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Chapter on 16

Don't Believe Everything You Think


“Do not let the behavior of others destroy your

inner peace.”



As you go along your journey of non-thinking, you’ll inevitably hit some roadblocks along the way, so I’d like to bring up some of those potential issues before you encounter them so that it is a little bit easier for you.

Once you begin living your life in non-thinking, you’ll be having the time of your life not having very many worries, stress, or problems in your life. Many of them will just vanish before your eyes because if you don’t see things as problems anymore, they literally stop being a problem for you. What you’ll notice is that you haven’t felt this type of peace and serenity in your life before and thus it will feel unfamiliar.

We as humans biologically don’t like what’s unfamiliar because it means uncertainty. What’s ironic is that right about

this time is when most people begin thinking that something is wrong because they feel so happy and peaceful the majority of the day. Many feel like they’re not as productive, have lost their “edge”, or are just lazier. This is far from the truth and it’s just your brain attempting to begin thinking again to create the illusion of “safety” it wants to feel. The truth is that we are most productive as humans when we are happy and in a state of non- thinking. Time seems to fly when we are in a state of pure joy. Tasks are easier, we perform better, people gravitate to us, we attract way more abundance, and miracles begin to occur out of nowhere. You just have to stay in the state of nonthinking long enough to experience these things and you’ll never want to go back.

This is where faith becomes crucial—trusting that everything will be okay. Remember, the Universe is working for you, not against you. Everything happens for a reason, and there are no true failures, only lessons and opportunities for growth. Having faith in the unknown is key because it’s the only space where change is possible, where new realities and everything you desire for your life exist. When you summon the courage to embrace the unknown, your life will inevitably change.

If you ever start feeling uneasy because you’re too peaceful or content, recognize that it’s just your mind trying to pull you back into its cycle of overthinking. Your mind is like a skilled salesman, always trying to convince you to return to old habits of destructive thinking. In that moment, you have a choice: trust the unknown and stay in your peace, happiness, and love, or fall back into the familiar patterns of pain and psychological suffering.

If you do slip back into thinking, it’s completely fine. Don’t be hard on yourself or feel guilty—it’s human to think. Simply recognizing that your thoughts are causing your suffering is enough to bring you back to peace, happiness, and love. The shift can be gentle and effortless, as long as you allow it to happen.

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