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Chapter no 5 – Kenji

Defy Me (Shatter Me Book 5)

Nazeera was right. I shouldโ€™ve sat down.

Iโ€™m looking at my hands, watching a tremor work its way across my fingers. I nearly lose my grip on the stack of photos Iโ€™m clutching. The photos. The photos Nazeera passed around after telling us that Juliette is not who we think she is.

I canโ€™t stop staring at the pictures.

A little brown girl and a little white girl running in a field, both of them smiling tiny-toothed smiles, long hair flying in the wind, small baskets full of strawberries swinging from their elbows.

Nazeera and Emmaline at the strawberry patch, it read on the back.

Little Nazeera being hugged, on either side, by two little white girls, all three of them laughing so hard they look like theyโ€™re about to fall over.

Ella and Emmaline and Nazeera, it read.

A close-up of a little girl smiling right into the camera, her eyes huge and blue-green, lengths of soft brown hair framing her face.

Ella on Christmas morning, it read.

โ€œElla Sommers,โ€ Nazeera says.

She says her real name is Ella Sommers, sister to Emmaline Sommers, daughter of Maximillian and Evie Sommers.

โ€œSomething is wrong,โ€ Nazeera says.

โ€œSomething is happening,โ€ she says. She says she woke up six weeks ago remembering Julietteโ€”sorry, Ellaโ€”

โ€œRemembering her. I wasย rememberingย her, which means Iโ€™d forgotten her. And when I remembered Ella,โ€ she says, โ€œI remembered Emmaline, too. I remembered how weโ€™d all grown up together, how our parents used to be friends. I remembered but I didnโ€™t understand, not right away. I thought maybe I was confusing dreams with memory. Actually, the memories came back to me so slowly I thought, for a while, that I mightโ€™ve been hallucinating.โ€

She says the hallucinations, as she called them, were impossible to shake, so she started digging, started looking for information.

โ€œI learned the same thing you did. That two girls named Ella and Emmaline were donated to The Reestablishment, and that only Ella was taken out of their custody, so Ella was given an alias. Relocated. Adopted. But what you didnโ€™t know was that the parents who gave up their daughters were also members of The Reestablishment. They were doctors and scientists. You didnโ€™t know that Ellaโ€”the girl you know to be Julietteโ€”is the daughter of Evie Sommers, the current supreme commander of Oceania. She and I grew up together. She, like the rest of us kids, was built to serve The Reestablishment.โ€

Ian swears, loudly, and Adam is so stunned he doesnโ€™t complain.

โ€œThat canโ€™t be possible,โ€ Adam says. โ€œJulietteโ€” The girl I went to school with? She wasโ€โ€”he shakes his headโ€”โ€œI knew Juliette for years. She wasnโ€™t made like you or Warner. She was this quiet, timid, sweet girl. She was always soย nice. She never wanted to hurt anyone. All she ever wanted was to, like, connect with people. She was trying toย helpย that little boy in the grocery store. But then it justโ€”everything ended so badly and she got sucked into this whole mess and I tried,โ€ he says, looking suddenly distraught, โ€œI tried to help her, I tried to keep her safe. I wanted to protect her from this. I wanted tโ€”โ€

He cuts himself off. Pulls himself together.

โ€œShe wasnโ€™t like this,โ€ he says, and heโ€™s staring at the ground now. โ€œNot until she started spending all that time with Warner. After she met him she justโ€” I donโ€™t know what happened. She lost herself, little by little. Eventually she became someone else.โ€ He looks up. โ€œBut she wasnโ€™t made to be this way, not like you. Not like Warner. Thereโ€™s no way sheโ€™s the daughter of a supreme commanderโ€”sheโ€™s not a born murderer. Besides,โ€ he says, taking a sharp breath, โ€œif she were from Oceania she would have anย accent.โ€

Nazeera tilts her head at Adam.

โ€œThe girl you knew had undergone severe physical and emotional trauma,โ€ she says. โ€œSheโ€™d had her native memories forcibly removed. She was shipped across the globe as a specimen and convinced to live with abusive adoptive parents who beat the life out of her.โ€ Nazeera shakes her head slowly. โ€œThe Reestablishmentโ€”and Anderson, in particularโ€”made sure that Ella could never remember why she was suffering, but just because she couldnโ€™t remember what happened to her didnโ€™t change the fact that it happened. Her body was repeatedly used and abused by a rotating cast of monsters. And that shit leaves its mark.โ€

Nazeera looks Adam straight in the eye.

โ€œMaybe you donโ€™t understand,โ€ she says. โ€œI read all the reports. I hacked into all my fatherโ€™s files. I foundย everything. What they did to Ella over the course of twelve years isย unspeakable. So yes, Iโ€™m sure you remember a very

different person. But I donโ€™t think she became someone she wasnโ€™t. My guess is she finally gathered the strength to remember who sheโ€™d always been. And if you donโ€™t get that, Iโ€™m glad things didnโ€™t work out between the two of you.โ€

In an instant, the tension in the room is nearly suffocating.

Adam looks like he might be on fire. Like fire might literally come out of his eyeballs. Like it might be his new superpower.

I clear my throat. I force myself to say somethingโ€”anythingโ€”to break the silence. โ€œSo you guys, uh, you all knew about Adam and Juliette, too, huh? I didnโ€™t realize you knew about that. Huh. Interesting.โ€

Nazeera takes her time turning in her seat to look me in the eye. โ€œAre you kidding?โ€ she says, staring at me like Iโ€™m worse than an idiot.

I figure itโ€™s best not to press the issue.

โ€œWhere did you get these photos?โ€ Alia asks, changing the subject more deftly than I did. โ€œHow can we trust that theyโ€™re real?โ€

At first, Nazeera only looks at her. And she seems resigned when she says, โ€œI donโ€™t know how to convince you that the photos are real. I can only tell you that they are.โ€

The room goes silent.

โ€œWhy do you even care?โ€ Lily says. โ€œWhy are we supposed to believe you care about this? About Julietteโ€”aboutย Ella? What do you have to gain from helping us? Why would you betray your parents?โ€

Nazeera sits back in her seat. โ€œI know you all think the children of the supreme commanders are a bunch of carefree, amoral psychopaths, happy to be the military robots our parents wanted us to be, but nothing is ever that straightforward. Our parents are homicidal maniacs intent on ruling the world; that part is true. But the thing no one seems to understand is that our parentsย choseย to be homicidal maniacs. We, on the other hand, were forced to be. And just because weโ€™ve been trained to be mercenaries doesnโ€™t mean we like it. None of us got to choose this life. None of us enjoyed being taught to torture before we could even drive. And itโ€™s not insane to imagine that sometimes even horrible people are searching for a way out of their own darkness.โ€

Nazeeraโ€™s eyes flash with feeling as she speaks, and her words puncture the life vest around my heart. Emotion drowns me again.


โ€œIs it really so crazy to think I might care about the girls I once loved as my own sisters?โ€ sheโ€™s saying. โ€œOr about the lies my parents forced me to swallow, or the innocent people I watched them murder? Or maybe even something simpler than thatโ€”that I mightโ€™ve opened my eyes one day and realized that I was part and parcel of a system that was not only ravaging the world but also slaughtering everyone in it?โ€


I can feel it, can feel my heart filling out, filling up. My chest feels tight,

like itโ€™s swollen, like my lungs donโ€™t fit anymore. I donโ€™t want to care about Nazeera. Donโ€™t want to feel her pain or feel connected to her or feelย anything. I just want to keep a level head. Be cool.

I force myself to think about a joke James told me the other day, a stupid punโ€”something to do with muffinsโ€”a joke that was so lame I nearly cried. I focus on the memory, the way James laughed at his own lameness, snorting so hard a little food fell out of his mouth. I smile and glance at James, who looks like he might be falling asleep in his seat.

Soon, the tightness in my chest begins to abate.

Now Iโ€™m really smiling, wondering if itโ€™s weird that I love bad jokes even more than good ones, when I hear Ian sayโ€”

โ€œItโ€™s not that you seem heartless. Itโ€™s just that these photos seem so convenient. You had them ready to share.โ€ He stares down at the single photo heโ€™s holding. โ€œThese kids could be anyone.โ€

โ€œLook closely,โ€ Nazeera says, standing up to get a better look at the picture in his hands. โ€œWho do you think that is?โ€

I lean overโ€”Ian isnโ€™t far from meโ€”and peer over his shoulder. Thereโ€™s really no point denying it anymore; the resemblance is insane.

Juliette.ย Ella.

Sheโ€™s just a kid, maybe four or five years old, standing in front of the camera, smiling. Sheโ€™s holding a bouquet of dandelions up to the cameraman, as if to offer him one. And then, just off to the side, thereโ€™s another figure. A little blond boy. So blond his hair is white. Heโ€™s staring, intensely, at a single dandelion in his hands.

I nearly fall out of my chair. Juliette is one thing, but thisโ€” โ€œIs thatย Warner?โ€ I say.

Adam looks up sharply. He glances from me to Nazeera, then stalks over to look at the photo. His eyebrows fly up his head.

โ€œNo way,โ€ he says. Nazeera shrugs.

โ€œNo way,โ€ Adam says again. โ€œNo way.ย Thatโ€™s impossible. Thereโ€™s no way they knew each other this long. Warner had no idea who Juliette was before she came here.โ€ When Nazeera seems unmoved, Adam says, โ€œIโ€™m serious. I know you think Iโ€™m full of shit, but Iโ€™m not wrong about this.ย I wasย there.ย Warner literally interviewed me for the job of being her cellmate in the asylum. He didnโ€™t know who she was. Heโ€™d never met her. Never seen her face, not up close, anyway. Half the reason he chose me to be her roommate was because she and I had history, because he found that useful. Heโ€™d grill me for hours about her.โ€

Nazeera sighs slowly, like sheโ€™s surrounded by idiots.

โ€œWhen I found these photos,โ€ she says to Adam, โ€œI couldnโ€™t understand how I came across them so easily. I didnโ€™t understand why anyone would

keep evidence like this right under my nose or make it so easy to find. But I know now that my parents never expected me to look. They got lazy. They figured that, even if I found these photos, Iโ€™d never know what I was looking at. Two months ago I couldโ€™ve seen these pictures and assumed that this girlโ€โ€”she plucks a photo of herself, what appears to be a young Haider, and a thin brown-haired girl with bright blue eyes, out of a pileโ€”โ€œwas a neighbor kid, someone I used to know but canโ€™t be bothered to remember.

โ€œBut I do remember,โ€ she says. โ€œI remember all of it. I remember the day our parents told us that Ella and Emmaline had drowned. I remember crying myself to sleep every night. I remember the day they took us to a place I thought was a hospital. I remember my mother telling me Iโ€™d feel better soon. And then, I rememberย rememberingย nothing. Like time, in my brain, just folded in on itself.โ€ She raises her eyebrows. โ€œDo you get what Iโ€™m trying to say to you, Kent?โ€

He glares at her. โ€œI get that you think Iโ€™m an idiot.โ€ She smiles.

โ€œYes, I get what youโ€™re saying,โ€ he says, obviously irritated. โ€œYouโ€™re saying you all had your memories wiped. Youโ€™re saying Warner doesnโ€™t even know that they knew each other.โ€

She holds up a finger. โ€œDidnโ€™tย know,โ€ she says. โ€œHe didnโ€™t know until just before the symposium. I tried to warn himโ€”and Castle,โ€ she says, glancing at Castle, whoโ€™s looking at the wall. โ€œI tried to warn them both that something was wrong, that something big was happening and I didnโ€™t really understand what or why. Warner didnโ€™t believe me, of course. Iโ€™m not sure Castle did, either. But I didnโ€™t have time to give them proof.โ€

โ€œWait, what?โ€ I say, my eyebrows furrowing. โ€œYou told Warner and Castle?ย Beforeย the symposium? You told them all of this?โ€

โ€œI tried,โ€ she says.

โ€œWhy wouldnโ€™t you just tell Juliette?โ€ Lily asks. โ€œYou mean Ella.โ€

Lily rolls her eyes. โ€œSure. Ella. Whatever. Why not warn her directly?

Why tell everyone else?โ€

โ€œI didnโ€™t know how sheโ€™d take the news,โ€ Nazeera says. โ€œIโ€™d been trying to take her temperature from the moment I got here, and I could never figure out how she felt about me. I didnโ€™t think she really trusted me. And then after everything that happenedโ€โ€”she hesitatesโ€”โ€œit never seemed like the right time. She got shot, she was in recovery, and then she and Warner broke up, and she just . . . I donโ€™t know. Spiraled. She wasnโ€™t in a healthy headspace. Sheโ€™d already had to stomach a bunch of revelations and she didnโ€™t seem to be handling them well. I wasnโ€™t sure she could take much more, to be honest, and I was worried what she might do.โ€

โ€œMurder six hundred people, maybe,โ€ Ian mutters under his breath.

โ€œHey,โ€ I snap. โ€œShe didnโ€™t murder anyone, okay? That was some kind of magic trick.โ€

โ€œIt was a distraction,โ€ Nazeera says firmly. โ€œJames was the only one who saw this for what it was.โ€ She sighs. โ€œI think this whole thing was staged to make Ella appear volatile and unhinged. That scene at the symposium will no doubt undermine her position here, at Sector 45, by instilling fear in the soldiers who pledged their allegiance to her. Sheโ€™ll be described as unstable. Irrational. Weak. And thenโ€”easily captured. I knew The Reestablishment wanted Ella gone, but I thought theyโ€™d just burn the whole sector to the ground. I was wrong. This was a far more efficient tactic. They didnโ€™t need to kill off a regiment of perfectly good soldiers and a population of obedient workers,โ€ Nazeera says. โ€œAll they needed to do was to discredit Ella as their leader.โ€

โ€œSo what happens now?โ€ Lily says.

Nazeera hesitates. And then, carefully, she says, โ€œOnce theyโ€™ve punished the citizens and thoroughly quashed any hope for rebellion, The Reestablishment will turn everyone against you. Put bounties on your heads, or, worse, threaten to murder loved ones if civilians and soldiers donโ€™t turn you in. You were right,โ€ she says to Lily. โ€œThe soldiers and citizens paid allegiance to Ella, and with both herย andย Warner gone, theyโ€™ll feel abandoned. They have no reason to trust the rest of you.โ€ A pause. โ€œIโ€™d say you have about twenty-four hours before they come for your heads.โ€

Silence falls over the room. For a moment, I think everyone actually stops breathing.

โ€œFuck,โ€ Ian says, dropping his head in his hands.

โ€œImmediate relocation is your best course of action,โ€ Nazeera says briskly, โ€œbut I donโ€™t know that I can be much help in that department. Where you go will be up to your discretion.โ€

โ€œThen what are you even doing here?โ€ I say, irritated. I understand her a little better nowโ€”I know that sheโ€™s been trying to helpโ€”but that doesnโ€™t change the fact that I still feel like shit. Or that I still donโ€™t know how to feel about her. โ€œYou showed up just to tell us weโ€™re all going to die and thatโ€™s it?โ€ I shake my head. โ€œSo helpful, thanks.โ€

โ€œKenji,โ€ Castle says, finally breaking his silence. โ€œThereโ€™s no need to attack our guest.โ€ His voice is a calm, steadying sound. Iโ€™ve missed it. โ€œShe really did try to talk to meโ€”to warn meโ€”while she was here. As for a contingency plan,โ€ he says, speaking to the room, โ€œgive me a little time. I have friends. Weโ€™re not alone, as you well know, in our resistance. Thereโ€™s no need to panic, not yet.โ€

โ€œNot yet?โ€ Ian says, incredulous.

โ€œNot yet,โ€ Castle says. Then: โ€œNazeera, what of your brother? Were you able to convince him?โ€

Nazeera takes a steadying breath, losing some of the tension in her shoulders. โ€œHaider knows,โ€ she explains to the rest of us. โ€œHeโ€™s been remembering things about Ella, too, but his memories of her arenโ€™t as strong as mine, and he didnโ€™t understand what was happening to him until last night when I decided to tell him what Iโ€™d discovered.โ€

โ€œWhoaโ€” Wait,โ€ Ian says. โ€œYou trust him?โ€

โ€œI trust him enough,โ€ she says. โ€œBesides, I figured he had a right to know; he knew Ella and Emmaline, too. But he wasnโ€™t entirely convinced. I donโ€™t know what heโ€™ll decide to do, not yet, but he definitely seemed shaken up about it, which I think is a good sign. I asked him to do some digging, to find out if any of the other kids were beginning to remember things, too, and he said he would. Right now, thatโ€™s all Iโ€™ve got.โ€

โ€œWhereย areย the other kids?โ€ Winston asks, frowning. โ€œDo they know youโ€™re still here?โ€

Nazeeraโ€™s expression grows grim. โ€œAll the kids were supposed to report back as soon as the symposium was over. Haider should be on his way back to Asia by now. I tried to convince my parents I was staying behind to do more reconnaissance, but I donโ€™t think they bought it. Iโ€™m sure Iโ€™ll hear from them soon. Iโ€™ll handle it as it comes.โ€

โ€œSoโ€” Waitโ€”โ€ I glance from her to Castle. โ€œYouโ€™re staying with us?โ€ โ€œThat wasnโ€™t really my plan.โ€

โ€œOh,โ€ I say. โ€œGood. Thatโ€™s good.โ€ She raises an eyebrow at me. โ€œYou know what I mean.โ€

โ€œI donโ€™t think I do,โ€ she says, and she looks suddenly irritated. โ€œAnyway, even though itย wasnโ€™tย my plan to stay, I think I might have to.โ€

My eyes widen. โ€œWhat? Why?โ€

โ€œBecause,โ€ she says, โ€œmy parents have been lying to me since I was a kid

โ€”stealing my memories and rewriting my historyโ€”and I want to know why. Besidesโ€โ€”she takes a deep breathโ€”โ€œI think I know where Ella and Warner are, and I want to help.โ€

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