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Chapter no 3

Crave by Tracy Wolff

โ€ŒJust Because You Live in a Tower Doesnโ€™t Make Youโ€Œ

a Prince

The ride isnโ€™t as bad as I thought it would be.

I mean, itโ€™s not good, but that has more to do with the fact that Iโ€™ve been traveling all day and I just want to get someplaceโ€”anyplaceโ€”where I can stay longer than a layover. Or a really long snowmobile ride.

And if that place also happens to be warm and devoid of the local wildlife I can hear howling in the distance, then Iโ€™m all about it. Especially since everything south of my waist seems to have fallen asleepโ€ฆ

Iโ€™m in the middle of trying to figure out how to wake up my very numb butt when we suddenly veer off the trail (and I mean โ€œtrailโ€ in the loosest sense of the word) weโ€™ve been following and onto a kind of plateau on the side of the mountain. Itโ€™s as we wind our way through yet another copse of trees that I finally see lights up ahead.

โ€œIs that Katmere Academy?โ€ I shout.

โ€œYeah.โ€ Macy lays off the speed a little, steering around trees like weโ€™re on a giant slalom course. โ€œWe should be there in about five minutes.โ€

Thank God. Much longer out here and I might actually lose a toe or three, even with my doubled-up wool socks. I mean, everyone knows Alaska is cold, but can I just sayโ€”itโ€™s

freaking cold, and I was not prepared.

Yet another roar sounds in the distance, but as we finally clear the thicket of trees, itโ€™s hard to pay attention to anything but the huge building looming in front of us, growing closer with every second that passes.

Or should I say the huge castle looming in front of us,

because the dwelling Iโ€™m looking at is nothing like a modern building. And absolutely nothing like any school I have ever seen. I tried to Google it before I got here, but apparently Katmere Academy is so elite even Google hasnโ€™t heard of it.

First of all, itโ€™s big. Like, really bigโ€ฆand sprawling. From here it looks like the brick wall in front of the castle stretches halfway around the mountain.

Second, itโ€™s elegant. Like, really, really elegant, with architecture Iโ€™ve only heard described in my art classes before. Vaulted arches, flying buttresses, and giant, ornate windows dominate the structure.

And third, as we get closer, I canโ€™t help wondering if my eyes are deceiving me or if there are gargoylesโ€”actual gargoylesโ€”protruding from the top of the castle walls. I know itโ€™s just my imagination, but Iโ€™d be lying if I said I didnโ€™t half expect to see Quasimodo waiting for us when we finally get there.

Macy pulls up to the huge gate at the front of the school and enters a code. Seconds later, the gate swings open. And weโ€™re on our way again.

The closer we get, the more surreal everything feels. Like Iโ€™m trapped in a horror movie or Salvador Dalรญ painting. Katmere Academy may be a Gothic castle, but at least thereโ€™s no moat, I tell myself as we break through one last

copse of trees. And no fire-breathing dragon guarding the entrance. Just a long, winding driveway that looks like every other prep school driveway Iโ€™ve ever seen on TVโ€”except for the fact that itโ€™s covered in snow. Big shock. And leads right up to the schoolโ€™s huge, incredibly ornate front doors.

Antique doors. Castle doors.

I shake my head to clear it. I mean, what even is my life right now?

โ€œTold you it wouldnโ€™t be bad,โ€ Macy says as she pulls up to the front with a spray of snow. โ€œWe didnโ€™t even see a caribou, let alone a wolf.โ€

Sheโ€™s right, so I just nod and pretend Iโ€™m not completely overwhelmed.

Pretend like my stomach isnโ€™t tied into knots and my whole world hasnโ€™t turned upside down for the second time in a month.

Pretend like Iโ€™m okay.

โ€œLetโ€™s bring your suitcases up to your room and get you unpacked. Itโ€™ll help you relax.โ€

Macy climbs off the snowmobile, then takes off her helmet and her hat. Itโ€™s the first time Iโ€™ve seen her without all the cold-weather gear, and I canโ€™t help smiling at her rainbow- colored hair. Itโ€™s cut in a short, choppy style that should be smooshed and plastered to her head after three hours in a helmet, but instead it looks like she just walked out of a salon.

Which matches the rest of her, now that I think about it, considering her whole coordinating jacket, boots, and snow pants look kind of shouts cover model for some Alaskan

wilderness fashion magazine.

On the other hand, Iโ€™m pretty sure my look says Iโ€™ve gone a couple of rounds with a pissed-off caribou. And lost. Badly. Which seems fair, since thatโ€™s about how I feel.

Macy makes quick work of unloading my suitcases, and this time I grab two of them. But I only make it a few steps up the very long walk to the castleโ€™s imposing front doors before Iโ€™m struggling to breathe.

โ€œItโ€™s the altitude,โ€ Macy says as she takes one of the suitcases out of my hand. โ€œWe climbed pretty fast and, since youโ€™re coming from sea level, itโ€™s going to take a few days for you to get used to how thin the air is up here.โ€

Just the idea of not being able to breathe sets off the beginnings of the panic attack Iโ€™ve barely kept at bay all day. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breathโ€”or as deep as I can out hereโ€”and try to fight it back.

In, hold for five seconds, out. In, hold for ten seconds, out. In, hold for five seconds, out. Just like Heatherโ€™s mom taught me. Dr. Blake is a therapist, and sheโ€™s been giving me tips on how to deal with the anxiety Iโ€™ve been having since my parents died. But Iโ€™m not sure her tips are up to combatting all this any more than I am.

Still, I canโ€™t stand here frozen forever, like one of the gargoyles staring down at me. Especially not when I can feel Macyโ€™s concern even with my eyes closed.

I take one more deep breath and open my eyes again, shooting my cousin a smile Iโ€™m far from feeling. โ€œFake it till you make it is still a thing, right?โ€

โ€œItโ€™s going to be okay,โ€ she tells me, her own eyes wide with sympathy. โ€œJust stand there and catch your breath. Iโ€™ll

carry your suitcases up to the door.โ€ โ€œI can do it.โ€

โ€œSeriously, itโ€™s okay. Just chill for a minute.โ€ She holds up her hand in the universal stop gesture. โ€œWeโ€™re not in any hurry.โ€

Her tone begs me not to argue, so I donโ€™t. Especially since the panic attack Iโ€™m trying to fend off is only making it harder to breathe. Instead, I nod and watch as she carries my suitcasesโ€”one at a timeโ€”up to the schoolโ€™s front door.

As I do, a flash of color way above us catches my eye.

Itโ€™s there and gone so fast that even as I scan for it, I canโ€™t be sure it ever really existed to begin with. Exceptโ€”there it is again. A flash of red in the lit window of the tallest tower.

I donโ€™t know who it is or why they even matter, but I stop where I am. Watching. Waiting. Wondering if whoever it is will make another appearance.

It isnโ€™t long before they do.

I canโ€™t see clearlyโ€”distance, darkness, and the distorted glass of the windows cover up a lotโ€”but I get the impression of a strong jaw, shaggy dark hair, a red jacket against a background of light.

Itโ€™s not much, and thereโ€™s no reason for it to have caught my attentionโ€”certainly no reason for it to have held my attentionโ€”and yet I find myself staring up at the window so long that Macy has all three of my suitcases at the top of the stairs before I even realize it.

โ€œReady to try again?โ€ she calls down from her spot near the front doors.

โ€œOh, yeah. Of course.โ€ I start up the last thirty or so steps, ignoring the way my head is spinning. Altitude sicknessโ€”

one more thing I never had to worry about in San Diego.


I glance up at the window one last time, not surprised at all to find that whoever was looking down at me is long gone. Still, an inexplicable shiver of disappointment works its way through me. It makes no sense, though, so I shrug it off. I have bigger things to worry about right now.

โ€œThis place is unbelievable,โ€ I tell my cousin as she pushes open one of the doors and we walk inside.

And holy crapโ€”I thought the whole castle thing with its pointed archways and elaborate stonework was imposing from the outside. Now that Iโ€™ve seen the insideโ€ฆ Now that Iโ€™ve seen the inside, Iโ€™m pretty sure I should be curtsying right about now. Or at least bowing and scraping. I mean, wow. Justโ€ฆwow.

I donโ€™t know where to look firstโ€”at the high ceiling with its elaborate black crystal chandelier or the roaring fireplace that dominates the whole right wall of the foyer.

In the end I go with the fireplace, because heat. And

because itโ€™s freaking gorgeous, the mantel around it an intricate pattern of stone and stained glass that reflects the light of the flames through the whole room.

โ€œPretty cool, huh?โ€ Macy says with a grin as she comes up behind me.

โ€œTotally cool,โ€ I agree. โ€œThis place isโ€ฆโ€

โ€œMagic. I know.โ€ She wiggles her brows at me. โ€œWant to see some more?โ€

I really do. Iโ€™m still far from sold on the Alaskan boarding school thing, but that doesnโ€™t mean I donโ€™t want to check out the castle. I mean, itโ€™s a castle, complete with stone

walls and elaborate tapestries I canโ€™t help but want to stop and look at as we make our way through the entryway into some kind of common room.

The only problem is that the deeper we move into the school, the more students we come across. Some are standing around in scattered clumps, talking and laughing, while others are seated at several of the roomโ€™s scarred wooden tables, leaning over books or phones or laptop screens. In the back corner of one room, sprawled out on several antique-looking couches in varying hues of red and gold, is a group of six guys playing Xbox on a huge TV, while a few other students crowd around to watch.

Only, as we get closer, I realize they arenโ€™t watching the

video game. Or their books. Or even their phones. Instead, theyโ€™re all looking at me as Macy leadsโ€”and by leads, I mean paradesโ€”me through the center of the room.

My stomach clenches, and I duck my head to hide my very obvious discomfort. I get that everyone wants to check out the new girlโ€”especially when sheโ€™s the headmasterโ€™s niece

โ€”but understanding doesnโ€™t make it any easier to bear the scrutiny from a bunch of strangers. Especially since Iโ€™m pretty sure I have the worst case of helmet hair ever recorded.

Iโ€™m too busy avoiding eye contact and regulating my breathing to talk as we make our way through the room, but as we exit into a long, winding hallway, I finally tell Macy, โ€œI canโ€™t believe you go to school here.โ€

โ€œWe both go to school here,โ€ she reminds me with a quick


โ€œYeah, butโ€ฆโ€ I just got here. And Iโ€™ve never felt more out

of place in my life.

โ€œBut?โ€ she repeats, eyebrows arched.

โ€œItโ€™s a lot.โ€ I eye the gorgeous stained glass windows that run along the exterior wall and the elaborate carved molding that decorates the arched ceiling.

โ€œIt is.โ€ She slows down until I catch up. โ€œBut itโ€™s home.โ€ โ€œYour home,โ€ I whisper, doing my best not to think of the

house I left behind, where my motherโ€™s front porch wind chimes and whirligigs were the most wild-and-crazy thing about it.

โ€œOur home,โ€ she answers as she pulls out her phone and

sends a quick text. โ€œYouโ€™ll see. Speaking of which, my dad wants me to give you a choice about what kind of room situation you want.โ€

โ€œRoom situation?โ€ I repeat, glancing around the castle while images of ghosts and animated suits of armor slide through my head.

โ€œWell, all the single rooms have been assigned for this term. Dad told me we could move some people around to get you one, but I really hoped you might want to room with me instead.โ€ She smiles hopefully for a second, but it quickly fades as she continues. โ€œI mean, I totally get that you might need some space to yourself right now afterโ€ฆโ€

And thereโ€™s that fade-out again. It gets to me, just like it does every time. Usually, I ignore it, but this time I canโ€™t stop myself from asking, โ€œAfter what?โ€

Just this once, I want someone else to say it. Maybe then it will feel more real and less like a nightmare.

Except as Macy gasps and turns the color of the snow outside, I realize itโ€™s not going to be her. And that itโ€™s unfair

of me to expect it to be.

โ€œIโ€™m sorry,โ€ she whispers, and now it almost looks like sheโ€™s going to cry, which, no. Just no. Weโ€™re not going to go there. Not when the only thing currently holding me together is a snarky attitude and my ability to compartmentalize.

No way am I going to risk losing my grip on either. Not here, in front of my cousin and anybody else who might happen to pass by. And not now, when itโ€™s obvious from all the stares that Iโ€™m totally the newest attraction at the zoo.

So instead of melting into Macy for the hug I so desperately need, instead of letting myself think about how much I miss home and my parents and my life, I pull back and give her the best smile I can manage. โ€œWhy donโ€™t you show me to our room?โ€

The concern in her eyes doesnโ€™t diminish, but the sunshine definitely makes another appearance. โ€œOur room? Really?โ€

I sigh deep inside and kiss my dream of a little peaceful solitude goodbye. Itโ€™s not as hard as it should be, but then Iโ€™ve lost a lot more in the last month than my own space. โ€œReally. Rooming with you sounds perfect.โ€

Iโ€™ve already upset her once, which is so not my style. Neither is getting someone kicked out of their room. Besides being rude and smacking of nepotism, it also seems like a surefire way to piss people offโ€”something that is definitely not on my to-do list right now.

โ€œAwesome!โ€ Macy grins and throws her arms around me for a fast but powerful hug. Then she glances at her phone with a roll of her eyes. โ€œDad still hasnโ€™t answered my textโ€”

heโ€™s the worst about checking his phone. Why donโ€™t you hang out here, and Iโ€™ll go get him? I know he wanted to see you as soon as we arrived.โ€

โ€œI can come with youโ€”โ€

โ€œPlease just sit, Grace.โ€ She points at the ornate French- provincial-style chairs that flank a small chess table in an alcove to the right of the staircase. โ€œIโ€™m sure youโ€™re exhausted and Iโ€™ve got this, honest. Relax a minute while I get Dad.โ€

Because sheโ€™s rightโ€”my head is aching and my chest still feels tightโ€”I just nod and plop down in the closest chair. Iโ€™m beyond tired and want nothing more than to lean my head back against the chair and close my eyes for a minute. But Iโ€™m afraid Iโ€™ll fall asleep if I do. And no way am I running the risk of being the girl caught drooling all over herself in the hallway on her very first dayโ€ฆor ever, for that matter.

More to keep myself from drifting off than out of actual interest, I pick up one of the chess pieces in front of me. Itโ€™s made of intricately carved stone, and my eyes widen as I realize what Iโ€™m looking at. A perfect rendition of a vampire, right down to the black cape, frightening snarl, and bared fangs. It matches the Gothic castle vibe so well that I canโ€™t help being amused. Plus, itโ€™s gorgeously crafted.

Intrigued now, I reach for a piece from the other side. And nearly laugh out loud when I realize itโ€™s a dragonโ€”fierce, regal, with giant wings. Itโ€™s absolutely beautiful.

The whole set is.

I put the piece down only to pick up another dragon. This one is less fierce, but with its sleepy eyes and folded wings, itโ€™s even more intricate. I look it over carefully, fascinated

with the level of detail in the pieceโ€”everything from the perfect points on the wings to the careful curl of each talon reflects just how much care the artist put into the piece. Iโ€™ve never been a chess girl, but this set just might change my mind about the game.

When I put down this dragon piece, I go to the other side of the board and pick up the vampire queen. Sheโ€™s beautiful, with long, flowing hair and an elaborately decorated cape.

โ€œIโ€™d be careful with that one if I were you. Sheโ€™s got a nasty bite.โ€ The words are low and rumbly and so close that I nearly fall out of my chair. Instead, I jump up, plopping the chess piece down with a clatter, then whirl aroundโ€”heart poundingโ€”only to find myself face-to-face with the most intimidating guy Iโ€™ve ever seen. And not just because heโ€™s hotโ€ฆalthough heโ€™s definitely that.

Still, thereโ€™s something more to him, something different and powerful and overwhelming, though I donโ€™t have a clue what it is. I mean, sure. He has the kind of face nineteenth- century poets loved to write aboutโ€”too intense to be beautiful and too striking to be anything else.

Skyscraper cheekbones. Full red lips.

A jaw so sharp it could cut stone. Smooth, alabaster skin.

And his eyesโ€ฆa bottomless obsidian that see everything and show nothing, surrounded by the longest, most obscene lashes Iโ€™ve ever seen.

And even worse, those all-knowing eyes are laser-focused on me right now, and Iโ€™m suddenly terrified that he can see all the things Iโ€™ve worked so hard and so long to hide. I try

to duck my head, try to yank my gaze from his, but I canโ€™t. Iโ€™m trapped by his stare, hypnotized by the sheer magnetism rolling off him in waves.

I swallow hard to catch my breath. It doesnโ€™t work.

And now heโ€™s grinning, one corner of his mouth turning up in a crooked little smile that I feel in every single cell. Which only makes it worse, because that smirk says he knows exactly what kind of effect heโ€™s having on me. And, worse, that heโ€™s enjoying it.

Annoyance flashes through me at the realization, melting the numbness thatโ€™s surrounded me since my parentsโ€™ deaths. Waking me from the stupor thatโ€™s the only thing thatโ€™s kept me from screaming all day, every day, at the unfairness of it all. At the pain and horror and helplessness that have taken over my whole life.

Itโ€™s not a good feeling. And the fact that itโ€™s this guyโ€”with the smirk and the face and the cold eyes that refuse to relinquish their hold on me even as they demand that I donโ€™t look too closelyโ€”just pisses me off more.

Itโ€™s that anger that finally gives me the strength to break free of his gaze. I rip my eyes away, then search desperately for something elseโ€”anything elseโ€”to focus on.

Unfortunately, heโ€™s standing right in front of me, so close that heโ€™s blocking my view of anything else.

Determined to avoid his eyes, I look anywhere but. And land instead on his long, lean body. Then really wish I hadnโ€™t, because the black jeans and T-shirt heโ€™s wearing only emphasize his flat stomach and hard, well-defined biceps. Not to mention the double-wide shoulders that are

absolutely responsible for blocking my view in the first place.

Add in the thick, dark hair thatโ€™s worn a little too long, so that it falls forward into his face and skims low across his insane cheekbones, and thereโ€™s nothing to do but give in. Nothing to do but admit thatโ€”obnoxious smirk or notโ€”this boy is sexy as hell.

A little wicked, a lot wild, and all dangerous.

What little oxygen Iโ€™ve been able to pull into my lungs in this high altitude completely disappears with the realization. Which only makes me madder. Because, seriously. When exactly did I become the heroine in some YA romance? The new girl swooning over the hottest, most unattainable boy in school?

Gross. And so not happening.

Determined to put an end to whatever this is, I force myself to look at his face again. As our eyes lock and clash, I come to realize that it doesnโ€™t matter if Iโ€™m playing out some grand romantic clichรฉ.

Because he isnโ€™t.

With just one look, I see that this brooding boy with his guarded eyes and defiant attitude isnโ€™t the hero of anyoneโ€™s story. Least of all mine.

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