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Chapter no 40 – Corrick

Defy the Night

When I wake, my head is pounding so hard that I want to cut it o. My mouth tastes like something died inside it. I’m disoriented, my vision a bit fuzzy, but I recognize the walls of the workshop. ree small candles are lit on the table, and when I sit upright, I discover Quint is half asleep on the darkened hearth.

But no one else. “Quint,” I say.

He startles and straightens immediately, but then he grimaces as if in pain, and presses a hand to his side. “Corrick. Rocco brought some water from the barrel. Let me—”

“Where’s Tessa? Where’s Harristan?” I blink at him and try to make my brain work. “What happened? Are you hurt?”

ey’re gone,” he says. “Your brother le to negotiate with the rebels.”

I stare at him. I force myself to blink twice. “Am I still sleeping or did you just say my brother le to negotiate with rebels?”

“Tessa has gone with him to help.”

I press a hand to my face. “ey what?” My thoughts refuse to focus. “He le us here alone?”

“No, he le his guard Rocco, who—” “Rocco!” I call.

e door opens almost immediately. “Your Highness?” “Do you know where my brother went?”

“To attempt to stop the rebels in their attacks.” “As I said,” says Quint.

I have to rub at my eyes. Finally, I can peer at the guard. “Rocco, we need to get back into the sector. We need to help him.”

For the barest moment, I think he’ll refuse. He’s of my brother’s personal guard, and they won’t take action that would upset Harristan. But maybe he’s equally worried for the king, because he says, “Yes, Your Highness.”

I force myself to my feet and my head swims. I have to grab hold of the table.

Rocco steps forward to catch me.

I look up at him. “I’m sorry you’re not getting that easy night you hoped for.”

“I did not hope for that.”

“Oh good,” I say. “Quint, are you coming? We’re going to need to nd horses.”

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