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Chapter no 73

Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia

Iโ€™ve never had less of a plan in my life than I do upon arrival in Bali. In all my history of careless travels, this is the most carelessly Iโ€™ve ever landed anyplace. I donโ€™t know where Iโ€™m going to live, I donโ€™t know what Iโ€™m going to do, I donโ€™t know what the exchange rate is, I donโ€™t know how to get a taxi at the airportโ€”or even where to ask that taxi to take me. Nobody is expecting my arrival. I have no friends in Indonesia, or even friends-of-friends. And hereโ€™s the problem about traveling with an out-of-date guidebook, and then not reading it anyway: I didnโ€™t realize that Iโ€™m actually not allowed to stay in Indonesia for four months, even if I want to. I find this out only upon entry into the country. Turns out Iโ€™m allowed only a one-month tourist visa. It hadnโ€™t occurred to me that the Indonesian government would be anything less than delighted to host me in their country for just as long as I pleased to stay.

As the nice immigration official is stamping my passport with permission to stay in Bali for only and exactly thirty days, I ask him in my most friendly manner if I can please remain longer.

โ€œNo,โ€ he says, in his most friendly manner. The Balinese are famously friendly.

โ€œSee, Iโ€™m supposed to stay here for three or four months,โ€ I tell him.

I donโ€™t mention that itโ€™s aย prophecyโ€”that my staying here for three or four months was predicted two years ago by an elderly and quite possibly demented Balinese medicine man, during a ten-minute palm- reading. Iโ€™m not sure how to explain this.

But whatย didย that medicine man tell me, now that I think of it? Did he actually say that I would come back to Bali and spend three or four months living with him? Did he really say โ€œliving withโ€ him? Or did he just want me to drop by again sometime if I was in the neighborhood and give him another ten bucks for another palm-reading? Did he say Iย wouldย come back, or that Iย shouldย come back? Did he really say, โ€œSee you later, alligatorโ€? Or was it, โ€œIn a while, crocodileโ€?

I havenโ€™t had any communication with the medicine man since that one evening. I wouldnโ€™t know how to contact him, anyway. What might his address be? โ€œMedicine Man, On His Porch, Bali, Indonesiaโ€? I donโ€™t know whether heโ€™s dead or alive. I remember that he seemed exceedingly old two years ago when we met; anything could have happened to him since then. All I have for sure is his nameโ€”Ketut Liyerโ€”and the memory that he lives in a village just outside the town of Ubud. But I donโ€™t remember the name of the village.

Maybe I should have thought all this through better.

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