirk, the devilish type.

“Pucks already in you, bozo.” I skated over to Liam, hugging him as Neil celebrates by hugging Chris who was not affectionate.


They finally brought in a player I was familiar with, Alex Twain.

He glides over with his skates, a nice look on his face as he keeps me at guard, “Does your coach know you’re out here?”

He approaches me with a pathetic attempt to scare me into thinking he got better since the last game I played against him. I smirk, my eyes stare

into his helmet, his brown eyes looking like a deer, “Do your feet know they’re on ice?”

He looked like he was in the headlights, that’s for sure.

“Daddy out here to watch your important game?” He pouts as I keep my eyes on the puck, Neil slams it out to Liam who was looking at me to see if I was a good option.

I was.

He flings the puck to me, Twain gets on my tail as I skate away, his body stiffens, his eyes stare like daggers at mine like he was out to injure me.

I was out to kill.

I bolted straight to him, I wasn’t planning on backing down, “You can just give up now, Prince.” He smiles looking over to the crowd, “I think the reserved seating for your girlfriend is empty because she’ll be sitting on my dick tonight.”


Blood pumped through my whole body as I gripped so hard, I was surprised my stick hadn’t snapped in half. Anger seeped through my bloodstream as I looked at the empty seat.

I ask her one thing that she fucking can’t do.

There were alarms that went through my brain as Twain skated towards me, my heart pulsed so fast as every drop of sweat that fell from my body made me stronger, I skated towards him, my fastest capable speed.

He faltered, the puck lost as I slammed his body, causing him to flip over me, he groaned.

There was a small chance I might’ve heard a minor crack to a bone, but I didn’t care. I cared about whether the puck reached Liam’s stick.

The other team’s players stayed still, too afraid to go after me as they watched their captain on the icy surface, blood leaking and his body limp, tears were a major addition to the show.

I know I sound morbid.

But he talked shit about my girl.

Liam scored another goal, a great assist from me, as the game buzzer rang, ending the game, paramedics rushed out to the rink, checking up on Twain’s injury.

My arm was a bit sore from him slamming against me, I looked over to Alex who was lying on the stretcher, unable to move. I might’ve actually

paralyzed him.

And the worst part was that I didn’t feel bad, not even a fucking bit. No remorse.

The game felt unfinished, like I could’ve done more damage, but instead I walked out of the rink, my head beating with my heart as adrenaline pumped through my veins.

“Will he be, okay?” I ask the coach as he nods, “A concussion and broken legs.”

I nod, not quite understanding that I might have ended his hockey career, and his ability to walk.

At least he was alive.

Everyone in the crowd was unsure on how to feel, one side had their college winning and celebrating to my 400th goals, on the other hand I was a fucking monster who couldn’t control my anger.

I wasn’t sure what else to really do to make sure that Twain would still walk.

But he said what he said, and he got what he earned.

He got driven to the hospital by the ambulance, and I took many pictures with the team and my family for my achievement.

My eyes going towards August, she smiles, “You were morbid out there.” She comments as I nod.

“Oh right, sorry you have a girlfriend. I can’t speak to you.”

August walks away before I could get a word out, my stepmother looks at me, “Where’s Adrianna?” Even Amelia looked like she needed to see Adrianna.

I smiled thickly, “She couldn’t make it.” I mutter. No, she couldn’t.

But it made me think.

If she was here during the whole game, all the posters, the screaming and shit, would I have sent someone to the hospital?

I looked at the blood on the ice. Yes.

Yes, I would have.

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