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Don't Believe Everything You Think



This book was written to help you find everything you’ve been searching for and the answers to all the questions you’ve had your entire life. I understand this is a very bold statement, but you will shortly see why I have complete confidence in saying this.

What I know to be the truth from the depths of my soul is that you will not be the same person as you were after you read this book. The only constant is change. Growth is an inevitable process of life, and it will be impossible for you not to change after reading this book.

“We cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change.” – Sheryl Sanberg

No matter who you are, where you’re from, what your background is, what you’ve done and haven’t done, what status or wealth you do or don’t have, Martian or not, you can find total peace, unconditional love, complete fulfillment, and an abundance of joy in your life. I promise that you are not the exception, even though it may seem like it. Love knows no boundaries. An open mind and a willing heart are all you need to receive every answer you’ve been looking for.

And yes, there are extremely practical implications and byproducts of understanding what is inside of this book, which many of my coaching clients have experienced, such as: a 2-5x increase in income, exponential growth in their businesses, deeper and more harmonious relationships, overcoming lifelong addictions, the spontaneous disappearance of destructive habits, an increase in health, vitality, and overall energy. Miracles like these occur every day for many who understand the principles within this book. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. If I were to just list some of the improvements and results people have gotten from this understanding, more than half of this book would just be stories of such miracles that happen daily.

I am reluctant to mention any of these “external” results because it is not the point of this book. These physical manifestations are the byproduct of this inside-out understanding of how our experiences of life work. In actuality, we only want these external results like money and significance because we want to experience certain feelings inside such as love, joy, peace, and fulfillment. The feeling is really what we want in our lives, not the physical things, but the trap is that we believe the physical things will give us those feelings. The secret lies within the feeling.

This book will help guide you to understand how to uncover the truth you already know inside and discover these feelings you’ve been looking for your entire life.

Now let’s get into the guide of how to go through this book. Don’t read this book for information, read it for insight.

Insight (or wisdom) can only be found within. That is why it is called insight (inside). To find everything you’re looking for in life, you must look inside yourself and discover the wisdom that

already exists within you. All the answers lie deep within your soul. This book is merely a guide to help you look in the right place. I truly admire anyone who still has the hope that what they’re looking for is still out there. This means you have hope. Without hope, we have nothing, so the fact that you’re here, reading this now, is a testament to your faith, courage, and strength. I know with one hundred percent certainty that you will find what you’re looking for if you continue down the path you’re on with the hope you have in your heart.

I want to make it clear that this book is not the only book that contains truth. The truth lies within everyone and in everything. You must look beyond the form (the physical) to see and experience the truth (the spiritual). The words in this book are not truth. They point TO the truth. Look beyond words to see the truth for yourself. Truth cannot be intellectualized; it can only be experienced. The truth lies within a feeling, which is why it cannot be formulated into a word.

If you want to find truth, look beyond the words, and look for a feeling.

Many who discover the truth will describe the feeling as one of complete peace, unconditional love, and an overwhelming amount of joy. People also describe it as the most familiar unfamiliar feeling. It feels like you’re finally home. Look for that feeling, and everything will be revealed to you. In this book, I will not say anything that you don’t already know deep inside your soul. This is why it will be a familiar unfamiliar feeling when you experience the truth.

Don’t try to use your intellect to figure it out — you won’t. As soon as you intellectualize it, you’ve missed it. The truth does not come from memorizing a sentence or two. A child can do that, but they will not understand the truth. The truth comes in

the form of a feeling. From that feeling will come the wisdom and truth you’re looking for, which will set you free. That’s what we’re all ultimately seeking, isn’t it?

What I will unveil to you in this book will seem simple. It will seem almost too simple, and your brain (ego) will try to fight it or attempt to make it more complex. It will think that it can’t be this simple. When that time comes, I want you to remember that the truth is always simple. What is complex can always be broken down into its smaller counterparts. The truth cannot be broken down into smaller constituents, which is what makes it truth. This is why truth is always simple. If you want to Rnd the truth, look for simplicity.

Approach this book with an open mind and a heart of pure intention to know the truth and you’ll receive everything you’ve been searching for.

Before we move on, I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for you being here and sharing your time and attention with me. Those are some of the most valuable life forces you could give to another, so thank you for that gift to me, which you are also giving to yourself. Never forget your own divinity because it is only through our divinity that we have our humanity.

With Love & Light,


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